コード例 #1
    def _setCalibrations(self, evt):
        """ Method that sets the xtcav calibration values for a given run.
        # DONE in __init__
        #if not self._camera: self._setDetectorDataObjects()
        #if not self._darkreference: self._loadDarkReference()
        #if not self._lasingoffreference: self._loadLasingOffReference()

        self._roixtcav = xtup.getXTCAVImageROI(self._valsxtp, evt)
        logger.debug('_roixtcav: %s' % str(self._roixtcav))

        self._global_calibration = xtup.getGlobalXTCAVCalibration(
            self._valsxtp, evt)
        logger.debug('_global_calibration: %s' % str(self._global_calibration))

        self._saturation_value = xtup.getCameraSaturationValue(
            self._valsxtp, evt)
        logger.debug('_saturation_value: %d' % self._saturation_value)

        if self._roixtcav and self._global_calibration and self._saturation_value:
            #Only reason to do this is to allow us to use same 'processImage' function
            #across lasing on/off shots
            self.parameters = LasingOnParameters(\
                self.num_bunches, self.snr_filter,\
                self.roi_expand, self.roi_fraction,\
                self.island_split_method, self.island_split_par1,\
            self._calibrationsset = True
コード例 #2
ファイル: LasingOffReference.py プロジェクト: slac-lcls/lcls2
    def _getCalibrationValues(nev, evt, xtcavroipars, xtcavcalibpars):
        Internal method. Sets calibration parameters for image processing
            roi: region of interest in image
            global_calibration: global parameters of xtcav machine
            saturation_value: value at which image is saturated and no longer valid
            first_image: index of first valid shot in run

        roi_xtcav = xtup.getXTCAVImageROI(xtcavroipars, evt)
        #logger.debug('roi_xtcav: %s' % str(roi_xtcav))

        global_calibration = xtup.getGlobalXTCAVCalibration(
            xtcavcalibpars, evt)
        #logger.debug('global_calibration: %s' % str(global_calibration))

        saturation_value = xtup.getCameraSaturationValue(xtcavcalibpars, evt)
        #logger.debug('saturation_value: %s' % str(saturation_value))

        logger.info('Event %2d  CalibrationValues:  roi_xtcav: %s\t global_calibration: %s\t saturation_value: %s'%\
                    (nev, str(roi_xtcav), str(global_calibration), str(saturation_value)))

        resp = (roi_xtcav, global_calibration, saturation_value)
        return None if None in resp else resp
コード例 #3
 def _getImageROI(self, nev, evt, xtcavpars):
     self.ROI = xtup.getXTCAVImageROI(xtcavpars, evt)
     logger.info('\t Event %2d ImageROI: %s' % (nev, str(self.ROI)))
     return self.ROI is not None
コード例 #4
 def _getImageROI(self, nev, evt, camraw, valsxtp):
     self.ROI = xtup.getXTCAVImageROI(valsxtp, evt)
     logger.info('\t Event %2d ImageROI: %s' % (nev, str(self.ROI)))
     return self.ROI is not None