コード例 #1
class ProxyThread:
    The proxy thread class represents a threaded proxy instance to handle a specific request from a client socket
    BUFFER_SIZE = 4096
    KEEP_ALIVE_REQUESTS = 5  # max number of requests made over connection

    def __init__(self, conn, client_addr, server_ip):
        self.proxy_manager = ProxyManager()
        self.client = conn
        self.client_id = client_addr[1]
        self.client_ip = ""
        self.permission = False  # whether or not user is authenticated
        self.role = "EMPLOYEE"  # permission mode of user: "******", "user", or "EMPLOYEE"
        self.KEEP_ALIVE_TIME = 115  # time to keep idle connection alive(seconds)
        self.server_ip = server_ip

    def get_settings(self):
        return self.proxy_manager

    def is_non_persistent(self, http_request_string):
        Determines whether or not given http_request_string has
        persistent features (Connection: Open, etc., 1.0, etc..)
        if parse_for_field(http_request_string, "http_version") != "1.1":
            return True
        if parse_for_field(http_request_string, "Connection") == "Keep-Alive":
            # set keep alive time.
                self.KEEP_ALIVE_TIME = min(
                    int(parse_for_field(http_request_string, "Keep-Alive")),
            except ParsingError:
                # Keep-Alive field does not exist. Use default timeout
            return False
        return True

    def init_thread(self):
        this is where you put your thread ready to receive data from the client like in assign #1
        calling the method self.client.rcv(..) in the appropiate loop
        and then proccess the request done by the client
        :return: VOID
            # grab first request
            client_req = self._receive()
            non_persistent = self.is_non_persistent(client_req)
            num_of_requests = 0

            while True:
                # start timer
                tick = time.time()
                # increment number of request/responses
                num_of_requests += 1
                # if non_persistent or idle time is up or number of requests exceeded.
                if non_persistent or time.time(
                ) - tick > self.KEEP_ALIVE_TIME or num_of_requests >= self.KEEP_ALIVE_REQUESTS:
                client_req = self._receive()
        except socket.timeout:
            print("Client {} has timed out.".format(self.client_id))
        except socket.error as sock_error:
            print(f"An HTTPError occurred: {sock_error}")
        except ClientDisconnect:
            print("Client has disconnected")
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Something went wrong: {e}")

    def _mask_ip_address(self):
        When private mode, mask ip address to browse in private
        This is easy if you think in terms of client-server sockets
        :return: VOID
        self.client_ip = self.server_ip

    def respond_ok(self, params):
        Sends 200 response to client
        req_map = params['request_map']
        response = params['response']
        http_version = req_map["http_version"]
        content_length = len(response.text)

        response_header = "HTTP/{} 200 OK\r\nServer: Ricware\r\nX-Powered-By: CODE/1.0.0\r\n".format(
        content_end = "Content-Length: {}\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n\r\n{}".format(
            content_length, response.text)

        if http_version == '1.1':
            connection = req_map['Connection']
            response_header += "Connection: {}\r\nKeep-Alive: timeout={}, max={}\r\n".format(
                connection, self.KEEP_ALIVE_TIME, self.KEEP_ALIVE_REQUESTS)

        if "Date" in response.headers:
            response_header += "Date: {}\r\n".format(response.headers["Date"])

        self._send(response_header + content_end)

    def respond_not_modified(self, params):
        Sends 304 response to client
        req_map = params['request_map']
        response = params['response']
        http_version = req_map["http_version"]
        content_length = len(response.text)

        response_header = "HTTP/{} 304 Not Modified\r\nServer: Ricware\r\nX-Powered-By: CODE/1.0.0\r\n".format(
        content_end = "Content-Length: {}\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n\r\n{}".format(
            content_length, response.text)

        if http_version == '1.1':
            connection = req_map['Connection']
            response_header += "Connection: {}\r\nKeep-Alive: timeout={}, max={}\r\n".format(
                connection, self.KEEP_ALIVE_TIME, self.KEEP_ALIVE_REQUESTS)

        if "Date" in response.headers:
            response_header += "Date: {}\r\n".format(response.headers["Date"])

        self._send(response_header + content_end)

    def respond_unauthorized(self, params):
        Sends 401 response to client
        req_map = params['request_map']
        http_version = req_map["http_version"]
        content = "<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head><title>401</title></head><body><h1>401 Unauthorized:</h1> resource is blocked or not authorized for the current user.</body></html>"

        response_header = 'HTTP/{} 401 Unauthorized\r\nServer: Ricware\r\nX-Powered-By: CODE/1.0.0\r\nProxy-Authenticate: Basic realm="proxyserver"\r\n'.format(
        content_end = "Content-Length: {}\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n\r\n{}".format(
            len(content), content)

        if http_version == '1.1':
            connection = req_map['Connection']
            response_header += "Connection: {}\r\nKeep-Alive: timeout={}, max={}\r\n".format(
                connection, self.KEEP_ALIVE_TIME, self.KEEP_ALIVE_REQUESTS)

        self._send(response_header + content_end)

    def respond_bad_request(self, params):
        Sends 400 response to client Bad Request 
        req_map = params['request_map']
        http_version = '1.1'  # req_map["http_version"]
        content = "<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head><title>401</title></head><body><h1>400 Bad Request:</h1> the request is not understood by the original server or the proxy server</body></html>"

        response_header = 'HTTP/{} 400 Bad Request\r\nServer: Ricware\r\nX-Powered-By: CODE/1.0.0\r\n'.format(
        content_end = "Content-Length: {}\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n\r\n{}".format(
            len(content), content)

        if http_version == '1.1':
            connection = req_map['Connection']
            response_header += "Connection: {}\r\nKeep-Alive: timeout={}, max={}\r\n".format(
                connection, self.KEEP_ALIVE_TIME, self.KEEP_ALIVE_REQUESTS)

        self._send(response_header + content_end)

    def respond_not_found(self, params):
        Sends 404 response to client Not Found
        req_map = params['request_map']
        http_version = req_map["http_version"]
        content = "<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head><title>401</title></head><body><h1>404 Not Found:</h1> the original server has not found anything matching the Request URI provided by the proxy server.</body></html>"

        response_header = 'HTTP/{} 404 Not Found\r\nServer: Ricware\r\nX-Powered-By: CODE/1.0.0\r\n'.format(
        content_end = "Content-Length: {}\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n\r\n{}".format(
            len(content), content)

        if http_version == '1.1':
            connection = req_map['Connection']
            response_header += "Connection: {}\r\nKeep-Alive: timeout={}, max={}\r\n".format(
                connection, self.KEEP_ALIVE_TIME, self.KEEP_ALIVE_REQUESTS)

        self._send(response_header + content_end)

    def respond_need_auth(self, params):
        Sends 407 response to client
        req_map = params['request_map']
        http_version = req_map["http_version"]
        content = '<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head><title>401</title></head><body><h1>407 Proxy Authentication Required:</h1> the proxy needs authorization based on client credentials in order to continue with the request.</body></head>'

        response_header = 'HTTP/{} 407 Proxy Authentication Required\r\nServer: Ricware\r\nX-Powered-By: CODE/1.0.0\r\nProxy-Authenticate: Basic realm="proxyserver"\r\n'.format(
        content_end = "Content-Length: {}\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n\r\n{}".format(
            len(content), content)

        if http_version == '1.1':
            connection = req_map['Connection']
            response_header += "Connection: {}\r\nKeep-Alive: timeout={}, max={}\r\n".format(
                connection, self.KEEP_ALIVE_TIME, self.KEEP_ALIVE_REQUESTS)

        self._send(response_header + content_end)

    def respond_forbidden(self, params):
        Sends 403 response to client
        req_map = params['request_map']
        http_version = req_map["http_version"]
        content = "<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head><title>401</title></head><body><h1>403 Forbidden:</h1> the server or the proxy server understood the request but the current user is forbidden to see the content of the resource requested. Authorization won’t work either in this case.</body></html>"

        response_header = 'HTTP/{} 403 Forbidden\r\nServer: Ricware\r\nX-Powered-By: CODE/1.0.0\r\n'.format(
        content_end = "Content-Length: {}\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n\r\n{}".format(
            len(content), content)

        if http_version == '1.1':
            connection = req_map['Connection']
            response_header += "Connection: {}\r\nKeep-Alive: timeout={}, max={}\r\n".format(
                connection, self.KEEP_ALIVE_TIME, self.KEEP_ALIVE_REQUESTS)

        self._send(response_header + content_end)

    def handle_client_response(self, code, params):
        Handles which response to send to users given code.
        print("Sending: {} response to {}".format(code, self.client_id))
        if code == 200:
        elif code == 304:
        elif code == 401:
        elif code == 400:
        elif code == 404:
        elif code == 407:
        elif code == 403:
            raise Exception("Code not understood")

    def check_permissions(self):
        Because after login, user role is known, check proxy manager to see if userrole
        is allowed access to resource.
        :return: Bool if user is able to access resource.
        return self.role == "super"

    def login(self, username, password, mask=False):
        Gets userrole from proxy manager, returns True if user is authorized
        # if mask:
        #     self._mask_ip_address()
        # check proxymanager if user/pw is in proxymanager.
        if self.proxy_manager.is_admin(
                username, password) or self.proxy_manager.is_manager(
                    username, password):
            self.role = "super"
            return True
        if self.proxy_manager.is_private_mode_user(username, password):
            self.role = "user"
            return True
        return False

    def handle_auth(self, request_map, response_params, blocked_sites=False):
        Note that execution flows back to calling function if the user is authenticating/authenticated
        :param request_map: used to check request
        :param response_params: used in response
        :return: Bool if to continue execution
        if not self.permission or request_map["method"] == "POST":
            # ask for permissions
            if request_map["method"] != "POST":
                # if not an attempt to login and not logged in, ask to login
                self.handle_client_response(407, response_params)
                return False

            body = request_map["body"]
            post_params = params_to_map(body)
            if "user_name" not in post_params or "password" not in post_params:
                # 403 error: Something is wrong with input params...
                self.handle_client_response(403, response_params)
                return False

            username = post_params["user_name"]
            password = post_params["password"]
            self.permission = self.login(username, password, mask=True)

            if not self.permission:
                # insufficient permissions
                self.handle_client_response(401, response_params)
                return False

        if blocked_sites and not self.check_permissions():
            # unauthorized
            self.handle_client_response(401, response_params)
            return False
        return True

    def handle_cache(self, url, request_map, response_params):
        Handles execution of checking cache if-modified-since date,
        and if not returns execution
        :param url: url to check
        :return: Bool if to continue execution
        # if item is cached...
        if self.proxy_manager.is_cached(url):
            old_response = self.proxy_manager.get_cached_resource(url)
            new_head = self.head_request_to_server(url, request_map)
            # compare
                if old_response.headers[
                        "If-Modified-Since"] == new_head.headers[
                    response_params['response'] = old_response

                    self.handle_client_response(304, response_params)
                    return False
            except KeyError:

        return True

    def process_client_request(self, http_request_string):
        Main algorithm. Note that those are high level steps, and most of them may
        require futher implementation details
        1. get url and private mode status from client 
        2. if private mode, then mask ip address: mask_ip_address method
        3. check if the resource (site) is in cache. If so and not private mode, then:
            3.1 check if site is blocked for this employee 
            3.2 check if site require credentials for this employee
            3.3 if 3.1 or 3.2 then then client needs to send a post request to proxy
                with credentials to check 3.1 and 3.2 access 
                3.3.1 if credentials are valid, send a HEAD request to the original server
                        to check last_date_modified parameter. If the cache header for that 
                        site is outdated then move to step 4. Otherwise, send a response to the 
                        client with the requested site and the appropiate status code.
        4. If site is not in cache, or last_data_modified is outdated, then create a GET request 
            to the original server, and store in cache the reponse from the server. 
        :param http_request_string: 
        :return: VOID
            # get a mapping of HTTP request string to HTTP request fields
            request_map = parse_for_field(http_request_string)

            url = request_map["url"]
            url, query_params = extract_query_params(url, "is_private_mode")

            query_params = params_to_map(query_params)
            # holds data needed to parse in respond
            response_params = {'request_map': request_map}
            # get client's ip
            self.client_ip = request_map["Host"]

            if int(query_params["is_private_mode"]) == 1:
                # make sure authed
                if not self.handle_auth(request_map, response_params):
                # user has sufficient permissions at this point.
                response = self.get_request_to_server(url, request_map)
                # in handle_cache checks if proxy manager has url. if it does, it does a head request,
                # checks if_modified_since date, if it is ok, it sends 300 instead. else execution flows
                # back here.
                if not self.handle_cache(url, request_map, response_params):

                response = self.get_request_to_server(url, request_map)

            if self.proxy_manager.is_site_blocked(url):
                if not self.handle_auth(
                        request_map, response_params, blocked_sites=True):

            response_params['response'] = response
            if 200 <= response.status_code < 300 or response.status_code == 304:
                if int(query_params["is_private_mode"]) != 1:
                    self.proxy_manager.update_cache(url, response)

                self.handle_client_response(200, response_params)
                self.handle_client_response(404, response_params)
        except (ParsingError, KeyError):
            # this is encountered when during parsing of the headers, there is an error.
            # In this case, a 400 Bad Request is sent back to client.
            self.handle_client_response(400, {})

    def _send(self, data):
        Serialialize data 
        send with the send() method of self.client
        :param data: the response data
        :return: VOID
        data_serialized = pickle.dumps(data)

    def _receive(self):
        deserialize the data 
        :return: the deserialized data
        client_request = self.client.recv(self.BUFFER_SIZE)
        if not client_request:
            raise ClientDisconnect()
        # Deserializes the data.
        client_data = pickle.loads(client_request)
        return client_data

    def head_request_to_server(self, url, param):
        HEAD request does not return the HTML of the site
        :param url:
        :param param: additions to session header
        :return: the headers of the response from the original server
        headers = {}
        # add custom headers
        if "Connection" in param:
            headers["Connection"] = param["Connection"]
        if "Keep-Alive" in param:
            headers["Keep-Alive"] = param["Keep-Alive"]
        response = requests.head(url, headers=headers)
        return response

    def get_request_to_server(self, url, param):
        GET request
        :param url: 
        :param param: additions to session header
        :return: the complete response including the body of the response
        headers = {}
        # add custom headers
        if "Connection" in param:
            headers["Connection"] = param["Connection"]
        if "Keep-Alive" in param:
            headers["Keep-Alive"] = param["Keep-Alive"]
        response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
        return response
コード例 #2
class ProxyThread(object):
    MAX_DATA_RECV = 1000000000
    The proxy thread class represents a threaded proxy instance to handle a specific request from a client socket
    DEBUG = False

    def __init__(self, conn, client_addr):
        self.proxy_manager = ProxyManager()
        self.client = conn
        self.client_id = client_addr[1]  # get id
        self.client_ip = client_addr[0]  # get ip address
        self.http_version = "1.1"

        if self.DEBUG:
                "[proxy_thread.py -> __init__] new instance of ProxyThread() class "

    def get_settings(self):
        if self.DEBUG:
            print("[proxy_thread.py -> get_settings] called ")
        return self.proxy_manager

    def init_thread(self):
            data = self._receive()
            if self.DEBUG:
                    "[proxy_thread.py -> init_thread] data received. data: \n"
                    + str(data))
        except socket.error as err:
            print("[proxy_thread -> init_thread] error! " + str(err))

    def client_id(self):
        if self.DEBUG:
            print("[proxy_thread.py -> client_id] called. returned: " +
        return self.client_id

    def _mask_ip_adress(self):
        # the proxy server is already masking the user IP
        if self.DEBUG:
                "[proxy_thread.py -> _mask_ip_address] set self.client_ip to: "
                + str(self.client_ip))

    def process_client_request(self, data):
        req = HttpHelper().convert_http_request_to_dict(data)
        self.http_version = req['http']
        url = req['url']
        is_private_mode = req['header']['is_private_mode']

        username = req['header']['username']  # fetch username
        password = req['header']['password']  # fetch password

        # if private mode then mask ip
        if is_private_mode == 1:

        if self.proxy_manager.is_site_blocked(url):
            if self.proxy_manager.is_admin(username, password):
                    str(407), "", """<!DOCTYPE html>
                        <title>407 Proxy Authentication Required</title>
                        <h1>407 Proxy Authentication Required</h1><p> the proxy needs authorization based on client credentials in order to continue with the request. (try logging in as admin)</p>

        elif self.proxy_manager.is_site_blocked_except_managers(url):
            if self.proxy_manager.is_manager(
                    username, password) or self.proxy_manager.is_admin(
                        username, password):
                    str(401), "", """<!DOCTYPE html>
                            <h1>401 Unauthoritzed</h1><p> resource is blocked or not authorized for the current user</p>

    def check_cache_and_send_to_client(self, url):
        if self.proxy_manager.is_cached(
                url) and not self.is_outdated_cache(url):  # <-- crashing here
            cached_site = self.proxy_manager.get_cached_resource(
                url)  # contains url, last_modified, and html
                                         cached_site['html'])  # response

        else:  # website not cached or might be outdated resource
            res = self.response_from_server({
                'mode': 'GET',
                'url': url,
                'param': []
            if self.DEBUG:
                print("url: " + url + " status code: " + str(res.status_code))
                print("headers: " + str(res.headers))

            # add to cache
                    url, res.headers['last-modified'], str(res.content))
            except KeyError as e:
                print("proxy_thread, last-modified header did not exist: " +

            # send response
            last_modified = ""
                last_modified = res.headers['last-modified']
            except KeyError:
                last_modified = res.headers['date']
            self.send_response_to_client(res.status_code, last_modified,

    def is_outdated_cache(self, url):
        cache = self.proxy_manager.get_cached_resource(url)
        headers = self.response_from_server({
            'mode': 'HEAD',
            'url': str(url),
            'param': []
            return headers['last-modified'] == cache['last_modified']
        except KeyError as err:
            print("outdated cache: " + str(err))
        return False  #returning false to fake success in cache

    def _send(self, data):
            serialized = pickle.dumps(data)
            if self.DEBUG:
                print("[proxy_thread.py -> _send] sent data to client: " +
        except socket.error as err:
            print("proxy_thread send failed with error %s" % err)

    def _receive(self):
        while True:
                serialized = self.client.recv(self.MAX_DATA_RECV)
                data = pickle.loads(serialized)
                if self.DEBUG:
                        "[proxy_thread.py -> _receive] received data from Client: \n"
                        + str(data))
                return data
            except socket.error as err:
                print("proxy_thread receive failed with error %s " % err)
            except EOFError:
                # print("[proxy_thread -> _receive] EOFError! (unable to pickle.loads successfully)")
                print("proxy thread EOFError exiting...")
                return "     "

    def head_request_to_server(self, url):
        session = requests.session()
        session.headers['Connection'] = 'close'
        session.headers['Keep-Alive'] = '0'

            response = session.head(url)
            if self.DEBUG:
                print("head_request_to_server: " + response)
            return response.headers  # .headers is a dictionary
        except requests.exceptions.MissingSchema:
            # retry logic
            print("request failed. retrying with http:// added to url")
            response = session.head('http://' + url)
            if self.DEBUG:
                print("head_request_to_server: " + response)
            return response.headers  # .headers is a dictionary

    def get_request_to_server(self, url):
        session = requests.session()
        session.headers['Connection'] = 'close'
        session.headers['Keep-Alive'] = '0'

            response = session.get(url)
            if self.DEBUG:
                print("get_request_to_server: " + str(response))
            return response  # .headers, .content, .json, .status_code
        except requests.exceptions.MissingSchema:
            # retry logic
            print("request failed. retrying with http:// added to url: " +
                  "http://" + url)
            response = session.get('http://' + url)
            if self.DEBUG:
                print("get_request_to_server: " + str(response))
            return response

    def response_from_server(self, request):
        mode = request['mode']
        url = request['url']
        if mode == "GET":
            return self.get_request_to_server(url)
        return self.head_request_to_server(url)

    def send_response_to_client(self, status_code, last_modified, html):
        response_string = HttpHelper().build_http_response(
            self.http_version, str(status_code), last_modified, str(html))