def _format_summary(self, summary: MetricTupleType, name: str, const_labels: LabelsType) -> pmp.Metric: ''' :param summary: a 2-tuple containing labels and a dict representing the summary value. The dict contains keys for each quantile as well as the sum and count fields. :param labels: a dict of labels for a metric. :param const_labels: a dict of constant labels to be associated with the metric. ''' summary_labels, summary_value_dict = summary # typing check, no runtime behaviour. summary_value_dict = cast(SummaryDictType, summary_value_dict) labels = self._unify_labels(summary_labels, const_labels, ordered=True) pb_labels = self._create_labels(labels) pb_quantiles = [] for k, v in summary_value_dict.items(): if not isinstance(k, str): pb_quantile = pmp.Quantile(quantile=k, value=v) pb_quantiles.append(pb_quantile) pb_summary = pmp.Summary(sample_count=summary_value_dict['count'], sample_sum=summary_value_dict['sum'], quantile=pb_quantiles) pb_metric = pmp.Metric(label=pb_labels, summary=pb_summary) if self.timestamp: pb_metric.timestamp_ms = self._get_timestamp() return pb_metric
def _format_histogram(self, histogram: MetricTupleType, name: str, const_labels: LabelsType) -> pmp.Metric: ''' :param histogram: a 2-tuple containing labels and a dict representing the histogram value. The dict contains keys for each bucket as well as the sum and count fields. :param labels: a dict of labels for a metric. :param const_labels: a dict of constant labels to be associated with the metric. ''' histogram_labels, histogram_value_dict = histogram # typing check, no runtime behaviour. histogram_value_dict = cast(HistogramDictType, histogram_value_dict) labels = self._unify_labels(histogram_labels, const_labels, ordered=True) pb_labels = self._create_labels(labels) pb_buckets = [] for k, v in histogram_value_dict.items(): if not isinstance(k, str): pb_bucket = pmp.Bucket(cumulative_count=v, upper_bound=k) pb_buckets.append(pb_bucket) pb_histogram = pmp.Histogram( sample_count=histogram_value_dict['count'], sample_sum=histogram_value_dict['sum'], bucket=pb_buckets) pb_metric = pmp.Metric(label=pb_labels, histogram=pb_histogram) if self.timestamp: pb_metric.timestamp_ms = self._get_timestamp() return pb_metric
def _format_gauge(self, gauge: MetricTupleType, name: str, const_labels: LabelsType) -> pmp.Metric: ''' :param gauge: a 2-tuple containing labels and the gauge value. :param labels: a dict of labels for a metric. :param const_labels: a dict of constant labels to be associated with the metric. ''' gauge_labels, gauge_value = gauge labels = self._unify_labels(gauge_labels, const_labels, ordered=True) pb_labels = self._create_labels(labels) pb_gauge = pmp.Gauge(value=gauge_value) pb_metric = pmp.Metric(label=pb_labels, gauge=pb_gauge) if self.timestamp: pb_metric.timestamp_ms = self._get_timestamp() return pb_metric
def _format_counter(self, # counter: Tuple[LabelsType, ValueType], counter: MetricTupleType, name: str, const_labels: LabelsType) -> pmp.Metric: ''' :param counter: a 2-tuple containing labels and the counter value. :param labels: a dict of labels for a metric. :param const_labels: a dict of constant labels to be associated with the metric. ''' counter_labels, counter_value = counter labels = self._unify_labels(counter_labels, const_labels, ordered=True) pb_labels = self._create_labels(labels) pb_counter = pmp.Counter(value=counter_value) pb_metric = pmp.Metric(label=pb_labels, counter=pb_counter) if self.timestamp: pb_metric.timestamp_ms = self._get_timestamp() return pb_metric
def _create_protobuf_object(self, data, metrics, metric_type, const_labels={}, ts=False): pb_metrics = [] for i in metrics: labels = [pmp.LabelPair(name=k, value=v) for k, v in i[0].items()] c_labels = [ pmp.LabelPair(name=k, value=v) for k, v in const_labels.items() ] labels.extend(c_labels) if metric_type == pmp.COUNTER: metric = pmp.Metric(counter=pmp.Counter(value=i[1]), label=labels) elif metric_type == pmp.GAUGE: metric = pmp.Metric(gauge=pmp.Gauge(value=i[1]), label=labels) elif metric_type == pmp.SUMMARY: quantiles = [] for k, v in i[1].items(): if not isinstance(k, str): q = pmp.Quantile(quantile=k, value=v) quantiles.append(q) metric = pmp.Metric(summary=pmp.Summary( quantile=quantiles, sample_sum=i[1]['sum'], sample_count=i[1]['count']), label=labels) elif metric_type == pmp.HISTOGRAM: buckets = [] for k, v in i[1].items(): if not isinstance(k, str): bucket = pmp.Bucket(cumulative_count=v, upper_bound=k) buckets.append(bucket) metric = pmp.Metric(summary=pmp.Histogram( buckets=buckets, histogram_sum=i[1]['sum'], histogram_count=i[1]['count']), label=labels) else: raise TypeError("Not a valid metric") if ts: metric.timestamp_ms = int( tz=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp() * 1000) pb_metrics.append(metric) valid_result = pmp.MetricFamily(name=data['name'], help=data['doc'], type=metric_type, metric=pb_metrics) return valid_result