def choice_action(choice): if choice == 1: folder_location = input(r"where would this folder be created?: ") project_name = input("what would you like to name this project? ") pages = input("what pages would you like to create? separate the pages by a comma: ").replace(" ","").split(",") project = ClassBasedProject(folder_location = folder_location,folder_name = project_name) project.create_project(*pages) elif choice == 3: _delete_app() else: _add_delete_page_or_app_choice(choice)
def _add_delete_page_or_app_choice(choice): folder_location = input(r"where is the folder be located?: ") project_name = input("what is the project name? ") app_and_pages =input("what is the name of the app and what is the name of it's pages? ") app_and_pages = _split_app_and_pages(app_and_pages) project = ClassBasedProject(folder_location = folder_location,folder_name = project_name) if choice == 2: project.add_app(**app_and_pages) elif choice == 4: project.add_page(**app_and_pages) elif choice == 5: project.delete_page(**app_and_pages)
def _delete_app(): folder_location = input(r"where is the folder be located?: ") project_name = input("what is the project name?: ") apps_to_be_deleted = input("what are the apps you want to delete? separate the apps by a comma: ").split(",") project = ClassBasedProject(folder_location = folder_location,folder_name = project_name) project.delete_app(*apps_to_be_deleted)