コード例 #1
def prepare_actuator_lattice(shape, Nact, sep, mask, dtype):
    """Prepare a lattice of actuators.

    Usage guide:
    returns a dict of
        mask; shape Nact
        actuators; shape Nact
        poke_arr; shape shape
        ixx; shape (truthy part of mask)
        iyy; shape (truthy part of mask)

    assign poke_arr[iyy, ixx] = actuators[mask] in the next step
    if mask is None:
        mask = np.ones(Nact, dtype=bool)

    actuators = np.zeros(Nact, dtype=dtype)

    cy, cx = [s // 2 for s in shape]
    Nactx, Nacty = Nact
    skip_samples_x, skip_samples_y = sep
    # python trick; floor division (//) rounds to negative inf, not zero
    # because FFT grid alignment biases things to the left, if Nact is odd
    # we want more on the negative side;
    # this will make that so
    neg_extreme_x = cx + -Nactx // 2 * skip_samples_x
    neg_extreme_y = cy + -Nacty // 2 * skip_samples_y
    pos_extreme_x = cx + Nactx // 2 * skip_samples_x
    pos_extreme_y = cy + Nacty // 2 * skip_samples_y

    # ix = np.arange(neg_extreme_x, pos_extreme_x+skip_samples_x, skip_samples_x)
    # iy = np.arange(neg_extreme_y, pos_extreme_y+skip_samples_y, skip_samples_y)
    # ixx, iyy = np.meshgrid(ix, iy)
    # ixx = ixx[mask]
    # iyy = iyy[mask]
    ix = slice(neg_extreme_x, pos_extreme_x, skip_samples_x)
    iy = slice(neg_extreme_y, pos_extreme_y, skip_samples_y)
    ixx = ix
    iyy = iy

    poke_arr = np.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype)
    return {
        'mask': mask,
        'actuators': actuators,
        'poke_arr': poke_arr,
        'ixx': ixx,
        'iyy': iyy,
コード例 #2
def _ensure_P_vec(P):
    if not hasattr(P, '__iter__'):
        P = np.array([0, 0, P], dtype=config.precision)
        # iterable
        P2 = np.zeros(3, dtype=config.precision)
        P2[-len(P):] = P
        P = P2

    return np.asarray(P).astype(config.precision)
コード例 #3
def ray_aim(P, S, prescription, j, wvl, target=(0, 0, np.nan), debug=False):
    """Aim a ray such that it encounters the jth surface at target.

    P : numpy.ndarray
        shape (3,), a single ray's initial positions
    S : numpy.ndarray
        shape (3,) a single ray's initial direction cosines
    prescription : iterable
        sequence of surfaces in the prescription
    j : int
        the surface index in prescription at which the ray should hit (target)
    wvl : float
        wavelength of light to use in ray aiming, microns
    target : iterable of length 3
        the position at which the ray should intersect the target surface
        NaNs indicate to ignore that position in aiming
    debug : bool, optional
        if True, returns the (ray-aiming) optimization result as well as the
        adjustment P

        deltas to P which result in ray intersection

    P = np.asarray(P).astype(config.precision).copy()
    S = np.asarray(S).astype(config.precision).copy()
    target = np.asarray(target)
    trace_path = prescription[:j + 1]

    def optfcn(x):
        P[:2] = x
        phist, _ = spencer_and_murty.raytrace(trace_path, P, S, wvl)
        final_position = phist[-1]
        euclidean_dist = (final_position - target)**2
        euclidean_dist = np.nansum(
            euclidean_dist) / 3  # /3 = div by number of axes
        return euclidean_dist

    res = optimize.minimize(optfcn, np.zeros(2), method='L-BFGS-B')
    P[:] = 0
    P[:2] = res.x
    if debug:
        return P, res
        return P
コード例 #4
def _initialize_alphas(cs, x, alphas, j=0):
    # j = derivative order
    if alphas is None:
        if hasattr(x, 'dtype'):
            dtype = x.dtype
            dtype = config.precision
        if hasattr(x, 'shape'):
            shape = (len(cs), *x.shape)
        elif hasattr(x, '__len__'):
            shape = (len(cs), len(x))
            shape = (len(cs), )

        if j != 0:
            shape = (j + 1, *shape)

        alphas = np.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype)
    return alphas