def get_version(self, mac, addr): target = (bytes.fromhex(mac) + bytes(8))[:8] self.sequence = (self.sequence + 1) & 0xff out_data = protocol.Frame( frame_header=protocol.FrameHeader(source=self.source), frame_address=protocol.FrameAddress(target=target, res_required=True, sequence=self.sequence), protocol_header=protocol.ProtocolHeader( _type=protocol.PacketType.DEVICE_GET_VERSION)).serialize() now = time.monotonic() timeout = now for i in range(GET_VERSION_TRIES): self.socket.sendto(out_data, addr) timeout += GET_VERSION_TIMEOUT while now < timeout: r, _, _ =[self.socket], [], [], timeout - now) if len(r): in_data, in_addr = self.socket.recvfrom(0x1000) frame = protocol.Frame() frame.deserialize(in_data) if (in_addr == addr and frame.frame_header.protocol == 1024 and frame.frame_header.addressable and frame.frame_header.source == self.source and == target and frame.frame_address.sequence == self.sequence and frame.protocol_header.type == protocol.PacketType.DEVICE_STATE_VERSION): return frame.payload now = time.monotonic() raise UDPException()
def protocol4(ps): next_frame_to_send = protocol.SequenceNumber(0, MAX_SEQ) frame_expected = protocol.SequenceNumber(0, MAX_SEQ) r = protocol.Frame() s = protocol.Frame() buffer = protocol.Packet() ps.from_network_layer(buffer) = buffer s.seq = next_frame_to_send.copy() s.ack = frame_expected.opposite() ps.to_physical_layer(s) ps.start_timer(s.seq.value) while True: event = ps.wait_for_event() if event == protocol.frame_arrival: r = ps.from_physical_layer() if r.seq == frame_expected: ps.to_network_layer( if r.ack == next_frame_to_send: ps.stop_timer(r.ack.value) ps.from_network_layer(buffer) = buffer s.seq = next_frame_to_send.copy() s.ack = frame_expected.opposite() ps.to_physical_layer(s) ps.start_timer(s.seq.value)
def sender1(ps): while True: buffer = protocol.Packet() ps.from_network_layer(buffer) s = protocol.Frame() = buffer ps.to_physical_layer(s)
def send_data(frame_nr,frame_expected,buffer,ps): s = protocol.Frame() = buffer[frame_nr.value] s.seq = frame_nr.copy() s.ack = frame_expected.copy().decr() ps.to_physical_layer(s) ps.start_timer(frame_nr.value)
def receiver2(ps): while True: time.sleep(1) ps.wait_for_event() s = ps.from_physical_layer() buffer = ps.to_network_layer(buffer) ps.to_physical_layer(protocol.Frame())
def rx_frame(self, data): frame = protocol.Frame() frame.deserialize(data) if (frame.frame_header.protocol == 1024 and frame.frame_header.addressable and frame.frame_header.source == udp.source and == (bytes.fromhex(self.mac) + bytes(8))[:8] and frame.frame_address.sequence == self.sequence and frame.protocol_header.type == protocol.PacketType.DEVICE_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT): self.timeout = None self.out_data = None
def get_service(self, mac=None): target = bytes(8) if mac is None else (bytes.fromhex(mac) + bytes(8))[:8] self.sequence = (self.sequence + 1) & 0xff out_data = protocol.Frame( frame_header=protocol.FrameHeader(source=self.source), frame_address=protocol.FrameAddress(target=target, res_required=True, sequence=self.sequence), protocol_header=protocol.ProtocolHeader( _type=protocol.PacketType.DEVICE_GET_SERVICE)).serialize() now = time.monotonic() timeout = now result = {} for i in range(GET_SERVICE_TRIES): self.socket.sendto(out_data, ('', 56700)) timeout += GET_SERVICE_TIMEOUT while now < timeout: r, _, _ =[self.socket], [], [], timeout - now) if len(r): in_data, in_addr = self.socket.recvfrom(0x1000) frame = protocol.Frame() frame.deserialize(in_data) if (frame.frame_header.protocol == 1024 and frame.frame_header.addressable and frame.frame_header.source == self.source and frame.frame_address.sequence == self.sequence and frame.protocol_header.type == protocol.PacketType.DEVICE_STATE_SERVICE): mac =[:6].hex() if mac not in result: result[mac] = (in_addr, {}) result[mac][1][ frame.payload.service] = frame.payload.port now = time.monotonic() return result
def set_color(self, mac, addr, hsbk): target = (bytes.fromhex(mac) + bytes(8))[:8] self.sequence = (self.sequence + 1) & 0xff out_data = protocol.Frame( frame_header=protocol.FrameHeader(source=self.source), frame_address=protocol.FrameAddress(target=target, ack_required=True, sequence=self.sequence), protocol_header=protocol.ProtocolHeader( _type=protocol.PacketType.LIGHT_SET_COLOR), payload=protocol.LightSetColor(color=protocol.LightHsbk( hue=int(round((hsbk[HSBK_HUE] % 360.) * (0xffff / 360.))), saturation=int(round(hsbk[HSBK_SAT] * 0xffff)), brightness=int(round(hsbk[HSBK_BR] * 0xffff)), kelvin=int(round(hsbk[HSBK_KELV]))))).serialize() now = time.monotonic() timeout = now for i in range(SET_COLOR_TRIES): self.socket.sendto(out_data, addr) timeout += SET_COLOR_TIMEOUT while now < timeout: r, _, _ =[self.socket], [], [], timeout - now) if len(r): in_data, in_addr = self.socket.recvfrom(0x1000) frame = protocol.Frame() frame.deserialize(in_data) if (in_addr == addr and frame.frame_header.protocol == 1024 and frame.frame_header.addressable and frame.frame_header.source == self.source and == target and frame.frame_address.sequence == self.sequence and frame.protocol_header.type == protocol.PacketType.DEVICE_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT): return now = time.monotonic() raise UDPException()
def get_color(self, mac, addr): target = (bytes.fromhex(mac) + bytes(8))[:8] self.sequence = (self.sequence + 1) & 0xff out_data = protocol.Frame( frame_header=protocol.FrameHeader(source=self.source), frame_address=protocol.FrameAddress(target=target, res_required=True, sequence=self.sequence), protocol_header=protocol.ProtocolHeader( _type=protocol.PacketType.LIGHT_GET)).serialize() now = time.monotonic() timeout = now for i in range(GET_COLOR_TRIES): self.socket.sendto(out_data, addr) timeout += GET_COLOR_TIMEOUT while now < timeout: r, _, _ =[self.socket], [], [], timeout - now) if len(r): in_data, in_addr = self.socket.recvfrom(0x1000) frame = protocol.Frame() frame.deserialize(in_data) if (in_addr == addr and frame.frame_header.protocol == 1024 and frame.frame_header.addressable and frame.frame_header.source == self.source and == target and frame.frame_address.sequence == self.sequence and frame.protocol_header.type == protocol.PacketType.LIGHT_STATE): return numpy.array([ frame.payload.color.hue * (360. / 0xffff), frame.payload.color.saturation * (1. / 0xffff), frame.payload.color.brightness * (1. / 0xffff), frame.payload.color.kelvin ], numpy.double) now = time.monotonic() raise UDPException()
def receiver3(ps): s = protocol.Frame() frame_expected = 0 while True: time.sleep(1) # should be less than the timeout_amount! event = ps.wait_for_event() if event == protocol.frame_arrival: r = ps.from_physical_layer() if r.seq == frame_expected: buffer = ps.to_network_layer(buffer) s.ack = frame_expected frame_expected = 1 - frame_expected ps.to_physical_layer(s) #indentation important!
def send_frame(fk, frame_nr, frame_expected, buffer, ps): """ Construct and send a data, ack, or nak frame """ global no_nak s = protocol.Frame() # scratch variable s.kind = fk # kind == data, ack, or nak if fk == = buffer[frame_nr.value] s.seq = frame_nr # only meaningful for data frames s.ack = frame_expected.copy().decr() if fk == protocol.nak: no_nak = False ps.to_physical_layer(s) if fk == ps.start_timer(frame_nr.value) ps.stop_ack_timer()
def set_color(self, hsbk, now): target = (bytes.fromhex(self.mac) + bytes(8))[:8] self.sequence = (self.sequence + 1) & 0xff self.out_data = protocol.Frame( frame_header=protocol.FrameHeader(source=udp.source), frame_address=protocol.FrameAddress(target=target, ack_required=True, sequence=self.sequence), protocol_header=protocol.ProtocolHeader( _type=protocol.PacketType.LIGHT_SET_COLOR), payload=protocol.LightSetColor(color=protocol.LightHsbk( hue=int(round((hsbk[HSBK_HUE] % 360.) * (0xffff / 360.))), saturation=int(round(hsbk[HSBK_SAT] * 0xffff)), brightness=int(round(hsbk[HSBK_BR] * 0xffff)), kelvin=int(round(hsbk[HSBK_KELV]))))).serialize() if self.timeout is None: self.timeout = now
def sender3(ps): buffer = protocol.Packet() ps.from_network_layer(buffer) next_frame_to_send = 0 while True: s = protocol.Frame() = buffer s.seq = next_frame_to_send print("sending", s.seq) ps.to_physical_layer(s) print("starting", s.seq) ps.start_timer(s.seq) event = ps.wait_for_event() if event == protocol.frame_arrival: s = ps.from_physical_layer() print("got ack", s.ack) if s.ack == next_frame_to_send: print("ack was desired") print("stopping", s.ack) ps.stop_timer(s.ack) ps.from_network_layer(buffer) # in stop-and-wait PAR, seq changes as next_frame_to_send = 1 - next_frame_to_send
for token in nlist: with open('data/' + token, 'rb') as f: status[nlist.index(token)] = pickle.load(f) except: pass t = [] try: with open('data/t', 'rb') as f: t = pickle.load(f) except: pass while True: string = filelockread(addr_list[0], lock) if frame.valid(p.Frame(string)): frame.update_frame(string) status_str ='cp1252') token_sts = [ status_str[8 * i:8 * (i + 1)] for i in range(int(len(status_str) / 8)) ] token_sts_dict = dict(zip(nlist, token_sts)) t.append( with open('data/t', 'wb') as ft: pickle.dump(t, ft) for token, sts in token_sts_dict.items(): i = nlist.index(token) status[i].append(stat(sts)) with open('data/' + token, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(status[i], f)
PKT_BUFFER = 10 first_acknowledgement = str(PKT_BUFFER) client.send(first_acknowledgement) packet = protocol.Packet(PKT_BUFFER) message = "Hello, I am a client. I am sending this message. Happy coding!" packet.append_msg(message) active = True while active: # input() buffer = protocol.from_network_layer(packet) if buffer == None: print(f"[NOTE] No more message left.") more_msg = input( "Enter new message to send OR press ENTER to DISCONNECT: ") if more_msg: packet.append_msg(more_msg) continue active = False continue frame = protocol.Frame(frame_kind='data', head=HEAD, tail=TAIL, packet=buffer) protocol.to_physical_layer(frame, client) protocol.wait_for_event(event=client, t=2) print() client.send(DISCONNECT_MESSAGE)
def protocol6(ps): global no_nak r = protocol.Frame() out_buf = mod_list(map(lambda x: protocol.Packet(), range(NR_BUFS))) in_buf = mod_list(map(lambda x: protocol.Packet(), range(NR_BUFS))) arrived = mod_list(map(lambda x: False, range(NR_BUFS))) def dump(): for i in range(NR_BUFS): ps.println(str(("dump", i, "arrived", arrived[i]))) for i in range(NR_BUFS): ps.println(str(("dump", i, "in_buf", in_buf[i].data))) for i in range(NR_BUFS): ps.println(str(("dump", i, "out_buf", out_buf[i].data))) ps.enable_network_layer() ack_expected = protocol.SequenceNumber(0, MAX_SEQ) next_frame_to_send = protocol.SequenceNumber(0, MAX_SEQ) frame_expected = protocol.SequenceNumber(0, MAX_SEQ) too_far = protocol.SequenceNumber(NR_BUFS, MAX_SEQ) nbuffered = 0 while True: event = ps.wait_for_event() if event == protocol.network_layer_ready: nbuffered = nbuffered + 1 ps.from_network_layer(out_buf[next_frame_to_send.value]) send_frame(, next_frame_to_send, frame_expected, out_buf, ps) elif event == protocol.frame_arrival: r = ps.from_physical_layer() if r.kind == if r.seq != frame_expected and no_nak: send_frame(protocol.nak, protocol.SequenceNumber(0, MAX_SEQ), frame_expected, out_buf, ps) else: ps.start_ack_timer() if r.seq.between(frame_expected, too_far) and arrived[r.seq.value] == False: arrived[r.seq.value] = True in_buf[r.seq.value] = while (arrived[frame_expected.value]): ps.to_network_layer(in_buf[frame_expected.value]) no_nak = False arrived[frame_expected.value] = False ps.start_ack_timer() else: if r.seq.between(frame_expected, too_far): pass else: pass if arrived[r.seq.value] == False: pass else: pass if r.kind == protocol.nak and r.ack.copy().inc().between( ack_expected, next_frame_to_send): send_frame(, r.ack.copy().inc(), frame_expected, out_buf, ps) while r.ack.between(ack_expected, next_frame_to_send): nbuffered = nbuffered - 1 ps.stop_timer(ack_expected.value) elif event == protocol.cksum_err: if no_nak: send_frame(protocol.nak, protocol.SequenceNumber(0, MAX_SEQ), frame_expected, out_buf, ps) elif event == protocol.timeout: send_frame(, protocol.SequenceNumber(event.value, MAX_SEQ), frame_expected, out_buf, ps) elif event == protocol.ack_timeout: send_frame(protocol.ack, protocol.SequenceNumber(0, MAX_SEQ), frame_expected, out_buf, ps) if nbuffered < NR_BUFS: ps.enable_network_layer() else: ps.disable_network_layer()