コード例 #1
  def update( self):
    """ Grab most recent prices from on/offline and append them to
        our exchange data structures.
    #               -- SIMULATION MODE --                 #
    # simulation mode. pull most recent price from our logs and
    # append if different
    if self.live == False:
      #          -- REAL TIME SIMULATION MODE --            #
      # if warp is false, we will pretend this is realtime and
      # grab prices from our logs using our timedelta
      if self.warp == False:
        # calculate our timedelta from NOW!!
        adjusted_t = datetime.datetime.today() - self.delta

        # Get our last prices from the logs
        last_gox , last_ltc , last_ltc_depth = self._offline_prices( adjusted_t)

        # make sure we got a timeseries object back, otherwise we
        # hit the end of the log
        if( type(last_gox) != pd.Series or
            type(last_ltc) != pd.Series or
            type(last_ltc_depth) != pd.Series):
          if self.verbose: print "[!]", "End of log."
          return False
        # we have values, so add them to each coin
          # give coins new price changes ... them bitches'll do the rest
          self.gox.add( last_gox[0], last_gox.name)
          # bid-ask avg for LTC only
          ba = pl2.bid_ask( last_ltc_depth[0])
          self.ltc.add( last_ltc[0], last_ltc.name, ba=ba)
          return True
      #               -- FAST MODE --                       #
      # otherwise, we'll grab our next price from the index
        # r we about to do something stupid? (hit end of the f*****g log)
        if self.logrange_n >= len(self.logrange):
          if self.verbose: print "[!]", "End of log."
          return False
        # NO!
          # get our next date in our time index & grab the prices
          t = self.logrange[self.logrange_n]
          if self._debug:
            print "\n_update"
            print "t:", t
            print "logrange:", self.logrange_n

          last_gox, last_ltc, last_ltc_depth = self._offline_prices( t)
          # get LTC market data (bid ask)
          ba = pl2.bid_ask( last_ltc_depth[0])
          # upd8 fuk'n coinz
          if self._debug:
            print "\n_update"
            print "\nltc"
            print "last_ltc:", last_ltc[0], last_ltc.name
            print "ba:", ba
          self.ltc.add( last_ltc[0], last_ltc.name, ba=ba)
          if self._debug:
            print "\ngox"
            print "last_gox:", last_gox[0], last_gox.name
          self.gox.add( last_gox[0], last_gox.name)

          # increment for the next f*****g time
          self.logrange_n += 1
          return True
コード例 #2
    def update(self):
        """ Grab most recent prices from on/offline and append them to
        our exchange data structures.
        #               -- SIMULATION MODE --                 #
        # simulation mode. pull most recent price from our logs and
        # append if different
        if self.live == False:
            #          -- REAL TIME SIMULATION MODE --            #
            # if warp is false, we will pretend this is realtime and
            # grab prices from our logs using our timedelta
            if self.warp == False:
                # calculate our timedelta from NOW!!
                adjusted_t = datetime.datetime.today() - self.delta

                # Get our last prices from the logs
                last_gox, last_ltc, last_ltc_depth = self._offline_prices(

                # make sure we got a timeseries object back, otherwise we
                # hit the end of the log
                if (type(last_gox) != pd.Series or type(last_ltc) != pd.Series
                        or type(last_ltc_depth) != pd.Series):
                    if self.verbose: print "[!]", "End of log."
                    return False
                # we have values, so add them to each coin
                    # give coins new price changes ... them bitches'll do the rest
                    self.gox.add(last_gox[0], last_gox.name)
                    # bid-ask avg for LTC only
                    ba = pl2.bid_ask(last_ltc_depth[0])
                    self.ltc.add(last_ltc[0], last_ltc.name, ba=ba)
                    return True
            #               -- FAST MODE --                       #
            # otherwise, we'll grab our next price from the index
                # r we about to do something stupid? (hit end of the f*****g log)
                if self.logrange_n >= len(self.logrange):
                    if self.verbose: print "[!]", "End of log."
                    return False
                # NO!
                    # get our next date in our time index & grab the prices
                    t = self.logrange[self.logrange_n]
                    if self._debug:
                        print "\n_update"
                        print "t:", t
                        print "logrange:", self.logrange_n

                    last_gox, last_ltc, last_ltc_depth = self._offline_prices(
                    # get LTC market data (bid ask)
                    ba = pl2.bid_ask(last_ltc_depth[0])

                    # upd8 fuk'n coinz
                    if self._debug:
                        print "\n_update"
                        print "\nltc"
                        print "last_ltc:", last_ltc[0], last_ltc.name
                        print "ba:", ba

                    self.ltc.add(last_ltc[0], last_ltc.name, ba=ba)
                    if self._debug:
                        print "\ngox"
                        print "last_gox:", last_gox[0], last_gox.name
                    self.gox.add(last_gox[0], last_gox.name)

                    # increment for the next f*****g time
                    self.logrange_n += 1
                    return True
コード例 #3
  def __init__( self, **kwargs):
    """ Set up our data structures and determine whether we're in
        live or simulated mode.
        time_str : (default "5min") time-frame to analyze on ... this
                   controls the length of each "bar" or period, can be
                   any pandas-recognized string, (10s, 10min, 1h, 1d, etc)
        live : live or simulated mode (whether or not to read from
               filename or from the web), defaults to False (simulated)
        filename : name of log file to read in simulated mode ... interpreted
                   as ./logs/filename ... file must be in this dir
        warp : whether or not to use our timedelta or just next value
               for each update() ... so we can do all calculations
               as fast as possible, defaults to False ("realtime")
        debug : whether or not to spit out debugging info
        sample_secs : if in warp-mode, N-seconds to sample on (the shorter
                      N, the more often we are "checking" the price and
                      the more iterations it will take to complete a series)
        instant : (default False) Setting this to true will make Data
                  send the lastprice series to the Coins to calculate all
                  in faster, one-pass mode
        ltc_opts : dict structure on what to do with LTC data ... see coin for
              options from kwargs (default is same as GOX...)
              Here's an example of a fully loaded options dict
              {  "debug": False,
                 "relative": False,
                 "calc_rolling": False,
                 "rolling": { self.time_str : {  5: pd.DataFrame(), 
                                                25: pd.DataFrame(), 
                                                50: pd.DataFrame() } },
                 "calc_mid": False,
                 "calc_ohlc": True,
                 "ohlc": { self.time_str : pd.DataFrame()  },
                 "calc_indicators": True,
                 "indicators":{ "RSI"  : { "data": pd.DataFrame(), "n":14 },
                                "ROC"  : { "data": pd.DataFrame(), "n":20 },
                                "AMA"  : { "data": pd.DataFrame(), "n":10, "fn":2.5, "sn":30 },
                                "CCI"  : { "data": pd.DataFrame(), "n":20 },
                                "FRAMA": { "data": pd.DataFrame(), "n":10 },
                                "RVI2" : { "data": pd.DataFrame(), "n":14, "s":10 },
                                "MACD" : { "data": pd.DataFrame(), "f":12, "s":26, "m":9 },
                                "ADX"  : { "data": pd.DataFrame(), "n":14 },
                                "ELI"  : { "data": pd.DataFrame(), "n":14 },
                                "TMI"  : { "data": pd.DataFrame(), "nb":10, "nf":5} }
                 "calc_std": True,
                 "std": { 10: pd.DataFrame(), 50: pd.DataFrame(), 100: pd.DataFrame() },
                 "calc_crt": True,
                 "crt": { 1: pd.DataFrame(), 2: pd.DataFrame(),
                          3: pd.DataFrame(), 5: pd.DataFrame(),
                          8: pd.DataFrame() },
                 "instant": False,
                 "time_str": self.time_str }
        gox_opts : dict structure on what to do with GOX BTC data ... see coin for
              options from kwargs (default: everything disabled but OHLC ... )
               { "debug": False,
                 "relative": False,
                 "calc_rolling": False,
                 "rolling": False,
                 "calc_mid": False,
                 "calc_ohlc": True,
                 "ohlc": { self.time_str : pd.DataFrame() },
                 "calc_indicators": False,
                 "calc_std": False,
                 "std": False,
                 "calc_crt": False,
                 "crt": False,
                 "instant": False,
                 "time_str": self.time_str }
        pickled_data : (default False) if this is set to a data structure,
                       from pickle'd pandas csv data structure, it'll take
                       it from here instead of from disk. Faster on multiple
        verbose : (default False) whether or not to print out shit
    self.live = kwargs.get("live", False)
    self.filename = kwargs.get("filename", "test.csv")
    self.warp = kwargs.get( "warp", True)
    self._debug = kwargs.get( "debug", False)
    self.sample_secs = kwargs.get( "sample_secs", 5)
    self.instant = kwargs.get( "instant", False)
    self.time_str = kwargs.get( "time_str", "5min")
    self.verbose = kwargs.get( "verbose", False)
    # default LTC options
    def_ltc =  { "debug": False,
                 "relative": False,
                 "calc_rolling": False,
                 "rolling": False,
                 "calc_mid": False,
                 "calc_ohlc": True,
                 "ohlc": { self.time_str : pd.DataFrame() },
                 "calc_indicators": False,
                 "indicators": False,
                 "calc_std": False,
                 "std": False,
                 "calc_crt": False,
                 "crt": False,
                 "instant": False,
                 "time_str": self.time_str }
    self.ltc_opts = kwargs.get( "ltc_opts", def_ltc)
    # default gox options
    def_gox = { "debug": False,
                 "relative": False,
                 "calc_rolling": False,
                 "rolling": False,
                 "calc_mid": False,
                 "calc_ohlc": True,
                 "ohlc": { self.time_str : pd.DataFrame() },
                 "calc_indicators": False,
                 "indicators": False,
                 "calc_std": False,
                 "std": False,
                 "calc_crt": False,
                 "crt": False,
                 "instant": False,
                 "time_str": self.time_str }
    self.gox_opts = kwargs.get( "gox_opts", def_gox)
    self.pickled_data = kwargs.get( "pickled_data", False)
    if self.verbose:
      print "[*]", "Online" if self.live else "Offline", "mode initiated"
      print "[*]", "Simulated" if not self.warp else "Speed", "mode initiated"
    # if we're running simulated, set up price logs so we can query them
    # in realtime as if they were actual price changes
    if self.live == False:
      # did we supply a pre-parsed pandas CSV data struct?
      if self.pickled_data != False:
        if self.verbose:
          print "[*]", "Loading supplied pickle!"
        data = self.pickled_data
      # nope ... load from disk!
        # loading from CSV takes a long time, lets prepare a pickle of the
        # loaded CSV if we haven't already done so, if we have then load it
        filename_pick = os.path.realpath( os.path.join( "logs", self.filename+".pickle"))
        if os.path.exists( filename_pick):
          if self.verbose:
            print "[*]", "Loading csv pickle from %s" % filename_pick
          f = open( filename_pick, "rb")
          data = cPickle.load( f)
          filename_csv = os.path.realpath( os.path.join( "logs", self.filename))
          if self.verbose: print "[*] Loading %s" % filename_csv
          data = pl2.load2( filename_csv)
          if self.verbose: print "[*] Generating pickle for next time to %s" % filename_pick
          f = open( filename_pick, "wb")
          cPickle.dump( data, f)

      # load our time-series dataframe from csv using pandas library
      self._gox_offline = data["gox"]
      self._ltc_offline = data["ltc"]
      self._ltc_depth_offline = data["ltc_depth"]
      # if we're running in non-simulated offline mode, where we just
      # want to run through our historical price data as quickly as
      # possible, then we build a range of dates that we will walk through
      if self.warp == True:
        # get our start and end points in our timerange
        start = max( [ self._gox_offline.index[0], self._ltc_offline.index[0]])
        end = max( [ self._gox_offline.index[-1], self._ltc_offline.index[-1]])
        # our list of total dates to run through
        # jump to N-seconds intervals (self.sample_secs)
        if self.verbose:
          print "[*]","Building daterange"
        self.logrange = self._daterange( start, end, self.sample_secs)
        # we're going to need to iterate through this one at a time ...
        # get new values, calculate indicators, train, repeat, so we'll
        # need to keep track of where we are
        self.logrange_n = 0
        if self.verbose:
          print "[*] Dates from", start, "to", end

      # otherwise we pretend we're live (slow so we can watch it IRT)
        # find out which has the earliest starting date. We will use
        # this to calculate our timedelta. In the future when we want
        # to check the price, we will use this delta compared to current
        # time to grab the proper simulated price
        # (we use max here so we don't get any initial NaN prices if possible)
        self.delta = datetime.datetime.today() - max( [ self._gox_offline.index[0], 

        if self.verbose: print "[*] Timedelta: %s" % self.delta
    #                                   #
    #            C O I N S              #
    #                                   #

    # prepare instant if necessary
    if self.instant:
      # seed prices with midprice
      if self.ltc_opts["calc_mid"]:
        filename = os.path.realpath( os.path.join( "logs", 
        # if midprices pickle doesn't exist, we need to generate it ... this is slow as f**k
        # so we really want to have this preloaded
        if os.path.exists( filename):
          if self.verbose: print "[*]", "Loading midprices from %s" % filename
          f = open( filename, "rb")
          bas = cPickle.load( f)
          if self.verbose: print "[*]","Calculating midprices ..."
          bas = [ pl2.bid_ask(self._ltc_depth_offline.ix[i][0], 
                  avg=True) for i in xrange( len( self._ltc_depth_offline))]
          f = open( filename, "wb")
          if self.verbose: print "[*]", "Saving midprices to %s" % filename
          cPickle.dump( bas, f)
        self.ltc_opts["instant"] = pd.DataFrame( {"lastprice":bas}, 
      # otherwise hand it lastprice
        self.ltc_opts["instant"] = self._ltc_offline

    self.ltc = Coin( debug=self.ltc_opts["debug"],

    # for gox, all I want to calculate is the EMA of the last prices ...
    # I chose last price, not mid, because I think that a lot of people
    # are trading based on the last price ticker, not where the market
    # really is.
    # prepare instant if necessary
    # prepare instant if necessary
    if self.instant:
      # seed prices with midprice
      if self.gox_opts["calc_mid"]:
        if self.verbose: print "[*]","Calculating midprices ..."
        bas = [ pl2.bid_ask(self._gox_depth_offline.ix[i][0], avg=True) for i in xrange( len( self._gox_depth_offline))]
        self.gox_opts["instant"] = pd.DataFrame( {"lastprice":bas}, index=[self._gox_depth_offline.index])
      # otherwise hand it lastprice
        self.gox_opts["instant"] = self._gox_offline

    self.gox = Coin( debug=self.gox_opts["debug"], 
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """ Set up our data structures and determine whether we're in
        live or simulated mode.
        time_str : (default "5min") time-frame to analyze on ... this
                   controls the length of each "bar" or period, can be
                   any pandas-recognized string, (10s, 10min, 1h, 1d, etc)
        live : live or simulated mode (whether or not to read from
               filename or from the web), defaults to False (simulated)
        filename : name of log file to read in simulated mode ... interpreted
                   as ./logs/filename ... file must be in this dir
        warp : whether or not to use our timedelta or just next value
               for each update() ... so we can do all calculations
               as fast as possible, defaults to False ("realtime")
        debug : whether or not to spit out debugging info
        sample_secs : if in warp-mode, N-seconds to sample on (the shorter
                      N, the more often we are "checking" the price and
                      the more iterations it will take to complete a series)
        instant : (default False) Setting this to true will make Data
                  send the lastprice series to the Coins to calculate all
                  in faster, one-pass mode
        ltc_opts : dict structure on what to do with LTC data ... see coin for
              options from kwargs (default is same as GOX...)
              Here's an example of a fully loaded options dict
              {  "debug": False,
                 "relative": False,
                 "calc_rolling": False,
                 "rolling": { self.time_str : {  5: pd.DataFrame(), 
                                                25: pd.DataFrame(), 
                                                50: pd.DataFrame() } },
                 "calc_mid": False,
                 "calc_ohlc": True,
                 "ohlc": { self.time_str : pd.DataFrame()  },
                 "calc_indicators": True,
                 "indicators":{ "RSI"  : { "data": pd.DataFrame(), "n":14 },
                                "ROC"  : { "data": pd.DataFrame(), "n":20 },
                                "AMA"  : { "data": pd.DataFrame(), "n":10, "fn":2.5, "sn":30 },
                                "CCI"  : { "data": pd.DataFrame(), "n":20 },
                                "FRAMA": { "data": pd.DataFrame(), "n":10 },
                                "RVI2" : { "data": pd.DataFrame(), "n":14, "s":10 },
                                "MACD" : { "data": pd.DataFrame(), "f":12, "s":26, "m":9 },
                                "ADX"  : { "data": pd.DataFrame(), "n":14 },
                                "ELI"  : { "data": pd.DataFrame(), "n":14 },
                                "TMI"  : { "data": pd.DataFrame(), "nb":10, "nf":5} }
                 "calc_std": True,
                 "std": { 10: pd.DataFrame(), 50: pd.DataFrame(), 100: pd.DataFrame() },
                 "calc_crt": True,
                 "crt": { 1: pd.DataFrame(), 2: pd.DataFrame(),
                          3: pd.DataFrame(), 5: pd.DataFrame(),
                          8: pd.DataFrame() },
                 "instant": False,
                 "time_str": self.time_str }
        gox_opts : dict structure on what to do with GOX BTC data ... see coin for
              options from kwargs (default: everything disabled but OHLC ... )
               { "debug": False,
                 "relative": False,
                 "calc_rolling": False,
                 "rolling": False,
                 "calc_mid": False,
                 "calc_ohlc": True,
                 "ohlc": { self.time_str : pd.DataFrame() },
                 "calc_indicators": False,
                 "calc_std": False,
                 "std": False,
                 "calc_crt": False,
                 "crt": False,
                 "instant": False,
                 "time_str": self.time_str }
        pickled_data : (default False) if this is set to a data structure,
                       from pickle'd pandas csv data structure, it'll take
                       it from here instead of from disk. Faster on multiple
        verbose : (default False) whether or not to print out shit
        self.live = kwargs.get("live", False)
        self.filename = kwargs.get("filename", "test.csv")
        self.warp = kwargs.get("warp", True)
        self._debug = kwargs.get("debug", False)
        self.sample_secs = kwargs.get("sample_secs", 5)
        self.instant = kwargs.get("instant", False)
        self.time_str = kwargs.get("time_str", "5min")
        self.verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", False)
        # default LTC options
        def_ltc = {
            "debug": False,
            "relative": False,
            "calc_rolling": False,
            "rolling": False,
            "calc_mid": False,
            "calc_ohlc": True,
            "ohlc": {
                self.time_str: pd.DataFrame()
            "calc_indicators": False,
            "indicators": False,
            "calc_std": False,
            "std": False,
            "calc_crt": False,
            "crt": False,
            "instant": False,
            "time_str": self.time_str
        self.ltc_opts = kwargs.get("ltc_opts", def_ltc)
        # default gox options
        def_gox = {
            "debug": False,
            "relative": False,
            "calc_rolling": False,
            "rolling": False,
            "calc_mid": False,
            "calc_ohlc": True,
            "ohlc": {
                self.time_str: pd.DataFrame()
            "calc_indicators": False,
            "indicators": False,
            "calc_std": False,
            "std": False,
            "calc_crt": False,
            "crt": False,
            "instant": False,
            "time_str": self.time_str
        self.gox_opts = kwargs.get("gox_opts", def_gox)
        self.pickled_data = kwargs.get("pickled_data", False)

        if self.verbose:
            print "[*]", "Online" if self.live else "Offline", "mode initiated"
            print "[*]", "Simulated" if not self.warp else "Speed", "mode initiated"

        # if we're running simulated, set up price logs so we can query them
        # in realtime as if they were actual price changes
        if self.live == False:
            # did we supply a pre-parsed pandas CSV data struct?
            if self.pickled_data != False:
                if self.verbose:
                    print "[*]", "Loading supplied pickle!"
                data = self.pickled_data
            # nope ... load from disk!
                # loading from CSV takes a long time, lets prepare a pickle of the
                # loaded CSV if we haven't already done so, if we have then load it
                filename_pick = os.path.realpath(
                    os.path.join("logs", self.filename + ".pickle"))
                if os.path.exists(filename_pick):
                    if self.verbose:
                        print "[*]", "Loading csv pickle from %s" % filename_pick
                    f = open(filename_pick, "rb")
                    data = cPickle.load(f)
                    filename_csv = os.path.realpath(
                        os.path.join("logs", self.filename))
                    if self.verbose: print "[*] Loading %s" % filename_csv
                    data = pl2.load2(filename_csv)
                    if self.verbose:
                        print "[*] Generating pickle for next time to %s" % filename_pick
                    f = open(filename_pick, "wb")
                    cPickle.dump(data, f)

            # load our time-series dataframe from csv using pandas library
            self._gox_offline = data["gox"]
            self._ltc_offline = data["ltc"]
            self._ltc_depth_offline = data["ltc_depth"]

            # if we're running in non-simulated offline mode, where we just
            # want to run through our historical price data as quickly as
            # possible, then we build a range of dates that we will walk through
            if self.warp == True:
                # get our start and end points in our timerange
                start = max(
                    [self._gox_offline.index[0], self._ltc_offline.index[0]])
                end = max(
                    [self._gox_offline.index[-1], self._ltc_offline.index[-1]])

                # our list of total dates to run through
                # jump to N-seconds intervals (self.sample_secs)
                if self.verbose:
                    print "[*]", "Building daterange"
                self.logrange = self._daterange(start, end, self.sample_secs)

                # we're going to need to iterate through this one at a time ...
                # get new values, calculate indicators, train, repeat, so we'll
                # need to keep track of where we are
                self.logrange_n = 0
                if self.verbose:
                    print "[*] Dates from", start, "to", end

            # otherwise we pretend we're live (slow so we can watch it IRT)
                # find out which has the earliest starting date. We will use
                # this to calculate our timedelta. In the future when we want
                # to check the price, we will use this delta compared to current
                # time to grab the proper simulated price
                # (we use max here so we don't get any initial NaN prices if possible)
                self.delta = datetime.datetime.today() - max(
                    [self._gox_offline.index[0], self._ltc_offline.index[0]])

                if self.verbose: print "[*] Timedelta: %s" % self.delta

        #                                   #
        #            C O I N S              #
        #                                   #

        # prepare instant if necessary
        if self.instant:
            # seed prices with midprice
            if self.ltc_opts["calc_mid"]:
                filename = os.path.realpath(
                    os.path.join("logs", self.filename + ".midprices.pickle"))
                # if midprices pickle doesn't exist, we need to generate it ... this is slow as f**k
                # so we really want to have this preloaded
                if os.path.exists(filename):
                    if self.verbose:
                        print "[*]", "Loading midprices from %s" % filename
                    f = open(filename, "rb")
                    bas = cPickle.load(f)
                    if self.verbose: print "[*]", "Calculating midprices ..."
                    bas = [
                        pl2.bid_ask(self._ltc_depth_offline.ix[i][0], avg=True)
                        for i in xrange(len(self._ltc_depth_offline))
                    f = open(filename, "wb")
                    if self.verbose:
                        print "[*]", "Saving midprices to %s" % filename
                    cPickle.dump(bas, f)
                self.ltc_opts["instant"] = pd.DataFrame(
                    {"lastprice": bas}, index=[self._ltc_depth_offline.index])
            # otherwise hand it lastprice
                self.ltc_opts["instant"] = self._ltc_offline

        self.ltc = Coin(debug=self.ltc_opts["debug"],

        # for gox, all I want to calculate is the EMA of the last prices ...
        # I chose last price, not mid, because I think that a lot of people
        # are trading based on the last price ticker, not where the market
        # really is.
        # prepare instant if necessary
        # prepare instant if necessary
        if self.instant:
            # seed prices with midprice
            if self.gox_opts["calc_mid"]:
                if self.verbose: print "[*]", "Calculating midprices ..."
                bas = [
                    pl2.bid_ask(self._gox_depth_offline.ix[i][0], avg=True)
                    for i in xrange(len(self._gox_depth_offline))
                self.gox_opts["instant"] = pd.DataFrame(
                    {"lastprice": bas}, index=[self._gox_depth_offline.index])
            # otherwise hand it lastprice
                self.gox_opts["instant"] = self._gox_offline

        self.gox = Coin(debug=self.gox_opts["debug"],