コード例 #1
def we_are_done(count, n):
  numer = 99
  denom = 100
  g = gcd(n, count)
  count /= g
  n /= g
  return count == numer and n == denom
コード例 #2
def phi(n):
  i = 2
  # Note, if n is prime, phi(n) = n-1
  count = n-1
  while i*i <= n:
    if n % i == 0:
      if gcd(i, n/i) == 1:
        # If m and n are coprime, then phi(mn) == phi(m) * phi(n)
        return PHI_VALUES[i] * PHI_VALUES[n/i]
        count -= 2 # The two divisors are removed from the count of co-prime ints less than n
    i += 1
  return count
コード例 #3
def main():
  min_ratio_so_far = sys.maxint
  best_n = 1
  # Build phi values for n <= approximately sqrt(10**7)
  for n in range(1, NUM_PHI_VALS + 1):
    PHI_VALUES[n] = phi(n)
  for a in range(1, NUM_PHI_VALS + 1):
    for b in range(a + 1, NUM_PHI_VALS + 1):
      n = a*b
      pn = PHI_VALUES[a] * PHI_VALUES[b]
      if a*b <= 10**7 and gcd(a,b) == 1 and numbers_are_permutations(n, pn):
        ratio = float(n) / (pn)
        if ratio < min_ratio_so_far:
          min_ratio_so_far = ratio
          best_n = n
  print "n = %d has the minimal ratio n/phi(n) for n <= 10**7" % (best_n)