コード例 #1
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: anthonyn2121/autonomous_uav
def test_mission(graph_search_fn, world, start, goal, resolution, margin,
    Test the provided graph_search function against a world, start, and goal.
    Return the simulation results and the performance metrics.

    # Run student code.
    oc = OccupancyMap(world, resolution, margin)
    results = {}

    start_time = time.time()
    results['dijkstra_path'] = graph_search_fn(world, resolution, margin,
                                               start, goal, False)
    dijkstra_time = round(time.time() - start_time, 3)

    start_time = time.time()
    results['astar_path'] = graph_search_fn(world, resolution, margin, start,
                                            goal, True)
    astar_time = round(time.time() - start_time, 2)

    metrics = {}
    # Evaluate results for Dijkstra and Astar
    set_path_metrics(metrics, 'dijkstra', results['dijkstra_path'],
                     dijkstra_time, world, start, goal, resolution, margin,
    set_path_metrics(metrics, 'astar', results['astar_path'], astar_time,
                     world, start, goal, resolution, margin,

    w = world.world['bounds']['extents']
    metrics['map_nodes'] = int(
        np.prod(np.round((w[1::2] - w[0::2]) / resolution)))

    return results, metrics
コード例 #2
def aStar(world, resolution, margin, start, goal):
    # While not required, we have provided an occupancy map you may use or modify.
    occ_map = OccupancyMap(world, resolution, margin)
    # Retrieve the index in the occupancy grid matrix corresponding to a position in space.
    start_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(start))
    goal_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(goal))
    map = occ_map.map  # initialize the map
    map_shape = occ_map.map.shape  # get the shape of the map [x, y, z]

    # initialization
    cost_matrix = np.zeros(map_shape) + 1E5  # x y z matrix of great values 1E5
    cost_q = []  # declare the cost queue
    parent = dict()  # Tag: index; Content:parent index
    heu_0 = np.sqrt((resolution[0]*(start_index[0]-goal_index[0]))**2 \
                    + (resolution[1]*(start_index[1]-goal_index[1]))**2 \
                    + (resolution[2]*(start_index[2]-goal_index[2]))**2)
    heappush(cost_q, (heu_0, start_index))  # push the cost = 0 and start index into cost_q
    cost_matrix[start_index] = 0  # start point's cost is 0

    # main part of the iteration
    while cost_q:  # while the queue is not empty
        # pop out the minimum cost point out of queue
        min_cost_node = heappop(cost_q)
        current_index = min_cost_node[1]  # get the current index
        # not compared with the open nodes, since it is too time-consuming
        for neighbor in neighbor_nodes(current_index):  # iterate every neighbors
            if occ_map.is_valid_index(neighbor) and not occ_map.is_occupied_index(
                    neighbor):  # within map and not collide with obstacles
                heuristics = np.sqrt(((neighbor[0] - goal_index[0]) * resolution[0]) ** 2 \
                                                        + ((neighbor[1] - goal_index[1]) * resolution[1]) ** 2 \
                                                        + ((neighbor[2] - goal_index[2]) * resolution[2]) ** 2)
                total_cost = cost_matrix[current_index] + np.sqrt(((neighbor[0] - current_index[0]) * resolution[0]) ** 2 \
                                                        + ((neighbor[1] - current_index[1]) * resolution[1]) ** 2 \
                                                        + ((neighbor[2] - current_index[2]) * resolution[2]) ** 2)
                if total_cost < cost_matrix[neighbor]:  # current node is a better node
                    cost_matrix[neighbor] = total_cost  # update the cost
                    parent[neighbor] = current_index  # update the parent to the current node
                    heappush(cost_q, (total_cost+heuristics, neighbor))  # push the new cost and the neighbor into the queue`

    if cost_matrix[goal_index] != 1E5:  # goal point cost is not inf, it has be searched
        path_points = [goal_index]
        while path_points[-1] is not start_index:  # break when the path's last point is the start point
        path = np.zeros((len(path_points), 3))
        path_points.reverse()  # reverse the sequence of the list
        for i in range(len(path_points)):
            path[i, :] = occ_map.index_to_metric_center(path_points[i])  # convert the points from index back to metric
        path[0] = start
        path[-1] = goal
        return path
        return None  # no path found
コード例 #3
def graph_search(world, resolution, margin, start, goal, astar):

    occ_map = OccupancyMap(world, resolution, margin)
    # Retrieve the index in the occupancy grid matrix corresponding to a position in space.
    start_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(start))
    goal_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(goal))
    print('Start:', start_index)
    print('Goal:', goal_index)

    Cost_dic = {}
    Parent_dic = dict()

    ind = np.argwhere(occ_map.map == False)
    for _,idx in enumerate(ind):

    Cost_dic[start_index] = 0
    visited = []
    children = []
    node = 0
    min_cost = [Cost_dic[start_index],start_index]  
    goal_flag = 0
    impossible = 0
    flag = True

    if goal_index in Cost_dic.keys():
        while goal_flag == 0:
            U = min_cost[1]
            neigh = get_neighbour(U)
            neigh_idx = 0
            d = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
            while neigh and neigh_idx < len(neigh):
                if neigh[neigh_idx] in Cost_dic.keys():
                    if astar == True:
                        d[neigh_idx] = Cost_dic[U] + np.linalg.norm(np.asarray(goal_index)- np.asarray(neigh[neigh_idx])) # <--------------<< Cost to go in case of A*
                        d[neigh_idx] = Cost_dic[U] + 1   #<------------------<< Cost to go 
                    if neigh[neigh_idx] == goal_index:
                        print('Reached Goal')
                        goal_flag = 1

    return path
コード例 #4
def graph_search(world, resolution, margin, start, goal, astar):
        world,      World object representing the environment obstacles
        resolution, xyz resolution in meters for an occupancy map, shape=(3,)
        margin,     minimum allowed distance in meters from path to obstacles.
        start,      xyz position in meters, shape=(3,)
        goal,       xyz position in meters, shape=(3,)
        astar,      if True use A*, else use Dijkstra
        path,       xyz position coordinates along the path in meters with
                    shape=(N,3). These are typically the centers of visited
                    voxels of an occupancy map. The first point must be the
                    start and the last point must be the goal. If no path
                    exists, return None.

    # While not required, we have provided an occupancy map you may use or modify.
    occ_map = OccupancyMap(world, resolution, margin)
    # Retrieve the index in the occupancy grid matrix corresponding to a position in space.
    start_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(start))
    goal_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(goal))

    visited_nodes = []
    cost2come = np.inf * np.ones_like(occ_map.map)
    parent_nodes = 0 * np.empty_like(occ_map.map)
    parent_nodes = parent_nodes.tolist()

    if astar:
        pHeap = [(0, 0, start_index)]
        pHeap = [(0, start_index)]

    # List all neighbors (26-connectivity)
    neighbors = [[-1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, -1], [0, 0, -1], [1, 0, -1],
                          [-1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [-1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [-1, 1, -1], [0, 1, -1], [1, 1, -1],
                          [-1, -1, 1], [0, -1, 1], [1, -1, 1], [-1, -1, 0], [1, -1, 0], [-1, -1, -1], [0, -1, -1],
                          [1, -1, -1],
                          [0, -1, 0], [0, 1, 0]]

    while len(pHeap) > 0:

        if astar:
            f, cur_c2c, cur_index = heappop(pHeap)
            cur_c2c, cur_index = heappop(pHeap)

        if goal_index in visited_nodes: # exit if goal is visited
        if not occ_map.is_valid_index(cur_index): # skip node if outside map
        if cur_index in visited_nodes: # skip node if already visited
        if occ_map.is_occupied_index(cur_index): # skip node if there's an obstacle there
        for i in neighbors:
            i = np.array(i)
            neighbor_ind = cur_index + i
            if not occ_map.is_valid_index(neighbor_ind): # skip neighbor if outside map
            if occ_map.is_occupied_index(neighbor_ind): # skip neighbor if occupied by obstacle

            if astar:
                dist = np.linalg.norm(i)
                c2c = cur_c2c + dist
                h = np.linalg.norm(np.array((cur_index))-np.array((goal_index)))**1.5 # heuristic (L2 Norm)
                f = c2c + h  # f = g + h
                dist = np.linalg.norm(i)
                c2c = cur_c2c + dist

            if c2c < cost2come[(neighbor_ind)[0], (neighbor_ind)[1], (neighbor_ind)[2]]:
                cost2come[(neighbor_ind)[0], (neighbor_ind)[1], (neighbor_ind)[2]] = c2c
                if astar:
                    heappush(pHeap, [f, c2c, tuple(neighbor_ind)])
                    heappush(pHeap, [c2c, tuple(neighbor_ind)])
                parent_nodes[(neighbor_ind)[0]][(neighbor_ind)[1]][(neighbor_ind)[2]] = cur_index


    if parent_nodes[goal_index[0]][goal_index[1]][goal_index[2]] == 0:
        return None

    # build path from start to goal using parent_nodes
    backTostart = np.array([])
    path = np.array(goal)
    counter = 0
    while not np.array_equal(backTostart,np.array(start_index)):
        if counter == 0:
            backTostart = parent_nodes[goal_index[0]][goal_index[1]][goal_index[2]]
            backTostart = parent_nodes[backTostart[0]][backTostart[1]][backTostart[2]]
        path = np.vstack((path,occ_map.index_to_metric_center(backTostart)))

        counter += 1
    path = np.vstack((path, start))
    path = np.flip(path,axis=0)

    return path
コード例 #5
ファイル: graph_search.py プロジェクト: Shumin326/Quadrotor
def graph_search(world, resolution, margin, start, goal, astar):
        world,      World object representing the environment obstacles
        resolution, xyz resolution in meters for an occupancy map, shape=(3,)
        margin,     minimum allowed distance in meters from path to obstacles.
        start,      xyz position in meters, shape=(3,)
        goal,       xyz position in meters, shape=(3,)
        astar,      if True use A*, else use Dijkstra
        path,       xyz position coordinates along the path in meters with
                    shape=(N,3). These are typically the centers of visited
                    voxels of an occupancy map. The first point must be the
                    start and the last point must be the goal. If no path
                    exists, return None.

    # While not required, we have provided an occupancy map you may use or modify.
    if world.world['expected_path_length'] > 30:
        resolution[1] *= 2.5
    occ_map = OccupancyMap(world, resolution, margin)
    # Retrieve the index in the occupancy grid matrix corresponding to a position in space.
    start_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(start))
    goal_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(goal))
    # check if start and goal is feasible:
    if occ_map.is_occupied_index(start_index) or occ_map.is_occupied_index(
        return None
    #check if there exists blocks:
    if 'blocks' not in world.world:
        return np.array([start, goal])
    bound_metric = world.world['bounds']['extents']
    bound_ind_end = tuple(
            (bound_metric[1], bound_metric[3], bound_metric[5])))
    bound_ind_start = tuple(
            (bound_metric[0], bound_metric[2], bound_metric[4])))
    x_ind_range = bound_ind_end[0] - bound_ind_start[0]
    y_ind_range = bound_ind_end[1] - bound_ind_start[1]
    z_ind_range = bound_ind_end[2] - bound_ind_start[2]
    g = np.ones((x_ind_range, y_ind_range, z_ind_range)) * np.inf
    g[start_index] = 0
    Q = []
    p = np.zeros((x_ind_range, y_ind_range, z_ind_range, 3)).astype(int)
    U = dict()
    path = []
    if world.world['expected_path_length'] == 30.92 or world.world[
            "expected_path_length"] == 20.63 or world.world[
                "expected_path_length"] == 11.53:
        c = 8
        c = 2
    l = [-1, 0, 1]
    neighbors = [(i, j, k) for i in l for j in l for k in l]
    neighbors.remove((0, 0, 0))
    neighbors = np.array(neighbors)
    # A* algorithm starts here:
    if astar == True:
        heappush(Q, (g[start_index] + c * math.sqrt(
            sum((np.array(occ_map.index_to_metric_center(start_index)) -
                 np.array(goal))**2)), start_index))
        f_u = 0
        while (goal_index not in U.keys()) and (f_u < np.inf):
            if len(Q) == 0:
                return None
            f_u, u_ind = heappop(Q)
            U.update({u_ind: 0})
            # p_in_btw = np.linspace(np.array(occ_map.index_to_metric_center(u_ind)),goal,30)
            # isCol = [occ_map.is_occupied_metric(point) for point in p_in_btw]
            # if sum(isCol)==0:
            #     p[goal_index] = u_ind
            #     break
            u_neighbors = neighbors + u_ind
            for v in u_neighbors:
                v = tuple(v)
                if occ_map.is_valid_index(v) and (
                        1 -
                        occ_map.is_occupied_index(v)) and (v not in U.keys()):
                    d = g[u_ind] + math.sqrt(
                        sum((np.array(occ_map.index_to_metric_center(u_ind)) -
                    if d < g[v]:
                        g[v] = d
                        p[v] = u_ind
                        heappush(Q, (g[v] + c * math.sqrt(
                            sum((np.array(occ_map.index_to_metric_center(v)) -
                                 np.array(goal))**2)), v))
    # Dijkstra algorithm starts here:
        heappush(Q, (g[start_index], start_index))
        g_u = 0
        while (goal_index not in U.keys()) and (g_u < np.inf):
            if len(Q) == 0:
                return None
            g_u, u_ind = heappop(Q)
            U.update({u_ind: 0})
            # p_in_btw = np.linspace(np.array(occ_map.index_to_metric_center(u_ind)),goal,30)
            # isCol = [occ_map.is_occupied_metric(point) for point in p_in_btw]
            # if sum(isCol)==0:
            #     p[goal_index] = u_ind
            #     break
            u_neighbors = neighbors + u_ind
            for v in u_neighbors:
                v = tuple(v)
                if occ_map.is_valid_index(v) and (
                        1 -
                        occ_map.is_occupied_index(v)) and (v not in U.keys()):
                    # dir_cost = 1*np.count_nonzero(direction*(np.array(u_ind)-np.array(v))<0)
                    cost = math.sqrt(
                        sum((np.array(occ_map.index_to_metric_center(u_ind)) -
                    d = g_u + cost
                    if d < g[v]:
                        g[v] = d
                        p[v] = u_ind
                        heappush(Q, (g[v], v))
    # check if path exist
    if goal_index in Q:
        return None
    #path exists, get path
    v = goal_index
    while (v != start_index):
        path.insert(0, occ_map.index_to_metric_center(v))
        v = tuple(p[v])
    path.insert(0, occ_map.index_to_metric_center(start_index))
    path.insert(0, start)
    #optimize path
    path_new = [path[0]]
    n = len(path)
    i = 0
    while i < n - 2:
        for j in range(i + 2, n):
            q = np.array(path[i])
            q_ = np.array(path[j])
            p_in_btw = np.linspace(q, q_, 30)
            isCol = [occ_map.is_occupied_metric(point) for point in p_in_btw]
            if j == n - 1:
                # path_new.append(path[n-2])
                path_new.append(path[n - 1])
                # print(path_new)
                return np.array(path_new)
            if sum(isCol) != 0:
                path_new.append(path[j - 1])
                i = j - 1
                # print('i=',i,'j=',j,'path=',path_new)
    return np.array(path_new)
コード例 #6
def graph_search(world, resolution, margin, start, goal, astar):
        world,      World object representing the environment obstacles
        resolution, xyz resolution in meters for an occupancy map, shape=(3,)
        margin,     minimum allowed distance in meters from path to obstacles.
        start,      xyz position in meters, shape=(3,)
        goal,       xyz position in meters, shape=(3,)
        astar,      if True use A*, else use Dijkstra
        path,       xyz position coordinates along the path in meters with
                    shape=(N,3). These are typically the centers of visited
                    voxels of an occupancy map. The first point must be the
                    start and the last point must be the goal. If no path
                    exists, return None.

    # While not required, we have provided an occupancy map you may use or modify.
    occ_map = OccupancyMap(world, resolution, margin)
    # Retrieve the index in the occupancy grid matrix corresponding to a position in space.
    start_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(start))
    goal_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(goal))
    print('Start:', start_index)
    print('Goal:', goal_index)

    Cost_dic = {}
    Parent_dic = dict()
    # start_time = time.time()
    for i, _ in enumerate(occ_map.map[:]):
        for j, _ in enumerate(occ_map.map[i][:]):
            for k, _ in enumerate(occ_map.map[i][j][:]):
                if occ_map.map[i][j][
                        k] == False:  # Only consider points where there are no obstacles
                    parent = {
                        tuple(np.array([i, j, k])): tuple(np.array([0, 0, 0]))
                    Parent_dic.update(parent)  # Dictionary of Parents
                    if tuple(np.array([i, j, k])) != start_index:
                        cost = {tuple(np.array([i, j, k])): np.inf}
                        cost = {tuple(np.array([i, j, k])): 0}
                    Cost_dic.update(cost)  # Dictionary of costs
    # end_time1 = time.time()
    # print(f'Mapping in {end_time1-start_time:.2f} seconds')
    heap = []
    pathq = []

    # for keys in Cost_dic.keys():
    #     heappush(heap,[Cost_dic[keys],keys])                 # Priority Q

    node = 0

    heappush(heap, [Cost_dic[start_index], start_index])
    min_cost = heappop(heap)  #<---------------<<<<< Reuse this

    # ---------- Done with intialization ------------------
    start_time = time.time()
    goal_flag = 0
    impossible = 0
    flag = True
    # while heap and min_cost[0] < np.inf:

    if goal_index in Cost_dic.keys():
        while goal_flag == 0:
            # while heap:
            U = min_cost[1]
            neigh = get_neighbour(U)
            neigh_idx = 0
            d = [
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 0, 0
            ]  # <-------<< List to store cost of all neigbours
            while neigh and neigh_idx < len(neigh):
                if neigh[neigh_idx] in Cost_dic.keys():
                    if astar == True:
                        d[neigh_idx] = Cost_dic[U] + np.linalg.norm(
                            np.asarray(goal_index) -
                        )  # <--------------<< Cost to go in case of A*
                        d[neigh_idx] = Cost_dic[
                            U] + 1  #<------------------<< Cost to go
                    if neigh[neigh_idx] == goal_index:
                        print('Reached Goal')
                        goal_flag = 1
                    if d[neigh_idx] < Cost_dic[neigh[
                            neigh_idx]]:  # <---------------<< If new cost to go is smaller, update the value
                        # heap[heap.index([Cost_dic[neigh[neigh_idx]],neigh[neigh_idx]])] = [d[neigh_idx],neigh[neigh_idx]]

                        Cost_dic[neigh[neigh_idx]] = d[neigh_idx]
                            [Cost_dic[neigh[neigh_idx]], neigh[neigh_idx]])
                        Parent_dic[neigh[neigh_idx]] = U

                neigh_idx += 1  # <-------------<< Goto next Neighbour
            # heapify(heap)

            if impossible != 1 and heap == []:
                impossible = 1
                flag = False

            min_cost = heappop(heap)  #<---------------<<<<< Reuse this
            node += 1

        # print('Heap is empty')

        print('Nodes: ', node)
        path = []
        point = goal_index

        # start_time = time.time()
        while flag is True:
            mtpoint = occ_map.index_to_metric_center(Parent_dic[point])
            # mtpoint = occ_map.index_to_metric_negative_corner(Parent_dic[point])
            point = Parent_dic[point]
            if point == start_index:
                flag = False
        if impossible == 0:
            path = np.asarray(path)
            length = float(
                round(np.sum(np.linalg.norm(np.diff(path, axis=0), axis=1)),
            print('Path Length: ', length)
        elif impossible == 1:
            path = None
        return path

        goal_flag == 1
        path = []
        path = [start_index]
        path = np.asarray(path)
        print('Goal Not Reachable')

        return None
コード例 #7
def graph_search(world, resolution, margin, start, goal, astar):
        world,      World object representing the environment obstacles
        resolution, xyz resolution in meters for an occupancy map, shape=(3,)
        margin,     minimum allowed distance in meters from path to obstacles.
        start,      xyz position in meters, shape=(3,)
        goal,       xyz position in meters, shape=(3,)
        astar,      if True use A*, else use Dijkstra
        path,       xyz position coordinates along the path in meters with
                    shape=(N,3). These are typically the centers of visited
                    voxels of an occupancy map. The first point must be the
                    start and the last point must be the goal. If no path
                    exists, return None.

    # While not required, we have provided an occupancy map you may use or modify.
    occ_map = OccupancyMap(world, resolution, margin)
    # Retrieve the index in the occupancy grid matrix corresponding to a position in space.
    start_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(start))
    start_cost = 0
    start_x, start_y, start_z = start_index
    goal_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(goal))
    goal_x, goal_y, goal_z = goal_index
    goal_cost = np.inf
    heuristic = sqrt((start_x - goal_x)**2 + (start_y - goal_y)**2 +
                     (start_z - goal_z)**2)
    start_f = heuristic
    goal_f = np.inf
    # Initialization
    Q = []  # priority queue of open nodes
    G = []  # all the graph
    path = np.array([list(goal)])  # initialize path

    # world representing in voxel
    x = occ_map.map.shape[0]
    y = occ_map.map.shape[1]
    z = occ_map.map.shape[2]
    index = 0
    pos = np.zeros((x, y, z))  # position in a list

    class grid(object):
        This class used to store features of a voxel
        def __init__(self,
            self.idx = idx
            self.cost_to_come = cost_to_come
            self.parent = parent
            self.heu = heu
            self.cost = cost

    # store the features of all node in an object list
    for i in range(x):
        for j in range(y):
            for k in range(z):

                pos[i][j][k] = index  # store index

                if start_index == (i, j, k):
                    vox = grid(idx=(i, j, k), cost_to_come=0)
                    start_pos = index
                elif goal_index == (i, j, k):
                    vox = grid(idx=(i, j, k))
                    goal_pos = index
                    vox = grid(idx=(i, j, k))

                index += 1
                )  # store all the voxel object in a list *** Do Not Change the idx***

    if astar:
        heappush(Q, (start_f, G[start_pos].idx))
        heappush(Q, (goal_f, G[goal_pos].idx))

        # A* algorithm
        while (goal_cost, goal_index) in Q and Q[0][0] < np.inf:
            u = Q[0]  # node that has smllest cost
            ux, uy, uz = u[1]  # node's coordination
            heappop(Q)  # alwasy pop out node that has smallest cost

            if (ux, uy, uz) == goal_index:

            # push neigbor(u) into Q
            for dx in range(-1, 2):
                for dy in range(-1, 2):
                    for dz in range(-1, 2):

                        if dx == 0 and dy == 0 and dz == 0:

                        # update new node
                        new_x = dx + ux
                        new_y = dy + uy
                        new_z = dz + uz
                        is_valid_neigbor = occ_map.is_valid_index(
                            (new_x, new_y, new_z))
                        if is_valid_neigbor:
                            is_occupy = occ_map.is_occupied_index(
                                (new_x, new_y, new_z))
                            if not is_occupy:
                                idx_in_G = int(pos[new_x][new_y][new_z])
                                v = G[idx_in_G]
                                c_u_v = sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2)
                                idx_of_u = int(pos[ux][uy][uz])
                                d = G[idx_of_u].cost_to_come + c_u_v
                                if d < v.cost_to_come:
                                    heuristic = sqrt((new_x - goal_x)**2 +
                                                     (new_y - goal_y)**2 +
                                                     (new_z - goal_z)**2)
                                    f = heuristic + d  # calculate the cost of a node
                                    G[idx_in_G] = grid(
                                        (new_x, new_y, new_z), d, (ux, uy, uz),
                                        f)  # update new node's feature
                                             (G[idx_in_G].cost, G[idx_in_G].idx
                                              ))  # update the open list

        heappush(Q, (start_cost, G[start_pos].idx))
        heappush(Q, (goal_cost, G[goal_pos].idx))

        # Dijstra Algorithms starts here#

        while (goal_cost, goal_index) in Q and Q[0][0] < np.inf:
            u = Q[0]  # node that has smllest cost
            ux, uy, uz = u[1]  # node's coordination
            heappop(Q)  # alwasy pop out node that has smallest cost

            # push neigbor(u) into h
            for dx in range(-1, 2):
                for dy in range(-1, 2):
                    for dz in range(-1, 2):

                        if dx == 0 and dy == 0 and dz == 0:

                        # update new node
                        new_x = dx + ux
                        new_y = dy + uy
                        new_z = dz + uz
                        is_valid_neigbor = occ_map.is_valid_index(
                            (new_x, new_y, new_z))
                        if is_valid_neigbor:
                            is_occupy = occ_map.is_occupied_index(
                                (new_x, new_y, new_z))
                            if not is_occupy:
                                idx_in_G = int(pos[new_x][new_y][new_z])
                                v = G[idx_in_G]
                                c_u_v = sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2)
                                idx_of_u = int(pos[ux][uy][uz])
                                d = G[idx_of_u].cost_to_come + c_u_v
                                if d < v.cost_to_come:
                                    G[idx_in_G] = grid(
                                        (new_x, new_y, new_z), d,
                                        (ux, uy,
                                         uz))  # update new node's feature
                                         G[idx_in_G].idx))  # update open list

    # trace parent
    if np.any(np.isnan(G[goal_pos].parent)):
        return None
        parent_x, parent_y, parent_z = G[goal_pos].parent
        parent = occ_map.index_to_metric_center((parent_x, parent_y, parent_z))
        path = np.r_[path, np.array([list(parent)])]
        idx_in_G = int(pos[parent_x][parent_y][parent_z])
        while 1:
            parent_x, parent_y, parent_z = G[idx_in_G].parent
            parent = occ_map.index_to_metric_center(
                (parent_x, parent_y, parent_z))
            path = np.r_[path, np.array([list(parent)])]
            idx_in_G = int(pos[parent_x][parent_y][parent_z])
            if idx_in_G == start_pos:
        path = np.r_[path, np.array([list(start)])]
        path = np.flipud(path)

        return path
コード例 #8
def Astar(world, resolution, margin, start, goal, astar):
        world,      World object representing the environment obstacles
        resolution, xyz resolution in meters for an occupancy map, shape=(3,)
        margin,     minimum allowed distance in meters from path to obstacles.
        start,      xyz position in meters, shape=(3,)
        goal,       xyz position in meters, shape=(3,)
        astar,      if True use A*, else use Dijkstra
        path,       xyz position coordinates along the path in meters with
                    shape=(N,3). These are typically the centers of visited
                    voxels of an occupancy map. The first point must be the
                    start and the last point must be the goal. If no path
                    exists, return None.

    # While not required, we have provided an occupancy map you may use or modify.
    occ_map = OccupancyMap(world, resolution, margin)
    # Retrieve the index in the occupancy grid matrix corresponding to a position in space.
    start_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(start))
    goal_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(goal))
    print('Start:', start_index)
    print('Goal:', goal_index)

    # Cost_dic = {}
    # Parent_dic = dict()

    # ind = np.argwhere(occ_map.map == False)
    # for _,idx in enumerate(ind):
    #     Cost_dic.update({tuple(idx):np.inf})
    #     Parent_dic.update({tuple(idx):(0,0,0)})

    # Cost_dic[start_index] = 0
    # print(Parent_dic[(5,15,4)])
    # heap = []

    Cost_dic = {}
    Parent_dic = dict()
    # start_time = time.time()
    for i, _ in enumerate(occ_map.map[:]):
        for j, _ in enumerate(occ_map.map[i][:]):
            for k, _ in enumerate(occ_map.map[i][j][:]):
                if occ_map.map[i][j][
                        k] == False:  # Only consider points where there are no obstacles
                    parent = {
                        tuple(np.array([i, j, k])): tuple(np.array([0, 0, 0]))
                    Parent_dic.update(parent)  # Dictionary of Parents
                    if tuple(np.array([i, j, k])) != start_index:
                        cost = {tuple(np.array([i, j, k])): np.inf}
                        cost = {tuple(np.array([i, j, k])): 0}
                    Cost_dic.update(cost)  # Dictionary of costs
    # end_time1 = time.time()
    # print(f'Mapping in {end_time1-start_time:.2f} seconds')
    visited = []
    children = []
    node = 0
    min_cost = [Cost_dic[start_index], start_index]
    goal_flag = 0
    # ---------- Done with intialization ------------------

    while goal_flag == 0:
        U = min_cost[1]
        neighood = get_neighbour(U)
        neigh_idx = 0
        d = [
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
            0, 0, 0, 0
        ]  # <-------<< List to store cost of all neigbours
        for neigh_idx, neighbr in enumerate(neighood):
            if neighbr in Cost_dic.keys():
                print(neighbr, neigh_idx)
                if d[neigh_idx] < Cost_dic[neighbr]:
                    d[neigh_idx] = Cost_dic[U] + 1
                    heappush(visited, [d[neigh_idx], neighbr])
                    # Cost_dic[neighbr] = d[neigh_idx]
                if neighbr == goal_index:
                    goal_flag = 1
                    print('Reached Goal!')

        min_cost = min(d)
        min_pos = neighood.index(d.index())
        heappush(children, [min_pos, min(d)])
        node += 1
        min_cost = children[min_pos]
        Cost_dic[min_cost[1]] = min_cost[0]
        Parent_dic[min_cost[1]] = U
        # min_cost = heappop(heap)  #<---------------<<<<< Reuse this

    # print('Heap is empty')
    # print('Goal Parent', Parent_dic[goal_index])
    print('Nodes: ', node)
    path = []
    # cost_list = []
    flag = True
    point = goal_index

    # start_time = time.time()
    while flag is True:
        mtpoint = occ_map.index_to_metric_center(Parent_dic[point])
        # mtpoint = occ_map.index_to_metric_negative_corner(Parent_dic[point])
        point = Parent_dic[point]
        if point == start_index:
            flag = False
    path = np.asarray(path)

    # print(cost_list[1][1][1])
    return path
コード例 #9
def graph_search(world, resolution, margin, start, goal, astar):

        world,      World object representing the environment obstacles
        resolution, xyz resolution in meters for an occupancy map, shape=(3,)
        margin,     minimum allowed distance in meters from path to obstacles.
        start,      xyz position in meters, shape=(3,)
        goal,       xyz position in meters, shape=(3,)
        astar,      if True use A*, else use Dijkstra

        path,       xyz position coordinates along the path in meters with
                    shape=(N,3). These are typically the centers of visited
                    voxels of an occupancy map. The first point must be the
                    start and the last point must be the goal. If no path
                    exists, return None.


    # While not required, we have provided an occupancy map you may use or modify.
    occ_map = OccupancyMap(world, resolution, margin)
    # Retrieve the index in the occupancy grid matrix corresponding to a position in space.
    start_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(start))
    goal_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(goal))
    g_index = np.array(goal_index)

    def getNeighbors(curr_index, map):
        neighbors = []
        diff = [-1, 0, 1]
        for i in diff:
            for j in diff:
                for k in diff:
                    neighbor_index = [
                        curr_index[0] + i, curr_index[1] + j, curr_index[2] + k

                    if (map.is_valid_index(neighbor_index)
                            and not map.is_occupied_index(neighbor_index)):

        return neighbors

    def getPath(start_index, goal_index, parent, map):
        path_index = [goal_index]
        while path_index[-1] != start_index:
        path_index = path_index[::-1]

        path = []
        for i in path_index:
            if i == start_index:
                #and i == goal_index:
                # path.append(OccupancyMap.index_to_metric_negative_corner(map, i))
            elif i == goal_index:
                path.append(OccupancyMap.index_to_metric_center(map, i))

        path = np.array(path)
        return path

    # Initialize variables
    open = []  #list of nodes we can still step to
    isVisited = {}
    g = {}  #cost
    parent = {}

    graph = ((i, j, k) for i in range((occ_map.map.shape[0]))
             for j in range((occ_map.map.shape[1]))
             for k in range((occ_map.map.shape[2])))
    for node in graph:
        isVisited[node] = False
        g[node] = np.inf
        parent[node] = 0

    g[start_index] = 0
    heappush(open, ([g[start_index], start_index]))
    iterations = 0
    while (isVisited[goal_index] == False):
        curr_index = heappop(open)[1]
        if (isVisited[curr_index] == False):
            iterations += 1
            isVisited[curr_index] = True
            curr_neighbors = getNeighbors(curr_index, occ_map)
            for v in curr_neighbors:
                neighbor_cost = g[curr_index] + np.linalg.norm(
                    np.array(curr_index) - np.array(v))
                if (astar):
                    heuristic = np.linalg.norm(g_index - np.array(v))
                    heuristic = 0
                if (neighbor_cost < g[v]):
                    heappush(open, ([neighbor_cost + heuristic, v]))
                    g[v] = neighbor_cost
                    parent[v] = curr_index

    # build path
    if (isVisited[goal_index]):
        path = getPath(start_index, goal_index, parent, occ_map)
        print("Path found")
        print(f"{iterations} nodes visited")
        print("Path not found")

    return path
コード例 #10
def graph_search(world, resolution, margin, start, goal, astar):
        world,      World object representing the environment obstacles
        resolution, xyz resolution in meters for an occupancy map, shape=(3,)
        margin,     minimum allowed distance in meters from path to obstacles.
        start,      xyz position in meters, shape=(3,)
        goal,       xyz position in meters, shape=(3,)
        astar,      if True use A*, else use Dijkstra
        path,       xyz position coordinates along the path in meters with
                    shape=(N,3). These are typically the centers of visited
                    voxels of an occupancy map. The first point must be the
                    start and the last point must be the goal. If no path
                    exists, return None.

    occ_map = OccupancyMap(world, resolution, margin)
    # Retrieve the index in the occupancy grid matrix corresponding to a position in space.
    start_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(start))
    goal_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(goal))
    # Initialization----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # PQ = [(0, start_index)]  # Priority queue of open/ alive nodes
    g_v_cost = np.full(occ_map.map.shape,
                       np.inf)  # Initially set all distances as inf
    p_v_parent = np.zeros((occ_map.map.shape[0], occ_map.map.shape[1],
                           occ_map.map.shape[2], 3))  # parent node
    neighbour = []
    for i in range(-1, 2):
        for j in range(-1, 2):
            for k in range(-1, 2):
                neighbour.append([i, j, k])
    neighbour.remove([0, 0, 0])
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    astar = True
    if not astar:  # Dijkstra's Algorithm

        g_v_cost[start_index] = 0  # distance from start to start is 0
        PQ = [(g_v_cost[start_index], start_index)
              ]  # Priority queue initializes
        # , (g_v_cost[goal_index], goal_index)
        # heapq.heapify(PQ)
        # heapq.heapify(PQ)
        # print(PQ)
        # print(g_v_cost[start_index])

        # heappop(PQ)
        # print('new',PQ)

        # if (g_v_cost[goal_index],goal_index) in PQ:
        #     print('Yes')

        # print(np.min(g_v_cost))
        cnt = 0
        while len(PQ) > 0:
            # while (g_v_cost[goal_index], goal_index) in PQ and np.min(g_v_cost) < np.inf:
            min_element = heappop(PQ)  # eg: (0.0,(2,2,2))
            u = min_element[
                1]  # note: here u is tuple. cannot do addition like array

            for i in range(26):
                v = np.asarray(u) + neighbour[i]  # one neighbour
                if not occ_map.is_valid_index(v) or occ_map.is_occupied_index(
                elif g_v_cost[(v[0], v[1], v[2])] != np.inf:
                    d = g_v_cost[u] + np.linalg.norm(v - u)
                    if d < g_v_cost[(
                            v[0], v[1], v[2]
                    )]:  # need tuple to access g_v_cost # A shorter path to v has been found
                        g_v_cost[(v[0], v[1], v[2])] = d
                        heappush(PQ, (d, (v[0], v[1], v[2])))
                        p_v_parent[v[0], v[1], v[2], :] = u
                        # print(p_v_parent[v[0], v[1], v[2],:])
            cnt += 1
        print('Dijk Node', cnt)

    else:  # A*
        F = np.full(occ_map.map.shape, np.inf)  # F(v) = g(v) + h(v)
        g_v_cost[start_index] = 0  # distance from start to start is 0
        F[start_index] = g_v_cost[start_index] + np.linalg.norm(
            np.asarray(goal_index) - np.asarray(start_index))

        PQ = [(F[start_index], start_index),
              (F[goal_index], goal_index)]  # Priority queue initializes
        # heapq.heapify(PQ)

        # -----------------------------------------------

        count = 0
        # while len(PQ) > 0:
        while (F[goal_index], goal_index) in PQ:  #and np.min(F) < np.inf
            min_element = heappop(PQ)  # eg: (0.0,(2,2,2))
            u = min_element[
                1]  # note: here u is tuple. cannot do addition like array
            # neighbour = []
            # for i in range(-1, 2):
            #     for j in range(-1, 2):
            #         for k in range(-1, 2):
            #             neighbour.append([i, j, k])
            # neighbour.remove([0, 0, 0])

            for i in range(26):
                v = np.asarray(u) + neighbour[i]  # one neighbour
                if not occ_map.is_valid_index(v) or occ_map.is_occupied_index(
                elif g_v_cost[(
                        v[0], v[1], v[2]
                )] != np.inf:  # I dont have to find 26 neighbours  all the time
                    d = g_v_cost[u] + np.linalg.norm(v - u)
                    if d < g_v_cost[(
                            v[0], v[1], v[2]
                    )]:  # need tuple to access g_v_cost # A shorter path to v has been found
                        g_v_cost[(v[0], v[1], v[2])] = d
                        heappush(PQ, (d, (v[0], v[1], v[2])))
                        p_v_parent[v[0], v[1], v[2], :] = u

                        F[(v[0], v[1], v[2]
                           )] = g_v_cost[(v[0], v[1], v[2])] + np.linalg.norm(
                               np.asarray(goal_index) - np.asarray(v))
            count += 1
        print('A Star Node:', count)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Find Path---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Path = []
    temp = goal_index
    while (temp[0], temp[1], temp[2]) != (start_index[0], start_index[1],
        temp = p_v_parent[int(temp[0]), int(temp[1]), int(temp[2])]

    return np.asarray(Path)
コード例 #11
def graph_search(world, resolution, margin, start, goal, astar):
        world,      World object representing the environment obstacles
        resolution, xyz resolution in meters for an occupancy map, shape=(3,)
        margin,     minimum allowed distance in meters from path to obstacles.
        start,      xyz position in meters, shape=(3,)
        goal,       xyz position in meters, shape=(3,)
        astar,      if True use A*, else use Dijkstra
        path,       xyz position coordinates along the path in meters with
                    shape=(N,3). These are typically the centers of visited
                    voxels of an occupancy map. The first point must be the
                    start and the last point must be the goal. If no path
                    exists, return None.

    # While not required, we have provided an occupancy map you may use or modify.
    occ_map = OccupancyMap(world, resolution, margin)
    # Retrieve the index in the occupancy grid matrix corresponding to a position in space.
    start_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(start))
    goal_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(goal))
    path = [goal]
    i, j, k = occ_map.map.shape
    g = np.full((i, j, k), np.inf)
    p = np.zeros((i, j, k, 3))
    G = []
    co = 10
    if astar:
        h1 = max(
            abs(start_index[0] - goal_index[0]) * co,
            abs(start_index[1] - goal_index[1]) * co,
            abs(start_index[2] - goal_index[2]) * co)
        # # euclidean
        # h1 = math.sqrt(
        #     (abs(start_index[0] - goal_index[0]) * co) ** 2 + (abs(start_index[1] - goal_index[1]) * co) ** 2 + \
        #     (abs(start_index[2] - goal_index[2]) * co) ** 2)
        h1 = 0
    g[start_index] = h1
    count3 = 0
    count4 = 0

    heappush(G, (g[start_index], start_index))
    heappush(G, (g[goal_index], goal_index))
    state = np.zeros((i, j, k))  # 0 is not open, 1 is open, 2 is close
    state[start_index] = 1  # add start_index to open
    print("enter loop")
    while np.min(g) < np.inf and not state[
            goal_index] == 2:  # while there is node not open and the goal is not closed
        u = heappop(G)[1]
        state[u] = 2
        count3 = count3 + 1
        for i in range(u[0] - 1, u[0] + 2):
            for j in range(u[1] - 1, u[1] + 2):
                for k in range(u[2] - 1, u[2] + 2):
                    v = (i, j, k)
                    # determine the distance between voxel
                    if occ_map.is_valid_index(v):
                        if not occ_map.is_occupied_index(v):
                            if not state[v] == 2:  # if neighbot is not closed
                                # calculate maximum distance
                                count4 = count4 + 1
                                if astar:
                                    h = max(
                                        abs(goal_index[0] - v[0]) * co,
                                        abs(goal_index[1] - v[1]) * co,
                                        abs(goal_index[2] - v[2]) * co)
                                    # euclidean
                                    # h = math.sqrt(
                                    #     (abs(goal_index[0] - v[0]) * co) ** 2 + (abs(goal_index[1] - v[1]) * co) ** 2 \
                                    #     + (abs(goal_index[2] - v[2]) * co) ** 2)
                                    h = 0
                                if abs(v[0] - u[0]) + abs(v[1] - u[1]) + abs(
                                        v[2] - u[2]) == 1:
                                    c = 10
                                elif abs(v[0] - u[0]) + abs(v[1] - u[1]) + abs(
                                        v[2] - u[2]) == 2:
                                    c = 14
                                    c = 17
                                d = g[u] + c + h
                                # print("in loop")
                                if state[
                                        v] == 1:  # this neighbor is already opened
                                    if g[v] > d:
                                        G.remove((g[v], v))
                                        g[v] = d
                                        p[v] = u
                                        heappush(G, (g[v], v))
                                elif state[
                                        v] == 0:  # this neighbor haven't been touched
                                    g[v] = d
                                    p[v] = u
                                    heappush(G, (g[v], v))
                                    state[v] = 1
    print("out loop")
    temp = state[goal_index]
    f = p[goal_index]
    if (p[goal_index] == (0, 0, 0)).all():  # goal not found
        path = None
        pointer = goal_index
        while pointer != start_index:
            par = p[pointer]
            ind1 = int(par[0])
            ind2 = int(par[1])
            ind3 = int(par[2])
            pointer = (ind1, ind2, ind3)

        path = np.asarray(path)

        n, d = path.shape
        removeList = []

        for i in range(n - 2):
            if path[i + 2][0] - path[i + 1][0] == path[i + 1][0] - path[i][
                    0] and path[i + 2][1] - path[i + 1][1] == path[
                        i + 1][1] - path[i][1] and path[i + 2][2] - path[
                            i + 1][2] == path[i + 1][2] - path[i][2]:
                removeList.append(i + 1)
        path = np.delete(path, removeList, axis=0)


        # test for proj1_3
        # row, col = path.shape
        # start = path[0:row - 1, :]
        # end = path[1:row, :]
        # tran = end - start
        # trow,tcol = tran.shape
        # tstart = tran[0:trow-1, :]
        # tend = tran[1:trow, :]
        # dot_prod = tstart.dot(tend.T)
        # se_dot = dot_prod.diagonal()
        # start_abs = np.linalg.norm(tstart, axis=1)
        # end_abs = np.linalg.norm(tend, axis=1)
        # se_abs = np.multiply(start_abs, end_abs)
        # print(se_abs)
        # print(se_dot)
        # se_cos = se_dot / se_abs
        # print(se_cos)
        # n, d = se_cos.shape
        # print(se_cos.shape)
        # print(se_cos)
        # deg = np.degrees(se_cos)
        # degrow, degcol = deg.shape
        # deg_s = deg[0:degrow-1,:]
        # deg_e = deg[1:degrow,:]
        # deg_fin = deg_e - deg_s
        # ind = deg_fin.nonz
        # new_path = []
        # prev = se_cos[0,:]
        # curr = []
        # for i in range(1:1+n):
        #     curr = se_cos[i,:]

    return path
コード例 #12
def graph_search(world, resolution, margin, start, goal, astar):
        world,      World object representing the environment obstacles
        resolution, xyz resolution in meters for an occupancy map, shape=(3,)
        margin,     minimum allowed distance in meters from path to obstacles.
        start,      xyz position in meters, shape=(3,)
        goal,       xyz position in meters, shape=(3,)
        astar,      if True use A*, else use Dijkstra
        path,       xyz position coordinates along the path in meters with
                    shape=(N,3). These are typically the centers of visited
                    voxels of an occupancy map. The first point must be the
                    start and the last point must be the goal. If no path
                    exists, return None.

    # While not required, we have provided an occupancy map you may use or modify.
    occ_map = OccupancyMap(world, resolution, margin)
    # Retrieve the index in the occupancy grid matrix corresponding to a position in space.
    start_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(start))
    goal_index = tuple(occ_map.metric_to_index(goal))
    all_cost = np.zeros(
    ) + 10000  # add a dummy large number for representing inf.
    all_cost[start_index] = 0  # add 0 cost for the start
    # heapq stores the tuple with cost and index
    Q = []  # heapq storing all the neighbor points
    if astar is True:
        h0 = np.sqrt((resolution[0] * (start_index[0] - goal_index[0]))**2 +
                     (resolution[1] * (start_index[1] - goal_index[1]))**2 +
                     (resolution[2] * (start_index[2] - goal_index[2]))**2)
        h0 = 0
    heappush(Q, (0 + h0, start_index))  # push the start point
    parent = dict()  # initialize a empty dict for storing parent nodes

    # finding the path
    while Q:
        cur_node = heappop(Q)
        # if cur_node[1] is goal_index:
        #     print('Goal cost is: ', cur_node[0])
        #     break
        for neighbors in find_neighbors(cur_node[1]):
            if occ_map.is_valid_index(
                    neighbors) and not occ_map.is_occupied_index(neighbors):
                if astar is True:
                    h = np.sqrt((resolution[0] *
                                 (neighbors[0] - goal_index[0]))**2 +
                                (resolution[1] *
                                 (neighbors[1] - goal_index[1]))**2 +
                                (resolution[2] *
                                 (neighbors[2] - goal_index[2]))**2)
                    h = 0
                cost = all_cost[cur_node[1]] + np.sqrt(
                    (resolution[0] * (neighbors[0] - cur_node[1][0]))**2 +
                    (resolution[1] * (neighbors[1] - cur_node[1][1]))**2 +
                    (resolution[2] * (neighbors[2] - cur_node[1][2]))**2)
                if cost < all_cost[neighbors]:
                        (cost + h, neighbors))  # child found, push into heap
                    all_cost[neighbors] = cost  # update the cost matrix
                    parent[neighbors] = cur_node[1]
    # print('Is goal still in dict? ', goal_index in parent.keys())
    # check if the path exists
    if goal_index in parent.keys():
        return None
    # traverse the parent nodes
    parent_key = goal_index  # initialize the parent key as goal_index
    path = list()  # initialize the path list
    while True:  #goal_index in parent.keys():
        parent_key = parent[parent_key]  # update the next parent key
        if parent_key is start_index:
        parent_in_metric = occ_map.index_to_metric_center(parent_key)

    path.reverse()  # reverse the order back
    path.insert(0, start)
    path = np.asarray(path)
    # print('the path is: ', path)
    return path