def storePixmap(pixmap, filetype='PNG'): import_qt(globals()) arr = QtCore.QByteArray() buf = QtCore.QBuffer() buf.setBuffer(arr), filetype) buf.close() return binascii.b2a_base64(nativestring(arr))
def listdir(self, relpath, rsc=None): """ Returns a list of the files within a path. When compiled, it will list the files within a QResource, otherwise will list the files within the directory. :param relpath | <str> rsc | <str> || None :return [<str>, ..] """ filepath = self.find(relpath, rsc) # parse a resource object if filepath.startswith(':'): resource = QtCore.QResource(filepath) # load the resource return map(str, resource.children()) # parse a filepath elif os.path.isdir(filepath): return os.listdir(filepath) return []
def systemSettings(self): """ Returns the settings associated with this application for all users. :return <projexui.xsettings.XSettings> """ if not self._systemSettings: if self.isCompiled(): settings = QtCore.QSettings(XSettings.IniFormat, XSettings.SystemScope, self.organizationName(), self.applicationName()) rootpath = os.path.dirname(settings.fileName()) else: rootpath = os.path.abspath('.') name = self.applicationName() filename = os.path.join(rootpath, '{0}.yaml'.format(name)) self._systemSettings = XSettings(XSettings.YamlFormat, XSettings.SystemScope, self.organizationName(), self.applicationName(), filename=filename) return self._systemSettings
def highlightBlock(self, text): """ Highlights the given text format based on this highlighters syntax rules. :param text | <str> """ text = nativestring(text) for pattern, format in self.patterns(): for result in re.finditer(pattern, text): grps = result.groups() if grps: for i in range(len(grps)): start, end = result.span(i+1) self.setFormat(start, end - start, format) else: self.setFormat(result.start(), result.end() - result.start(), format) self.setCurrentBlockState(0) if self.previousBlockState() == 1: return for form, open, close in self._multiline: open = QtCore.QRegExp(open) close = QtCore.QRegExp(close) start = open.indexIn(text) processed = False while start >= 0: processed = True end = close.indexIn(text, start) if end == -1: self.setCurrentBlockState(1) length = len(text) - start else: length = end - start + close.matchedLength() self.setFormat(start, length, form) start = open.indexIn(text, start + length) if processed: break
def restoreValue(self, xelem): """ Stores the value for the inptued instance to the given xml element. :param xelem | <xml.etree.Element> :return <variant> """ typ = xelem.get('type') if typ == 'color': return QtGui.QColor(xelem.text) elif typ == 'point': return QtCore.QPoint(*map(int, xelem.text.split(','))) elif typ == 'pointf': return QtCore.QPointF(*map(float, xelem.text.split(','))) elif typ == 'rect': return QtCore.QRectF(*map(int, xelem.text.split(','))) elif typ == 'rectf': return QtCore.QRectF(*map(float, xelem.text.split(','))) elif typ == 'bytea': return QtCore.QByteArray(cPickle.loads(xelem.text)) elif typ == 'pickle': return cPickle.loads(xelem.text) elif typ == 'xml': return xelem[0] elif typ in ('str', 'unicode'): return xelem.text else: try: return eval('{0}({1})'.format(typ, xelem.text)) except: return None
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(XWalkthroughGraphic, self).__init__(parent) # define custom properties self._properties = {} self._parsers = {} # define parser system self._parsers['align'] = lambda x: alignments.get(x, QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) self._parsers['pos'] = lambda x: QtCore.QPoint(*map(int, x.split())) self._parsers['offset'] = lambda x: QtCore.QPointF(*map(float, x.split())) self._parsers['crop'] = lambda x: QtCore.QRect(*map(int, x.split())) self._parsers['scaled'] = lambda x: float(x) self._parsers['direction'] = lambda x: getattr(QtGui.QBoxLayout, x, QtGui.QBoxLayout.TopToBottom) # define default options self.setProperty('direction', QtGui.QBoxLayout.TopToBottom) self.setProperty('align', QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter)
def isfile(self, relpath, rsc=None): """ Returns whether or not the resource is a directory. :return <bool> """ filepath = self.find(relpath, rsc) if filepath.startswith(':'): resource = QtCore.QResource(filepath) return resource.isFile() and resource.isValid() else: return os.path.isfile(filepath)
def exists(self, relpath, rsc=None, useFilepath=None): """ Checks to see if the inputed path represents an existing file or directory. :param relpath | <str> rsc | <str> useFilepath | <bool> or None """ path = self.find(relpath, rsc, useFilepath) if path.startswith(':'): return QtCore.QResource(path).isValid() else: return os.path.exists(path)
def load(self, relpath, rsc=None, mode='r', useFilepath=None): """ Opens a file like object for reading for the given relpath. :param relpath | <str> :return <File> || <QFile> || None """ filepath = self.find(relpath, rsc, useFilepath=useFilepath) # parse a resource object if filepath.startswith(':'): return QtCore.QFile(filepath) # parse a filepath elif os.path.isfile(filepath): return open(filepath, mode) # return an unknown object else: return None
def prepare(self): """ Prepares the information for this graphic. """ # determine if we already have a snapshot setup pixmap ='pixmap') if pixmap is not None: return super(XWalkthroughSnapshot, self).prepare() # otherwise, setup the snapshot widget ='widget') if type(widget) in (unicode, str): widget = self.findReference(widget) if not widget: return super(XWalkthroughSnapshot, self).prepare() # test if this is an overlay option if'overlay') and widget.parent(): ref = self.referenceWidget() if ref == widget: pos = QtCore.QPoint(0, 0) else: glbl_pos = widget.mapToGlobal(QtCore.QPoint(0, 0)) pos = ref.mapFromGlobal(glbl_pos) self.setProperty('pos', pos) # crop out the options crop ='crop', QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 0, 0)) if crop: rect = widget.rect() if crop.width(): rect.setWidth(crop.width()) if crop.height(): rect.setHeight(crop.height()) if crop.x(): rect.setX(rect.width() - crop.x()) if crop.y(): rect.setY(rect.height() - crop.y()) pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap.grabWidget(widget, rect) else: pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap.grabWidget(widget) scaled ='scaled') if scaled: pixmap = pixmap.scaled(pixmap.width() * scaled, pixmap.height() * scaled, QtCore.Qt.KeepAspectRatio, QtCore.Qt.SmoothTransformation) kwds = {} kwds['whatsThis'] = widget.whatsThis() kwds['toolTip'] = widget.toolTip() kwds['windowTitle'] = widget.windowTitle() kwds['objectName'] = widget.objectName() self.setProperty('caption','caption', '').format(**kwds)) self.setProperty('pixmap', pixmap) self.addPixmap(pixmap) return super(XWalkthroughSnapshot, self).prepare()
def __init__(self, parent, windowFlags=0): windowFlags = QtCore.Qt.WindowFlags(windowFlags) super(XMdiSubWindow, self).__init__(parent, windowFlags) # define custom properties palette = self.palette() font = self.font() font.setBold(True) font.setPointSize(font.pointSize() + 2) self._titleBarFont = font self._titleBarBackground = palette.color(palette.Button) self._titleBarForeground = palette.color(palette.ButtonText) self._titleBarBorder = QtGui.QColor('black') # create the drop shadow effect eff = QtGui.QGraphicsDropShadowEffect(self) eff.setOffset(0, 0) eff.setBlurRadius(40) eff.setColor(palette.color(palette.Shadow)) self.setGraphicsEffect(eff) # create the control buttons self._sysmenuBtn = XToolButton(self) self._sysmenuBtn.setIcon(self.windowIcon()) self._sysmenuBtn.setPalette(palette) self._sysmenuBtn.setAutoRaise(True) self._sysmenuBtn.setFixedSize(QtCore.QSize(22, 22)) self._sysmenuBtn.move(4, 4) palette.setColor(palette.Shadow, QtGui.QColor('yellow')) self._minimizeBtn = XToolButton(self) self._minimizeBtn.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon(resources.find('img/mdiarea/minimize.png'))) self._minimizeBtn.setPalette(palette) self._minimizeBtn.setShadowed(True) self._minimizeBtn.setShadowRadius(10) self._minimizeBtn.setFixedSize(QtCore.QSize(22, 22)) palette.setColor(palette.Shadow, QtGui.QColor('orange')) self._maximizeBtn = XToolButton(self) self._maximizeBtn.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon(resources.find('img/mdiarea/maximize.png'))) self._maximizeBtn.setPalette(palette) self._maximizeBtn.setShadowed(True) self._maximizeBtn.setShadowRadius(10) self._maximizeBtn.setFixedSize(QtCore.QSize(22, 22)) palette.setColor(palette.Shadow, QtGui.QColor('red')) self._closeBtn = XToolButton(self) self._closeBtn.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon(resources.find('img/mdiarea/close.png'))) self._closeBtn.setPalette(palette) self._closeBtn.setShadowed(True) self._closeBtn.setShadowRadius(10) self._closeBtn.setFixedSize(QtCore.QSize(22, 22)) # create connections self._sysmenuBtn.clicked.connect(self.showSystemMenu) self._minimizeBtn.clicked.connect(self.toggleMinimized) self._maximizeBtn.clicked.connect(self.toggleMaximized) self._closeBtn.clicked.connect(self.close)
def __init__(self, scaffold, parent=None): super(XScaffoldPropertiesPage, self).__init__(parent) # setup the scaffolding options self._scaffold = scaffold self.setTitle('Properties') self.setSubTitle('Setup scaffold properties') if scaffold.uifile(): projexui.loadUi(__file__, self, scaffold.uifile()) else: layout = QtGui.QFormLayout() for prop in # define the text text = prop.label if prop.required: text += '*' text += ':' # create a checkbox if prop.type == 'bool': widget = QtGui.QCheckBox(self) widget.setProperty('propertyName', wrapVariant( widget.setText(text.strip(':')) layout.addRow(None, widget) # create a float elif prop.type == 'int': lbl = QtGui.QLabel(text, self) widget = QtGui.QSpinBox(self) widget.setProperty('propertyName', wrapVariant( layout.addRow(lbl, widget) # create a double elif prop.type == 'float': lbl = QtGui.QLabel(text, self) widget = QtGui.QDoubleSpinBox(self) widget.setProperty('propertyName', wrapVariant( layout.addRow(lbl, widget) # create a text edit elif prop.type == 'text': lbl = QtGui.QLabel(text, self) widget = XTextEdit(self) widget.setProperty('propertyName', wrapVariant( layout.addRow(lbl, widget) # create a filepath elif prop.type == 'file': lbl = QtGui.QLabel(text, self) widget = XFilepathEdit(self) # create an icon elif prop.type == 'icon': widget = XIconButton(self) layout.addRow(lbl, widget) # create a line edit else: lbl = QtGui.QLabel(text, self) if prop.choices: widget = XComboBox(self) widget.setProperty('dataType', 'string') widget.addItems([''] + prop.choices) else: widget = XLineEdit(self) if prop.regex: regexp = QtCore.QRegExp(prop.regex) validator = QtGui.QRegExpValidator(regexp, widget) widget.setValidator(validator) widget.setProperty('propertyName', wrapVariant( layout.addRow(lbl, widget) self.setLayout(layout) for prop, widget in self.propertyWidgetMap().items(): if prop.default is not None: try: widget.setHint(prop.default) except AttributeError: projexui.setWidgetValue(widget, prop.default)
class XProgressFeedbackWidget(QtGui.QWidget): """ """ def __init__(self, parent=None): super(XProgressFeedbackWidget, self).__init__(parent) # load the user interface projexui.loadUi(__file__, self) # update the ui self._showSecondary = False self.uiLoggerEDIT.hide() self.setProgress(0) self.setSecondaryProgress(0) self.setShowSecondaryProgress(False) def progress(self): """ Returns the progress value for this widget. :return <int> """ return self.uiProgressBAR.value() def reset(self): """ Resets this widget before continuing. This is also acheived by setting the progress to 0. """ self.setProgress(0) def secondaryProgress(self): """ Returns the secondary progress value for this widget. :return <int> """ return self.uiSecondaryProgressBAR.value() def setProgress(self, value): """ Sets the progress value for this widget to the inputed value. :param value | <int> """ if value == 0: self.uiFeedbackLBL.setText('') self.uiLoggerEDIT.clear() self.uiProgressBAR.setValue(value) def setSecondaryProgress(self, value): """ Sets the progress value for the secondary progress widget. :param value | <int> """ self.uiSecondaryProgressBAR.setValue(value) def setShowSecondaryProgress(self, state): """ Sets whether or not to display the secondary progress widget. :param state | <bool> """ self._showSecondary = state self.uiSecondaryProgressBAR.setVisible(state) def showEvent(self, event): super(XProgressFeedbackWidget, self).showEvent(event) self.uiSecondaryProgressBAR.setVisible(self._showSecondary) def showMessage(self, level, message): """ Logs the inputed message for the given level. This will update both the feedback label and the details widget. :param level | <int> message | <str> """ self.uiFeedbackLBL.setText(message) self.uiLoggerEDIT.log(level, message) def showSecondaryProgress(self): """ Sets whether or not to display the secondary progress widget. :param state | <bool> """ return self._showSecondary x_showSecondaryProgress = QtCore.Property(bool, showSecondaryProgress, setShowSecondaryProgress)
if dataType == 'string': return combo.setCurrentIndex(combo.findText(value)) elif dataType == 'data': for i in range(combo.count()): if unwrapVariant(combo.itemData(i)) == value: return combo.setCurrentIndex(i) return combo.setCurrentIndex(-1) return combo.setCurrentIndex(value) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # register getter/setter widget types registerWidgetValue(QtGui.QDateEdit, lambda w:, lambda w, v: w.setDate(QtCore.QDate(v))) registerWidgetValue(QtGui.QTimeEdit, lambda w: w.time().toPyTime(), lambda w, v: w.setTime(QtCore.QTime(v))) registerWidgetValue(QtGui.QDateTimeEdit, lambda w: w.dateTime().toPyDateTime(), lambda w, v: w.setDateTime(QtCore.QDateTime(v))) registerWidgetValue(QtGui.QGroupBox, lambda w: w.isChecked(), lambda w, v: w.setChecked(bool(v))) registerWidgetValue(QtGui.QLineEdit, lambda w: nativestring(w.text()),