コード例 #1
ファイル: chatServerSnd.py プロジェクト: michael-hahn/cs262
def delete_account_failure(client_socket, sender, version, puzzleflag, puzzle,
                           RESEND_CODE, CREATE_CODE):
	Sends a package to the client with a message to report that no account was deleted
	because the client has not logged in.
		client_socket: the socket through which we talk with the client
		sender: not important for this function
		version: the version of the wire protocol
        'server informs client that unknown account cannot be deleted.')

    package = protocol_pb2.Server2Client()
    package.version = version
    package.opcode = 9
    package.msg = "The unknown account cannot be deleted. You need to log in first."

    if puzzleflag:
        package.puzzle_exist = 1
        package.puzzle = puzzle
        package.puzzle_level = RESEND_CODE

    send_package(client_socket, package.SerializeToString())
コード例 #2
ファイル: chatServerSnd.py プロジェクト: michael-hahn/cs262
def delete_account_success(client_socket, message, version, puzzleflag, puzzle,
                           RESEND_CODE, CREATE_CODE):
	Sends a package to the client with a message to report that the specified account was deleted successfully.

		client_socket: the socket through which we talk with the client
		message: all the unread messages of the client that we just deleted the account of, concatenated in a string
		version: the version of the wire protocol

        'server successfully deleted the account and return all unread messages.'

    package = protocol_pb2.Server2Client()
    package.version = version
    package.opcode = 8
    package.msg = message

    if puzzleflag:
        package.puzzle_exist = 1
        package.puzzle = puzzle
        package.puzzle_level = RESEND_CODE

    send_package(client_socket, package.SerializeToString())
コード例 #3
ファイル: chatServerSnd.py プロジェクト: michael-hahn/cs262
def send_message_success(client_socket, receiver, version, puzzleflag, puzzle,
                         RESEND_CODE, CREATE_CODE):
	Sends a package to the client with a message to report that the message was delivered successfully
	to the account that was specified.

		client_socket: the socket through which we talk with the client
		receiver: the account name to which we sent the message
		version: the version of the wire protocol
        'server informs client that the new message is sent successfully.')

    package = protocol_pb2.Server2Client()
    package.version = version
    package.opcode = 3
    package.msg = "New message is sent to " + receiver + " successfully."

    if puzzleflag:
        package.puzzle_exist = 1
        package.puzzle = puzzle
        package.puzzle_level = RESEND_CODE

    send_package(client_socket, package.SerializeToString())
コード例 #4
ファイル: chatServerSnd.py プロジェクト: michael-hahn/cs262
def log_in_failure(client_socket, account_name, version, puzzleflag, puzzle,
                   RESEND_CODE, CREATE_CODE):
	Sends a package to the client with a message to report that the log in attempt to the specified account
	name failed, because the requested account name does not exist in the server.

		client_socket: the socket through which we talk with the client
		account_name: the account name where the client attempted to log in
		version: the version of the wire protocol
    logging.info('account %s cannot be logged in as it does not exist',

    package = protocol_pb2.Server2Client()
    package.version = version
    package.opcode = 14
    package.msg = "Account " + account_name + " cannot be logged in. It does not exist."

    if puzzleflag:
        package.puzzle_exist = 1
        package.puzzle = puzzle
        package.puzzle_level = RESEND_CODE

    send_package(client_socket, package.SerializeToString())
コード例 #5
ファイル: chatServerSnd.py プロジェクト: michael-hahn/cs262
def log_in_other(client_socket, acc, version, puzzleflag, puzzle, RESEND_CODE,
	Sends a package to the client with a message to report that the log in attempt to the specified account
	name was successful, but another client was connected in the same socket, which was forced to log out.

		client_socket: the socket through which we talk with the client
		account_name: the account name where the client attempted to log in
		version: the version of the wire protocol
        'account %s was logged in here. Now it is forced to log out. New account is now logged in.',

    package = protocol_pb2.Server2Client()
    package.version = version
    package.opcode = 16
    package.msg = "Account " + acc + " has logged in here. That account is forced to log out. You are now logged in."

    if puzzleflag:
        package.puzzle_exist = 1
        package.puzzle = puzzle
        package.puzzle_level = RESEND_CODE

    send_package(client_socket, package.SerializeToString())
コード例 #6
ファイル: chatServerSnd.py プロジェクト: michael-hahn/cs262
def check_message_failure(client_socket, sender, version, puzzleflag, puzzle,
                          RESEND_CODE, CREATE_CODE):
	Sends a package to the client with a message to report that the unread messages of the account
	could not be delivered because the client has not logged in in any account.

		client_socket: the socket through which we talk with the client
		sender: not important for this function
		version: the version of the wire protocol
        'server informs client that he/she is not logged in to check message.')

    package = protocol_pb2.Server2Client()
    package.version = version
    package.opcode = 7
    package.msg = "You need to logged in to check unread messages."

    if puzzleflag:
        package.puzzle_exist = 1
        package.puzzle = puzzle
        package.puzzle_level = RESEND_CODE

    send_package(client_socket, package.SerializeToString())
コード例 #7
ファイル: chatServerSnd.py プロジェクト: michael-hahn/cs262
def direct_send(receiver_socket, message, version, puzzleflag, puzzle,
                RESEND_CODE, CREATE_CODE):
	Sends a package to the client with a message to report that the requested message was delivered successfully
	to the account that was specified because the recipient was online.
		receiver_socket: the socket through which we talk with the recipient of the message
		message: the that we are about to send to the recipient
		version: the version of the wire protocol
        'server sent the message directly to the receiver because it is online'

    package = protocol_pb2.Server2Client()
    package.version = version
    package.opcode = 17
    package.msg = message

    if puzzleflag:
        package.puzzle_exist = 1
        package.puzzle = puzzle
        package.puzzle_level = RESEND_CODE

        return True
        logging.critical('client connection dropped in send_package.')
        return False
コード例 #8
ファイル: chatServerSnd.py プロジェクト: michael-hahn/cs262
def puzzle_send(client_socket, puzzle, level, version):
    logging.info('server sends the puzzle to client.')

    package = protocol_pb2.Server2Client()
    package.version = version
    package.opcode = 20
    package.puzzle = puzzle
    package.puzzle_level = level

    send_package(client_socket, package.SerializeToString())
コード例 #9
def check_message_success(client_socket, message, version):
	Sends a package to the client with a message to report that all the unread messages were delivered successfully.

		client_socket: the socket through which we talk with the client
		message: all the unread messages of the client concatenated in a string
		version: the version of the wire protocol
    logging.info('server returns all unread messages to the registered user.')

    package = protocol_pb2.Server2Client()
    package.version = version
    package.opcode = 6
    package.msg = message

    send_package(client_socket, package.SerializeToString())
コード例 #10
def quit_success(client_socket, sender, version):
	Sends a package to the client with a message to report that the client logged out successfully.

		client_socket: the socket through which we talk with the client
		sender: the account name of the client
		version: the version of the wire protocol
    logging.info('server quits the client successfully.')

    package = protocol_pb2.Server2Client()
    package.version = version
    package.opcode = 11
    package.msg = "You: " + sender + " has logged out successfully."

    send_package(client_socket, package.SerializeToString())
コード例 #11
def list_account_success(client_socket, results, version):
	Sends a package to the client with a message to report that all the requested account names were sent to it.
		client_socket: the socket through which we talk with the client
		results: all the accounts that matched the search criteria, concatenated in a string
		version: the version of the wire protocol
    logging.info('server returns to the client of all the matching accounts.')

    package = protocol_pb2.Server2Client()
    package.version = version
    package.opcode = 10
    package.msg = "The accounts that match your criteria: \n" + results

    send_package(client_socket, package.SerializeToString())
コード例 #12
def send_message_failure_sender(client_socket, receiver, version):
	Sends a package to the client with a message to report that the message was not delivered to the
	account that was specified because the client has not logged in.

		client_socket: the socket through which we talk with the client
		receiver: the account name to which we attempted to sent the message
		version: the version of the wire protocol
    logging.info('server informs client that he/she is not a registered user.')

    package = protocol_pb2.Server2Client()
    package.version = version
    package.opcode = 4
    package.msg = "You need to log in first. You do not have an account to send message to " + receiver

    send_package(client_socket, package.SerializeToString())
コード例 #13
ファイル: chatServerSnd.py プロジェクト: michael-hahn/cs262
def create_account_success(client_socket, account_name, version):
	Sends a package to the client with a message to report that a new account was created successfully.
		client_socket: the socket through which we talk with the client
		account_name: the account name used by the client
		version: the version of the wire protocol
        'server informs client that a new account is created successfully.')

    package = protocol_pb2.Server2Client()
    package.version = version
    package.opcode = 1
    package.msg = "New account " + account_name + " is created successfully."

    send_package(client_socket, package.SerializeToString())
コード例 #14
def quit_failure(client_socket, sender, version):
	Sends a package to the client with a message to report that the logout attempt failed
	because the client has not logged in in any account.

		client_socket: the socket through which we talk with the client
		sender: the account name of the client
		version: the version of the wire protocol
    logging.info('server cannot quit an unknown client')

    package = protocol_pb2.Server2Client()
    package.version = version
    package.opcode = 12
    package.msg = "You need to log in first to log out."

    send_package(client_socket, package.SerializeToString())
コード例 #15
def log_in_success(client_socket, account_name, version):
	Sends a package to the client with a message to report that the client successfully logged in in the
	specified account.

		client_socket: the socket through which we talk with the client
		account_name: the account name where the client just logged in
		version: the version of the wire protocol
    logging.info('account %s is successfully logged in.', account_name)

    package = protocol_pb2.Server2Client()
    package.version = version
    package.opcode = 13
    package.msg = "Account " + account_name + " is successfully logged in"

    send_package(client_socket, package.SerializeToString())
コード例 #16
def send_message_failure_receiver(client_socket, receiver, version):
	Sends a package to the client with a message to report that the message was not delivered to the
	account that was specified because the recipient does not correspond to a valid account.
		client_socket: the socket through which we talk with the client
		receiver: the account name to which we attempted to sent the message
		version: the version of the wire protocol
    logging.info('server informs client that the recipient does not exist.')

    package = protocol_pb2.Server2Client()
    package.version = version
    package.opcode = 5
    package.msg = "The recipient " + receiver + " does not exist."

    send_package(client_socket, package.SerializeToString())
コード例 #17
def log_in_already(client_socket, account_name, version):
	Sends a package to the client with a message to report that the log in attempt to the specified account
	name failed, because the requested account is already logged in.
		client_socket: the socket through which we talk with the client
		account_name: the account name where the client attempted to log in
		version: the version of the wire protocol
    logging.info('account %s has already logged in', account_name)

    package = protocol_pb2.Server2Client()
    package.version = version
    package.opcode = 15
    package.msg = "Account " + account_name + " has already logged in."

    send_package(client_socket, package.SerializeToString())
コード例 #18
ファイル: chatServerSnd.py プロジェクト: michael-hahn/cs262
def create_account_failure(client_socket, account_name, version):
	Sends a package to the client with a message to report that the account name
	that was asked already exists and hence the new account was not created successfully.

		client_socket: the socket through which we talk with the client
		account_name: the account name used by the client
		version: the version of the wire protocol
    logging.info('server informs client that the account exists.')

    package = protocol_pb2.Server2Client()
    package.version = version
    package.opcode = 2
    package.msg = "The account " + account_name + " exists already."

    send_package(client_socket, package.SerializeToString())
コード例 #19
def list_account_failure(client_socket, results, version):
	Sends a package to the client with a message to report that the list_account request could not succeed due
	to unexpected failure.
		receiver_socket: the socket through which we talk with the recipient of the message
		results: not important in this function
		version: the version of the wire protocol
    logging.info('server had trouble listing accounts.')

    package = protocol_pb2.Server2Client()
    package.version = version
    package.opcode = 18
    package.msg = "Server failed unexpectedly."

    send_package(client_socket, package.SerializeToString())
コード例 #20
ファイル: evilClient.py プロジェクト: michael-hahn/cs262
def get_response(server_socket):
	This function handles the response of the server to a client's request. If at any point connection is lost
	with the server then it prints an error message and terminates the program.
	Once the function receives a package it checks whether the server uses the same version with the client. If not it 
	prints an error message in the log file and terminates.
		server_socket: the socket through which the client speaks with the server.
    while True:
            # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            buf = server_socket.recv(1024)
            print 'Lost connection with the server.'
            logging.critical('lost connection with the server.')

        if len(buf) != 0:
            package = protocol_pb2.Server2Client()

            if package.version == VERSION:
                    OPCODES[package.opcode](server_socket, package.msg)
                        'unexpected fatal error occurred. Check client get_response.'
                logging.critical('server uses a different version.')
            logging.critical('connection to server lost at get_response')
            print "Server is down."
コード例 #21
ファイル: chatServerSnd.py プロジェクト: michael-hahn/cs262
def quit_success(client_socket, sender, version, puzzleflag, puzzle,
                 RESEND_CODE, CREATE_CODE):
	Sends a package to the client with a message to report that the client logged out successfully.

		client_socket: the socket through which we talk with the client
		sender: the account name of the client
		version: the version of the wire protocol
    logging.info('server quits the client successfully.')

    package = protocol_pb2.Server2Client()
    package.version = version
    package.opcode = 11
    package.msg = "You: " + sender + " has logged out successfully."

    if puzzleflag:
        package.puzzle_exist = 1
        package.puzzle = puzzle
        package.puzzle_level = RESEND_CODE

    send_package(client_socket, package.SerializeToString())
コード例 #22
def get_response(server_socket):
	This function handles the response of the server to a client's request. If at any point connection is lost
	with the server then it prints an error message and terminates the program.
	Once the function receives a package it checks whether the server uses the same version with the client. If not it 
	prints an error message in the log file and terminates.
		server_socket: the socket through which the client speaks with the server.
    while True:
            # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            buf = server_socket.recv(1024)
            print 'Lost connection with the server.'
            logging.critical('lost connection with the server.')

        if len(buf) != 0:
            end_time = time()
            package = protocol_pb2.Server2Client()

            if package.version == VERSION:
                if package.opcode == 20:
                    print("SOLVE PUZZLE NOW...")
                    puzzle.solve_puzzle(package.puzzle_level, package.puzzle)
                    print("PUZZLE SOLVED...")
                    # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                    if package.puzzle_level == CREATE_CODE:
                        ### response something here
                        chatClientSnd.create_approved(VERSION, server_socket)
                    return end_time
                    if package.puzzle_exist:
                        # print ("SOLVE PUZZLE NOW...")
                        # puzzle.solve_puzzle(package.puzzle_level, package.puzzle)
                        # print ("SOLVED...")
                        print("SOLVE PUZZLE NOW...")
                        t = Thread(target=puzzle.solve_puzzle,
                        OPCODES[package.opcode](server_socket, package.msg)
                        if package.puzzle_exist:
                            print("PUZZLE SOLVED...")
                        return end_time
                            'unexpected fatal error occurred. Check client get_response.'
                logging.critical('server uses a different version.')
            logging.critical('connection to server lost at get_response')
            print "Server is down."