def test_killall(str_or_path): spawn_test_proc() # Test for 1+ processes. # Don't test for exactly 1 process (see comment above) assert sh.find_procs_by_cmdline(str_or_path(DATADIR)) sh.killall(str_or_path(DATADIR)) assert not sh.find_procs_by_cmdline(str_or_path(DATADIR))
def test_find_kill_procs(): """Test pshell.find_procs_by_cmdline and pshell.kill """ os.environ['TEST_DATADIR'] = DATADIR assert sh.find_procs_by_cmdline("this won't match anything") == [] assert sh.find_procs_by_cmdline('$TEST_DATADIR') == [] test_proc = spawn_test_proc() after = sh.find_procs_by_cmdline('$TEST_DATADIR') # Both the bash and cmd variants of the test process spawn short-lived # subprocesses. Testing for an exact match of 1 result causes instability # in the unit tests. assert test_proc in after # Test substrings and OR'ed matches after2 = sh.find_procs_by_cmdline("this won't match anything", DATADIR) assert test_proc in after2 t1 = time.time() sh.kill(test_proc) t2 = time.time() # Test that kill() did not wait the full 10 seconds since the process # graciously responded to SIGTERM assert t2 - t1 < 2 with pytest.raises(psutil.NoSuchProcess): test_proc.status() assert sh.find_procs_by_cmdline('$TEST_DATADIR') == []
def test_sigkill_sigterm_ignore(kwargs, min_elapsed, max_elapsed): """Test terminating processes resilient to SIGTERM, which would ignore the initial SIGTERM it receives. The kill() will attempt to shut the process again later forcefully. """ cmd = [sys.executable, os.path.join(DATADIR, "")] subprocess.Popen(cmd) time.sleep(1) # to allow enough time for python to start procs = sh.find_procs_by_cmdline(DATADIR) assert len(procs) == 1 t1 = time.time() sh.kill(procs[0], **kwargs) t2 = time.time() elapsed = t2 - t1 assert not sh.find_procs_by_cmdline(DATADIR) if min_elapsed > 0: assert min_elapsed < elapsed assert elapsed < max_elapsed
def test_sigkill_sigterm_delay5(): """Test that kill() will send a SIGTERM to kill the target first. Process that shuts itself downupon receiving SIGTERM will be able to do so gracefully. """ cmd = [sys.executable, os.path.join(DATADIR, "")] subprocess.Popen(cmd) time.sleep(1) # to allow enough time for python to start procs = sh.find_procs_by_cmdline(DATADIR) assert len(procs) == 1 t1 = time.time() sh.kill(procs[0]) t2 = time.time() duration_of_kill = t2 - t1 assert not sh.find_procs_by_cmdline(DATADIR) assert duration_of_kill > 5 # target process SIGTERM handler delay is 5s assert duration_of_kill < 10 # sh.kill() will retry SIGKILL in 10s
def test_sigkill_sigterm_ignore(): """Test terminating processes resilient to SIGTERM, which would ignore the initial SIGTERM it receives. The kill() will attempt to shut the process again later forcefully. """ cmd = [sys.executable, os.path.join(DATADIR, '')] subprocess.Popen(cmd) time.sleep(1) # to allow enough time for python to start procs = sh.find_procs_by_cmdline(DATADIR) assert len(procs) == 1 t1 = time.time() sh.kill(procs[0]) t2 = time.time() duration_of_kill = t2 - t1 assert not sh.find_procs_by_cmdline(DATADIR) assert duration_of_kill > 10 # sh.kill() will retry SIGKILL in 10s assert duration_of_kill < 20 # target process only runs this long