コード例 #1
swdriver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=chromeOptions)

#finding where the table lives and getting a list of the elements
table_body_elements = swdriver.find_elements_by_xpath(
print('Found {} sound file links on this page... \n'.format(
    len(table_body_elements) - 1))
print("Scraping for URL pairs...")
progress = ProgressBar(len(table_body_elements) - 1, fmt=ProgressBar.FULL)
sound_metadata_url_pairs = []

#grabbing the urls for each sound and metadata occuring on the table in the page
for row in table_body_elements[1:]:
    progress.current += 1

    #grabbing the href for the sound file
    sound_el = row.find_elements_by_xpath(".//td[4]/a")[0]
    #print("Found sound data at: {}".format(download_el.get_attribute("href")))
    temp_sound_url = str(sound_el.get_attribute("href"))

    #each file in the watkins db has a unique identifyer, here's one way to grab it:
    temp_file_id = str(temp_sound_url).split("/")[-1].split(".")[0]

    #grabbing the href for the metadata for the .wav file (has the same format for all, with replaced id)
    temp_metadata_url = "https://cis.whoi.edu/science/B/whalesounds/metaData.cfm?RN={}".format(

    sound_metadata_url_pairs.append([temp_sound_url, temp_metadata_url])