コード例 #1
ファイル: PiController.py プロジェクト: goer1011/PiControl
    def authenticate(self, cmd, password=None):
        # I'm just implementing the authentication scheme designed in the
        # protocol. Don't take this as any kind of assurance that it's secure.

        data = protocol.read(self.f, 9)
        assert data[:7] == 'PJLINK '
        security = data[7]
        if security == '0':
            return None
        data += protocol.read(self.f, 9)
        assert security == '1'
        assert data[8] == ' '
        salt = data[9:17]
        assert data[17] == '\r'

        if password is None:
            raise RuntimeError('projector needs a password')

        if callable(password):
            password = password()

        pass_data = (salt + password).encode('utf-8')
        pass_data_md5 = hashlib.md5(pass_data).hexdigest()

        # we *must* send a command to complete the procedure,
        # so we just get the power state.

        cmd_data = protocol.to_binary(POWR_BODY, cmd)
        self.f.write(pass_data_md5 + cmd_data)

        # read the response, see if it's a failed auth
        data = protocol.read(self.f, 7)
        if data == 'PJLINK ':
            # should be a failed auth if we get that
            data += protocol.read(self.f, 5)
            assert data == 'PJLINK ERRA\r'
            # it definitely is
            return False

        # good auth, so we should get a reply to the command we sent
        body, param = protocol.parse_response(self.f, data)

        # make sure we got a sensible response back
        assert body == POWR_BODY
        if param in protocol.ERRORS:
            raise ProjectorError(protocol.ERRORS[param])

        # but we don't care about the value if we did
        return param
コード例 #2
def updateGyro():
    angle = protocol.read(1)
    if len(angle > 0):
        global heading
        heading = ord(angle[0]) - 128
コード例 #3
def updateUltrasonic():
    lrDistance = protocol.read(2)
    if len(lrDistance) == 2:
        global distanceLeft
        global distanceRight
        distanceLeft = ord(lrDistance[0])
        distanceRight = ord(lrDistance[1])
コード例 #4
ファイル: old_start.py プロジェクト: lisn0/Carbon-Bot
 def json(self):
     if not hasattr(self, "parsed"):
         self.parsed = read(self.msgType, self.data)
     return self.parsed