コード例 #1
def api_updateInvestments():
    try : 
        # read the POST request payload
        inputJson = request.get_json(force=True) 
        app.logger.info('Info : update invetments req received. payload: ' + str(inputJson)) 
        # Ethereum based seasons list
        cop = ProducerOps('config.ini')
        updated, msg = cop.updateInvestments(inputJson['investment'], inputJson['seasonID'], inputJson['cropID']) 
        #if investments updated sucessfully
        if updated: 
            return prepareResponse({'message' :'SUCCESS'}, 200)
         # in case of any errors
        return prepareResponse({'message' :'unable to update invetments information', 'info': msg}, 500) 
        return prepareResponse({'message' :'unable to update investment iformation'}, 500)       
コード例 #2
def api_getAllCrops():
    try :
        # read the POST request payload
        inputjson = request.get_json(force=True)
        app.logger.info('Info : season crop lists request received ' + str(inputjson))
        # Ethereum based producers list
        cop = ProducerOps('config.ini')
        status, crops = cop.getAllCrops(inputjson['seasonID'])  
        # if successfully gets the list of crops
        if status:  
            return prepareResponse({'message' :'SUCCESS', 'result': crops}, 200)  
        # if there are any errors
        return prepareResponse({'message' :'unable to extract crops list'}, 500)
        return prepareResponse({'message' :'unable to extract crops list'}, 500)  
コード例 #3
def api_updateWorkLog():
    try : 
        # read the POST request payload
        inputJson = request.get_json(force=True) 
        app.logger.info('Info : write to worklog req received. payload: ' + str(inputJson)) 
        # Ethereum based producers list
        cop = ProducerOps('config.ini')
        updated, msg = cop.updateWorkLog(inputJson['wroklog'], inputJson['seasonID'], inputJson['cropID']) 
        #if worklog updated sucessfully
        if updated: 
            return prepareResponse({'message' :'SUCCESS'}, 200)
         # in case of any errors
        return prepareResponse({'message' :'unable to update worklog', 'info': msg}, 500) 
        return prepareResponse({'message' :'unable to update worklog'}, 500)       
コード例 #4
def api_getCropSeasonByID():
    try :  
        # read the POST request payload
        inputjson = request.get_json(force=True)
        app.logger.info('Info : season information request received for '+ str(inputjson))
        # Ethereum based seasons list
        cop = ProducerOps('config.ini')
        exists, seasons = cop.getCropSeasonByID(inputjson['seasonID']) 
        # if seasons exists and gets his info
        if exists:
            return prepareResponse({'message' : 'SUCCESS', 'result': seasons}, 200) 
        # if there is any errors
        return prepareResponse({'message' : 'unable to extract season information'}, 500)
        return prepareResponse({'message' : 'unable to extract season information'}, 500) 
コード例 #5
def api_registerProducer():
    try : 
        # read the POST request payload
        inputJson = request.get_json(force=True) 
        app.logger.info('Info : producer registration req received. payload: ' + str(inputJson)) 
        # Ethereum based producers list
        cop = ProducerOps('config.ini')
        registered, msg = cop.registerProducer(inputJson['producer']) 
        #if producers registered sucessfully
        if registered: 
            return prepareResponse({'message' :'SUCCESS'}, 200)
         # in case of any errors
        return prepareResponse({'message' :'unable to register a producer', 'info': msg}, 500) 
        return prepareResponse({'message' :'unable to register new producer'}, 500)
コード例 #6
def api_registerCropSeason():
    try : 
        # read the POST request payload
        inputJson = request.get_json(force=True) 
        app.logger.info('Info : crops season registration req received. payload: ' + str(inputJson)) 
        # Ethereum based seasons list
        cop = ProducerOps('config.ini')
        print inputJson['season']
        registered, msg = cop.registerCropSeason(inputJson['season'])
        print msg
        #if season registered sucessfully
        if registered: 
            return prepareResponse({'message' :'SUCCESS'}, 200)
         # in case of any errors
        return prepareResponse({'message' :'unable to register a crop season', 'info': msg}, 500) 
        return prepareResponse({'message' :'unable to register a crop season'}, 500)
コード例 #7
    def __init__(self, confFile):

        # initialize and read the configuration
        self.confReader = ConfReader(confFile)
        self.database = str(
            self.confReader.GetConfigValue('configuration', 'agroChainDB'))
        self.collConsumers = str(
            self.confReader.GetConfigValue('collections', 'consumers'))
        self.collOrders = str(
            self.confReader.GetConfigValue('collections', 'orders'))
        # Create mongodb connection
        self.mongo = MongoDBServer(
            int(self.confReader.GetConfigValue('configuration', 'mongoport')),
            '', '', True, False)
        # for all producer related operations
        self.ProdOps = ProducerOps(confFile)
コード例 #8
class ConsumerOps:
    # default constructor
    def __init__(self, confFile):

        # initialize and read the configuration
        self.confReader = ConfReader(confFile)
        self.database = str(
            self.confReader.GetConfigValue('configuration', 'agroChainDB'))
        self.collConsumers = str(
            self.confReader.GetConfigValue('collections', 'consumers'))
        self.collOrders = str(
            self.confReader.GetConfigValue('collections', 'orders'))
        # Create mongodb connection
        self.mongo = MongoDBServer(
            int(self.confReader.GetConfigValue('configuration', 'mongoport')),
            '', '', True, False)
        # for all producer related operations
        self.ProdOps = ProducerOps(confFile)

    # fetch concumers based on ID
    def getConsumerById(self, consumerID):
        # query data base and fetch producer details
        coll = self.mongo.GetCollection(self.database, self.collConsumers)
        records = coll.find({"concumerid": consumerID}, {"_id": False})
        # if there is no conumer exists
        if records.count() <= 0:
            return False, 'consumer doesnt exist'
        # extract the producers
        consumer = records.next()
        # if all checks passed
        return True, consumer

    # adds or registers a new consumer
    def registerConsumer(self, consumer):
        # generate the hashkey - only aadhar code and Name uniqly identifies the consumer
        hashkey = str(helpers.getHash(consumer["aadhar"] + consumer["name"]))
        #print hashkey
        # check for existing producers or duplicate entriess
        coll = self.mongo.GetCollection(self.database, self.collConsumers)
        records = coll.find({"hashkey": str(hashkey)}, {'_id': False})
        # if already exists
        if records.count() > 0:
            return False, 'Consumer already exists'
        # if no one exists with the current information
        # generate the information
        consumer["concumerid"] = str(helpers.getUUID())
        consumer["hashkey"] = str(hashkey)
        consumer["registered"] = str(
            datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
        consumer["updated"] = str(
            datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
        # save this json to mongoDB
        self.mongo.Write2Collection(self.database, self.collConsumers,
        # if everything goes fine
        return True, 'SUCCESS'

    # returns all the Blockchain registered producers from the database
    def getAllConsumers(self):
        #reading the data from orders collection
        coll = self.mongo.GetCollection(self.database, self.collConsumers)
        records = coll.find({}, {'_id': False})
        data = []
        # for every consumer in the database
        for consumer in records:
        # return filtered consumers
        return True, data

    # returns all the Blockchain registered orders from the database
    def getAllOrders(self):
        #reading the data from orders collection
        coll = self.mongo.GetCollection(self.database, self.collOrders)
        records = coll.find({}, {'_id': False})
        data = []
        # for every order in the database
        for order in records:
        # return filtered order
        return True, data

    def getOrderByID(self, orderID):
        # query data base and fetch producer details
        coll = self.mongo.GetCollection(self.database, self.collOrders)
        records = coll.find({"orderID": orderID}, {"_id": False})
        # if there is no conumer exists
        if records.count() <= 0:
            return False, 'order doesnt exist'
        # extract the producers
        order = records.next()
        # if all checks passed
        return True, order

    def placeOrder(self, consumrID, order, producerID):
        #check whether the given consumer
        flag, consumer = self.getConsumerById(consumrID)
        if not flag:
            return flag, str(consumer)

        # just verify the items lit to make sure one items has been added to the order
        order['items'] = order['items'] if order.get('items') else []
        if len(order['items']) <= 0:
            return False, "Cant create an order no items added"

        #check whether the producer exists or not
        flag, producer = self.ProdOps.getProducerById(producerID)
        if not flag:
            return flag, str(producer)

        #generate the unique hash key
        hashkey = str(
            helpers.getHash(order["datetime"] + producer['hashkey'] +
        # if no one exists with the current information
        # generate the information
        order["orderid"] = str(helpers.getUUID())
        order["hashkey"] = str(hashkey)
        order["registered"] = str(
            datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
        order["updated"] = str(
            datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))

        # save this json to mongoDB
        self.mongo.Write2Collection(self.database, self.collOrders, order)
        # if everything goes fine
        return True, 'SUCCESS'

    #updates the order
    def updateOrder(self, consumrID, order, producerID):
        # check whether the given consumer
        flag, consumer = self.getConsumerById(consumrID)
        if not flag:
            return flag, str(consumer)
        #check whether the producer exists or not
        flag, producer = self.ProdOps.getProducerById(producerID)
        if not flag:
            return flag, str(producer)
        # if no order exists or some error
        flag, currentOrder = self.getOrderByID(order['orderID'])
        if not flag:
            return flag, str(producer)

        # if no one exists with the current information
        # generate the information
        currentOrder["updated"] = str(
            datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
        currentOrder['items'] = order['items'] if order.get('items') else []
        currentOrder['status'] = order['status'] if order.get(
            'status') else "created"
        currentOrder['total'] = order['total'] if order.get('total') else "0"
        currentOrder['shipDate'] = order['shipDate'] if order.get(
            'shipDate') else None

        if len(currentOrder['items']) <= 0:
            return False, "Cant create an order no items added"
        # save this json to mongoDB
        self.mongo.Update2Collection(self.database, self.collSeasons,
                                     {"orderID": currentOrder["orderID"]},

        # if everything goes fine
        return True, 'SUCCESS'