コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, host, user, pw):
        RequestManager.__init__(self, host, user, pw)

        self.activityProtocol = ActivityProtocol(host, user, pw)
        self.activityLayer = None
コード例 #2
class ActivityRequestManager(RequestManager):

    configFile = "landmatrix.activity.ini"

    created = pyqtSignal( bool, int, str )

    def __init__(self, host, user, pw):
        RequestManager.__init__(self, host, user, pw)

        self.activityProtocol = ActivityProtocol(host, user, pw)
        self.activityLayer = None

    def getActivities(self, extent, dialog):

        # Connect to the stylePosted signal emitted by the GeoServer object
        self.connect(self.activityProtocol, SIGNAL("readSignal( bool, int, QString )"), dialog.getActivitiesFinished)

        url = self.activityProtocol.read(extent, dialog.iface)

    def getActivityById(self, id, dialog):
        # Connect to the stylePosted signal emitted by the GeoServer object
        self.connect(self.activityProtocol, SIGNAL("readSignal( bool, int, QString )"), dialog.getActivityByIdFinished)

        url = self.activityProtocol.readById(id)

    def postActivity(self, diffObject, dialog):

        self.connect(self.activityProtocol, SIGNAL("updated( bool, int, QString )"), dialog.postActivityFinished)

        url = self.activityProtocol.update(diffObject)

    def addActivitiesFromLayer(self):

        def _createNewActivity(id=None, otherActivity=None):

            # Connect to the protocol signal
            self.connect(self.activityProtocol, SIGNAL("created( bool, int, QString )"), _createNewActivityFinished)

            # Create a new Uuid
            if id is not None:
                uid = QPlainUuid(id)
                uid = QPlainUuid(QUuid.createUuid())

            tagGroups = list(TagGroup() for i in range(len(groups)))

            # attrs is a dictionary: key = field index, value = QgsFeatureAttribute
            # show all attributes and their values
            self.log("Attribute list:")
            for (k, attr) in attrs.iteritems():
                if k is not identifierColumnIndex:
                    self.log("%s: %s" % (fieldIndexMap[k], attr.toString()))

                    # First search the correct taggroup to append
                    attributeName = provider.fields()[k].name()
                    currentTagGroup = 0
                    for g in groups:
                        if attributeName in g:
                            currentTagGroup += 1

                    if attr is not None and attr.toString() != '':
                        tag = Tag(key=fieldIndexMap[k], value=attr.toString())
                        if tagGroups[currentTagGroup].mainTag() is None:

            a = Activity(id=uid)
            for tg in tagGroups:
                if len(tg.tags) > 0:

            wrapperObj = {}

            wrapperObj['activities'] = [a.createDiff(otherActivity)]

            self.activityProtocol.add(json.dumps(wrapperObj, sort_keys=True, indent=4 * ' '))

        def _createNewActivityFinished(success, statusCode, response):

            # Connect to the protocol signal
            self.disconnect(self.activityProtocol, SIGNAL("created( bool, int, QString )"), _createNewActivityFinished)

            # The newly returned activity should be parsed and the ID needs to
            # be written to the QgsFeature

            self.log("Server returned status code %i and response:\n%s" % (statusCode, response))

        def _checkActivityExists(uid):

            self.connect(self.activityProtocol, SIGNAL("readSignal( bool, int, QString )"), _checkActivityExistsFinished)

            self.log("Check if activity exists:")

        def _checkActivityExistsFinished(success, statusCode, response):

            self.disconnect(self.activityProtocol, SIGNAL("readSignal( bool, int, QString )"), _checkActivityExistsFinished)

            self.log("Server returned status code %i and response:\n%s" % (statusCode, response))

            activities = self.parseActivitiesResponse(response)
            if len(activities) == 0:
                self.log("Activity does not yet exist")

                #   _createNewActivity(uid, activities[0])

        # Get the dict that maps the attribute names from the landmatrix input Shapefile to the
        # fields defined in the global definition yaml
        identifierColumn, transformMap, groups = self.getTagGroupsConfiguration("landmatrix.activity.ini")

        # Get the active layer and its data provider
        layer = self.iface.activeLayer()
        provider = layer.dataProvider()

        # The current feature
        feature = QgsFeature()

        # List of attribute indexes to select
        attributeIndexes = []
        # Dict that maps the field index to the fields defined in the global YAML
        fieldIndexMap = {}

        # Find the index of the uuid column
        identifierColumnIndex = None

        for (i, field) in provider.fields().iteritems():
            if str(field.name()) in transformMap:
                fieldIndexMap[i] = transformMap[str(field.name())]
            elif field.name() == str(identifierColumn):
                identifierColumnIndex = i

        # Start data retreival: fetch geometry and necessary attributes for each feature
        provider.select(attributeIndexes + [identifierColumnIndex])

        # retreive every feature with its geometry and attributes
        while provider.nextFeature(feature):

            # fetch map of attributes
            attrs = feature.attributeMap()

            # Get the identifier value
            identifierValue = attrs[identifierColumnIndex].toString()

            # If the identifier is empty or None, create a new activity.
            # This should only be necessary at the initial imports
            if identifierValue is None or str(identifierValue) == str(''):

            #if str(idenitfierValue).contains(QRegExp('a0c78834-fd98-4d4d-b8b5-0754b50f2510'))
                uid = QPlainUuid(identifierValue)

    def addActivitiesFromLayerFinished(self, success, statusCode, reason):
        QMessageBox.warning(self.iface.mainWindow(), reason, "Server returned %i." % statusCode)