コード例 #1
def _core_set_variable(key: str, val: Union[core.Matrix, np.ndarray,
                                            float]) -> None:
    """Sets scalar or array QCVariable *key* to *val* in global memory."""

    if isinstance(val, core.Matrix):
        if core.has_scalar_variable(key):
            raise ValidationError(
                f"psi4.core.set_variable: Target variable '{key}' already a scalar variable!"
            core.set_array_variable(key, val)
    elif isinstance(val, np.ndarray):
        if core.has_scalar_variable(key):
            raise ValidationError(
                f"psi4.core.set_variable: Target variable '{key}' already a scalar variable!"
                key, core.Matrix.from_array(_qcvar_reshape_set(key, val)))
        if core.has_array_variable(key):
            raise ValidationError(
                f"psi4.core.set_variable: Target variable '{key}' already an array variable!"
            core.set_scalar_variable(key, val)
コード例 #2
ファイル: python_helpers.py プロジェクト: edeprince3/psi4
def _core_set_variable(key, val):
    if isinstance(val, core.Matrix):
        if core.has_scalar_variable(key):
            raise ValidationError("psi4.core.set_variable: Target variable " + key + " already a scalar variable!")
            core.set_array_variable(key, val)
    elif isinstance(val, np.ndarray):
        if core.has_scalar_variable(key):
            raise ValidationError("psi4.core.set_variable: Target variable " + key + " already a scalar variable!")
            core.set_array_variable(key, core.Matrix.from_array(val))
        if core.has_array_variable(key):
            raise ValidationError("psi4.core.set_variable: Target variable " + key + " already an array variable!")
            core.set_scalar_variable(key, val)
コード例 #3
def _core_set_variable(key, val):
    if isinstance(val, core.Matrix):
        if core.has_scalar_variable(key):
            raise ValidationError("psi4.core.set_variable: Target variable " + key + " already a scalar variable!")
            core.set_array_variable(key, val)
    elif isinstance(val, np.ndarray):
        if core.has_scalar_variable(key):
            raise ValidationError("psi4.core.set_variable: Target variable " + key + " already a scalar variable!")
            core.set_array_variable(key, core.Matrix.from_array(_qcvar_reshape_set(key, val)))
        if core.has_array_variable(key):
            raise ValidationError("psi4.core.set_variable: Target variable " + key + " already an array variable!")
            core.set_scalar_variable(key, val)
コード例 #4
ファイル: driver_nbody.py プロジェクト: fevangelista/psi4
def nbody_gufunc(func, method_string, **kwargs):
    Computes the nbody interaction energy, gradient, or Hessian depending on input.
    This is a generalized univeral function for computing interaction and total quantities.

    :returns: *return type of func* |w--w| The data.

    :returns: (*float*, :py:class:`~psi4.core.Wavefunction`) |w--w| data and wavefunction with energy/gradient/hessian set appropriately when **return_wfn** specified.

    :type func: function
    :param func: ``energy`` || etc.

        Python function that accepts method_string and a molecule. Returns a
        energy, gradient, or Hessian as requested.

    :type method_string: string
    :param method_string: ``'scf'`` || ``'mp2'`` || ``'ci5'`` || etc.

        First argument, lowercase and usually unlabeled. Indicates the computational
        method to be passed to func.

    :type molecule: :ref:`molecule <op_py_molecule>`
    :param molecule: ``h2o`` || etc.

        The target molecule, if not the last molecule defined.

    :type return_wfn: :ref:`boolean <op_py_boolean>`
    :param return_wfn: ``'on'`` || |dl| ``'off'`` |dr|

        Indicate to additionally return the :py:class:`~psi4.core.Wavefunction`
        calculation result as the second element of a tuple.

    :type bsse_type: string or list
    :param bsse_type: ``'cp'`` || ``['nocp', 'vmfc']`` || |dl| ``None`` |dr| || etc.

        Type of BSSE correction to compute: CP, NoCP, or VMFC. The first in this
        list is returned by this function. By default, this function is not called.

    :type max_nbody: int
    :param max_nbody: ``3`` || etc.

        Maximum n-body to compute, cannot exceed the number of fragments in the moleucle.

    :type ptype: string
    :param ptype: ``'energy'`` || ``'gradient'`` || ``'hessian'``

        Type of the procedure passed in.

    :type return_total_data: :ref:`boolean <op_py_boolean>`
    :param return_total_data: ``'on'`` || |dl| ``'off'`` |dr|

        If True returns the total data (energy/gradient/etc) of the system,
        otherwise returns interaction data.

    :type levels: dict
    :param levels: ``{1: 'ccsd(t)', 2: 'mp2', 'supersystem': 'scf'}`` || ``{1: 2, 2: 'ccsd(t)', 3: 'mp2'}`` || etc

        Dictionary of different levels of theory for different levels of expansion
        Note that method_string is not used in this case.
        supersystem computes all higher order n-body effects up to nfragments.

    :type embedding_charges: dict
    :param embedding_charges: ``{1: [-0.834, 0.417, 0.417], ..}``

        Dictionary of atom-centered point charges. keys: 1-based index of fragment, values: list of charges for each fragment.

    :type charge_method: string
    :param charge_method: ``scf/6-31g`` || ``b3lyp/6-31g*`` || etc

        Method to compute point charges for monomers. Overridden by embedding_charges if both are provided.

    :type charge_type: string
    :param charge_type: ``MULLIKEN_CHARGES`` || ``LOWDIN_CHARGES`` 

        Default is ``MULLIKEN_CHARGES``

    # Initialize dictionaries for easy data passing
    metadata, component_results, nbody_results = {}, {}, {}

    # Parse some kwargs
    kwargs = p4util.kwargs_lower(kwargs)
    if kwargs.get('levels', False):
        return driver_nbody_helper.multi_level(func, **kwargs)
    metadata['ptype'] = kwargs.pop('ptype', None)
    metadata['return_wfn'] = kwargs.pop('return_wfn', False)
    metadata['return_total_data'] = kwargs.pop('return_total_data', False)
    metadata['molecule'] = kwargs.pop('molecule', core.get_active_molecule())
    metadata['embedding_charges'] = kwargs.get('embedding_charges', False)
    metadata['kwargs'] = kwargs

    if metadata['ptype'] not in ['energy', 'gradient', 'hessian']:
        raise ValidationError("""N-Body driver: The ptype '%s' is not regonized.""" % metadata['ptype'])

    # Parse bsse_type, raise exception if not provided or unrecognized
    metadata['bsse_type_list'] = kwargs.pop('bsse_type')
    if metadata['bsse_type_list'] is None:
        raise ValidationError("N-Body GUFunc: Must pass a bsse_type")
    if not isinstance(metadata['bsse_type_list'], list):
        metadata['bsse_type_list'] = [metadata['bsse_type_list']]

    for num, btype in enumerate(metadata['bsse_type_list']):
        metadata['bsse_type_list'][num] = btype.lower()
        if btype.lower() not in ['cp', 'nocp', 'vmfc']:
            raise ValidationError("N-Body GUFunc: bsse_type '%s' is not recognized" % btype.lower())

    metadata['max_nbody'] = kwargs.get('max_nbody', -1)
    metadata['max_frag'] = metadata['molecule'].nfragments()
    if metadata['max_nbody'] == -1:
        metadata['max_nbody'] = metadata['molecule'].nfragments()
        metadata['max_nbody'] = min(metadata['max_nbody'], metadata['max_frag'])

    # Flip this off for now, needs more testing
    # If we are doing CP lets save them integrals
    #if 'cp' in bsse_type_list and (len(bsse_type_list) == 1):
    #    # Set to save RI integrals for repeated full-basis computations
    #    ri_ints_io = core.get_global_option('DF_INTS_IO')

    #    # inquire if above at all applies to dfmp2 or just scf
    #    core.set_global_option('DF_INTS_IO', 'SAVE')
    #    psioh = core.IOManager.shared_object()
    #    psioh.set_specific_retention(97, True)

    bsse_str = metadata['bsse_type_list'][0]
    if len(metadata['bsse_type_list']) > 1:
        bsse_str = str(metadata['bsse_type_list'])
    core.print_out("   ===> N-Body Interaction Abacus <===\n")
    core.print_out("        BSSE Treatment:                     %s\n" % bsse_str)

    # Get compute list
    metadata = build_nbody_compute_list(metadata)

    # Compute N-Body components
    component_results = compute_nbody_components(func, method_string, metadata)

    # Assemble N-Body quantities
    nbody_results = assemble_nbody_components(metadata, component_results)

    # Build wfn and bind variables
    wfn = core.Wavefunction.build(metadata['molecule'], 'def2-svp')
    dicts = [
        'energies', 'ptype', 'intermediates', 'energy_body_dict', 'gradient_body_dict', 'hessian_body_dict', 'nbody',
        'cp_energy_body_dict', 'nocp_energy_body_dict', 'vmfc_energy_body_dict'
    if metadata['ptype'] == 'gradient':
        nbody_results['gradient_body_dict'] = nbody_results['ptype_body_dict']
    elif metadata['ptype'] == 'hessian':
        nbody_results['hessian_body_dict'] = nbody_results['ptype_body_dict']
        component_results_gradient = component_results.copy()
        component_results_gradient['ptype'] = component_results_gradient['gradients']
        metadata['ptype'] = 'gradient'
        nbody_results_gradient = assemble_nbody_components(metadata, component_results_gradient)
        nbody_results['gradient_body_dict'] = nbody_results_gradient['ptype_body_dict']

    for r in [component_results, nbody_results]:
        for d in r:
            if d in dicts:
                for var, value in r[d].items():
                        wfn.set_scalar_variable(str(var), value)
                        core.set_scalar_variable(str(var), value)
                        wfn.set_array_variable(d.split('_')[0].upper() + ' ' + str(var), core.Matrix.from_array(value))

    core.set_variable("CURRENT ENERGY", nbody_results['ret_energy'])
    wfn.set_variable("CURRENT ENERGY", nbody_results['ret_energy'])

    if metadata['return_wfn']:
        return (nbody_results['ret_ptype'], wfn)
        return nbody_results['ret_ptype']
コード例 #5
ファイル: driver_nbody.py プロジェクト: q2kuhn/psi4
def nbody_gufunc(func: Union[str, Callable], method_string: str, **kwargs):
    Computes the nbody interaction energy, gradient, or Hessian depending on input.
    This is a generalized univeral function for computing interaction and total quantities.

    :returns: *return type of func* |w--w| The data.

    :returns: (*float*, :py:class:`~psi4.core.Wavefunction`) |w--w| data and wavefunction with energy/gradient/hessian set appropriately when **return_wfn** specified.

    :type func: Callable
    :param func: ``energy`` || etc.

        Python function that accepts method_string and a molecule. Returns a
        energy, gradient, or Hessian as requested.

    :type method_string: str
    :param method_string: ``'scf'`` || ``'mp2'`` || ``'ci5'`` || etc.

        First argument, lowercase and usually unlabeled. Indicates the computational
        method to be passed to func.

    :type molecule: :ref:`molecule <op_py_molecule>`
    :param molecule: ``h2o`` || etc.

        The target molecule, if not the last molecule defined.

    :type return_wfn: :ref:`boolean <op_py_boolean>`
    :param return_wfn: ``'on'`` || |dl| ``'off'`` |dr|

        Indicate to additionally return the :py:class:`~psi4.core.Wavefunction`
        calculation result as the second element of a tuple.

    :type bsse_type: str or list
    :param bsse_type: ``'cp'`` || ``['nocp', 'vmfc']`` || |dl| ``None`` |dr| || etc.

        Type of BSSE correction to compute: CP, NoCP, or VMFC. The first in this
        list is returned by this function. By default, this function is not called.

    :type max_nbody: int
    :param max_nbody: ``3`` || etc.

        Maximum n-body to compute, cannot exceed the number of fragments in the moleucle.

    :type ptype: str
    :param ptype: ``'energy'`` || ``'gradient'`` || ``'hessian'``

        Type of the procedure passed in.

    :type return_total_data: :ref:`boolean <op_py_boolean>`
    :param return_total_data: ``'on'`` || |dl| ``'off'`` |dr|

        If True returns the total data (energy/gradient/etc) of the system,
        otherwise returns interaction data.

    :type levels: dict
    :param levels: ``{1: 'ccsd(t)', 2: 'mp2', 'supersystem': 'scf'}`` || ``{1: 2, 2: 'ccsd(t)', 3: 'mp2'}`` || etc

        Dictionary of different levels of theory for different levels of expansion
        Note that method_string is not used in this case.
        supersystem computes all higher order n-body effects up to nfragments.

    :type embedding_charges: dict
    :param embedding_charges: ``{1: [-0.834, 0.417, 0.417], ..}``

        Dictionary of atom-centered point charges. keys: 1-based index of fragment, values: list of charges for each fragment.

    :type charge_method: str
    :param charge_method: ``scf/6-31g`` || ``b3lyp/6-31g*`` || etc

        Method to compute point charges for monomers. Overridden by embedding_charges if both are provided.

    :type charge_type: str
    :param charge_type: ``MULLIKEN_CHARGES`` || ``LOWDIN_CHARGES`` 

        Default is ``MULLIKEN_CHARGES``

    # Initialize dictionaries for easy data passing
    metadata, component_results, nbody_results = {}, {}, {}

    # Parse some kwargs
    kwargs = p4util.kwargs_lower(kwargs)
    if kwargs.get('levels', False):
        return driver_nbody_helper.multi_level(func, **kwargs)
    metadata['ptype'] = kwargs.pop('ptype', None)
    metadata['return_wfn'] = kwargs.pop('return_wfn', False)
    metadata['return_total_data'] = kwargs.pop('return_total_data', False)
    metadata['molecule'] = kwargs.pop('molecule', core.get_active_molecule())
    metadata['embedding_charges'] = kwargs.get('embedding_charges', False)
    metadata['kwargs'] = kwargs

    if metadata['ptype'] not in ['energy', 'gradient', 'hessian']:
        raise ValidationError(
            """N-Body driver: The ptype '%s' is not regonized.""" %

    # Parse bsse_type, raise exception if not provided or unrecognized
    metadata['bsse_type_list'] = kwargs.pop('bsse_type')
    if metadata['bsse_type_list'] is None:
        raise ValidationError("N-Body GUFunc: Must pass a bsse_type")
    if not isinstance(metadata['bsse_type_list'], list):
        metadata['bsse_type_list'] = [metadata['bsse_type_list']]

    for num, btype in enumerate(metadata['bsse_type_list']):
        metadata['bsse_type_list'][num] = btype.lower()
        if btype.lower() not in ['cp', 'nocp', 'vmfc']:
            raise ValidationError(
                "N-Body GUFunc: bsse_type '%s' is not recognized" %

    metadata['max_nbody'] = kwargs.get('max_nbody', -1)
    if metadata['molecule'].nfragments() == 1:
        raise ValidationError(
            "N-Body requires active molecule to have more than 1 fragment.")
    metadata['max_frag'] = metadata['molecule'].nfragments()
    if metadata['max_nbody'] == -1:
        metadata['max_nbody'] = metadata['molecule'].nfragments()
        metadata['max_nbody'] = min(metadata['max_nbody'],

    # Flip this off for now, needs more testing
    # If we are doing CP lets save them integrals
    #if 'cp' in bsse_type_list and (len(bsse_type_list) == 1):
    #    # Set to save RI integrals for repeated full-basis computations
    #    ri_ints_io = core.get_global_option('DF_INTS_IO')

    #    # inquire if above at all applies to dfmp2 or just scf
    #    core.set_global_option('DF_INTS_IO', 'SAVE')
    #    psioh = core.IOManager.shared_object()
    #    psioh.set_specific_retention(97, True)

    bsse_str = metadata['bsse_type_list'][0]
    if len(metadata['bsse_type_list']) > 1:
        bsse_str = str(metadata['bsse_type_list'])
    core.print_out("   ===> N-Body Interaction Abacus <===\n")
    core.print_out("        BSSE Treatment:                     %s\n" %

    # Get compute list
    metadata = build_nbody_compute_list(metadata)

    # Compute N-Body components
    component_results = compute_nbody_components(func, method_string, metadata)

    # Assemble N-Body quantities
    nbody_results = assemble_nbody_components(metadata, component_results)

    # Build wfn and bind variables
    wfn = core.Wavefunction.build(metadata['molecule'], 'def2-svp')
    dicts = [
        'energies', 'ptype', 'intermediates', 'energy_body_dict',
        'gradient_body_dict', 'hessian_body_dict', 'nbody',
        'cp_energy_body_dict', 'nocp_energy_body_dict', 'vmfc_energy_body_dict'
    if metadata['ptype'] == 'gradient':
        nbody_results['gradient_body_dict'] = nbody_results['ptype_body_dict']
    elif metadata['ptype'] == 'hessian':
        nbody_results['hessian_body_dict'] = nbody_results['ptype_body_dict']
        component_results_gradient = component_results.copy()
        component_results_gradient['ptype'] = component_results_gradient[
        metadata['ptype'] = 'gradient'
        nbody_results_gradient = assemble_nbody_components(
            metadata, component_results_gradient)
        nbody_results['gradient_body_dict'] = nbody_results_gradient[

    for r in [component_results, nbody_results]:
        for d in r:
            if d in dicts:
                for var, value in r[d].items():
                        wfn.set_scalar_variable(str(var), value)
                        core.set_scalar_variable(str(var), value)
                            d.split('_')[0].upper() + ' ' + str(var),

    core.set_variable("CURRENT ENERGY", nbody_results['ret_energy'])
    wfn.set_variable("CURRENT ENERGY", nbody_results['ret_energy'])
    if metadata['ptype'] == 'gradient':
        core.set_variable("CURRENT GRADIENT", nbody_results['ret_ptype'])
    elif metadata['ptype'] == 'hessian':
        core.set_variable("CURRENT HESSIAN", nbody_results['ret_ptype'])

    if metadata['return_wfn']:
        return (nbody_results['ret_ptype'], wfn)
        return nbody_results['ret_ptype']