コード例 #1
    # TODO(izzy): I misunderstood the rule when I glanced at the problem.
    # We don't have th primitives for this one yet
    'b548a754.json': (ColorGridWithMask, PassGrid, (MaskFromColor, PassGrid,
                                                    Color_p(8)), Color_p(0)),
    # this one is a good exapmle of the value of for-loops, variables, and also
    # of recognizing the boarders of the grid. Notice all the repeated structure.
       (ExtractPatch, PassGrid, Int_p(0), Int_p(0), Int_p(3), Int_p(3)),
       (ExtractPatch, PassGrid, Int_p(0), Int_p(2), Int_p(3),
        Int_p(3)), (InvertMask, (MaskFromColor, (ExtractPatch, PassGrid,
                                                 Int_p(0), Int_p(2), Int_p(3),
                                                 Int_p(3)), Color_p(0)))),
      (ExtractPatch, PassGrid, Int_p(4), Int_p(0), Int_p(3), Int_p(3)),
      (InvertMask, (MaskFromColor, (ExtractPatch, PassGrid, Int_p(4), Int_p(0),
                                    Int_p(3), Int_p(3)), Color_p(0)))),
     (ExtractPatch, PassGrid, Int_p(4), Int_p(2), Int_p(3), Int_p(3)),
     (InvertMask, (MaskFromColor, (ExtractPatch, PassGrid, Int_p(4), Int_p(2),
                                   Int_p(3), Int_p(3)), Color_p(0))))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for task_name in demo_programs:
        spec = demo_programs[task_name]
        P = Program(spec)
        if not P.type_check():
            print(f'The program for {task_name} failed type_check')
        print(f'{task_name}:\t{run_program_on_task_train(P, task_name)}')