コード例 #1
 def addAlignmentU(md, micNo, imgNo, nx, ny, psi, flip):
     if flip:
     if flip:
     objId = md.addObject()
     imgFn = "%06d@Images/Extracted/run_001/extra/micrograph%03dU.stk" % (imgNo, micNo)
     md.setValue(MDL_IMAGE, imgFn, objId)
     md.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_X, float(newT[0]), objId)
     md.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_Y, float(newT[1]), objId)
     md.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_PSI, angle, objId)
     md.setValue(MDL_FLIP, flip, objId)
コード例 #2
    def addAlignmentU(md, micNo, imgNo, nx, ny, psi, flip):
        T = translation_matrix([nx, ny, 0])
        if flip:
            psi = -psi
        angle = -float(psi) - AlphaUList[micNo - 1]
        psi += AlphaUList[micNo - 1]
        R = em_euler_matrix(0, 0, psi, 'rzyz')
        M = T.dot(R)
        Rinv = inv(R)
        newT = translation_from_matrix(Rinv.dot(M))
        if flip:
            newT[0] = -newT[0]

        objId = md.addObject()
        imgFn = "%06d@Images/Extracted/run_001/extra/micrograph%03dU.stk" % (
            imgNo, micNo)
        md.setValue(MDL_IMAGE, imgFn, objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_X, float(newT[0]), objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_Y, float(newT[1]), objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_PSI, angle, objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_FLIP, flip, objId)
コード例 #3
def createPhantomMicrograph(log, WorkingDir, ORoot, micNo):
    '''Function to create micrographs and particles metadata'''
    md = MetaData("block1@" + InputMotif)
    half = MicrographSize / 2
    v_half = array([half, half, 0, 0])
    MU = em_euler_matrix(0,0, AlphaUList[micNo-1], 'rzyz')
    M = em_euler_matrix(AlphaTList[micNo-1], TiltAngle, 0, 'rzyz')
    # Used later for projection
    dims = [float(MicrographSize) for i in range(3)]
    md.setValue(MDL_DIMENSIONS_3D, dims, md.firstObject())
    mdAll = MetaData()
    mdPos = MetaData() # Metadata with the coordinates of each particle
    mdPosT = MetaData() # same for tilted coordinates
    mdPos_geo = MetaData() # Metadata with the coordinates of each particle
    mdPosT_geo = MetaData() # same for tilted coordinates
    mdAlignedU = MetaData() # 2D alignment file untilted
    mdAlignedT = MetaData() # 2D alignment file tilted
    fnAlignedU = os.path.join(WorkingDir,"untilted.xmd")
    fnAlignedT = os.path.join(WorkingDir,"tilted.xmd")
    if os.path.exists(fnAlignedU):
    if os.path.exists(fnAlignedT):
    program = ""
    if DoRotate:
        # rotations = random.random_integers(0, 360, NumberOfElements)
        rotations = []
        for i in range(NumberOfElements):
        rotations = zeros(NumberOfElements)
    if Coordinates == "random":
        xcoords, ycoords = generateRandomPositions(MicrographSize, NumberOfElements)
    elif Coordinates == "from_file":
        xcoords, ycoords = readPositionFromFile(CoordinatesFile)
    def runProgram(args):
        runJob(log, program, args)
    def addPos(md, x, y, nx, ny):
        objId = md.addObject()
        md.setValue(MDL_XCOOR, int(round(half + xy[0])), objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_YCOOR, int(round(half + xy[1])), objId) 
        return objId 
    def addPosT(md, x, y, nx, ny):
        xy = dot(M, array([x, y, 0, 1]))
        objId = md.addObject()
        md.setValue(MDL_XCOOR, int(round(half + xy[0])), objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_YCOOR, int(round(half + xy[1])), objId) 

    def addGeo(md, micNo, imgNo, newx, newy, x, y, nx, ny, rot=0, flip=False):
        objId = md.addObject()
        imgFn = "%06d@Images/Extracted/run_001/extra/micrograph%03dU.stk" % (imgNo, micNo)
        md.setValue(MDL_IMAGE, imgFn, objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_XCOOR, half + int(x), objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_YCOOR, half + int(y), objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_XCOOR_TILT, half + int(x), objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_YCOOR_TILT, half + int(y), objId)

        if flip:

        r = float(rot)
        rr = deg2rad(-r)
        cr = cos(rr)
        sr = sin(rr)

        shiftX = nx * cr + ny * sr
        shiftY = ny * cr - nx * sr
        if flip:
        md.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_X, shiftX, objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_Y, shiftY, objId)    
        md.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_PSI, -r, objId)    
        md.setValue(MDL_FLIP, flip, objId) 
        return objId 
    def addAlignmentU(md, micNo, imgNo, nx, ny, psi, flip):
        if flip:
        if flip:
        objId = md.addObject()
        imgFn = "%06d@Images/Extracted/run_001/extra/micrograph%03dU.stk" % (imgNo, micNo)
        md.setValue(MDL_IMAGE, imgFn, objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_X, float(newT[0]), objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_Y, float(newT[1]), objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_PSI, angle, objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_FLIP, flip, objId)

    def addAlignmentT(md, micNo, imgNo, nx, ny, psi, flip):
        #print("nx,ny="+str(nx)+","+str(ny)+" newT="+str(newT[0])+","+str(newT[1]))
        objId = md.addObject()
        imgFn = "%06d@Images/Extracted/run_001/extra/micrograph%03dT.stk" % (imgNo, micNo)
        md.setValue(MDL_IMAGE, imgFn, objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_X, float(newT[0]), objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_Y, float(newT[1]), objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_ROT, float(psi), objId)
        if flip:
        md.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_TILT, float(angle), objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_PSI, float(AlphaTList[micNo-1]), objId)

    def addGeoT(md, x, y, nx, ny):
        posT = dot(M, array([x, y, 0, 1]))
        PosT = dot(M, array([nx, ny, 0, 1]))
        addGeo(md, posT[0], posT[1], nPosT[0], nPosT[1])
    tmpDescr = ORoot + '_tmp.descr'
    program = "xmipp_phantom_transform"
    imgNo = 0
    for x, y, rot in zip(xcoords, ycoords, rotations):
        # Make a copy of the phantom file
        copyFile(log, InputMotif, tmpDescr)
        # Rotate the phantom
        runProgram(" -i %(tmpDescr)s --operation rotate_axis 0 0 1 %(rot)d" % locals())
        # Flip particles if neccesary
        flip = DoFlip and random.rand() <= FlipRate
        if flip:            
            runProgram(" -i %(tmpDescr)s --operation rotate_axis 0 1 0 180" % locals())
        # Apply shift to motif phantom
        runProgram(" -i %(tmpDescr)s --operation shift %(x)d %(y)d 0" % locals())

        # Read the metadata with features to group all
        md2 = MetaData('block2@' + tmpDescr)
        nx, ny = (0, 0)
        if AddNoiseU: # Add some noise to exact coordinates
          nx, ny = random.normal(0., NoiseSigma, 2).round()
          nx, ny = (2., 4.)
        addPos(mdPos, x, y, nx, ny)
        imgNo = imgNo + 1
        addGeo(mdPos_geo, micNo, imgNo, x+nx, y+ny, x, y, nx, ny, rot, flip)
        addAlignmentU(mdAlignedU, micNo, imgNo, nx, ny, rot, flip)
        nx, ny = (0, 0)
        if AddNoiseT: # Add some noise to exact coordinates
          nx, ny = random.normal(0., NoiseSigma, 2).round()
        addPosT(mdPosT, x, y, nx, ny)

        #addGeoT(mdPosT_geo, x, y, nx, ny)
        addAlignmentT(mdAlignedT, micNo, imgNo, nx, ny, rot, flip)
    # Write phantom .descr file
    outDescr = ORoot + '.descr'

    # Write the phantom metadata with all phantom particles
    md.write('block1@' + outDescr)
    mdAll.write('block2@' + outDescr, MD_APPEND)
    # Write .pos with coordinates
    def writePos(mdPos, outPos):
        family = "DefaultFamily"
#        mdFamily = MetaData()
#        objId = mdFamily.addObject()
#        mdFamily.setValue(MDL_PICKING_FAMILY, family, objId)
#        mdFamily.setValue(MDL_PICKING_MICROGRAPH_FAMILY_STATE, 'Manual', objId)
#        mdFamily.write('families@%(outPos)s' % locals())
        mdPos.write("%(family)s@%(outPos)s" % locals())
    writePos(mdPos, ORoot + 'U.pos')
    #print mdPos
    writePos(mdPosT, ORoot + 'T.pos')
    mdPos_geo.write(ORoot + 'U_geo.xmd')
    mdPosT_geo.write(ORoot + 'T_geo.xmd')
    program = "xmipp_phantom_project"
    outMicU = ORoot + "U.mrc"
    alpha= AlphaUList[micNo-1]
    runProgram(" -i %(outDescr)s -o %(outMicU)s --angles %(alpha)d 0 0" % locals())
    outMicT = ORoot + "T.mrc"
    tilt = TiltAngle # Register in locals() dictionary
    alpha = AlphaTList[micNo-1]
    runProgram(" -i %(outDescr)s -o %(outMicT)s --angles 0 %(tilt)d %(alpha)d" % locals())
コード例 #4
def createPhantomMicrograph(log, WorkingDir, ORoot, micNo):
    '''Function to create micrographs and particles metadata'''
    md = MetaData("block1@" + InputMotif)
    half = MicrographSize / 2
    v_half = array([half, half, 0, 0])
    MU = em_euler_matrix(0, 0, AlphaUList[micNo - 1], 'rzyz')
    M = em_euler_matrix(AlphaTList[micNo - 1], TiltAngle, 0, 'rzyz')

    # Used later for projection
    dims = [float(MicrographSize) for i in range(3)]
    md.setValue(MDL_DIMENSIONS_3D, dims, md.firstObject())

    mdAll = MetaData()
    mdPos = MetaData()  # Metadata with the coordinates of each particle
    mdPosT = MetaData()  # same for tilted coordinates
    mdPos_geo = MetaData()  # Metadata with the coordinates of each particle
    mdPosT_geo = MetaData()  # same for tilted coordinates
    mdAlignedU = MetaData()  # 2D alignment file untilted
    mdAlignedT = MetaData()  # 2D alignment file tilted
    fnAlignedU = os.path.join(WorkingDir, "untilted.xmd")
    fnAlignedT = os.path.join(WorkingDir, "tilted.xmd")
    if os.path.exists(fnAlignedU):
    if os.path.exists(fnAlignedT):
    program = ""

    if DoRotate:
        # rotations = random.random_integers(0, 360, NumberOfElements)
        rotations = []
        step = 360.0 / (NumberOfElements - 1)
        for i in range(NumberOfElements):
            rotations.append(i * step)
        rotations = zeros(NumberOfElements)

    if Coordinates == "random":
        xcoords, ycoords = generateRandomPositions(MicrographSize,
    elif Coordinates == "from_file":
        xcoords, ycoords = readPositionFromFile(CoordinatesFile)

    def runProgram(args):
        runJob(log, program, args)

    def addPos(md, x, y, nx, ny):
        xy = dot(MU, array([x, y, 0, 1]))
        xy[0] += nx
        xy[1] += ny
        objId = md.addObject()
        md.setValue(MDL_XCOOR, int(round(half + xy[0])), objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_YCOOR, int(round(half + xy[1])), objId)
        return objId

    def addPosT(md, x, y, nx, ny):
        xy = dot(M, array([x, y, 0, 1]))
        xy[0] += nx
        xy[1] += ny
        objId = md.addObject()
        md.setValue(MDL_XCOOR, int(round(half + xy[0])), objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_YCOOR, int(round(half + xy[1])), objId)

    def addGeo(md, micNo, imgNo, newx, newy, x, y, nx, ny, rot=0, flip=False):
        objId = md.addObject()
        imgFn = "%06d@Images/Extracted/run_001/extra/micrograph%03dU.stk" % (
            imgNo, micNo)
        md.setValue(MDL_IMAGE, imgFn, objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_XCOOR, half + int(x), objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_YCOOR, half + int(y), objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_XCOOR_TILT, half + int(x), objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_YCOOR_TILT, half + int(y), objId)

        if flip:
            rot = -rot

        r = float(rot)
        rr = deg2rad(-r)
        cr = cos(rr)
        sr = sin(rr)

        shiftX = nx * cr + ny * sr
        shiftY = ny * cr - nx * sr
        if flip:
            shiftX = -shiftX

        md.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_X, shiftX, objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_Y, shiftY, objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_PSI, -r, objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_FLIP, flip, objId)
        return objId

    def addAlignmentU(md, micNo, imgNo, nx, ny, psi, flip):
        T = translation_matrix([nx, ny, 0])
        if flip:
            psi = -psi
        angle = -float(psi) - AlphaUList[micNo - 1]
        psi += AlphaUList[micNo - 1]
        R = em_euler_matrix(0, 0, psi, 'rzyz')
        M = T.dot(R)
        Rinv = inv(R)
        newT = translation_from_matrix(Rinv.dot(M))
        if flip:
            newT[0] = -newT[0]

        objId = md.addObject()
        imgFn = "%06d@Images/Extracted/run_001/extra/micrograph%03dU.stk" % (
            imgNo, micNo)
        md.setValue(MDL_IMAGE, imgFn, objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_X, float(newT[0]), objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_Y, float(newT[1]), objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_PSI, angle, objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_FLIP, flip, objId)

    def addAlignmentT(md, micNo, imgNo, nx, ny, psi, flip):
        newT = [nx, ny]
        #print("nx,ny="+str(nx)+","+str(ny)+" newT="+str(newT[0])+","+str(newT[1]))
        objId = md.addObject()
        imgFn = "%06d@Images/Extracted/run_001/extra/micrograph%03dT.stk" % (
            imgNo, micNo)
        md.setValue(MDL_IMAGE, imgFn, objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_X, float(newT[0]), objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_SHIFT_Y, float(newT[1]), objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_ROT, float(psi), objId)
        angle = TiltAngle
        if flip:
            angle += 180
        md.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_TILT, float(angle), objId)
        md.setValue(MDL_ANGLE_PSI, float(AlphaTList[micNo - 1]), objId)

    def addGeoT(md, x, y, nx, ny):
        posT = dot(M, array([x, y, 0, 1]))
        PosT = dot(M, array([nx, ny, 0, 1]))
        addGeo(md, posT[0], posT[1], nPosT[0], nPosT[1])

    tmpDescr = ORoot + '_tmp.descr'
    program = "xmipp_phantom_transform"

    imgNo = 0
    for x, y, rot in zip(xcoords, ycoords, rotations):
        # Make a copy of the phantom file
        copyFile(log, InputMotif, tmpDescr)
        # Rotate the phantom
        runProgram(" -i %(tmpDescr)s --operation rotate_axis 0 0 1 %(rot)d" %
        # Flip particles if necessary
        flip = DoFlip and random.rand() <= FlipRate
        if flip:
            runProgram(" -i %(tmpDescr)s --operation rotate_axis 0 1 0 180" %
        # Apply shift to motif phantom
        runProgram(" -i %(tmpDescr)s --operation shift %(x)d %(y)d 0" %

        # Read the metadata with features to group all
        md2 = MetaData('block2@' + tmpDescr)

        nx, ny = (0, 0)
        if AddNoiseU:  # Add some noise to exact coordinates
            nx, ny = random.normal(0., NoiseSigma, 2).round()
            nx, ny = (2., 4.)

        addPos(mdPos, x, y, nx, ny)
        imgNo = imgNo + 1
        addGeo(mdPos_geo, micNo, imgNo, x + nx, y + ny, x, y, nx, ny, rot,
        addAlignmentU(mdAlignedU, micNo, imgNo, nx, ny, rot, flip)

        nx, ny = (0, 0)
        if AddNoiseT:  # Add some noise to exact coordinates
            nx, ny = random.normal(0., NoiseSigma, 2).round()
        addPosT(mdPosT, x, y, nx, ny)

        #addGeoT(mdPosT_geo, x, y, nx, ny)
        addAlignmentT(mdAlignedT, micNo, imgNo, nx, ny, rot, flip)

    # Write phantom .descr file
    outDescr = ORoot + '.descr'

    # Write the phantom metadata with all phantom particles
    md.write('block1@' + outDescr)
    mdAll.write('block2@' + outDescr, MD_APPEND)
    mdAlignedU.write("images@" + fnAlignedU)
    mdAlignedT.write("images@" + fnAlignedT)

    # Write .pos with coordinates
    def writePos(mdPos, outPos):
        family = "DefaultFamily"
        #        mdFamily = MetaData()
        #        objId = mdFamily.addObject()
        #        mdFamily.setValue(MDL_PICKING_FAMILY, family, objId)
        #        mdFamily.setValue(MDL_PICKING_MICROGRAPH_FAMILY_STATE, 'Manual', objId)
        #        mdFamily.write('families@%(outPos)s' % locals())
        mdPos.write("%(family)s@%(outPos)s" % locals())

    writePos(mdPos, ORoot + 'U.pos')
    #print mdPos
    writePos(mdPosT, ORoot + 'T.pos')
    mdPos_geo.write(ORoot + 'U_geo.xmd')
    mdPosT_geo.write(ORoot + 'T_geo.xmd')

    program = "xmipp_phantom_project"
    outMicU = ORoot + "U.mrc"
    alpha = AlphaUList[micNo - 1]
    runProgram(" -i %(outDescr)s -o %(outMicU)s --angles %(alpha)d 0 0" %
    outMicT = ORoot + "T.mrc"

    tilt = TiltAngle  # Register in locals() dictionary
    alpha = AlphaTList[micNo - 1]
        " -i %(outDescr)s -o %(outMicT)s --angles 0 %(tilt)d %(alpha)d" %