def create_spatial_table(conn,tbl_name,srid,geom_type,other_cols=None,geom_col='geometry'): """ Create a spatial table. Args: conn: database connection object tbl_name: name of new table srid: SRID of projection for new table geom_type: type of geometries in new table other_cols: sequence of tuples with (name,type) of additional columns geom_col: name of geometry column """ geom_type = geom_type.upper() if geom_type not in GEOM_COL_TYPES: raise ValueError("Unknown geometry column type '{}'".format(geom_type)) srid = int(srid) if other_cols: other_col_list = [] other_col_sep = ', ' for colname,coltype in other_cols: esc_name = u.quote_identifier(colname) coltype = coltype.upper() if coltype not in OTHER_COL_TYPES: raise ValueError("Unknown column type '{}'.".format(coltype)) other_col_list.append(esc_name+' '+coltype) other_col_str = other_col_sep + other_col_sep.join(other_col_list) else: other_col_str = '' esc_tbl_name = u.quote_identifier(tbl_name) esc_geom_col = u.quote_identifier(geom_col) # Create table for geometries sql = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {} ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC{})'\ .format(esc_tbl_name,other_col_str) logger.debug("Table creation SQL:\n '{}'".format(sql))"Creating table {}".format(esc_tbl_name)) conn.execute(sql) sql = 'SELECT AddGeometryColumn({}, {}, {}, "{}", "XY")'\ .format(esc_tbl_name,esc_geom_col,srid,geom_type) logger.debug("Geometry column creation SQL:\n '{}'".format(sql))"Creating geometry column {}.".format(esc_geom_col)) conn.execute(sql)
def drop_table(conn,table): """ Drop table from database. Args: conn: database connection object table: name of table to drop """ sql = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {}'.format(u.quote_identifier(table)) logger.debug("Drop table SQL:\n '{}'".format(sql))'Dropping table {}'.format(table)) conn.execute(sql)
def get_intersections(sdb_conn, regions_table='nuts2006', grid_table='merra_grid', reg_proj=3035, grid_proj=4326): """ Calculate area of intersections between regions and grid cells. Args: sdb_conn: connection object to spatial database regions_table: name of table containing region geometries (default 'nuts2006') grid_table: name of table containing grid geometries (default 'merra_grid') reg_proj: projection SRID for regions' projection (default 3035 (European LAEA)) grid_proj: projection SRID for grid's projection (default 4326 (lat/long)) Returns: dict: areas of intersecting grid cells for each region e.g. {'reg1': {'grid_cell1': area1, 'grid_cell2': area1, ...}, ...} """ sql = """SELECT gid, rid,SUM(AREA(ST_Intersection(rgeom,ggeom))) AS overlap FROM (SELECT TRANSFORM(r.geometry,:1) AS rgeom,TRANSFORM(g.geometry,:1) as ggeom, AS gid,r.NUTS_ID AS rid FROM {grid_table} AS g, {regions_table} as r WHERE r.STAT_LEVL_=2 AND g.ROWID IN ( SELECT ROWID FROM SpatialIndex WHERE f_table_name = {grid_table} AND search_frame = TRANSFORM(rgeom,:2)) AND ST_Intersects(ggeom,rgeom)) GROUP BY rid,gid ORDER BY gid""".format(grid_table=u.quote_identifier(grid_table),regions_table=u.quote_identifier(regions_table)) c = sdb_conn.cursor()"Calculating grid/regions intersections from spatial data.") logger.debug("SQL:\n"+sql) result = c.execute(sql, (reg_proj,grid_proj)) logger.debug("Creating dictionary.") intersections = u.multilevel_dict() for gid,rid,overlap in result: intersections[rid][gid] = overlap return intersections
def copy_geoms(to_conn,to_table,from_db,from_tables,geom_col='geometry', calc_area_col='shape_area',**kwargs): """ Copy geometries in 'from_tables' in 'from_db' into 'to_table' in 'to_conn'. Args: to_conn: target database connection object to_table: table to copy into from_db: path to original db from_tables: list of tables to copy geom_col: name of geometry column calc_area_col: name of column for calculated area (area not calculated if set to None) """ # Escape input values esc_to_table = u.quote_identifier(to_table) esc_from_tables = map(u.quote_identifier,from_tables) esc_geom_col = u.quote_identifier(geom_col) create_spatial_table(to_conn,to_table,3035,'MULTIPOLYGON') print conn.execute("SELECT COUNT({}) FROM {} LIMIT 1".format(esc_geom_col,esc_to_table)).fetchall()