コード例 #1
 def test_move_mesh(self):
     BC = create_BC(folder='mprans')
     last_pos = np.array([1., 1., 1.])
     h = np.array([0., 0., 0.])
     rot_matrix = np.eye(3)
     BC.setMoveMesh(last_pos=last_pos, h=h, rot_matrix=rot_matrix)
     # checking if other BC leaves setTank BC as it should be
     # ----
     t_list = get_time_array()
     hx_dir, hy_dir, hz_dir = [], [], []
     displacement = []
     from proteus.SpatialTools import rotation3D
     for t in t_list:
         new_pos = np.array(get_random_x())
         h[:] = new_pos-last_pos
         rot_angle = get_random_x()[0]
         rot_axis = get_random_x()
         rot_matrix[:] = rotation3D(rot_matrix, rot=rot_angle, axis=rot_axis)
         x = np.array(get_random_x())
         hx_dir += [BC.hx_dirichlet.uOfXT(x, t)]
         hy_dir += [BC.hy_dirichlet.uOfXT(x, t)]
         hz_dir += [BC.hz_dirichlet.uOfXT(x, t)]
         x0 = x-last_pos
         displacement += [(np.dot(x0, rot_matrix)-x0)+h]
         last_pos[:] = x
     zeros = np.zeros(len(t_list))
     displacement = np.array(displacement)
     npt.assert_equal(hx_dir, displacement[:, 0])
     npt.assert_equal(hy_dir, displacement[:, 1])
     npt.assert_equal(hz_dir, displacement[:, 2])
コード例 #2
 def test_move_mesh(self):
     BC = create_BC(folder='mprans')
     last_pos = [1., 1., 1.]
     h = [0., 0., 0.]
     rot_matrix = np.eye(3)
     BC.setMoveMesh(last_pos=last_pos, h=h, rot_matrix=rot_matrix)
     # checking if other BC leaves setTank BC as it should be
     # ----
     t_list = get_time_array()
     hx_dir, hy_dir, hz_dir = [], [], []
     displacement = []
     from proteus.SpatialTools import rotation3D
     for t in t_list:
         new_pos = np.array(get_random_x())
         h[:] = new_pos-last_pos
         rot_angle = get_random_x()[0]
         rot_axis = get_random_x()
         rot_matrix[:] = rotation3D(rot_matrix, rot=rot_angle, axis=rot_axis)
         x = np.array(get_random_x())
         hx_dir += [BC.hx_dirichlet.uOfXT(x, t)]
         hy_dir += [BC.hy_dirichlet.uOfXT(x, t)]
         hz_dir += [BC.hz_dirichlet.uOfXT(x, t)]
         x0 = x-last_pos
         displacement += [(np.dot(x0, rot_matrix)-x0)+h]
         last_pos[:] = x
     zeros = np.zeros(len(t_list))
     displacement = np.array(displacement)
     npt.assert_equal(hx_dir, displacement[:, 0])
     npt.assert_equal(hy_dir, displacement[:, 1])
     npt.assert_equal(hz_dir, displacement[:, 2])