コード例 #1
	def do(self, player, time):
		print("You prepare to say the liturgy with the other monks.")
		psalms.say_psalms(23, player, psalms.getPsalms(), 3)
コード例 #2
import psalms
import getRule
import randomEvents
from ghost import Ghost
from random import randint

#some variables
VERSES_SAID = 3 # how many verses of the psalms should we say?
psalmsList = psalms.getPsalms()
ruleExcerpts = getRule.getRule()

ghost = Ghost() #should I put this somewhere else....???

class Activity():
	def __init__(self,name, location):
		self.__name = name
		self.__correctAction = "go to " + name
		self.location = location
		self.skip = False

	def go_to(self, playerObject):
		turns = 0

		if playerObject.prompt == True:
			print("Now it is time to", self.__correctAction)
		while self.skip != True: #... if 'skip' isn't true?