コード例 #1
ファイル: courses.py プロジェクト: marksherman/CodeGra.de
def get_courses() -> JSONResponse[t.Sequence[t.Mapping[str, t.Any]]]:
    """Return all :class:`.models.Course` objects the current user is a member

    .. :quickref: Course; Get all courses the current user is enrolled in.

    :returns: A response containing the JSON serialized courses

    :param str extended: If set to ``true``, ``1`` or the empty string all the
        assignments and group sets for each course are also included under the
        key ``assignments`` and ``group_sets`` respectively.

    :>jsonarr str role: The name of the role the current user has in this
    :>jsonarr ``**rest``: JSON serialization of :py:class:`psef.models.Course`.

    :raises PermissionException: If there is no logged in user. (NOT_LOGGED_IN)
    def _get_rest(course: models.Course) -> t.Mapping[str, t.Any]:
        if helpers.extended_requested():
            snippets: t.Sequence[models.CourseSnippet] = []
            if (current_user.has_permission(GPerm.can_use_snippets)
                    and current_user.has_permission(
                        CPerm.can_view_course_snippets, course_id=course.id)):
                snippets = course.snippets

            return {
                'assignments': course.get_all_visible_assignments(),
                'group_sets': course.group_sets,
                'snippets': snippets,
        return course.__to_json__()

    extra_loads: t.Optional[t.List[t.Any]] = None
    if helpers.extended_requested():
        extra_loads = [

    # We don't use `helpers.get_or_404` here as preloading doesn't seem to work
    # when we do.
    user = models.User.query.filter_by(id=current_user.id).options([
        selectinload(models.User.courses, ).selectinload(
            models.CourseRole._permissions,  # pylint: disable=protected-access
    assert user is not None

    return jsonify([{
        'role': user.courses[c.id].name,
    } for c in helpers.get_in_or_error(
        t.cast(models.DbColumn[int], models.Course.id),
        [cr.course_id for cr in user.courses.values()],
コード例 #2
ファイル: courses.py プロジェクト: WaterCountry/CodeGra.de
    def _get_rest(course: models.Course) -> t.Mapping[str, t.Any]:
        if helpers.extended_requested():
            snippets: t.Sequence[models.CourseSnippet] = []
            if (current_user.has_permission(GPerm.can_use_snippets)
                    and current_user.has_permission(
                        CPerm.can_view_course_snippets, course_id=course.id)):
                snippets = course.snippets

            return {
                'assignments': course.get_all_visible_assignments(),
                'group_sets': course.group_sets,
                'snippets': snippets,
        return course.__to_json__()
コード例 #3
def self_information(
) -> t.Union[JSONResponse[t.Union[models.User, t.MutableMapping[str, t.Any], t.
                                  Mapping[int, str]]],
             ExtendedJSONResponse[t.Union[models.User, t.MutableMapping[str, t.
    """Get the info of the currently logged in :class:`.models.User`.

    .. :quickref: User; Get information about the currently logged in user.

    :query type: If this is ``roles`` a mapping between course_id and role name
        will be returned, if this is ``extended`` the result of
        :py:meth:`.models.User.__extended_to_json__()` will be returned. If
        this is something else or not present the result of
        :py:meth:`.models.User.__to_json__()` will be returned.
    :query with_permissions: Setting this to true will add the key
        ``permissions`` to the user. The value will be a mapping indicating
        which global permissions this user has.
    :returns: A response containing the JSON serialized user

    :raises PermissionException: If there is no logged in user. (NOT_LOGGED_IN)
    args = request.args
    if args.get('type') == 'roles':
        return jsonify(
                role.course_id: role.name
                for role in current_user.courses.values()

    elif helpers.extended_requested() or args.get('type') == 'extended':
        obj = current_user.__extended_to_json__()
        if request_arg_true('with_permissions'):
            obj['permissions'] = GPerm.create_map(
        return extended_jsonify(obj)
    return jsonify(current_user)