async def send_listing(product: products.Product, ctx, editing: bool): embed = discord.Embed( title=product.get_title(), url=product.get_url(), color=product.get_color(), ) embed.set_thumbnail(url=product.get_thumbnail()) embed.add_field(name="SKU:", value=product.get_sku(), inline=True) embed.add_field(name="⠀", value="⠀", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Retail Price:", value=product.get_retail_price(), inline=True) prices = product.get_prices() # if the product has asks and bids for each size if product.asks_and_bids(): # if the item has more than one size if not product.one_size(): for size in prices: ask = prices[size]["ask"]["listing"] bid = prices[size]["bid"]["listing"] if ask: ask = f"${ask}" if bid: bid = f"${bid}" embed.add_field( name=size, value=f"```bash\nAsk: {ask}\nBid: {bid}```", inline=True, ) # if the item has only one size else: ask = prices[""]["ask"]["listing"] bid = prices[""]["bid"]["listing"] if ask: ask = f"${ask}" if bid: bid = f"${bid}" embed.add_field( name="Ask", value=f"```bash\n{ask}```", inline=True, ) embed.add_field( name="Bid", value=f"```bash\n{bid}```", inline=True, ) # if the item doesn't have asks and bids else: for size in prices: listing = prices[size]["listing"] if listing: listing = f"${listing}" embed.add_field( name=size, value=f"```bash\n{listing}```", inline=True, ) embed.set_footer( text=product.get_footer_text(), icon_url=product.get_footer_image(), ) if not editing: if product.get_footer_text() == "StockX": await ctx.send(embed=embed, components=[stockx_button_row]) elif product.get_footer_text() == "Goat": await ctx.send(embed=embed, components=[goat_button_row]) elif product.get_footer_text() == "Stadium Goods": await ctx.send(embed=embed, components=[sg_button_row]) else: await ctx.edit_origin(embed=embed)
async def send_payout(product: products.Product, ctx, seller_level=1): # if the product has no retail price then you can't calculate profit if product.get_retail_price() == "N/A": raise errors.NoRetailPrice embed = discord.Embed( title=product.get_title(), url=product.get_url(), color=product.get_color(), ) embed.set_thumbnail(url=product.get_thumbnail()) embed.add_field(name="SKU:", value=product.get_sku(), inline=True) embed.add_field( name="Fees", value=str(product.get_fees(seller_level)) + "%", inline=True, ) embed.add_field(name="Retail Price:", value=product.get_retail_price(), inline=True) prices = product.get_prices() # if the product has asks and bids for each size if product.asks_and_bids(): # if the item has more than one size if not product.one_size(): for size in prices: ask = prices[size]["ask"]["payouts"][seller_level] bid = prices[size]["bid"]["payouts"][seller_level] if ask: ask = f"${ask}" if bid: bid = f"${bid}" embed.add_field( name=size, value=f"```cpp\nAsk: {ask}\nBid: {bid}```", inline=True, ) # if the item has only one size else: ask = prices[""]["ask"]["payouts"][seller_level] bid = prices[""]["bid"]["payouts"][seller_level] if ask: ask = f"${ask}" if bid: bid = f"${bid}" embed.add_field( name="Ask", value=f"```cpp\n{ask}```", inline=True, ) embed.add_field( name="Bid", value=f"```cpp\n{bid}```", inline=True, ) # if the item doesn't have asks and bids else: for size in prices: listing = prices[size]["payouts"][seller_level] if listing: listing = f"${listing}" embed.add_field( name=size, value=f"```cpp\n{listing}```", inline=True, ) embed.set_footer( text=product.get_footer_text(), icon_url=product.get_footer_image(), ) await ctx.edit_origin(embed=embed)