コード例 #1
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: vitalyg/whatasmallworld
    def get(self):
        if self.user:
            if not self.user.interestingFriends:
                if ProgressCache.get(self.userID, 'isRunning'):
                    logging.info('Algorithm is already running')
                    ProgressCache.set(self.userID, 'isRunning', True)
                    logging.info('Starting algorithm')
                    taskqueue.add(url = '/calc-friends', method = 'GET', params =
                        {'access_token': self.user.access_token,
                        'user_id': self.user.user_id})
                self.render('runs', interestingFriends = None, userID = self.userID)
                logging.info('Retrieving interesting friends from DB')
                interestingFriendsList = eval(str(self.user.interestingFriends))
                Couple = namedtuple('Couple', 'firstName firstID secondName secondID')
                interestingFriends = [eval(couple) for couple in interestingFriendsList]
                firstFriends = interestingFriends[: self.NUM_OF_PAIRS / 2]
                lastFriends = interestingFriends[self.NUM_OF_PAIRS / 2: self.NUM_OF_PAIRS]

#                if ProgressCache.get(self.userID, 'isRunning'):
#                    self.render('runs', interestingFriends = None, userID = self.userID)
#                else:
                self.render('runs', interestingFriends = interestingFriends, firstFriends = firstFriends, lastFriends = lastFriends)

コード例 #2
ファイル: graphUtils.py プロジェクト: vitalyg/whatasmallworld
    def __calcFloydWarshall(self):
        n = len(self.graph)
        lastFloor = 0
        for k in range(n):
            # print algorithm progress
            floor = math.floor(float(k) / n * 10)
            if floor != lastFloor:
                logging.info('%s percent done' % (str(int(floor) * 10)))
#                print '%s percent done' % (str(int(floor) * 10))
                lastFloor = floor

            # cache algorithm progress
#            memcache.set('graph_progress', float(k) / n)
            ProgressCache.set(self.userID, 'graph_progress', float(k) / n)

            for i in range(n):
                if i == k:

                for j in range(n):
                    if j == i or j == k:

                    if self.path[i][k] + self.path[k][j] < self.path[i][j]:
                        self.path[i][j] = self.path[i][k] + self.path[k][j]
                        self.nextEdge[i][j] = [k]
                    elif 1 < self.path[i][k] + self.path[k][j] == self.path[i][j] < sys.maxint:

        logging.info('100 percent done')
        ProgressCache.set(self.userID, 'graph_progress', 1.0)
コード例 #3
    def __getFriends(self, myFriends, wifeID):
        # separate the friend calls to batches of 50
        BATCH_SIZE = 50
        MUTUAL_FRIENDS_THRESHOLD = 1#len(myFriends) / 50
        idx = 0
        friendsList = []
        smallFriends = []
        numOfBatches = len(myFriends) / BATCH_SIZE + 1
        #numOfBatches = 1
        for batchIdx in range(numOfBatches):
            # insert progress into cache
            ProgressCache.set(self.userID, 'fetch_progress', float(batchIdx) / numOfBatches)

            start = batchIdx * BATCH_SIZE
            end = start + BATCH_SIZE
            friends = myFriends.keys()[start: end]
            logging.info('Getting batch %s to %s' % (start, end))
#            print 'Getting batch %s to %s' % (start, end)
            mutualBatch = self.__getBatchRequest(friends, wifeID)

            for mutual in mutualBatch:
                id, mutualFriends = mutual
                if len(mutualFriends) >= MUTUAL_FRIENDS_THRESHOLD:
                    friendsList.append((id, myFriends[id], idx, mutualFriends))
                    idx += 1

        # set cache to done
        ProgressCache.set(self.userID, 'fetch_progress', 1.0)

        # remove friends with low mutual count from friends lists
        friendsList = map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1], x[2], list(set(x[3]).difference(smallFriends))), friendsList)
        return friendsList
コード例 #4
ファイル: graphUtils.py プロジェクト: vitalyg/whatasmallworld
    def __getFriendsByIntersection(self):
        edges = {}
        n = len(self.graph)
        for i in range(n):
            ProgressCache.set(self.userID, 'graph_progress', float(i) / n)
            for j in range(i + 1, n):
                key = i, j
                if self.path[i][j] < sys.maxint:
                    edges[key] = self.__calcFriendsIntersection(key)
#                    edges[key] = sys.maxint
                    edges[key] = sys.maxint, sys.maxint, sys.maxint, sys.maxint
        ProgressCache.set(self.userID, 'graph_progress', 1.0)
        return edges
コード例 #5
ファイル: graphUtils.py プロジェクト: vitalyg/whatasmallworld
    def __getMostVisitedEdges(self):
        edges = {}
        n = len(self.graph)
        for i in range(n):
#            memcache.set('edges_progress', float(i) / n)
            ProgressCache.set(self.userID, 'edges_progress', float(i) / n)
            for j in range(n):
                routes = self.__getAllPaths(i, j)
                for route in routes:
                    for k in range(len(route) - 1):
                        key = (route[k], route[k + 1])
                        if key[0] < key[1]:
                            if key not in edges:
                                edges[key] = 0.0
                            edges[key] += 1.0 / len(routes)

            ProgressCache.set(self.userID, 'edges_progress', 1.0)
#        f = open('edges.txt')
#        edges = eval(f.read())
#        f.close()

        for idx, key in enumerate(edges.keys()):
#            memcache.set('ratio_progress', float(idx) / len(edges))
            ProgressCache.set(self.userID, 'ratio_progress', float(idx) / len(edges))
            ratio = self.__calcFriendsIntersection(key)
            if ratio < 0.05:
                edges[key] = (edges[key], ratio)
                edges[key] = (1, ratio)
            ProgressCache.set(self.userID, 'ratio_progress', 1.0)
        return edges
コード例 #6
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: vitalyg/whatasmallworld
 def get(self):
     logging.info('Calculating interesting friends')
     ProgressCache.setMulti(self.request.get('user_id'), {'fetch_progress': 0, 'graph_progress': 0, 'edges_progress': 0, 'ratio_progress': 0})
         finder = friendsFinder.FriendsFinder(self.request.get('access_token'), self.request.get('user_id'))
         interestingFriends = finder.getInterestingFriends()
         user = User.get_by_key_name(self.request.get('user_id'))
         user.storeInterestingFriends(interestingFriends[: 20])
     except DeadlineExceededError:
         self.response.out.write("You have too many friends...")
         # reset progress counters
         ProgressCache.set(self.request.get('user_id'), 'isRunning', False)