def trajectory(self, mode, n_steps, rmsd=1.5): """ given a number of a selected mode and a number of stemps returns a list with n_steps coordsets """ ensemble = prody.traverseMode(mode=mode, atoms=self.molecule, n_steps=n_steps, rmsd=rmsd) return ensemble.getCoordsets()
def applyMode(self, idMode): if idMode > self.nbMode: return #sample?should gave 10 #or should I use traverseMode #should I redo the extrapolation ? self.bb_anm, self.bb_atoms = prody.extrapolateModel( self.anm, self.ca_model, #self.conf)) self.nbMode = self.anm.getNumOfModes() if self.sample == "sample": ensemble = prody.sampleModes(self.bb_anm[idMode], self.bb_atoms, n_confs=self.nbconf, rmsd=self.rmsd) elif self.sample == "traverse": ensemble = prody.traverseMode(self.bb_anm[idMode], self.bb_atoms, n_steps=int(self.nbconf / 2), rmsd=self.rmsd) coords = ensemble.getCoordsets() nC = len(coords) #should beequal to nbconf self.pmvmodel.allAtoms.setConformation(0) if self.first: self.oricoords = numpy.array(self.pmvmodel.allAtoms._coords[:]) self.first = False else: self.pmvmodel.allAtoms._coords = self.oricoords.tolist() #self.pmvmodel.allAtoms._coords = numpy.concatenate(([oricoords,],coords),axis=0) #if a gui is available shoud update it #use current sel for i, c in enumerate(coords): if self.conf == "ca": if len(c) != len(self.pmvmodel.allAtoms.get("CA").coords): return self.pmvmodel.allAtoms.get("CA").addConformation(c[:]) elif self.conf == "protein and ca": self.pmvmodel.chains.residues.get("aminoacids").atoms.get( "CA").addConformation(c[:]) elif self.conf == "protein": self.pmvmodel.chains.residues.get( "aminoacids").atoms.addConformation(c[:]) #self.pmvmodel.allAtoms.get("aminoacids").addConformation(c[:]) else: #all if len(c) != len(self.pmvmodel.allAtoms.coords): return self.pmvmodel.allAtoms.addConformation(c[:])
def applyMode(self,idMode): if idMode > self.nbMode: return #sample?should gave 10 #or should I use traverseMode #should I redo the extrapolation ? self.bb_anm, self.bb_atoms = prody.extrapolateModel(self.anm, self.ca_model, self.nbMode = self.anm.getNumOfModes() if self.sample == "sample" : ensemble = prody.sampleModes(self.bb_anm[idMode], self.bb_atoms, n_confs=self.nbconf, rmsd=self.rmsd) elif self.sample == "traverse" : ensemble = prody.traverseMode(self.bb_anm[idMode], self.bb_atoms, n_steps=int(self.nbconf/2), rmsd=self.rmsd) coords=ensemble.getCoordsets() nC = len(coords) #should beequal to nbconf self.pmvmodel.allAtoms.setConformation(0) if self.first: self.oricoords = numpy.array(self.pmvmodel.allAtoms._coords[:]) self.first = False else : self.pmvmodel.allAtoms._coords = self.oricoords.tolist() #self.pmvmodel.allAtoms._coords = numpy.concatenate(([oricoords,],coords),axis=0) #if a gui is available shoud update it #use current sel for i,c in enumerate(coords): if self.conf == "ca" : if len(c) != len(self.pmvmodel.allAtoms.get("CA").coords): return self.pmvmodel.allAtoms.get("CA").addConformation(c[:]) elif self.conf == "protein and ca" : self.pmvmodel.chains.residues.get("aminoacids").atoms.get("CA").addConformation(c[:]) elif self.conf == "protein" : self.pmvmodel.chains.residues.get("aminoacids").atoms.addConformation(c[:]) #self.pmvmodel.allAtoms.get("aminoacids").addConformation(c[:]) else :#all if len(c) != len(self.pmvmodel.allAtoms.coords): return self.pmvmodel.allAtoms.addConformation(c[:])
def corepagecalculation(pdbfilename, selatom, noma1, nummodes, gamcut, cut1, gam2, cut2, showresults, smodes, snmd, smodel, scollec, massnomass, sample1, modeens, confens, rmsdens, traverse1, modetra, steptra, rmsdtra, modelnumber, caanm, cagnm, nohanm, nohgnm, allanm, allgnm, bbanm, bbgnm, scanm, scgnm, nmdfolder, modesfolder, collectivityfolder, modelnewname, nmdnewname, modesnewname, modesendname, collectivitynewname, collectivityendname, samplenewname, traversenewname, crosscorr=0, corrfolder='', corrname='', corrend='', compmode01='7', compmode02='15', sqflucts=0, sqfluctsfolder='', sqfluctsname='', sqfluctsend='', separatevar1='0', temfac=0, temfacfolder='', temfacname='', temfacend='', fracovar=0, fraconame='', fracoend='', ovlap=0, ovlapfold='', ovlapname='', ovlapend='', ovlaptab=0, ovlaptabname='', ovlaptabend='', comppdbfilename=''): # modelnumber import prody import time import os import Tkinter root=Tkinter.Tk() root.title('Info') onlypage=Tkinter.Frame(root) onlypage.pack(side='top') Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='File: '+pdbfilename).grid(row=0,column=0,sticky='w') Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='Atoms: '+selatom).grid(row=1,column=0,sticky='w') Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='Analysis: '+noma1).grid(row=2,column=0,sticky='w') path=os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),'.noma/') fin = open(path+'savefile.txt','r') global savedfile savedfile=fin.readlines() fin.close() i=0 a=len(savedfile) while i<a: savedfile[i]=savedfile[i][:-1] i+=1 if gamcut=='0': Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='Gamma: r^'+savedfile[91]).grid(row=3,column=0,sticky='w') Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='Cutoff: '+cut1).grid(row=4,column=0,sticky='w') elif gamcut=='1': Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='Gamma: '+gam2).grid(row=3,column=0,sticky='w') Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='Cutoff: '+cut2).grid(row=4,column=0,sticky='w') find = 0 # while find < len(pdbfilename): # if pdbfilename[-(find+1):-find] == '/': # bgn = len(pdbfilename)-find # break # else: # helps in the find +=1 # saving of files try: # float(bgn) # except (NameError): # bgn = 0 # find = 0 # while bgn+find<len(pdbfilename): # if pdbfilename[bgn+find:bgn+find+1] == '.': # end = len(pdbfilename)-(bgn+find) # break # else: # find +=1 # try: # name = pdbfilename[bgn:-end] # except (NameError): # name = pdbfilename[bgn:len(pdbfilename)] # name of the file bgn = pdbfilename[:bgn] # path for file mytimeis = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) start = time.time() try: p38 = prody.parsePDB(pdbfilename,model=int(modelnumber)) except: import tkMessageBox tkMessageBox.askokcancel("File Error","""This is not the correct path or name. Try entering /some/path/nameoffile.pdb If you need help finding the path, open a new terminal and enter: find -name 'filename.pdb' use the output as the pdb input If this doesn't work, make sure the file is in PDB format.""") p38 = prody.parsePDB(pdbfilename) print 'Submitted: '+pdbfilename+' at '+mytimeis Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='Submitted at: '+mytimeis).grid(row=5,column=0,sticky='w') root.update() if selatom == "C-alpha" and noma1 == "Gaussian Normal Mode": folder = cagnm+'/' pro ='protein and name CA') # selects only carbon alpahs elif selatom == "C-alpha" and noma1 == "Anisotropic Normal Mode": folder = caanm+'/' pro ='protein and name CA') elif selatom == "Heavy" and noma1 == "Gaussian Normal Mode": folder = nohgnm+'/' pro ='protein and not name "[1-9]?H.*"') # gets rid of all Hydrogens elif selatom == "Heavy" and noma1 == "Anisotropic Normal Mode": folder = nohanm+'/' pro ='protein and not name "[1-9]?H.*"') elif selatom == "All" and noma1 == "Gaussian Normal Mode": folder = allgnm+'/' pro ='protein') elif selatom == "All" and noma1 == "Anisotropic Normal Mode": folder = allanm+'/' pro ='protein') elif selatom == "Backbone" and noma1 == "Gaussian Normal Mode": folder = bbgnm+'/' pro ='protein and name CA C O N H') # selects backbone elif selatom == "Backbone" and noma1 == "Anisotropic Normal Mode": folder = bbanm+'/' pro ='protein and name CA C O N H') # selects backbone elif selatom == "Sidechain" and noma1 == "Gaussian Normal Mode": folder = scgnm+'/' pro ='protein and not name CA C O N H') # selects sidechain elif selatom == "Sidechain" and noma1 == "Anisotropic Normal Mode": folder = scanm+'/' pro ='protein and not name CA C O N H') # selects sidechain try: # open(bgn+folder) # creates the folders except (IOError): # where the files will try: # be saved only if they os.makedirs(bgn+folder) # are not there except (OSError): # mer = 0 # if noma1 == "Gaussian Normal Mode": print 'Building the Kirchhoff matrix' Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='Building Kirchhoff').grid(row=6,column=0,sticky='w') root.update() anm = prody.GNM(name)### if gamcut=='0': anm.buildKirchhoff(pro,cutoff=float(cut1),gamma=gammaDistanceDependent)### anm.setKirchhoff(anm.getKirchhoff()) elif gamcut=='1': anm.buildKirchhoff(pro,cutoff=float(cut2),gamma=float(gam2))### brat = 2 elif noma1 == "Anisotropic Normal Mode": print 'Building the Hessian matrix' Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='Building Hessian').grid(row=6,column=0,sticky='w') root.update() anm = prody.ANM(name)### if gamcut=='0': anm.buildHessian(pro,cutoff=float(cut1),gamma=gammaDistanceDependent)### anm.setHessian(anm.getHessian())### elif gamcut=='1': anm.buildHessian(pro,cutoff=float(cut2),gamma=float(gam2))### brat = 7 print 'Calculating modes' Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='Calculating modes').grid(row=7,column=0,sticky='w') root.update() anm.calcModes(int(nummodes),zeros = True)### numatom=anm.numAtoms()### eigval=anm.getEigvals()### atomname=pro.getNames()### if smodel==1: if brat==2: modelfilename=bgn+folder+name+modelnewname+'.gnm.npz' elif brat==7: modelfilename=bgn+folder+name+modelnewname+'.anm.npz' print 'Saving Model' Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='Saving Model').grid(row=8,column=0,sticky='w') root.update() try: prody.saveModel(anm,bgn+folder+name+modelnewname,True)### except: print 'Matrix not saved due to size' Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='Matrix not saved').grid(row=8,column=0,sticky='w') root.update() prody.saveModel(anm,bgn+folder+name+modelnewname)### if snmd==1: print 'Saving NMD' Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='Saving NMD').grid(row=9,column=0,sticky='w') root.update() try: # os.makedirs(bgn+folder+nmdfolder+'/') # except (OSError): # mer = 0 # prody.writeNMD(bgn+folder+nmdfolder+'/'+name+nmdnewname+'.nmd',anm[:len(eigval)],pro)### # this can be viewed in VMD if smodes==1: print 'Saving Modes' Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='Saving Modes').grid(row=10,column=0,sticky='w') root.update() try: # os.makedirs(bgn+folder+modesfolder+'/') # except (OSError): # mer = 0 # modefile = bgn+folder+modesfolder+'/'+name+modesnewname+'.'+modesendname fout = open(modefile,'w') mer = 0 while mer< len(eigval): slowest_mode = anm[mer]### r = slowest_mode.getEigvec()### p = slowest_mode.getEigval()### tq = 0 tt = 0 ttt = 1 tttt = 2 fout.write('MODE {0:3d} {1:15e}'.format(mer+1,p)) fout.write(""" ------------------------------------------------- """) if noma1 == "Gaussian Normal Mode": while tq < numatom: fout.write("""{0:4s}{1:15e} """.format(atomname[tq],r[tq])) tq +=1 elif noma1 == "Anisotropic Normal Mode": while tt < numatom*3: fout.write("""{0:4s}{1:15e}{2:15e}{3:15e} """.format(atomname[tq],r[tt],r[ttt],r[tttt])) tq+=1 tt +=3 ttt+=3 tttt+=3 mer +=1 fout.close() if showresults=='1': os.system('/usr/bin/gnome-open '+modefile) if scollec==1: print 'Saving collectivity' Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='Saving collectivity').grid(row=11,column=0,sticky='w') root.update() try: # os.makedirs(bgn+folder+collectivityfolder+'/') # except (OSError): # mer = 0 # mer = 0 xx = [0]*(numatom) # sets the array to zero and other initial conditions i = 0 aa = 0 no = 0 var3 = 0 sss = [0]*(len(eigval)) while mer< len(eigval): slowest_mode = anm[mer]### r = slowest_mode.getEigvec()### p = slowest_mode.getEigval()### a = 0 tt = 0 ttt = 1 tttt = 2 while a < numatom: atom = atomname[a] mass = 0 while mass < 2: if atom[mass] == "N": # all nitrogen m = 14.0067 break elif atom[mass] == 'H': # all hydrogen m = 1.00794 break elif atom[mass] == "C" : # all carbon m = 12.0107 break elif atom[mass] == "O" : # all oxygen m = 15.9994 break elif atom[mass] == 'S': # all sulfur m = 32.065 break elif atom[mass] == 'P' : # all phosphorus m = 30.973762 break else: if mass == 0: mass +=1 try: atom[mass] except (IndexError): m = 1 if no == 0: print 'Enter atom '+atom+' in to the system. Its mass was set to 1 in this simulation.' no +=1 break else: m = 1 if no == 0: print 'Enter atom '+atom+' in to the system. Its mass was set to 1 in this simulation' no +=1 break if len(r)/numatom == 3: xx[i] = (r[tt]**2 + r[ttt]**2 + r[tttt]**2)/m i +=1 tt +=3 ttt+=3 tttt+=3 else: xx[i] = (r[tt]**2)/m i +=1 tt +=1 a +=1 var3 = 0 j = 0 loop = 1 while loop == 1: if sum(xx) == 0: # need this because you can't divide by 0 loop = 0 elif j <(numatom): var1 = xx[j]/sum(xx) if var1 == 0: var2 = 0 elif var1 != 0: from math import log # this means natural log var2 = var1* log(var1) var3 += var2 j +=1 else: from math import exp k = exp(-var3)/numatom sss[aa] = k, aa+1 aa +=1 mer +=1 loop = 0 i = 0 xx = [0]*(numatom) # goes through all this until the big loop is done a = 0 k=[0]*(len(eigval)) while a < len(eigval): k[a]=prody.calcCollectivity(anm[a]),a+1 a +=1 collectivefile = bgn+folder+collectivityfolder+'/'+name+collectivitynewname+'.'+collectivityendname fout = open(collectivefile,'w') if massnomass=='0': fout.write('MODE COLLECTIVITY(mass)') fout.write(""" --------------------------- """) for h in sorted(sss,reverse=True): fout.write(str(h)[-3:-1]+' '+str(h)[1:19]+""" """) fout.write(""" MODE COLLECTIVITY(without mass)""") fout.write(""" --------------------------- """) for hh in sorted(k,reverse=True): fout.write(str(hh)[-3:-1]+' '+str(hh)[1:19]+""" """) elif massnomass=='1': fout.write('MODE COLLECTIVITY(without mass)') fout.write(""" --------------------------- """) for hh in sorted(k,reverse=True): fout.write(str(hh)[-3:-1]+' '+str(hh)[1:19]+""" """) fout.write(""" MODE COLLECTIVITY(mass)""") fout.write(""" --------------------------- """) for h in sorted(sss,reverse=True): fout.write(str(h)[-3:-1]+' '+str(h)[1:19]+""" """) fout.close() if showresults=='1': os.system('/usr/bin/gnome-open '+collectivefile) fin = open(collectivefile,'r') lst = fin.readlines() hi0 = 2 looop = 1 prut=0 secoll=0 thicoll=0 while looop == 1: fine = lst[hi0] if int(fine[0:2]) >= brat: if prut==0: prut=fine[0:2] elif secoll==0: secoll=fine[0:2] elif thicoll==0: thicoll=fine[0:2] else: foucoll=fine[0:2] looop = 0 else: hi0 +=1 mostcollective= "Mode "+prut+" is the most collective." Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='Mode '+prut+' is the most collective').grid(row=12,column=0,sticky='w') root.update() print mostcollective fin.close() if sample1 == 1: print 'Saving sample file' Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='Saving sample file').grid(row=13,column=0,sticky='w') root.update() a = modeens+' ' b = [0]*(len(a)+1) i = 0 j = 0 b1 = 0 while i < len(a): if a[i:i+1] ==' ' or a[i:i+1]==',': try: b[b1]=int(a[j:i])-1 except: if '1c' in a[j:i]: b[b1]=int(prut)-1 elif '2c' in a[j:i]: b[b1]=int(prut)-1 b1 +=1 b[b1]=int(secoll)-1 elif '3c' in a[j:i]: b[b1]=int(prut)-1 b1 +=1 b[b1]=int(secoll)-1 b1 +=1 b[b1]=int(thicoll)-1 elif '4c' in a[j:i]: b[b1]=int(prut)-1 b1 +=1 b[b1]=int(secoll)-1 b1 +=1 b[b1]=int(thicoll)-1 b1+=1 b[b1]=int(foucoll)-1 j = i+1 i +=1 b1 +=1 else: i +=1 del b[b1:] ensemble = prody.sampleModes(anm[b],pro, n_confs=int(confens), rmsd =float(rmsdens)) p38ens=pro.copy() p38ens.delCoordset(0) p38ens.addCoordset(ensemble.getCoordsets()) prody.writePDB(bgn+folder+name+samplenewname+'.pdb',p38ens) if traverse1 ==1: print 'Saving traverse file' Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='Saving traverse file').grid(row=14,column=0,sticky='w') root.update() if modetra=='c': modefortra=int(prut)-1 else: modefortra=int(modetra)-1 trajectory=prody.traverseMode(anm[modefortra],pro,n_steps=int(steptra),rmsd=float(rmsdtra)) prody.calcRMSD(trajectory).round(2) p38traj=pro.copy() p38traj.delCoordset(0) p38traj.addCoordset(trajectory.getCoordsets()) prody.writePDB(bgn+folder+name+'_mode'+str(modefortra+1)+traversenewname+'.pdb',p38traj) if crosscorr==1: print 'Saving cross correlation' Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='Saving cross-correlation').grid(row=15,column=0,sticky='w') root.update() try: # os.makedirs(bgn+folder+corrfolder+'/') # except (OSError): # mer = 0 i=int(compmode01) while i <= int(compmode02): x=i-1 correlationdataname=bgn+folder+corrfolder+'/'+name+corrname+'_mode'+str(x+1)+'.'+corrend prody.writeArray(correlationdataname,prody.calcCrossCorr(anm[x]),'%.18e') print correlationdataname i+=1 ## if sqflucts==1: print 'Saving square fluctuation' Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='Saving square fluctuation').grid(row=16,column=0,sticky='w') root.update() try: # os.makedirs(bgn+folder+sqfluctsfolder+'/') # except (OSError): # mer = 0 i=int(compmode01) while i < int(compmode02): yelp = i-1 sqfluctdataname = bgn+folder+sqfluctsfolder+'/'+name+sqfluctsname+'_mode'+str(yelp+1)+'.'+sqfluctsend fout = open(sqfluctdataname,'w') if separatevar1=='0': a = 0 while a < numatom: fout.write(str(a)) fout.write(""" """) fout.write(str(prody.calcSqFlucts(anm[yelp])[a])) fout.write(""" """) a +=1 elif separatevar1=='1': a=0 while a <numatom: firstresnum=int(p38.getResnums()[0:1][0]) origiresnum=int(p38.getResnums()[0:1][0]) while firstresnum<(int(numatom*1.0/p38.numChains())+origiresnum): fout.write(str(firstresnum)) fout.write('\t') fout.write(str(prody.calcSqFlucts(anm[yelp])[a])) fout.write('\n') a+=1 firstresnum+=1 fout.write('&\n') fout.close() print sqfluctdataname i+=1 if temfac==1: print 'Saving temperature factors' Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='Saving temperature factors').grid(row=17,column=0,sticky='w') root.update() try: # os.makedirs(bgn+folder+temfacfolder+'/') # except (OSError): # mer = 0 fin=open(pdbfilename,'r') d = [None]*len(atomname) e = 0 for line in fin: pair = line.split() if 'ATOM ' in line and e < len(atomname): if str(pair[2]) == str(atomname[e]): d[e]=str(pair[1]) e+=1 else: e+=0 else: continue fin.close() sqf = prody.calcSqFlucts(anm) x = sqf/((sqf**2).sum()**.5) y = prody.calcTempFactors(anm,pro) a = 0 tempfactorsdataname =bgn+folder+temfacfolder+'/'+name+temfacname+'.'+temfacend fout=open(tempfactorsdataname,'w') fout.write("""Atom Residue TempFactor TempFactor with exp beta """) while a < numatom: fout.write("""{0:4s} {1:4d} {2:15f} {3:15f} """.format(d[a],a+1,x[a],y[a])) a +=1 fout.close() print tempfactorsdataname if fracovar==1: try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt print 'Saving Fraction of Variance' Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='Saving Fraction of Variance').grid(row=18,column=0,sticky='w') root.update() try: # os.makedirs(bgn+folder+modesfolder+'/') # except (OSError): # mer = 0 # plt.figure(figsize = (5,4)) prody.showFractVars(anm) prody.showCumulFractVars(anm) fracvardataname =bgn+folder+modesfolder+'/'+name+fraconame+'.'+fracoend plt.savefig(fracvardataname) print fracvardataname if showresults=='1': os.system('/usr/bin/gnome-open '+fracvardataname) except: print 'Error: Fraction of Variance' Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='Error: Fraction of Variance').grid(row=18,column=0,sticky='w') root.update() mer=0 if ovlap==1 or ovlaptab==1: try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt print 'Saving Overlap' Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='Saving Overlap').grid(row=19,column=0,sticky='w') root.update() Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='Comparison: '+comppdbfilename).grid(row=20,column=0,sticky='w') ## find = 0 while find < len(comppdbfilename): if comppdbfilename[-(find+1):-find] == '/': bgn1 = len(comppdbfilename)-find break else: find +=1 try: float(bgn1) except (NameError): bgn1 = 0 find = 0 while bgn1+find<len(comppdbfilename): if comppdbfilename[bgn1+find:bgn1+find+1] == '.': end1 = len(comppdbfilename)-(bgn1+find) break else: find +=1 try: name1 = comppdbfilename[bgn1:-end1] except (NameError): name1 = comppdbfilename[bgn1:len(comppdbfilename)] bgn1 = comppdbfilename[:bgn1] p381 = prody.parsePDB(comppdbfilename,model=int(modelnumber)) if selatom == "C-alpha" and noma1 == "Gaussian Normal Mode": pro1 ='protein and name CA') elif selatom == "C-alpha" and noma1 == "Anisotropic Normal Mode": pro1 ='protein and name CA') elif selatom == "Heavy" and noma1 == "Gaussian Normal Mode": pro1 ='protein and not name "[1-9]?H.*"') elif selatom == "Heavy" and noma1 == "Anisotropic Normal Mode": pro1 ='protein and not name "[1-9]?H.*"') elif selatom == "All" and noma1 == "Gaussian Normal Mode": pro1 ='protein') elif selatom == "All" and noma1 == "Anisotropic Normal Mode": pro1 ='protein') elif selatom == "Backbone" and noma1 == "Gaussian Normal Mode": pro1 ='protein and name CA C O N H') elif selatom == "Backbone" and noma1 == "Anisotropic Normal Mode": pro1 ='protein and name CA C O N H') elif selatom == "Sidechain" and noma1 == "Gaussian Normal Mode": pro1 ='protein and not name CA C O N H') elif selatom == "Sidechain" and noma1 == "Anisotropic Normal Mode": pro1 ='protein and not name CA C O N H') if noma1 == "Gaussian Normal Mode": print 'Building the Kirchhoff matrix' Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='Building Kirchhoff').grid(row=21,column=0,sticky='w') root.update() anm1 = prody.GNM(name1) if gamcut=='0': anm1.buildKirchhoff(pro1,cutoff=float(cut1),gamma=gammaDistanceDependent) anm1.setKirchhoff(anm1.getKirchhoff()) elif gamcut=='1': anm1.buildKirchhoff(pro1,cutoff=float(cut2),gamma=float(gam2)) brat = 2 elif noma1 == "Anisotropic Normal Mode": print 'Building the Hessian matrix' Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='Building Hessian').grid(row=21,column=0,sticky='w') root.update() anm1 = prody.ANM(name1) if gamcut=='0': anm1.buildHessian(pro1,cutoff=float(cut1),gamma=gammaDistanceDependent) anm1.setHessian(anm1.getHessian()) elif gamcut=='1': anm1.buildHessian(pro1,cutoff=float(cut2),gamma=float(gam2)) brat = 7 print 'Calculating modes' Tkinter.Label(onlypage,text='Calculating modes').grid(row=22,column=0,sticky='w') root.update() anm1.calcModes(int(nummodes),zeros = True) ## try: os.makedirs(bgn+folder+ovlapfold+'/') except (OSError): mer = 0 if ovlap==1: i=int(compmode01) while i < int(compmode02): a = i-1 plt.figure(figsize=(5,4)) prody.showCumulOverlap(anm[a],anm1) prody.showOverlap(anm[a],anm1) plt.title('Overlap with Mode '+str(a+1)+' from '+name) plt.xlabel(name1+' mode index') overlapname = bgn+folder+ovlapfold+'/'+name+'_'+name1+ovlapname+'_mode'+str(a+1)+'.'+ovlapend plt.savefig(overlapname) print overlapname i+=1 if ovlaptab==1: plt.figure(figsize=(5,4)) prody.showOverlapTable(anm1,anm) plt.xlim(int(compmode01)-1,int(compmode02)) plt.ylim(int(compmode01)-1,int(compmode02)) plt.title(name1+' vs '+name+' Overlap') plt.ylabel(name1) plt.xlabel(name) overlapname = bgn+folder+ovlapfold+'/'+name+'_'+name1+ovlaptabname+'.'+ovlaptabend plt.savefig(overlapname) print overlapname except: mer=0 root.destroy() mynewtimeis = float(time.time()-start) if mynewtimeis <= 60.00: timeittook= "The calculations took %.2f s."%(mynewtimeis) elif mynewtimeis > 60.00 and mynewtimeis <= 3600.00: timeittook= "The calculations took %.2f min."%((mynewtimeis/60.00)) else: timeittook= "The calculations took %.2f hrs."%((mynewtimeis/3600.00)) print timeittook if smodel==1 and scollec==1: return (timeittook,modelfilename,str(int(prut))) elif scollec==1: return (timeittook,'nofile',str(int(prut))) elif smodel==1: return (timeittook,modelfilename,'nocoll') else: return (timeittook,'nofile','nocoll')
Created on Wed Jul 13 14:14:58 2011 @author: - """ # import prody p38ca = prody.parsePDB('1p38', subset='ca') anm = prody.ANM('1p38') anm.buildHessian(p38ca) anm.calcModes() #traverseMode() function generates conformations along a single normal mode. #Conformations are generated in both directions along the given mode. #rmsd argument is used to set the RMSD distance to the farthest conformation. #Let’s generate 10 conformations along ANM mode 1: trajectory = prody.traverseMode(anm[0], p38ca, n_steps=5, rmsd=2.0) coords=trajectory.getCoordsets() #conformation... #dumb->read in epmv or read on the fly? p38traj = p38ca.copy() p38traj.delCoordset(0) p38traj.addCoordset( trajectory ) prody.writePDB('p38_mode1_trajectory.pdb', p38traj) def computeNormalMode(userfilenamein="",userfilenameout="NMA.pdb", usermode=0,userrmsd=0.8, usernbconf=5, conf="allatom", usercutoff=15.0, usergamma=1.0) : mystruct = prody.parsePDB(userfilenamein, model=1) mystruct_ca ='protein and name CA') anm = prody.ANM(userfilenamein+str(usermode)) anm.buildHessian(mystruct_ca, gamma=usergamma, cutoff=usercutoff) anm.calcModes()
def prody_anm(self, variables, txtOutput): ''' PRODY DRIVER is the function to read in variables from GUI input and used to run a prody normal mode calculation using the anisotropic network model (ANM) on a structure provide in a pdb file. INPUT: variable descriptions: pdbfile: input pdb file (reference) OUTPUT: model_anm_extended_bb.nmd model_traverse.dcd model_samp.dcd model_samp.pdb model_anm_sqflucts.txt model_anm_kirchhoff.txt model_anm_hessian.txt model_anm_cross-correlations.txt model_anm_covariance.txt model_anm_beta.txt model_anm_evalues.txt model_anm_evectors.txt model_anm_extended_all.nmd model_anm.nmd txtOutput: TK handler for output to GUI textbox files stored in ~/runname/prody directory: outfile: output filename ''' log = self.log pgui = self.run_utils.print_gui # start gui output pgui("\n%s \n" % ('=' * 60)) pgui("DATA FROM RUN: %s \n\n" % time.asctime( time.gmtime( time.time() ) )) mvars = self.mvars #path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),mvars.runname, 'prody') path = os.path.join(mvars.runname, 'prody') direxist = os.path.exists(path) if(direxist == 0): try: result = os.system('mkdir -p ' + path) except: message = 'can not create project directory: ' + path message += '\nstopping here\n' print_failure(message, txtOutput) if(result != 0): message = 'can not create project directory: ' + path message += '\nstopping here\n' print_failure(message, txtOutput) if mvars.advanced_usage == 1: run_cmd = prody_exe + mvars.advanced_usage_cmd os.system(run_cmd) run_cmd = 'mv *.nmd *.txt *.hm prody' os.system(run_cmd) exit() # display progress fraction_done = (0 + 1) * 1.0 / 10.0 report_string = 'STATUS\t%f' % fraction_done pgui(report_string) prody.confProDy(verbosity='none') #option to set silent verbosity model = mvars.pdbfile[0:len(mvars.pdbfile) - 4] run_cmd = prody_exe + ' anm ' + \ mvars.pdbfile + ' -t all -n ' + str(mvars.number_modes) + ' -a''staring prody_exe %s' % run_cmd) prody_run = subprocess.Popen(run_cmd,shell=True,executable='/bin/bash') prody_run.wait() #prody.confProDy(verbosity='none') #option to set silent verbosity file_anm = model + '_anm_extended_all.nmd' # display progress fraction_done = (1 + 1) * 1.0 / 10.0 report_string = 'STATUS\t%f' % fraction_done pgui(report_string) # parse nmd file with resuts extended to all atoms'staring prody.parseNMD %s' % file_anm) mod, ag = prody.parseNMD(file_anm, type=None) allatoms = ag.copy() # set up to randomly sample number_conformations_samp modes'staring prody.sampleModes') ensemble = prody.sampleModes(mod[:mvars.number_modes], ag, n_confs=mvars.number_conformations_samp, rmsd=mvars.rmsd_conformations_samp) ensemble'staring prody ensemble and writing pdb/dcd files') allatoms.addCoordset(ensemble) prody.writePDB('model_samp.pdb', allatoms) prody.writeDCD('model_samp.dcd', allatoms) trajectory_names = [] # display progress fraction_done = (1 + 2) * 1.0 / 10.0 report_string = 'STATUS\t%f' % fraction_done pgui(report_string)'starting prody traverse') for i in xrange(0, mvars.number_modes): #print i # setup to tranverse slowest mode traverse = prody.traverseMode( mod[i], allatoms, n_steps=mvars.number_steps_traverse, rmsd=mvars.rmsd_traverse) traverse prody.writeDCD('traverse.dcd', traverse) this_dcd = str(os.path.join(path, 'traverse_' + str(i) + '.dcd')) cmd = 'mv traverse.dcd ' + this_dcd os.system(cmd) trajectory_names.append(this_dcd) # display progress fraction_done = (1 + 7) * 1.0 / 10.0 report_string = 'STATUS\t%f' % fraction_done pgui(report_string) m1 = sasmol.SasMol(0) m2 = sasmol.SasMol(0) m1.read_pdb(mvars.pdbfile) m2.read_pdb(mvars.pdbfile,fastread=True) mvars.dcdfile = mvars.runname + '.dcd''opening new dcd file to store trajectory: %s' % os.path.join(self.runpath, mvars.dcdfile)) outfile_name = str(os.path.join(path, mvars.dcdfile)) dcdoutfile = m2.open_dcd_write(outfile_name) count = 0 coor = numpy.zeros((1,m2.natoms(),3),numpy.float32) for this_trajectory_name in trajectory_names: dcdfile = m1.open_dcd_read(this_trajectory_name) number_of_frames = dcdfile[2] for j in xrange(number_of_frames): m1.read_dcd_step(dcdfile,j) coor[0,:,:] = m1.coor()[0] m2.setCoor(coor) m2.write_dcd_step(dcdoutfile,0, count + 1) count += 1 m2.close_dcd_write(dcdoutfile)'moving files to runname / prody') file_anm = model + '_anm.nmd' mod, ag = prody.parseNMD(file_anm, type=None) mod1 = prody.parsePDB(mvars.pdbfile) calphas ='calpha') bb_anm, bb_atoms = prody.extendModel(mod, calphas, 'backbone')) # extend model to backbone atoms prody.writeNMD('model_anm_extended_bb.nmd', bb_anm, bb_atoms) cmd = 'mv model_samp.pdb ' + path + os.sep + os.path.basename(model) + '_samp.pdb' os.system(cmd) cmd = 'mv model_samp.dcd ' + path + os.sep + os.path.basename(model) + '_samp.dcd' os.system(cmd) cmd = 'mv model_anm_extended_bb.nmd ' + \ model + '_anm_extended_bb.nmd' os.system(cmd) cmd = 'mv *.hm *.nmd *.txt ' + path + os.sep os.system(cmd) # display progress fraction_done = (1 + 9) * 1.0 / 10.0 report_string = 'STATUS\t%f' % fraction_done pgui(report_string) return