def on_but_show(self): logger.debug('on_but_show') if cp.cgwpartitiontable is None: self.w_show = None if self.w_show is None: _, list2d = get_platform( ) # [[[True,''], 'test/19670/daq-tst-dev02', 'testClient2b'], ...] list2d_active = list_active_procs(list2d) #logger.debug('list2d active processes:\n%s' % str(list2d_active)) self.w_show = CGWPartitionTable(parent=None, tableio=list2d_active,\ win_title='Display partitions',\ title_h=self.TABTITLE_H,\ is_visv=False) self.w_show.setToolTip( 'Processes selection is only available\nin the "Select" window.' ) self.w_show.move(QCursor.pos() + QPoint(50, 10)) self.w_show.setWindowTitle('Partitions') #if cp.cgwmain is not None: # THIS DOES NOT WORK AT LEAST IN OUR WM ... #logger.debug('force to activate cgwmain window') #cp.cgwmain.setWindowTitle('Activate it') #cp.cgwmain.raise_() #cp.cgwmain.activateWindow() """ # THIS WAS A FIGHT FOR ACTIVATION OF OTHER WINDOW, BUT # ALL THIS DOES NOT WORK AT LEAST IN OUR WM ... #cp.cgwmain.setWindowState(cp.cgwmain.windowState() & ~Qt.WindowMinimized | Qt.WindowActive) #cp.cgwmain.setFocus(Qt.PopupFocusReason) #cp.cgwmain.setFocus() #cp.cgwmain.update() if cp.qapplication is not None: for w in cp.qapplication.allWindows(): print('window in allWindows():', str(w), type(w), w.title(), ' isActive:', w.isActive(),' isModal:', w.isModal()) if str(w.title())=='DAQ Control': print('window %s is found' % w.title()) w.requestActivate() from PyQt5.QtTest import QTest QTest.mouseClick(self, Qt.LeftButton) """ else: self.w_show.close() self.w_show = None self.set_but_show_title()
def on_but_select(self): logger.debug('on_but_select') dict_platf, list2d = get_platform( ) # list2d = [[[True,''], 'test/19670/daq-tst-dev02', 'testClient2b'], ...] #logger.debug('List of processes:') #for rec in list2d : # [[state,name],alias] = rec # logger.debug('%s %s is %s selected' % (name.ljust(10), alias.ljust(10), {False:'not', True:' '}[state])) #parent=self, w = QWPopupTableCheck(tableio=list2d, title_h=self.TABTITLE_H,\ do_ctrl=(self.state=='UNALLOCATED'),\ win_title='Select partition',\ do_edit=False, is_visv=False, do_frame=True) if self.state != 'UNALLOCATED': w.setToolTip( 'Processes control is only available\nin the state UNALLOCATED' ) #w.move(QCursor.pos()+QPoint(20,10)) w.move(self.mapToGlobal(self.but_select.pos()) + QPoint(5, 22)) # (5,22) offset for frame resp = w.exec_() logger.debug('resp: %s' % { QDialog.Rejected: 'Rejected', QDialog.Accepted: 'Accepted' }[resp]) if resp != QDialog.Accepted: return list2d = w.table_out() #if self.w_display is not None : # self.w_display.fill_table_model(tableio=list2d,\ # title_h=self.TABTITLE_H,\ # do_edit=False, is_visv=False, do_ctrl=False, do_frame=True) set_platform(dict_platf, list2d) # 2019-03-13 caf: If Select->Apply is successful, an Allocate transition should be triggered. json_data = daq_control().getJsonConfig() retval = daq_control().storeJsonConfig(json_data) if 'err_info' in retval: logger.error('control.storeJsonConfig: %s' % retval['err_info']) list2d_active = list_active_procs(list2d) if len(list2d_active) == 0: logger.warning('NO PROCESS SELECTED!') daq_control().setState('allocated')
def onApply(self): logger.debug('onApply') self.list2d_out = self.wtab.fill_output_object() #self.accept() dict_platf, list2d = get_platform( ) # [[[True,''], 'test/19670/daq-tst-dev02', 'testClient2b'], ...] set_platform(dict_platf, self.list2d_out) ## 2019-03-13 caf: If Select->Apply is successful, an Allocate transition should be triggered. ## 2020-07-29 caf: The Allocate transition will update the active detectors file, if necessary. list2d_active = list_active_procs(self.list2d_out) if len(list2d_active) == 0: logger.warning('NO PROCESS SELECTED!') else: daq_control().setState('allocated')