class incrementCounter(object): """docstring for incrementCounter""" def __init__(self, counter): super(incrementCounter, self).__init__() self.counterName = counter self.pushgatewayUrl = 'http://pushgateway:9091' self.c = Counter(self.counterName, 'description for counter') self.p = Pusher('pushgateway', self.pushgatewayUrl) self.registry = Registry() self.registry.register(self.c) def inc(self): self.counterValue = None #c = counter if self.counterName is not None: if self.counterValue == None:{'type': 'hit'}) else: self.c.add({'type': 'hit'}, self.counterValue) else: return False self.p.add(self.registry) return True
def test_push_job_ping(self): job_name = "my-job" p = Pusher(job_name, TEST_URL) registry = Registry() c = Counter("total_requests", "Total requests.", {}) registry.register(c){ 'url': "/p/user", }) # Push to the pushgateway p.replace(registry) # Check the objects that setted the server thread self.assertEqual(Pusher.PATH.format(job_name), self.request['path'])
def __init__(self, counter): super(incrementCounter, self).__init__() self.counterName = counter self.pushgatewayUrl = 'http://pushgateway:9091' self.c = Counter(self.counterName, 'description for counter') self.p = Pusher('pushgateway', self.pushgatewayUrl) self.registry = Registry() self.registry.register(self.c)
def test_push_delete(self): job_name = "my-job" p = Pusher(job_name, TEST_URL) registry = Registry() counter = Counter("counter_test", "A counter.", {'type': "counter"}) registry.register(counter) counter_data = (({'c_sample': '1', 'c_subsample': 'b'}, 400), ) [counter.set(c[0], c[1]) for c in counter_data] valid_result = b'[\n\x0ccounter_test\x12\nA counter.\x18\x00"=\n\r\n\x08c_sample\x12\x011\n\x10\n\x0bc_subsample\x12\x01b\n\x0f\n\x04type\x12\x07counter\x1a\t\t\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00y@' # Push to the pushgateway p.delete(registry) # Check the object that setted the server thread self.assertEqual("DELETE", self.request['method']) self.assertEqual(valid_result, self.request['body'])
def inc(self, arg=None): self.gaugeValue = arg if self.gaugeName is not None: p = Pusher('pushgateway', self.pushgatewayUrl) registry = Registry() c = Gauge(self.gaugeName, 'description for gauge', {}) registry.register(c) if self.gaugeValue == None:{'type': 'hit'}) else: c.add({'type': 'hit'}, self.gaugeValue) else: return False p.add(registry) return True
import os import sys sys.path.append( os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))))) from prometheus.pusher import Pusher from prometheus.registry import Registry from prometheus.collectors import Gauge PUSHGATEWAY_URL = "" if __name__ == "__main__": job_name = "example" p = Pusher(job_name, PUSHGATEWAY_URL) registry = Registry() g = Gauge("up_and_down", "Up and down counter.", {}) registry.register(g) user = input("Hi! enter your username: "******"Enter a positive or negative number: ")) g.add({ 'user': user, }, n) # Push to the pushgateway p.add(registry)