def getTripUpdates(self, REQUEST): ## Using the gtfs_realtime_pb2 file created by the ## proto compiler, we view the feed using the method below. feed = gtfs_realtime_pb2.FeedMessage() try: with contextlib.closing(urllib2.urlopen( self.FEED_URL)) as response: d = feed.ParseFromString( except (urllib2.URLError, google.protobuf.message.DecodeError) as e: print "Error while connecting to mta server " + str(e) ######################################################################## ####### Run code above this point to validate your connection ########## ######################################################################## ## The MTA feed gives entities which give information regarding, ## vehicle status, trip_update information & alerts self.timestamp = feed.header.timestamp self.nytime = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.timestamp, self.TIMEZONE) # nytime = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp,self.TIMEZONE) self.vehicle_ctr, self.alert_ctr, self.trip_ctr = 0, 0, 0 for entity in feed.entity: # Trip update represents a change in timetable if entity.HasField('trip_update'): self.trip_ctr = self.trip_ctr + 1 self.updates.append(entity) self.test = entity.trip_update self.t.append(entity.trip_update.stop_time_update) if entity.HasField('vehicle'): self.vehicle_ctr = self.vehicle_ctr + 1 self.vehicle.append(entity) if entity.HasField('alert'): self.alert_ctr = self.alert_ctr + 1 self.alerts.append(entity) try: if REQUEST == 'u': print self.updates print "Trip Updates: ", self.trip_ctr if REQUEST == 'v': print self.vehicle print "Vehicle Position Updates: ", self.vehicle_ctr if REQUEST == 'a': print self.alerts print "Alerts: ", self.alert_ctr if REQUEST == 't': print self.test print self.test.stop_time_update print self.t except: print "Request Error"
def getTripUpdates(self): ## Using the gtfs_realtime_pb2 file created by the ## proto compiler, we view the feed using the method below. feed = gtfs_realtime_pb2.FeedMessage() try: with contextlib.closing(urllib2.urlopen( self.FEED_URL)) as response: d = feed.ParseFromString( except (urllib2.URLError, google.protobuf.message.DecodeError) as e: print "Error while connecting to mta server " + str(e) ######################################################################## ####### Run code above this point to validate your connection ########## ######################################################################## ## The MTA feed gives entities which give information regarding, ## vehicle status, trip_update information & alerts self.timestamp = feed.header.timestamp self.nytime = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.timestamp, self.TIMEZONE) try: dynamodb = aws.getResource('dynamodb', 'us-east-1') table = dynamodb.Table("mtadata5") for entity in feed.entity: try: if entity.HasField('vehicle'): self.mark_96 = 0 self.mark_42 = 0 self.write = 0 # timeStamp: Feed timestamp [EDIT: This timestamp can be # obtained from the mta feed's header message] self.ts = int(feed.header.timestamp) - 18000 # Unix time is # of seconds since January 1, 1970 00:00 UTC self.hour = int( datetime.fromtimestamp(int( self.ts)).strftime('%H')) self.minute = int( datetime.fromtimestamp(int( self.ts)).strftime('%M')) # Timestamp in minutes past midnight self.m = self.hour * 60 + self.minute self.D['ts'] = self.m # day of the week = date.fromtimestamp(self.ts) self.dow = date.weekday( if self.dow == 5 or self.dow == 6: self.dow = "weekend" else: self.dow = "weekday" self.D['dow'] = self.dow e = entity # tripId: The unique trip identifier self.tripid = e.vehicle.trip.trip_id # tripId: Constructed from the scheduled start time of the trip and a shape_id: # <start time>_<shape_id>. The start time is represented as hundredths of # minutes past midnight, six digits 0 padded. So, 6:45:30am would be # 040550. # minutes past midnight self.num = self.tripid[7:8] if self.num != '1' and self.num != '2' and self.num != '3': self.write = 1 self.D['tripId'] = str(float(self.tripid[0:6]) * 0.01) # Time at which it reaches express station (at 96th street) # taken from the "vehicle message" of the MTA feed when possible # alt from "arrival time" from the 'trip_update' message self.current_stop = e.vehicle.stop_id if self.current_stop == "120S": self.ts = int(e.vehicle.timestamp) - 18000 self.hour = int( datetime.fromtimestamp(int( self.ts)).strftime('%H')) self.minute = int( datetime.fromtimestamp(int( self.ts)).strftime('%M')) self.m = self.hour * 60 + self.minute self.mark_96 = 1 self.D['96_arrive'] = str(self.m) # Time at which it reaches the destination (at 42nd Street) # taken from the "vehicle message" of the MTA feed when possible # alt from "arrival time" from the 'trip_update' message elif self.current_stop == "127S": self.ts = int(e.vehicle.timestamp) - 18000 self.hour = int( datetime.fromtimestamp(int( self.ts)).strftime('%H')) self.minute = int( datetime.fromtimestamp(int( self.ts)).strftime('%M')) self.m = self.hour * 60 + self.minute self.mark_42 = 1 self.D['42_arrive'] = str(self.m) else: self.write = 1 # direction: "N" or "S" depending on whether the journey is # uptown or downtown, respectively. self.direction = self.tripid[10:11] if self.direction == 'N': self.write = 1 if self.write == 1: pass elif self.mark_42 == 1: # Post dict try: table.update_item( Key={'tripId': self.D['tripId']}, UpdateExpression= "set ts=:a,dow=:b,TimesSquareArrive=:c", ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':a': self.D['ts'], ':b': self.D['dow'], ':c': self.D['42_arrive'] }) except KeyboardInterrupt: exit except: print "Update Error 1" elif self.mark_96 == 1: # Post dict try: table.update_item( Key={'tripId': self.D['tripId']}, UpdateExpression= "set ts=:a,dow=:b,NinetySixArrive=:c", ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':a': self.D['ts'], ':b': self.D['dow'], ':c': self.D['96_arrive'] }) except KeyboardInterrupt: exit except: print "Update Error 2" else: # Post dict try: table.update_item( Key={'tripId': self.D['tripId']}, UpdateExpression="set ts=:a,dow=:b", ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':a': self.D['ts'], ':b': self.D['dow'] }) except KeyboardInterrupt: exit except: print "Update Error 3" if entity.HasField('trip_update'): self.mark_96 = 0 self.mark_42 = 0 self.write = 0 # timeStamp: Feed timestamp [EDIT: This timestamp can be # obtained from the mta feed's header message] self.ts = int(feed.header.timestamp) - 18000 # Unix time is # of seconds since January 1, 1970 00:00 UTC self.hour = int( datetime.fromtimestamp(int( self.ts)).strftime('%H')) self.minute = int( datetime.fromtimestamp(int( self.ts)).strftime('%M')) # Timestamp in minutes past midnight self.m = self.hour * 60 + self.minute self.D['ts'] = self.m # day of the week = date.fromtimestamp(self.ts) self.dow = date.weekday( if self.dow == 5 or self.dow == 6: self.dow = "weekend" else: self.dow = "weekday" self.D['dow'] = self.dow e = entity # tripId: The unique trip identifier self.tripid = e.trip_update.trip.trip_id # tripId: Constructed from the scheduled start time of the trip and a shape_id: # <start time>_<shape_id>. The start time is represented as hundredths of # minutes past midnight, six digits 0 padded. So, 6:45:30am would be # 040550. # minutes past midnight self.D['tripId'] = str(float(self.tripid[0:6]) * 0.01) # routeId: Train Route, eg, 1, 2, 3 etc. or "S" for the Grand # Shuttle Service between Times Square & Grand Central self.D['routeId'] = e.trip_update.trip.route_id if self.D['routeId'] != '1' and self.D[ 'routeId'] != '2' and self.D['routeId'] != '3': self.write = 1 # Message feed, regarding the message itself. # futureStopData: Information from the trip_update message. # Should contain: # {<stop_id>: ["arrivaltime": <arrival_at_stop>, "departuretime": <departure_from_stop>]} # for eg. # {"247N": [{"arrivalTime":1454802090}, {"departureTime": 1454802090}], "246N": [{"arrivalTime": 1454802210}, {"departureTime": 1454802210}]} self.out = str(e.trip_update.stop_time_update) self.z = self.out.find('stop_id') self.x = self.out.find('120S') self.y = self.out.find('127S') if self.z != -1: self.i = self.out[self.z + 10:self.z + 14] if self.i == '120S': self.mark_96 = 1 elif self.i == '127S': self.mark_42 = 1 elif self.y == -1: self.write = 1 elif self.x == -1: self.mark_96 = 1 else: print "error, no stop_id" # direction: "N" or "S" depending on whether the journey is # uptown or downtown, respectively. self.direction = e.trip_update.trip.trip_id[10:11] if self.direction == 'N': self.write = 1 # Time at which it reaches the destination # taken from the "vehicle message" of the MTA feed when possible # alt from "arrival time" from the 'trip_update' message if self.mark_96 == 1: self.ts = int( self.out[self.y - 23:self.y - 13]) - 18000 self.hour = int( datetime.fromtimestamp(int( self.ts)).strftime('%H')) self.minute = int( datetime.fromtimestamp(int( self.ts)).strftime('%M')) self.m = self.hour * 60 + self.minute self.D['42_arrive'] = str(self.m) elif self.mark_42 == 1: pass elif self.write == 0: self.ts = int( self.out[self.y - 23:self.y - 13]) - 18000 self.hour = int( datetime.fromtimestamp(int( self.ts)).strftime('%H')) self.minute = int( datetime.fromtimestamp(int( self.ts)).strftime('%M')) self.m = self.hour * 60 + self.minute self.D['42_arrive'] = str(self.m) self.ts = int( self.out[self.x - 23:self.x - 13]) - 18000 self.hour = int( datetime.fromtimestamp(int( self.ts)).strftime('%H')) self.minute = int( datetime.fromtimestamp(int( self.ts)).strftime('%M')) self.m = self.hour * 60 + self.minute self.D['96_arrive'] = str(self.m) self.D['futureStopData'] = str( e.trip_update.stop_time_update) if self.write == 1: pass elif self.mark_42 == 1: # Post dict try: table.update_item( Key={'tripId': self.D['tripId']}, UpdateExpression= "set ts=:a,dow=:b,routeId=:c", ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':a': self.D['ts'], ':b': self.D['dow'], ':c': self.D['routeId'] }) except KeyboardInterrupt: exit except: print "Update Error 4" elif self.mark_96 == 1: # Post dict try: table.update_item( Key={'tripId': self.D['tripId']}, UpdateExpression= "set ts=:a,dow=:b,routeId=:c,TimesSquareArrive=:d", ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':a': self.D['ts'], ':b': self.D['dow'], ':c': self.D['routeId'], ':d': self.D['42_arrive'] }) except KeyboardInterrupt: exit except: print "Update Error 5" else: # Post dict try: table.update_item( Key={'tripId': self.D['tripId']}, UpdateExpression= "set ts=:a,dow=:b,routeId=:c,TimesSquareArrive=:d,NinetySixArrive=:e", ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':a': self.D['ts'], ':b': self.D['dow'], ':c': self.D['routeId'], ':d': self.D['42_arrive'], ':e': self.D['96_arrive'] }) except KeyboardInterrupt: exit except: print "Update Error 6" except KeyboardInterrupt: exit except: print "For Loop Error 1" except KeyboardInterrupt: exit except: print "mtaUpdates Error" return time.time()
## Feed_ID=2 is the beta for N,Q,R,W lines ## FEED = str(1) MTA_FEED = '' ## Reading from the key file (you may need to change file path). with open('./utils/key.txt', 'rb') as keyfile: APIKEY ='\n') keyfile.close() FEED_URL = MTA_FEED + FEED + '&key=' + APIKEY ## Using the gtfs_realtime_pb2 file created by the ## proto compiler, we view the feed using the method below. feed = gtfs_realtime_pb2.FeedMessage() try: response = urllib.urlopen(FEED_URL) d = feed.ParseFromString( except (urllib2.URLError, google.protobuf.message.DecodeError) as e: print "Error while connecting to mta server:\n " +str(e) ######################################################################## ####### Run code above this point to validate your connection ########## ######################################################################## ## As discussed, the MTA feed gives entities which give information regarding, ## vehicle status, trip_update information & alerts ## Walk through the code below for a quick introduction to the data feed.
def getTripUpdates(self): ## Using the gtfs_realtime_pb2 file created by the ## proto compiler, we view the feed using the method below. feed = gtfs_realtime_pb2.FeedMessage() try: with contextlib.closing(urllib2.urlopen( self.FEED_URL)) as response: d = feed.ParseFromString( except (urllib2.URLError, google.protobuf.message.DecodeError) as e: print "Error while connecting to mta server " + str(e) ######################################################################## ####### Run code above this point to validate your connection ########## ######################################################################## ## The MTA feed gives entities which give information regarding, ## vehicle status, trip_update information & alerts self.timestamp = feed.header.timestamp self.nytime = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.timestamp, self.TIMEZONE) try: # Get the dynamoDB service resource #dynamodb = aws.getResource('dynamodb', 'us-east-1') #table = dynamodb.Table("mtaData") #with table.batch_writer() as batch: for entity in feed.entity: try: if entity.HasField('vehicle'): # timeStamp: Feed timestamp [EDIT: This timestamp can be # obtained from the mta feed's header message] self.D['ts'] = feed.header.timestamp e = entity # tripId: The unique trip identifier self.D['tripId'] = e.vehicle.trip.trip_id # currentStopId: Applicable to vehicle messages, stop ID info. self.D['currentStopId'] = e.vehicle.stop_id # currentStopStatus: # {1:"INCOMING_AT", 2:"STOPPED_AT", 3:"IN_TRANSIT_TO"}, # refer manual for more details. self.D['currentStopStatus'] = e.vehicle.current_status # vehicleTimeStamp: The time stamp obtained from the vehicle self.D['vehicleTimeStamp'] = e.vehicle.timestamp # Post dict try: dynamodb = aws.getResource('dynamodb', 'us-east-1') table = dynamodb.Table("mtaData") table.update_item( Key={'tripId': self.D['tripId']}, UpdateExpression= "set ts = :a,currentStopId=:b,currentStopStatus=:c,vehicleTimeStamp=:d", ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':a': self.D['ts'], ':b': self.D['currentStopId'], ':c': self.D['currentStopStatus'], ':d': self.D['vehicleTimeStamp'] }) except KeyboardInterrupt: exit except: print "Update Error 1" if entity.HasField('trip_update'): # timeStamp: Feed timestamp [EDIT: This timestamp can be # obtained from the mta feed's header message] self.D['ts'] = feed.header.timestamp e = entity # tripId: The unique trip identifier self.D['tripId'] = e.trip_update.trip.trip_id # routeId: Train Route, eg, 1, 2, 3 etc. or "S" for the Grand # Shuttle Service between Times Square & Grand Central self.D['routeId'] = e.trip_update.trip.route_id # startDate: Journey Start Date self.D['startDate'] = e.trip_update.trip.start_date # direction: "N" or "S" depending on whether the journey is # uptown or downtown, respectively. (on the Grand Central # Shuttle, N: Times Square to Grand Central, S: reverse trip) self.D['direction'] = e.trip_update.trip.trip_id[10:11] # Message feed, regarding the message itself. # futureStopData: Information from the trip_update message. # Should contain: # {<stop_id>: ["arrivaltime": <arrival_at_stop>, "departuretime": <departure_from_stop>]} # for eg. # {"247N": [{"arrivalTime":1454802090}, {"departureTime": 1454802090}], "246N": [{"arrivalTime": 1454802210}, {"departureTime": 1454802210}]} self.D['futureStopData'] = str( e.trip_update.stop_time_update) # Post dict try: dynamodb = aws.getResource('dynamodb', 'us-east-1') table = dynamodb.Table("mtaData") table.update_item( Key={'tripId': self.D['tripId']}, UpdateExpression= "set ts = :a,routeId=:b,startDate=:c,direction=:d,futureStopData=:e", ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':a': self.D['ts'], ':b': self.D['routeId'], ':c': self.D['startDate'], ':d': self.D['direction'], ':e': self.D['futureStopData'] }) except KeyboardInterrupt: exit except: print "Update Error 2" except KeyboardInterrupt: exit except: print "For Loop Error 1" except KeyboardInterrupt: exit except: print "mtaUpdates Error"