def prompt_save_credentials(args): clear_screen() print(" WARNING WARNING WARNING ".center(80,"+")) print("This will save your Amazon AWS credentials in your home directory.") print("The file ~/.vaporfile will be readable only by your user account.") print("It is still your responsibility to secure your computer from unwanted") print("access. This should be perfectly safe contingent upon proper system security.") print("".center(80,"+")) print("") print("For reference, your amazon credentials can be found at:") print("") print("") cred = {"access_key":get_input("What is your Access key? : ",accept_blank=False), "secret_key":get_input("What is your Secret key? : ",accept_blank=False)} print("") store_credentials(cred) clear_screen() print("Credentials saved in {0}".format(config.__config_file__)) print("File access restricted to your user account ({0}).".format(getpass.getuser())) print("")
def prompt_create_website(args): #This is the information we'll gather: user_config = None bucket_name = None using_own_domain = None sync_path = None directory_index = None error_index = None use_existing_bucket = False clear_screen() print(" Amazon S3 Website Creation Wizard ".center(80,"+")) print("This will guide you through the process of creating a new website on Amazon S3.") print("No changes to your S3 account will occur until you accept changes at the end.") print("You may press Ctrl-C at any point to quit without saving.") print("".center(80,"+")) print("") user_config = config.get_config() try: user_config["credentials"] except KeyError: print("No existing account information found.") if get_yes_no("Would you like to setup your Amazon AWS account? [Y/n] : ",default=True): credentials.prompt_save_credentials({}) else: print("") print("Cannot proceed without Amazon account information.") sys.exit(1) user_config = config.load_config() conn = s3_util.get_connection() using_own_domain = get_yes_no("Will you be using your own domain name? [y/n] : ") if using_own_domain: print("") print("Amazon S3 websites hosted using your own domain require a CNAME configured") print("with your DNS service. Unfortunately, this means that you cannot use your root") print("domain with S3, you must use a subdomain.") print("") while True: bucket_name = get_input("What is the the fully qualified subdomain you would like to use?\n[eg.] : ",accept_blank=False) print("Checking to see if {0} is available...".format(bucket_name)) if not s3_util.test_bucket_exists(conn, bucket_name): break print("") #The bucket already exists.. by the user? if bucket_name in s3_util.get_bucket_names(conn): print("It looks like you've already configured an S3 bucket " "with that name.\n") print("WARNING: If you proceed, existing files in this " "bucket may be lost!") if get_yes_no("Are you sure you want to use {0}? [y/n]"\ .format(bucket_name)): use_existing_bucket = True break print("") else: print("Sorry, it looks like someone else owns that bucket name. Contact Amazon support") print("for help if you own the domain you chose. This is an unfortunate side-effect of") print("Amazon choosing a globally flat namespace for buckets.") print("") else: print("") print("Without using your own domain, you will need to create a unique bucket name.") print("You will only be able to access your website through the bucket address") print("Amazon provides, which is a bit long and cumbersome.") print("Example:") print("") while True: bucket_name = get_input("What is the bucket name you would like to use?\n[eg. yourwebsite] : ") print("Checking to see if {0} is available...".format(bucket_name)) if not s3_util.test_bucket_exists(conn, bucket_name): break print("") print("Sorry, that bucketname is already used. Try another.") clear_screen() print(" Local Path Selection ".center(80,"+")) print("This tool works by synchronizing a local directory to your S3 bucket.") print("Each time you synchronize, this tool will upload new or changed files") print("as well as delete any files no longer found in the local directory.") print("".center(80,"+")) print("") while True: sync_path = get_input("What is the full local directory path you want " "synchronized?\n[eg. /home/{0}/website ] : ".\ format(getpass.getuser()), accept_blank=False) if os.path.isdir(sync_path): break elif os.path.isfile(sync_path): print("Sorry, that's not a directory. Please try again.") else: if get_yes_no("This directory does not exist. Would you like to create it? (y/n)"): try: util.mkdir(sync_path) except OSError: print("Permission denied. Try again.") else: break print("") clear_screen() print(" Configuration Options ".center(80,"+")) print("") if get_yes_no("Would you like to use index.html as your default index file? (Y/n)", default=True): directory_index = "index.html" else: while True: print("What file would you like to serve when directories are requested?") directory_index = get_input("[eg. index.html] : ") if directory_index != "": break print("You must enter a directory index. Most users should choose index.html") print("") if get_yes_no("Would you like a special 404 handler when files aren't found? (y/N) : ", default=False): while True: print("What file would you like to serve when files aren't found?") error_index = get_input("[eg. 404.html] : ") if error_index != "": break print("") clear_screen() print(" Confirmation ".center(80,"+")) print("OK, we've gathered all the necessary information about your new website.") print("Let's review:") print("") if using_own_domain: print(" Your domain name:".ljust(35)+bucket_name) print(" Amazon S3 bucket name:".ljust(35)+bucket_name) print(" Local path to synchronize:".ljust(35)+sync_path) print(" Index file:".ljust(35)+directory_index) if error_index: print(" Error index file:".ljust(35)+error_index) print("") if get_yes_no("Would you like to save this configuration now? [y/n] : "): website = S3Website( bucket_name, sync_path, index=directory_index, error_doc=error_index) user_config["websites"][bucket_name] = website.to_config() website.create(use_existing_bucket=use_existing_bucket) if not use_existing_bucket: print("Amazon S3 bucket created!") config.save_config(user_config) print("Website configuration saved!") website_endpoint = website.get_bucket().get_website_endpoint() s3_endpoint = website_endpoint.replace(bucket_name+".","") print("Your Amazon website endpoint: {0}".format(website_endpoint)) if using_own_domain: print("Your DNS service needs a CNAME record pointing {0} " "to {1}".format(bucket_name, s3_endpoint)) print("") print("To upload your website run this command:") print("") print(" vaporfile -v upload {0}".format(bucket_name)) print("")