#print out for testing's purpose results = parser.parse_args() print(results.ts_name) print('name = {!r}'.format(results.ts_name)) print('eventChoice= {!r}'.format(results.event_type)) print('infomation = {!r}'.format(results.payload)) print(parser.parse_args()) temp_ts_name = results.ts_name temp_event = results.event_type users=['alice', 'bob', 'chuck'] nameS_ts = proxy.TupleSpaceAdapter(f'http://localhost:8004') datas = {} #get the dictionary that has alice, bob, chuck {'alice': 'start', 'alice_uri': 'http://localhost:8001'} for user in users: user_uri = user + "_uri" try: ts_name = nameS_ts._rdp([user, None]) #read from namingserver tuplespace to know alice's tuplespace start if ts_name is not None: print(ts_name) datas[user] = ts_name[1] ts_uri = nameS_ts._rdp([user_uri, None]) #read from namingserver's tuplespace to know alice's uri if ts_uri is not None: print(ts_uri) datas[user_uri] = ts_uri[1]
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import code import proxy import config config = config.read_config() ts_name = config['name'] adapter_host = config['adapter']['host'] adapter_port = config['adapter']['port'] adapter_uri = f'http://{adapter_host}:{adapter_port}' ts = proxy.TupleSpaceAdapter(adapter_uri) print(f'Connected to tuplespace {ts_name} on {adapter_uri}') code.interact(local=locals())
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import proxy import config config = config.read_config() ts_name= config['name'] print(ts_name) count = -1 log = [] list_output=[['chuck', 'gtcn', 'This graph theory stuff is not easy'],['chuck', 'distsys', 'I like systems more than graphs']] ts_server = proxy.TupleSpaceAdapter('http://localhost:8005') ts = proxy.TupleSpaceAdapter('http://localhost:8003') b=ts_server._rdp([None,None,None,None]) # if server is not empty if b is not None: count = b[-1] self = ts._rdp([None,None,None,count]) if self is None: log.append(b) ts._out(b) print(log) count += 1 else: count += 1 # if server is empty else: ts._out(['chuck', 'gtcn', 'This graph theory stuff is not easy']) ts._out(['chuck', 'distsys', 'I like systems more than graphs'])
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import struct import socket from xmlrpc.server import SimpleXMLRPCServer from threading import Thread import proxy naming_proxy = proxy.TupleSpaceAdapter('http://localhost:8004') MAX_UDP_PAYLOAD = 65507 server = SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 5000), allow_none=True) count = 1 def replicate_tuple_to_all(name, data): namelists = [] for i in range(0, count): name_list_row = naming_proxy._rd(count) namelists.append(name_list_row) for namelist in namelists: if namelist[1] != name: replicate_proxy = proxy.TupleSpaceAdapter((int, namelist[2], str)) replicate_proxy._out(data) return "Sucessfully replicated\n" def getURI(name): v = naming_proxy._rd((int, name, str))
def handleEventMain(notification, ts, procList, id, servers_ts, servers, isPrimary): # procList = [[logFilename1, isUnique1, entityList1, None, None, ignoreEntity1, entityListFunc1], [logFilename2, isUnique2, entityList2, None, None, ignoreEntity2, entityListFunc2]] # procList[i][3] = notificationList # procList[i][4] = messageList message = Common.deserializeNotification(notification) print(message) entity = message[Common.MessageEntity] event = message[Common.MessageEvent] td = [entity, event, message[Common.MessageData]] if (event == "elect"): servers_ts._out(["candidate", "candidate", id]) isPrimary = processElectionWinner(id, waitPeriod, servers_ts) elif isPrimary: if (event == "check_leader"): servers_ts._out(["alive", "alive", id]) elif ((event == Common.EventStart) or (event == Common.EventAdapter)): if (event == Common.EventStart): # recovery functionality eri = replayHandlingInfo() etsList = Common.getEntityTsList(ts) for etsi in etsList: Common.replayEvents(entity, etsi[1], procList[1][4], eri[0], eri[1], procList[1][5]) procList[1][3].append(notification) procList[1][4].append(message) # naming functionality Common.logNotificationToFile(procList[0][0], notification, procList[0][3], procList[0][1]) try: ts._out(td) except Exception as e: logging.error(f'_out Error {e}') Common.updateServerList(ts, entity) for backupServer in servers: if (backupServer["id"] != id): backupTs = proxy.TupleSpaceAdapter(backupServer["ts"]) try: backupTs._out(td) except Exception as be: logging.error( f'_out Error {backupServer["id"]} {backupServer["ts"]} {be}' ) procList[0][3].append(notification) procList[0][4].append(message) elif ((event == Common.EventWrite) or (event == Common.EventTake)): # recovery functionality # print('recovery functionality for write, take') if (message[Common.MessageData] not in [i[Common.MessageData] for i in procList[1][4]]): Common.playEventsAll(ts, [message[Common.MessageData]], lambda itd, name, ets: ets._out(itd)) Common.logNotificationToFile(procList[1][0], notification, procList[1][3], procList[1][1]) procList[1][3].append(notification) procList[1][4].append(message) else: return isPrimary # if isPrimary: else: return isPrimary return isPrimary
"port": 54324, "ts": "http://localhost:8004" }, { "id": 1, "host": "", "port": 54325, "ts": "http://localhost:8005" }] adapter_host = "localhost" adapter_port = 8006 waitPeriod = 5 servers_adapter_uri = f'http://{adapter_host}:{adapter_port}' servers_ts = proxy.TupleSpaceAdapter(servers_adapter_uri) # ts._out(["*", 3, 4]) # res = ts._in(["result", None]) entityTupleManager = f"{Common.EntityTuplemanager}.{id}" # entityTupleManager = f"tuplemanager.1" g_isPrimary = False electionEvent = f"elect elect elect" def doEmpty(ts, searchPattern): isEmpty = False while not isEmpty: td = ts._inp(searchPattern) if (td is None):
import proxy #Connect naming TS. ts = proxy.TupleSpaceAdapter('http://localhost:8003') users=[["alice"],["bob"],["chuck"]] # #Manually writing the users. # for i in users: # ts._out(i) # print(i) # result=ts._rdp(['alice']) # print(result) # result=ts._inp(users) # print(result) # def _getuser(self,u): # result=ts._rdp(users) # print(result)