def create_gif(input_folder_path, output_path): imgs_lst = os.listdir(input_folder_path) frames = [] for i in range(0, int(len(imgs_lst)), 2): image_file = input_folder_path + "\\" + imgs_lst[i] img = cv2.imread(image_file) size = (640, 480) img = cv2.resize(img, size) cv2.namedWindow("img", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.imshow("img", img) cv2.waitKey(1) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) im_pil = Image.fromarray(img) frames.append(im_pil) perc = i / len(imgs_lst) progress_bar.update_progress_bar(perc, "time") cv2.destroyAllWindows() frames[0].save(output_path, format='GIF', append_images=frames[1:], save_all=True, duration=60, loop=0)
def main(args): """ """ # Parse PCAPs to skip to_skip_md5 = [] if args.skip: with open(args.skip, 'r') as fr: for pos, line in enumerate(fr): fpcap_md5 = json.loads(line.strip('\n'))[1] to_skip_md5.append(fpcap_md5) # Prepare list of pcap files to be processed if args.dir: pcap_files = glob.glob(args.dir + '/*.pcap') elif args.pcap: pcap_files = [args.pcap] total_pcaps_cnt = len(pcap_files) if not os.path.isdir(TMP_DIR): os.mkdir(TMP_DIR) if not os.path.isdir(args.dcerts): os.mkdir(args.dcerts) certs_dir = os.path.abspath(args.dcerts) # Main loop to process each pcap file pb.update_progress_bar(0, total_pcaps_cnt) with open(args.ofile, 'a') as fw: for pos, pcap_file in enumerate(pcap_files): if pos and pos % 50 == 0: pb.update_progress_bar(pos, total_pcaps_cnt) pcap_fname = os.path.basename(pcap_file) # Get pcap hash from file name, if proceeds fhash, fhash_type, run_id = parse_pcap_name(pcap_fname) pcap_md5 = md5_file(pcap_file) if pcap_md5 in to_skip_md5: sys.stderr.write("[+] Skipping file: {}\n".format(pcap_fname)) continue sys.stderr.write("[+] Processing file: {}\n".format(pcap_fname)) try: log_entries = run_bro(pcap_file, certs_dir) fw.write('{}\n'.format( json.dumps([pcap_fname, pcap_md5, log_entries]))) except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write('\t[-] Error: {}\n'.format(repr(e))) pb.update_progress_bar(pos, total_pcaps_cnt)
def main(args): """ """ cwd = os.getcwd() if not os.path.isdir(args.dcerts): os.mkdir(args.dcerts) certs_dir = os.path.abspath(args.dcerts) # Move to the logs dir os.chdir(args.dir) # Prepare list of pcap files to be processed logs = glob.glob('*.log') if not logs: sys.stderr.write('[-] Missed bro logs.\n') exit(1) # Total operations to be done total_logs_cnt = len(logs) + 1 with open(os.path.join(cwd, args.ofile), 'w', 0) as fw: first = True #TODO: Transform input dir name into hash fw.write('["{}", "NOMD5", '.format(args.dir)) fw.write('{') for pos, log in enumerate(logs): pb.update_progress_bar(pos, total_logs_cnt) # This is a log file used internally by our Bro script; Ignore it if log == 'dns_cache.log': continue # With large files we will only parse these files if args.optimize and log != 'ssl_dm.log' and log != 'ssl_certs.log': continue # When Bro fails our custom logs are created but they are empty if not os.path.getsize(log): sys.stderr.write('[-] Log is empty: {}\n'.format(log)) continue sys.stderr.write("[+] Parsing log file: {}\n".format(log)) try: # Get all records from this log records = parse_log(os.path.abspath(log)) # Store records for this log in JSON format if records: if not first: fw.write(',') fw.write('"' + log + '":[') for n, entry in enumerate(records): if n: fw.write(',') json.dump(entry._asdict(), fw) fw.flush() fw.write(']') first = False else: sys.stderr.write( '[-] No records for log: {}\n'.format(log)) except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write('\t[!] Error: {}\n'.format(repr(e))) fw.flush() fw.write('}]\n') pb.update_progress_bar(pos, total_logs_cnt - 1) # Store certificates in certs directory os.system("cp *.pem {}/ 2> /dev/null".format(certs_dir)) pb.update_progress_bar(pos, total_logs_cnt) # Return to current working directory os.chdir(cwd)
def run_tracker_wrapper(tracker_types, run_images_from_folder, video_or_folder_name, frame_to_start, object_name, output_path, first_tiral): """ The function runs a few opencv2 trackers on a video (which has previously been split into frames) then it saves a video of the results Parameters ---------- tracker_types : list a list of the tracker types to run the names should match the types specified in create_tracker funciton example: ['MIL', 'KCF', 'TLD', 'MEDIANFLOW', 'MOSSE', 'CSRT'] run_images_from_folder : bool if true run on frames what were extraacted from a video, if false run movie. video_or_folder_name : str Path to a folder contains videos frames (assumed to be in YUV format). example: 'C:\\ExamplesOfInputs4Testing\\vot2016Simple\\blanket_yuv' frame_to_start : int frame to start tracking example: 0 object_name : str name to add to end of outputs example: 'obj1' """ # Create MultiTracker object try: multi_tracker = cv2.MultiTracker_create() except AttributeError: multi_tracker = cv2.legacy.MultiTracker_create() # load first frame if run_images_from_folder: video = [] video_files = list_images_in_path(video_or_folder_name) if video_files == []: print("bad file format for imgs in path!, no files found") sys.exit() else: video = cv2.VideoCapture(video_or_folder_name) # Exit if video not opened. if not video.isOpened(): print("Could not open video") sys.exit() run_images_from_folder = [] video_files = [] ok, frame, f_name = load_image_from_file_or_video(run_images_from_folder, video_files, frame_to_start, video) if not ok: print('Cannot read load_image_from_file_or_video at init') sys.exit() # ============================================================================= # # resize frame if necessary # shape_frame = frame.shape # if shape_frame[1] > 1920: # AR_frame = float(shape_frame[1]) / float(shape_frame[0]) # width_frame = 1920 # height_frame = round(float(width_frame) / AR_frame) # else: # width_frame = shape_frame[1] # height_frame = shape_frame[0] # ============================================================================= ## Get initial bounding box from user input init_bboxs = get_initial_bounding_boxs(frame) cv2.destroyAllWindows() ## If no ROIs were selected break off if len(init_bboxs) == 0: print("no ROI selected!") return ## Initialize MultiTracker for tracker_type in tracker_types: for bbox in init_bboxs: print(tracker_type) multi_tracker.add(create_tracker(tracker_type), frame, bbox) # Get colors to display on screen # colors = get_box_colors() # set video output for saving video_out = create_video_results(video_or_folder_name, frame, object_name, output_path) # save current rois from all trackers to txt files path_tracker_rois = save_result_rois(video_or_folder_name, [], init_bboxs, tracker_types, True, object_name, f_name, output_path, first_tiral) i_frame = frame_to_start while i_frame < len(video_files): # Auto tracking i_frame, k = tracker_loop(i_frame, run_images_from_folder, video_files, video, multi_tracker, video_or_folder_name, tracker_types, object_name, output_path, first_tiral, video_out, colors=get_box_colors()) # Esc if k == 27: break # Manual tracking elif k == 112: # p key if run_images_from_folder == True: i_frame, manual_k = manual_tracking.loop_through_imgs( video_or_folder_name, path_tracker_rois, i_frame, video_out) else: print("Nope... can't track manualy with video") break # back to Auto tracking if manual_k == 27: #if Esc Key from the tracker continue Auto tracker multi_tracker = cv2.MultiTracker_create() ok, frame, f_name = load_image_from_file_or_video( run_images_from_folder, video_files, i_frame, video) # Get initial bounding box from user input init_bboxs = get_initial_bounding_boxs(frame) cv2.destroyAllWindows() ## If no ROIs were selected break off if len(init_bboxs) == 0: print("no ROI selected!") break # Re-Initialize MultiTracker for tracker_type in tracker_types: for bbox in init_bboxs: print(tracker_type) multi_tracker.add(create_tracker(tracker_type), frame, bbox) path_tracker_rois = save_result_rois(video_or_folder_name, [], init_bboxs, tracker_types, True, object_name, f_name, output_path, first_tiral=False) percent_done = i_frame / len(video_files) progress_bar.update_progress_bar(percent_done, str(i_frame)) print('\nreached end of video files: frame_number=' + str(i_frame)) video_out.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def tracker_loop( frame_to_start, run_images_from_folder, video_files, video, multi_tracker, video_or_folder_name, tracker_types, object_name, output_path, first_tiral, # first_tiral is mine and for difrence between "a" and "w" writing! video_out, colors=get_box_colors()): str_img_time = img_procesing.get_time(video_files[0]) # loop through frames i_frame = frame_to_start print(i_frame) k = 0 while True: try: ok, frame, f_name = load_image_from_file_or_video( run_images_from_folder, video_files, i_frame, video) # If the ok came back False, we didn't load an img if not ok: k = 27 break # Start timer timer = cv2.getTickCount() # get updated location of objects in subsequent frames # start_time = time.time() # start time of the loop ok, boxes = multi_tracker.update(frame) # if lost tracking break if not ok: print("\nLost it at -", i_frame) return i_frame, 112 # save current rois from all trackers to txt files path_tracker_rois = save_result_rois(video_or_folder_name, boxes, [], tracker_types, False, object_name, f_name, output_path, first_tiral) frame_resized = frame # frame_resized = lab_filter(frame_resized) # frame_resized = cv2.resize(frame, (width_frame, height_frame)) frame_with_box = draw_bounding_box( frame_resized, boxes, ok, timer, #ground_truth_bbox, tracker_types, colors, i_frame, path_tracker_rois) t = img_procesing.get_time(f_name) dt = img_procesing.get_time_delta(str_img_time, t) img_procesing.text_on_img(frame_with_box, dt) cv2.namedWindow('Tracking', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.imshow("Tracking", frame_with_box) video_out.write(frame_with_box) # Exit if ESC pressed k = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xff if k == 27: # Esc key print("\nCaught ESC") break if k == 112: # p key print("\nPaused, go do some manual work!\n last one was", i_frame) break # Update progress bar if (i_frame % 10) == 0 or i_frame == 1: percent_done = i_frame / len(video_files) progress_bar.update_progress_bar(percent_done, str(i_frame)) i_frame += 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nCaught Keyboard Interrupt") print(i_frame) k = 27 break # except ValueError: # print("asd") # break return i_frame, k
def create_video(input_folder_path, outvid_path, fps): """ create video from images in input_folder_path fps needs to be a float type! """ imgs_lst = os.listdir(input_folder_path) # ============================================================================= # ## get size from first img # ## there might be a limit to what your video player can show # ## so we half it (for now) # image0 = input_folder_path +"\\"+ imgs_lst[0] # img0 = cv2.imread(image0) # size = (int(img0.shape[1]/2), int(img0.shape[0]/2)) # size = ((img0.shape[1]), (img0.shape[0])) # size = (640,480) # ============================================================================= # size = (1980,1080) size = (1080, 720) # size = (640,480) ## set params for the vid_output is_color = True # fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"XVID") ## .avi fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MP4V') ## .mp4 vid = cv2.VideoWriter(outvid_path, fourcc, fps, size, is_color) try: mean_history = [] # frames = [] ## for gif saving for i in range(0, int(len(imgs_lst[:600]))): #,3): image_file = input_folder_path + "\\" + imgs_lst[i] img = cv2.imread(image_file) # print(img.shape) ## skip dark imgs # if img.mean()<10: # continue if type(img) != np.ndarray: ## just trying to catch common errors break # ========== if anything should be done with img enter code here ============== # img = img_procesing.rotate_img(img,-90) # # dots_img = remove_blue(img) # img = np.concatenate((img, dots_img), axis=1) ## add next to each other # # size = (int(img.shape[1]/2), int(img.shape[0]/2)) # flipHorizontal = cv2.flip(originalImage, 1) ## ?? # print(size[0], size[1]) # print(size[0]/size[1]) # break # img = cv2.fastNlMeansDenoisingColored(img, None, 15, 10, 7, 21) # img_procesing.text_on_img(img, img_procesing.get_time(image_file)) ## add time stamp # # img_procesing.text_on_img(img, "\n" + image_file) # img_procesing.text_on_img(img, "\n" + image_file.split("\\")[-1]) # print(image_file.split("\\")) # draw points from dfs try: xsum = 0 ysum = 0 for j in range(0, len(dfs.iloc[i]), 2): try: round_x = round(dfs.iloc[i][j]) round_y = round(dfs.iloc[i][j + 1]) xsum += dfs.iloc[i][j] ysum += dfs.iloc[i][j + 1], (round_x, round_y), 2, (0, 0, 255), -1) except ValueError: img_procesing.text_on_img(img, "lost point...", dx=20, dy=20) continue mean_x = round(xsum / (len(dfs.iloc[i]) / 2)) mean_y = round(ysum / (len(dfs.iloc[i]) / 2)) mean_history.append((mean_x, mean_y)) for dot in mean_history[-20:]:, dot, 2, (0, 255, 255), -1) except NameError: pass # print("didn't load dfs... not draing points") size = (1080, 720) ##(3145, 1016) img = cv2.resize(img, size) # ============================================================================= ## show img while processing cv2.namedWindow("img", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.imshow("img", img) cv2.waitKey(1) ## write to video file vid.write(img) ## just for the progress bar: perc = i / len(imgs_lst) progress_bar.update_progress_bar(perc) progress_bar.update_progress_bar(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nKeyboard Interrupt...") vid.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()