コード例 #1
def test_mrcc():
    #! CCSDT cc-pVDZ energy for the H2O molecule using MRCC

    h2o = psi4.geometry("""
        h 1 1.0
        h 1 1.0 2 104.5

    psi4.set_options({'basis': 'cc-pvdz', 'freeze_core': 'true'})


    assert psi4.compare_values(8.801465529972,
                               psi4.variable("NUCLEAR REPULSION ENERGY"), 6,
    assert psi4.compare_values(-76.021418445155,
                               psi4.variable("SCF TOTAL ENERGY"), 6, 'SCF')
    assert psi4.compare_values(-0.204692406830,
                               psi4.variable("MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY"), 6,
                               'MP2 correlation')
    assert psi4.compare_values(-0.217715210258,
                               psi4.variable("CCSDT CORRELATION ENERGY"), 6,
                               'CCSDT correlation')
    assert psi4.compare_values(-76.239133655413,
                               psi4.variable("CURRENT ENERGY"), 6, 'CCSDT')
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_psi4_qcschema.py プロジェクト: yqcaogit/psi4
def test_psi4_cc():
    #! RHF-CCSD 6-31G** all-electron optimization of the H2O molecule

    jatin = """{"id": null, "schema_name": "qcschema_input", "schema_version": 1, "molecule": {"schema_name": "qcschema_molecule", "schema_version": 2, "validated": true, "symbols": ["O", "H", "H"], "geometry": [0.0, 0.0, -0.12770502190246294, 0.0, -1.4345476276003923, 1.013385685261514, 0.0, 1.4345476276003923, 1.013385685261514], "name": "H2O", "molecular_charge": 0.0, "molecular_multiplicity": 1, "masses": [15.99491461957, 1.00782503223, 1.00782503223], "real": [true, true, true], "atom_labels": ["", "", ""], "atomic_numbers": [8, 1, 1], "mass_numbers": [16, 1, 1], "fragments": [[0, 1, 2]], "fragment_charges": [0.0], "fragment_multiplicities": [1], "fix_com": false, "fix_orientation": false, "provenance": {"creator": "QCElemental", "version": "v0.17.0+7.gf55d5ac.dirty", "routine": "qcelemental.molparse.from_string"}}, "driver": "optimize", "model": {"method": "ccsd", "basis": "6-31G**"}, "keywords": {}, "protocols": {}, "extras": {"wfn_qcvars_only": true}, "provenance": {"creator": "Psi4", "version": "1.4a2.dev1087", "routine": "psi4.driver.p4util.procutil"}}"""

    atres = psi4.schema_wrapper.run_qcschema(json.loads(jatin))

    if "qcengine.exceptions.InputError" in atres.error.error_message:
        pytest.xfail("no AtomicInput optimization")

    # psi4.optimize('ccsd')

    refnuc = 9.1654609427539
    refscf = -76.0229427274435
    refccsd = -0.20823570806196
    reftotal = -76.2311784355056

    assert psi4.compare_values(refnuc,
                               atres.properties.nuclear_repulsion_energy, 3,
                               "Nuclear repulsion energy")
    assert psi4.compare_values(refscf,
                               atres.extras["qcvars"]["SCF total energy"], 5,
                               "SCF energy")
    assert psi4.compare_values(refccsd,
                               psi4.variable("CCSD correlation energy"), 4,
                               "CCSD contribution")
    assert psi4.compare_values(reftotal, psi4.variable("Current energy"), 7,
                               "Total energy")
コード例 #3
def test_psi4_cc():
    #! RHF-CCSD 6-31G** all-electron optimization of the H2O molecule

    h2o = psi4.geometry("""
        H 1 0.97
        H 1 0.97 2 103.0

    psi4.set_options({"basis": '6-31G**'})


    refnuc = 9.1654609427539
    refscf = -76.0229427274435
    refccsd = -0.20823570806196
    reftotal = -76.2311784355056

    assert psi4.compare_values(refnuc, h2o.nuclear_repulsion_energy(), 3,
                               "Nuclear repulsion energy")
    assert psi4.compare_values(refscf, psi4.variable("SCF total energy"), 5,
                               "SCF energy")
    assert psi4.compare_values(refccsd,
                               psi4.variable("CCSD correlation energy"), 4,
                               "CCSD contribution")
    assert psi4.compare_values(reftotal, psi4.variable("Current energy"), 7,
                               "Total energy")
コード例 #4
def test_psi4_sapt():
    #! SAPT0 cc-pVDZ computation of the ethene-ethyne interaction energy, using the cc-pVDZ-JKFIT RI basis for SCF
    #! and cc-pVDZ-RI for SAPT.  Monomer geometries are specified using Cartesian coordinates.

    Eref = [
        85.1890645313, -0.00359915058, 0.00362911158, -0.00083137117,
        -0.00150542374, -0.00230683391

    ethene_ethyne = psi4.geometry("""
         0 1
         C     0.000000    -0.667578    -2.124659
         C     0.000000     0.667578    -2.124659
         H     0.923621    -1.232253    -2.126185
         H    -0.923621    -1.232253    -2.126185
         H    -0.923621     1.232253    -2.126185
         H     0.923621     1.232253    -2.126185
         0 1
         C     0.000000     0.000000     2.900503
         C     0.000000     0.000000     1.693240
         H     0.000000     0.000000     0.627352
         H     0.000000     0.000000     3.963929
         units angstrom

    # this molecule will crash test if molecule passing broken
    barrier = psi4.geometry("""
     0 1

        "basis": "cc-pvdz",
        "df_basis_elst": "cc-pvdz-ri",
        "guess": "sad",
        "scf_type": "df",
        "sad_print": 2,
        "d_convergence": 11,
        "puream": True,
        "print": 1

    psi4.energy('sapt0', molecule=ethene_ethyne)

    Eelst = psi4.variable("SAPT ELST ENERGY")
    Eexch = psi4.variable("SAPT EXCH ENERGY")
    Eind = psi4.variable("SAPT IND ENERGY")
    Edisp = psi4.variable("SAPT DISP ENERGY")
    ET = psi4.variable("SAPT0 TOTAL ENERGY")

    assert psi4.compare_values(Eref[0],
                               ethene_ethyne.nuclear_repulsion_energy(), 9,
                               "Nuclear Repulsion Energy")
    assert psi4.compare_values(Eref[1], Eelst, 6, "SAPT0 Eelst")
    assert psi4.compare_values(Eref[2], Eexch, 6, "SAPT0 Eexch")
    assert psi4.compare_values(Eref[3], Eind, 6, "SAPT0 Eind")
    assert psi4.compare_values(Eref[4], Edisp, 6, "SAPT0 Edisp")
    assert psi4.compare_values(Eref[5], ET, 6, "SAPT0 Etotal")
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_psi4_qcschema.py プロジェクト: philipmnel/psi4
def test_psi4_cc(datadir):
    #! RHF-CCSD 6-31G** all-electron optimization of the H2O molecule

    ref_file = datadir.join(f"jatin2.ref")
    with open(ref_file) as f:
        jatin = json.load(f)

    atres = psi4.schema_wrapper.run_qcschema(jatin)

    if "qcengine.exceptions.InputError" in atres.error.error_message:
        pytest.xfail("no AtomicInput optimization")

    # psi4.optimize('ccsd')

    refnuc = 9.1654609427539
    refscf = -76.0229427274435
    refccsd = -0.20823570806196
    reftotal = -76.2311784355056

    assert psi4.compare_values(refnuc,
                               atres.properties.nuclear_repulsion_energy, 3,
                               "Nuclear repulsion energy")
    assert psi4.compare_values(refscf,
                               atres.extras["qcvars"]["SCF total energy"], 5,
                               "SCF energy")
    assert psi4.compare_values(refccsd,
                               psi4.variable("CCSD correlation energy"), 4,
                               "CCSD contribution")
    assert psi4.compare_values(reftotal, psi4.variable("Current energy"), 7,
                               "Total energy")
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_misc.py プロジェクト: andyj10224/psi4
def test_cancelled_qcvars():
    err_substr = "no direct replacement"

    with pytest.raises(psi4.UpgradeHelper) as e:
        psi4.variable("scsn-mp2 same-spin correlation energy")

    assert err_substr in str(e.value)
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_addons.py プロジェクト: u3005466/psi4
def disabled_test_forte():
    """aci-10: Perform aci on benzyne"""

    import forte

    refscf    = -229.20378006852584
    refaci    = -229.359450812283
    refacipt2 = -229.360444943286

    mbenzyne = psi4.geometry("""
      0 1
       C   0.0000000000  -2.5451795941   0.0000000000
       C   0.0000000000   2.5451795941   0.0000000000
       C  -2.2828001669  -1.3508352528   0.0000000000
       C   2.2828001669  -1.3508352528   0.0000000000
       C   2.2828001669   1.3508352528   0.0000000000
       C  -2.2828001669   1.3508352528   0.0000000000
       H  -4.0782187459  -2.3208602146   0.0000000000
       H   4.0782187459  -2.3208602146   0.0000000000
       H   4.0782187459   2.3208602146   0.0000000000
       H  -4.0782187459   2.3208602146   0.0000000000

      units bohr

       'basis': 'DZ',
       'df_basis_mp2': 'cc-pvdz-ri',
       'reference': 'uhf',
       'scf_type': 'pk',
       'd_convergence': 10,
       'e_convergence': 12,
       'guess': 'gwh',

    psi4.set_module_options("FORTE", {
      'root_sym': 0,
      'frozen_docc':     [2,1,0,0,0,0,2,1],
      'restricted_docc': [3,2,0,0,0,0,2,3],
      'active':          [1,0,1,2,1,2,1,0],
      'multiplicity': 1,
      'aci_nroot': 1,
      'job_type': 'aci',
      'sigma': 0.001,
      'aci_select_type': 'aimed_energy',
      'aci_spin_projection': 1,
      'aci_enforce_spin_complete': True,
      'aci_add_aimed_degenerate': False,
      'aci_project_out_spin_contaminants': False,
      'diag_algorithm': 'full',
      'aci_quiet_mode': True,

    scf = psi4.energy('scf')
    assert psi4.compare_values(refscf, scf,10,"SCF Energy")

    assert psi4.compare_values(refaci, psi4.variable("ACI ENERGY"),10,"ACI energy")
    assert psi4.compare_values(refacipt2, psi4.variable("ACI+PT2 ENERGY"),8,"ACI+PT2 energy")
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_psi4.py プロジェクト: SebWouters/psi4
def test_psi4_sapt():
    #! SAPT0 cc-pVDZ computation of the ethene-ethyne interaction energy, using the cc-pVDZ-JKFIT RI basis for SCF
    #! and cc-pVDZ-RI for SAPT.  Monomer geometries are specified using Cartesian coordinates.

    Eref = [ 85.1890645313,  -0.00359915058,  0.00362911158,
             -0.00083137117,      -0.00150542374, -0.00230683391 ]

    ethene_ethyne = psi4.geometry("""
         0 1
         C     0.000000    -0.667578    -2.124659
         C     0.000000     0.667578    -2.124659
         H     0.923621    -1.232253    -2.126185
         H    -0.923621    -1.232253    -2.126185
         H    -0.923621     1.232253    -2.126185
         H     0.923621     1.232253    -2.126185
         0 1
         C     0.000000     0.000000     2.900503
         C     0.000000     0.000000     1.693240
         H     0.000000     0.000000     0.627352
         H     0.000000     0.000000     3.963929
         units angstrom

    # this molecule will crash test if molecule passing broken
    barrier = psi4.geometry("""
     0 1

        "basis": "cc-pvdz",
        "guess": "sad",
        "scf_type": "df",
        "sad_print": 2,
        "d_convergence": 11,
        "puream": True,
        "print": 1})

    psi4.energy('sapt0', molecule=ethene_ethyne)

    Eelst = psi4.variable("SAPT ELST ENERGY")
    Eexch = psi4.variable("SAPT EXCH ENERGY")
    Eind  = psi4.variable("SAPT IND ENERGY")
    Edisp = psi4.variable("SAPT DISP ENERGY")
    ET    = psi4.variable("SAPT0 TOTAL ENERGY")

    assert psi4.compare_values(Eref[0], ethene_ethyne.nuclear_repulsion_energy(), 9, "Nuclear Repulsion Energy")
    assert psi4.compare_values(Eref[1], Eelst, 6, "SAPT0 Eelst")
    assert psi4.compare_values(Eref[2], Eexch, 6, "SAPT0 Eexch")
    assert psi4.compare_values(Eref[3], Eind, 6, "SAPT0 Eind")
    assert psi4.compare_values(Eref[4], Edisp, 6, "SAPT0 Edisp")
    assert psi4.compare_values(Eref[5], ET, 6, "SAPT0 Etotal")
コード例 #9
def test_v2rdm_casscf():
    #! cc-pvdz N2 (6,6) active space Test DQG

        '        N2 / cc-pVDZ / DQG(6,6), scf_type = CD / 1e-12, rNN = 0.5 A')

    import v2rdm_casscf

    n2 = psi4.geometry("""
    0 1
    n 1 r

    interloper = psi4.geometry("""
    0 1
    H 1 1.0
    H 1 1.0 2 90.0

        'basis': 'cc-pvdz',
        'scf_type': 'cd',
        'cholesky_tolerance': 1e-12,
        'd_convergence': 1e-10,
        'maxiter': 500,
        'restricted_docc': [2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0],
        'active': [1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1],
            'positivity': 'dqg',
            'r_convergence': 1e-5,
            'e_convergence': 1e-6,
            'maxiter': 20000,
            #'orbopt_frequency': 1000,
            #'mu_update_frequency': 1000,


    n2.r = 0.5 * 0.52917721067 / 0.52917720859
    refscf = -103.04337420425350
    refv2rdm = -103.086205379481

    psi4.energy('v2rdm-casscf', molecule=n2)

    assert psi4.compare_values(refscf, psi4.variable("SCF TOTAL ENERGY"), 8,
                               "SCF total energy")
    assert psi4.compare_values(refv2rdm, psi4.variable("CURRENT ENERGY"), 5,
                               "v2RDM-CASSCF total energy")
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_addons.py プロジェクト: SebWouters/psi4
def test_v2rdm_casscf():
    #! cc-pvdz N2 (6,6) active space Test DQG

    print('        N2 / cc-pVDZ / DQG(6,6), scf_type = CD / 1e-12, rNN = 0.5 A')

    import v2rdm_casscf

    n2 = psi4.geometry("""
    0 1
    n 1 r

    interloper = psi4.geometry("""
    0 1
    H 1 1.0
    H 1 1.0 2 90.0

      'basis': 'cc-pvdz',
      'scf_type': 'cd',
      'cholesky_tolerance': 1e-12,
      'd_convergence': 1e-10,
      'maxiter': 500,
      'restricted_docc': [ 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0 ],
      'active': [ 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1 ],
    psi4.set_module_options('v2rdm_casscf', {
      'positivity': 'dqg',
      'r_convergence': 1e-5,
      'e_convergence': 1e-6,
      'maxiter': 20000,
      #'orbopt_frequency': 1000,
      #'mu_update_frequency': 1000,


    n2.r     = 0.5 * 0.52917721067 / 0.52917720859
    refscf   = -103.04337420425350
    refv2rdm = -103.086205379481

    psi4.energy('v2rdm-casscf', molecule=n2)

    assert psi4.compare_values(refscf, psi4.variable("SCF TOTAL ENERGY"), 8, "SCF total energy")
    assert psi4.compare_values(refv2rdm, psi4.variable("CURRENT ENERGY"), 5, "v2RDM-CASSCF total energy")
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_misc.py プロジェクト: andyj10224/psi4
def test_renamed_qcvars():
    psi4.set_variable("SCS(N)-MP2 TOTAL ENERGY", 3.3)

    with pytest.warns(FutureWarning) as e:
        ans = psi4.variable("SCSN-MP2 TOTAL ENERGY")

    assert ans == 3.3
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_dft_blocking.py プロジェクト: jturney/psi4
def test_dft_block_scheme_distantpoints():
    """Test removal of distant grid points. all DFT_BLOCK_SCHEME should give same results and number
    of grid points."""

    mol = psi4.geometry(
    0 1
    O  -1.551007  -0.114520   0.000000
    H  -1.934259   0.762503   0.000000
    H  -0.599677   0.040712   0.000000
    symmetry c1
            "BASIS": "sto-3g",
            "maxiter": 1,
            "FAIL_ON_MAXITER": False,
            "DFT_WEIGHTS_TOLERANCE": -1.0,
    ref = {"True": 45929, "False": 46890}
    YESNO = [True,False]
    for YN in YESNO:
        for S in SCHEMES:
            psi4.set_options({"DFT_BLOCK_SCHEME": S})
            e, wfn = psi4.energy("pbe", return_wfn=True)
            P = psi4.variable("XC GRID TOTAL POINTS")
            XC = wfn.variable("DFT XC ENERGY")
            assert psi4.compare_integers(ref[f"{YN}"], P, f" scheme={S}; distant points={YN} ")
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_dft_blocking.py プロジェクト: jturney/psi4
def test_dft_block_schemes(scheme):
    """all DFT_BLOCK_SCHEME should give same results and number
    of grid points. Water dimer with ghost atoms"""

    mol = psi4.geometry(
    0 1
    O           -1.490196515110    -0.043256842172     0.000000000000
    H           -1.845932568294     0.844902886698     0.000000000000
    H           -0.533258283804     0.073267064698     0.000000000000
    @O            1.416663724802     0.038738966977     0.000000000000
    @H            1.773104797767    -0.423233996755     0.760023878024
    @H            1.773104797767    -0.423233996755    -0.760023878024
    symmetry c1
            "BASIS": "def2-SVPD",
            "DFT_SPHERICAL_POINTS": 590,
            "DFT_RADIAL_POINTS": 85,
            "D_convergence": 1e-8,
            "DFT_WEIGHTS_TOLERANCE": -1.0,
    ref = {"XC GRID TOTAL POINTS": 300900, "DFT XC ENERGY": -9.218561399189895}
    psi4.set_options({"DFT_BLOCK_SCHEME": scheme})
    e, wfn = psi4.energy("pbe/def2-SVPD", return_wfn=True)
    P = psi4.variable("XC GRID TOTAL POINTS")
    XC = wfn.variable("DFT XC ENERGY")
    assert psi4.compare_integers(ref["XC GRID TOTAL POINTS"], P, f" {scheme} GRID POINTS:")
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref["DFT XC ENERGY"], XC, f" {scheme} XC ENERGY:")
コード例 #14
def test_v2rdm6():
    #! cc-pvdz N2 (6,6) active space Test DQG

    print('        N2 / cc-pVDZ / DQG(6,6), geometry optimization')

    import psi4

    n2 = psi4.geometry("""
    0 1
    n 1 1.1

        'basis': 'cc-pvdz',
        'scf_type': 'pk',
        'd_convergence': 1e-10,
        'maxiter': 500,
        'restricted_docc': [2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0],
        'active': [1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1],
            'positivity': 'dqg',
            #'r_convergence': 1e-7,
            'r_convergence': 1e-6,
            'e_convergence': 1e-5,
            'orbopt_gradient_convergence': 1e-8,
            'maxiter': 20000,



    refnuc = 23.1968666562054260
    refscf = -108.95016246035139
    refv2rdm = -109.095505119442

    assert psi4.compare_values(refnuc, n2.nuclear_repulsion_energy(), 4,
                               "Nuclear repulsion energy")
    assert psi4.compare_values(refscf, psi4.variable("SCF TOTAL ENERGY"), 5,
                               "SCF total energy")
    assert psi4.compare_values(refv2rdm, psi4.variable("CURRENT ENERGY"), 4,
                               "v2RDM-CASSCF total energy")
コード例 #15
def test_v2rdm():
    #! cc-pvdz N2 (6,6) active space Test DQG

    print('        N2 / cc-pVDZ / DQG(6,6), scf_type = DF, rNN = 1.1 A')

    import psi4

    import sys
    sys.path.insert(0, '../..')
    import hilbert

    n2 = psi4.geometry("""
    0 1
    n 1 r

        'basis': 'cc-pvdz',
        'scf_type': 'df',
        'd_convergence': 1e-10,
        'maxiter': 500,
        'restricted_docc': [2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0],
        'active': [1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1],
        'hilbert', {
            'positivity': 'dqg',
            'r_convergence': 1e-5,
            'e_convergence': 1e-6,
            'maxiter': 20000,


    n2.r = 1.1
    refscf = -108.95348837831371
    refv2rdm = -109.094404909477


    assert psi4.compare_values(refscf, psi4.variable("SCF TOTAL ENERGY"), 8,
                               "SCF total energy")
    assert psi4.compare_values(refv2rdm, psi4.variable("CURRENT ENERGY"), 5,
                               "v2RDM-CASSCF total energy")
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_misc.py プロジェクト: yxie326/psi4
def test_deprecated_component_dipole():

    #with pytest.warns(FutureWarning) as e:
    psi4.set_variable("current dipole x", 5)

    with pytest.warns(FutureWarning) as e:
        ans = psi4.variable("current dipole x")

    assert ans == 5
コード例 #17
def test_v2rdm5():
    #! cc-pvdz N2 (6,6) active space Test DQG

    print('        N2 / cc-pVDZ / DQG+T2(6,6), scf_type = PK, rNN = 1.1 A')

    import psi4

    n2 = psi4.geometry("""
    0 1
    n 1 r

        'basis': 'cc-pvdz',
        'scf_type': 'pk',
        'd_convergence': 1e-10,
        'maxiter': 500,
        'restricted_docc': [2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0],
        'active': [1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1],
        'v2rdm_casscf', {
            'positivity': 'dqgt2',
            'r_convergence': 1e-4,
            'e_convergence': 5e-4,
            'maxiter': 20000,


    n2.r = 1.1
    refscf = -108.95379624015767
    refv2rdm = -109.091487394061


    assert psi4.compare_values(refscf, psi4.variable("SCF TOTAL ENERGY"), 8,
                               "SCF total energy")
    assert psi4.compare_values(refv2rdm, psi4.variable("CURRENT ENERGY"), 4,
                               "v2RDM-CASSCF total energy")
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_addons.py プロジェクト: SebWouters/psi4
def test_mrcc():
    #! CCSDT cc-pVDZ energy for the H2O molecule using MRCC

    h2o = psi4.geometry("""
        h 1 1.0
        h 1 1.0 2 104.5

        'basis': 'cc-pvdz',
        'freeze_core': 'true'})


    assert psi4.compare_values(  8.801465529972, psi4.variable("NUCLEAR REPULSION ENERGY"), 6, 'NRE')
    assert psi4.compare_values(-76.021418445155, psi4.variable("SCF TOTAL ENERGY"), 6, 'SCF')
    assert psi4.compare_values( -0.204692406830, psi4.variable("MP2 CORRELATION ENERGY") , 6, 'MP2 correlation')
    assert psi4.compare_values( -0.217715210258, psi4.variable("CCSDT CORRELATION ENERGY"), 6, 'CCSDT correlation')
    assert psi4.compare_values(-76.239133655413, psi4.variable("CURRENT ENERGY"), 6, 'CCSDT')
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_addons.py プロジェクト: u3005466/psi4
def test_cfour():
    #! single-point CCSD(T)/qz2p on water

    print('        <<< Translation of ZMAT to Psi4 format to Cfour >>>')

    H 1 R
    H 1 R 2 A


    'cfour_CALC_level': 'CCSD(T)',
    'cfour_BASIS': 'qz2p',
    'cfour_SCF_CONV': 12,
    'cfour_CC_CONV': 12,


    assert psi4.compare_values(-76.062748460117, psi4.variable('scf total energy'), 6, 'SCF')
    assert psi4.compare_values(-76.332940127333, psi4.variable('mp2 total energy'), 6, 'MP2')
    assert psi4.compare_values(-76.338453951890, psi4.variable('ccsd total energy'), 6, 'CCSD')
    assert psi4.compare_values(-0.275705491773, psi4.variable('ccsd correlation energy'), 6, 'CCSD corl')
    assert psi4.compare_values(-76.345717549886, psi4.variable('ccsd(t) total energy'), 6, 'CCSD(T)')
    assert psi4.compare_values(-0.282969089769, psi4.variable('ccsd(t) correlation energy'), 6, 'CCSD(T) corl')
コード例 #20
ファイル: test_addons.py プロジェクト: u3005466/psi4
def test_snsmp2():

    HeHe = psi4.geometry("""
    0 1
    He 0 0 0
    He 2 0 0

    e = psi4.energy('sns-mp2')

    assert psi4.compare_values(0.00176708227, psi4.variable('SNS-MP2 TOTAL ENERGY'), 5, "SNS-MP2 IE [Eh]")
コード例 #21
def test_allen_focal_point():
    be = psi4.geometry("Be")
    psi4.energy("allen_focal_point", scf_basis="cc-pV[TQ5]Z", corl_basis="cc-pV[Q5]Z", delta_basis="cc-pV[Q5]Z", delta2_basis="cc-pV[Q5]Z")
    assert compare_values(-14.57305004, psi4.variable("CBS REFERENCE ENERGY"), 7, "scf tq5")
    #ADD VAR assert compare_values(-0.06148737, psi4.variable("CBS CORL ENERGY"), 7, "corl mp2 q5")
    assert compare_values(-0.01767880, psi4.variable("CBS DELTA1 TOTAL ENERGY"), 7, "delta1 ccsd q5")
    assert compare_values(-0.00063008, psi4.variable("CBS DELTA2 TOTAL ENERGY"), 7, "delta2 (t) q5")
    assert compare_values(-0.00001090, psi4.variable("CBS DELTA3 TOTAL ENERGY"), 7, "delta3 t 3")
    assert compare_values(-0.00000205, psi4.variable("CBS DELTA4 TOTAL ENERGY"), 7, "delta4 (q) 2")
    assert compare_values(-14.65285924, psi4.variable("CBS TOTAL ENERGY"), 7, "cbs")
    assert compare_values(-14.65285924, psi4.variable("CURRENT ENERGY"), 7, "current")
    assert compare(5, psi4.variable("CBS NUMBER"), "cbs no")
コード例 #22
def test_spacious_option():
    #! Sample HF/cc-pVDZ H2O computation

    h2o = psi4.geometry("""
      H 1 0.96
      H 1 0.96 2 104.5

    psi4.set_options({' basis ': "cc-pVDZ"})

    assert psi4.compare_values(-76.0266327341067125, psi4.variable('SCF TOTAL ENERGY'), 6, 'SCF energy')
コード例 #23
ファイル: test_psi4.py プロジェクト: SebWouters/psi4
def test_psi4_basic():
    #! Sample HF/cc-pVDZ H2O computation

    h2o = psi4.geometry("""
      H 1 0.96
      H 1 0.96 2 104.5

    psi4.set_options({'basis': "cc-pVDZ"})

    assert psi4.compare_values(-76.0266327341067125, psi4.variable('SCF TOTAL ENERGY'), 6, 'SCF energy')
コード例 #24
ファイル: test_restart.py プロジェクト: zachglick/psi4
def test_restart_scf_orbital_file():
    """wfn serialization"""

    h2o = psi4.geometry("""
      H 1 0.96
      H 1 0.96 2 104.5

    psi4.set_options({'basis': "cc-pVDZ"})
    _, scf_wfn = psi4.energy('scf', return_wfn=True, write_orbitals='my_mos')
    psi4.set_options({'maxiter': 1})
    scf_wfn = psi4.energy('scf', restart_file='my_mos')
    assert psi4.compare_values(-76.0266327341067125, psi4.variable('SCF TOTAL ENERGY'), 6, 'SCF energy')
コード例 #25
ファイル: test_psi4.py プロジェクト: SebWouters/psi4
def test_psi4_cc():
    #! RHF-CCSD 6-31G** all-electron optimization of the H2O molecule

    h2o = psi4.geometry("""
        H 1 0.97
        H 1 0.97 2 103.0

    psi4.set_options({"basis": '6-31G**'})


    refnuc   =   9.1654609427539
    refscf   = -76.0229427274435
    refccsd  = -0.20823570806196
    reftotal = -76.2311784355056

    assert psi4.compare_values(refnuc,   h2o.nuclear_repulsion_energy(), 3, "Nuclear repulsion energy")
    assert psi4.compare_values(refscf,   psi4.variable("SCF total energy"), 5, "SCF energy")
    assert psi4.compare_values(refccsd,  psi4.variable("CCSD correlation energy"), 4, "CCSD contribution")
    assert psi4.compare_values(reftotal, psi4.variable("Current energy"), 7, "Total energy")
コード例 #26
    def callback(self, pos, **kwargs):
        """Initialize psi with new positions and calculate force.

        - pos: positions of the atoms as array.


        self.calculate_gradient(self.LOT, pos=pos, **kwargs)

        self._potential = psi4.variable('CURRENT ENERGY')
        self._force = -np.array(self.grd)
        self._vir = np.array([[0.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,0.0]])

        return self._force, np.float64(self._potential)
コード例 #27
ファイル: test_restart.py プロジェクト: zachglick/psi4
def test_restart_scf_serial_wfn():
    """scf restart from wfn file"""

    h2o = psi4.geometry("""
      H 1 0.96
      H 1 0.96 2 104.5

    psi4.set_options({'basis': "cc-pVDZ"})
    _, scf_wfn = psi4.energy('scf', return_wfn=True)
    psi4.set_options({'maxiter': 1})
    psi4.energy('scf', restart_file='pytest_wfn')
    assert psi4.compare_values(-76.0266327341067125, psi4.variable('SCF TOTAL ENERGY'), 6, 'SCF energy')
コード例 #28
ファイル: test_addons.py プロジェクト: u3005466/psi4
def test_chemps2():
    #! dmrg-scf on N2

    N2 = psi4.geometry("""
      N       0.0000   0.0000   0.0000
      N       0.0000   0.0000   2.1180
    units au

    'basis': 'cc-pVDZ',
    'reference': 'rhf',
    'e_convergence': 1e-12,
    'd_convergence': 1e-12,

    'dmrg_irrep': 0,
    'dmrg_multiplicity': 1,
    'restricted_docc': [ 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 ],
    'active': [ 2 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 2 , 1 , 1 ],

    'dmrg_sweep_states': [   500,  1000,  1000 ],
    'dmrg_sweep_energy_conv': [ 1e-10, 1e-10, 1e-10 ],
    'dmrg_sweep_dvdson_rtol': [  1e-4,  1e-6,  1e-8 ],
    'dmrg_sweep_max_sweeps': [     5,     5,    10 ],
    'dmrg_sweep_noise_prefac': [  0.05,  0.05,   0.0 ],
    'dmrg_print_corr': True,
    'dmrg_mps_write': False,

    'dmrg_unitary_write': True,
    'dmrg_diis': True,
    'dmrg_scf_diis_thr': 1e-2,
    'dmrg_diis_write': True,

    'dmrg_excitation': 0,   # Ground state
    'dmrg_scf_state_avg': False,
    'dmrg_scf_active_space': 'NO',  # INPUT; NO; LOC
    'dmrg_local_init': False,


    ref_energy = -109.1035023353
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_energy, psi4.variable("CURRENT ENERGY"), 6, "DMRG Energy")
コード例 #29
ファイル: _psi4.py プロジェクト: zhenglz/qm3
 def get_grad(self, mol):
     g, wfn = psi4.gradient(self.met, return_wfn=True)
     mol.func += psi4.variable('CURRENT ENERGY') * self._ce
     g = sum(g.to_array().tolist(), [])
     qm3.engines.LA_gradient(self.vla, g)
     for i in range(len(self.sel)):
         i3 = i * 3
         for j in [0, 1, 2]:
             mol.grad[3 * self.sel[i] + j] += g[i3 + j] * self._cg
     if (len(self.nbn) > 0):
         ef = psi4.core.OEProp(wfn)
         efx = ef.Exvals()
         efy = ef.Eyvals()
         efz = ef.Ezvals()
         for i in range(len(self.nbn)):
             mol.grad[3 * self.nbn[i]] -= self._cg * mol.chrg[
                 self.nbn[i]] * efx[i]
             mol.grad[3 * self.nbn[i] +
                      1] -= self._cg * mol.chrg[self.nbn[i]] * efy[i]
             mol.grad[3 * self.nbn[i] +
                      2] -= self._cg * mol.chrg[self.nbn[i]] * efz[i]
コード例 #30
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: dsirianni/psi4
_, wfn = psi4.energy('ccsd', return_wfn=True, molecule=Ne)
amps = wfn.get_amplitudes()

TIjAb = amps['tIjAb'].to_array()
TIA = amps['tIA'].to_array()
tau_IjAb = TIjAb + np.einsum("ia,jb->ijab", TIA, TIA)

mints = psi4.core.MintsHelper(wfn.basisset())
D = mints.mo_eri(
    wfn.Ca_subset("AO", "OCC"), wfn.Ca_subset("AO", "VIR"), wfn.Ca_subset("AO", "OCC"),
    wfn.Ca_subset("AO", "VIR")).to_array()
D = D.swapaxes(1, 2)

RHF_ccsd_corr_e = 2 * np.einsum("ijab,ijab->", tau_IjAb, D) - np.einsum("ijab,ijba->", tau_IjAb, D)
psi4.compare_values(RHF_ccsd_corr_e, psi4.variable('CCSD CORRELATION ENERGY'), 8, "RHF CCSD CORRELATION ENERGY")




    'basis': 'cc-pvdz',
    'freeze_core': 'false',
    'reference': 'UHF',

_, wfn = psi4.energy('ccsd', return_wfn=True, molecule=Ne)
amps = wfn.get_amplitudes()
コード例 #31
ファイル: test_misc.py プロジェクト: andyj10224/psi4
def test_deprecated_component_dipole():

    with pytest.raises(psi4.UpgradeHelper) as e:
        psi4.variable("current dipole x")
コード例 #32
ファイル: DF-LCCD.py プロジェクト: zyth0s/psi4julia
    r2 += temp + temp.transpose((1, 0, 3, 2)) - temp.transpose(
        (0, 1, 3, 2)) - temp.transpose((1, 0, 2, 3))

    ### One Electron Terms. For canonical orbitals, this will reduce to -t2, after dividing by D
    temp = -np.einsum("Ii, iJAB -> IJAB", F["oo"], t2, optimize=True)
    r2 += temp - temp.transpose((1, 0, 2, 3))
    temp = +np.einsum("aA, IJaB -> IJAB", F["vv"], t2, optimize=True)
    r2 += temp - temp.transpose((0, 1, 3, 2))

    ### Step
    t2 += r2 / D
    t2 = dsd.diis(r2, t2)
    r_norm = np.linalg.norm(r2)
    Elccd = 0.5 * np.einsum(
        "iaq, jbq, ijab", R["ov"], R["ov"], t2, optimize=True)
    print(f"{i:3d} E={Elccd:3.10f} R = {r_norm:0.8f}")
    if r_norm < float(f"1e-{target_convergence}"):
    raise Exception("Equations did not converge.")

if compare_psi4:
    wfn = psi4.energy("lccd", return_wfn=True)[1]

    # Change to wfn.variable when DFOCC variables are available on the wfn.
    psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable("CURRENT CORRELATION ENERGY"), Elccd,
                        target_convergence, "LCCD Energy")
コード例 #33
    AllChem.EmbedMolecule(mol, AllChem.ETKDGv2())
    conf = mol.GetConformer(-1)

    xyz = '0 1'
    for atom, (x, y, z) in zip(mol.GetAtoms(), conf.GetPositions()):
        xyz += '\n'
        xyz += '{}\t{}\t{}\t{}'.format(atom.GetSymbol(), x, y, z)

    return xyz

# 入力する分子(thiacloprid)

smiles = 'C1CSC(=NC#N)N1CC2=CN=C(C=C2)Cl'

dinotefuran = psi4.geometry(smi2xyz(smiles))
_, wfn_dtf = psi4.optimize('B3LYP/6-31G*',
rdkit_dinotefuran = Chem.AddHs(Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles))
## 双極子モーメントの計算

psi4.oeprop(wfn_dtf, 'DIPOLE', titile='dipole')
dipole_x, dipole_y, dipole_z = psi4.variable('SCF DIPOLE X'), psi4.variable(
    'SCF DIPOLE Y'), psi4.variable('SCF DIPOLE Z')
dipole_moment = np.sqrt(dipole_x**2 + dipole_y**2 + dipole_z**2)

コード例 #34
def test_psi4_scfproperty():
    #! UFH and B3LYP cc-pVQZ properties for the CH2 molecule.

    ref_hf_di_au = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.22531665104559076])
    ref_hf_quad_au = np.array([[-5.69804565317, 0.0, 0.0],
                               [0.0, -4.53353128969, 0.0],
                               [0.0, 0.0, -5.25978856037]])
    ref_b3lyp_di_au = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.252480541747])
    ref_b3lyp_quad_au = np.array([[-5.66266837697, 0.0, 0.0],
                                  [0.0, -4.46523692003, 0.0],
                                  [0.0, 0.0, -5.22054902407]])

    with open('grid.dat', 'w') as handle:
0.0  0.0  0.0
1.1  1.3  1.4

    ch2 = psi4.geometry("""
        0 3
        h 1 b1
        h 1 b1 2 a1

        b1 = 1.0
        a1 = 125.0

    # Get a reasonable guess, to save some iterations
        "scf_type": "pk",
        "basis": "6-31G**",
        "e_convergence": 8,
        "docc": [2, 0, 0, 1],
        "socc": [1, 0, 1, 0],
        "reference": "uhf"

    assert psi4.compare_values(6.6484189450, ch2.nuclear_repulsion_energy(), 9,
                               "Nuclear repulsion energy")

    props = [

    psi4.properties('scf', properties=props)

    assert psi4.compare_values(-38.91591819679808,
                               psi4.variable("CURRENT ENERGY"), 6,
                               "SCF energy")
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_hf_di_au, psi4.variable('SCF DIPOLE'), 4,
                               "SCF DIPOLE")
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_hf_quad_au, psi4.variable('SCF QUADRUPOLE'),
                               4, "SCF QUADRUPOLE")

    psi4.properties('B3LYP', properties=props)

    assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable('CURRENT ENERGY'),
                               -39.14134740550916, 6, "B3LYP energy")
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_b3lyp_di_au, psi4.variable('B3LYP DIPOLE'),
                               4, "B3LYP DIPOLE")
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_b3lyp_quad_au,
                               psi4.variable('B3LYP QUADRUPOLE'), 4,
                               "B3LYP QUADRUPOLE")
コード例 #35
         1.0042710000           1.0000000000
S 1 1.00
         0.3006860000           1.0000000000
S 1 1.00
         0.0900300000           1.0000000000
P 4 1.00
        34.8564630000           0.0156480000
         7.8431310000           0.0981970000
         2.3062490000           0.3077680000
         0.7231640000           0.4924700000
P 1 1.00
         0.2148820000           1.0000000000
P 1 1.00
         0.0638500000           1.0000000000
D 2 1.00
         2.3062000000           0.2027000000
         0.7232000000           0.5791000000
D 2 1.00
         0.2149000000           0.7854500000
         0.0639000000           0.5338700000

ccsd_e, wfn = psi4.properties('ccsd', properties=['dipole'], return_wfn=True)
psi4.oeprop(wfn, "DIPOLE", "QUADRUPOLE", title="(OEPROP)CC")

psi4.compare_values(ref_di_au, psi4.variable('(OEPROP)CC DIPOLE'), 4,
                    "CC DIPOLE")  #TEST
psi4.compare_values(ref_quad_au, psi4.variable('(OEPROP)CC QUADRUPOLE'), 4,
                    "CC QUADRUPOLE")  #TEST
コード例 #36
ファイル: test_psi4.py プロジェクト: SebWouters/psi4
def test_psi4_scfproperty():
    #! UFH and B3LYP cc-pVQZ properties for the CH2 molecule.

    with open('grid.dat', 'w') as handle:
0.0  0.0  0.0
1.1  1.3  1.4

    ch2 = psi4.geometry("""
        0 3
        h 1 b1
        h 1 b1 2 a1

        b1 = 1.0
        a1 = 125.0

    # Get a reasonable guess, to save some iterations
        "scf_type": "pk",
        "basis": "6-31G**",
        "e_convergence": 8,
        "docc": [2, 0, 0, 1],
        "socc": [1, 0, 1, 0],
        "reference": "uhf"})

    assert psi4.compare_values(6.6484189450, ch2.nuclear_repulsion_energy(), 9, "Nuclear repulsion energy")

             'MULTIPOLE(5)', 'NO_OCCUPATIONS']

    psi4.properties('scf', properties=props)

    assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable("CURRENT ENERGY"), -38.91591819679808, 6, "SCF energy")
    assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable('SCF DIPOLE X'), 0.000000000000, 4, "SCF DIPOLE X")
    assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable('SCF DIPOLE Y'), 0.000000000000, 4, "SCF DIPOLE Y")
    assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable('SCF DIPOLE Z'), 0.572697798348, 4, "SCF DIPOLE Z")
    assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable('SCF QUADRUPOLE XX'), -7.664066833060, 4, "SCF QUADRUPOLE XX")
    assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable('SCF QUADRUPOLE YY'), -6.097755074075, 4, "SCF QUADRUPOLE YY")
    assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable('SCF QUADRUPOLE ZZ'), -7.074596012050, 4, "SCF QUADRUPOLE ZZ")
    assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable('SCF QUADRUPOLE XY'), 0.000000000000, 4, "SCF QUADRUPOLE XY")
    assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable('SCF QUADRUPOLE XZ'), 0.000000000000, 4, "SCF QUADRUPOLE XZ")
    assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable('SCF QUADRUPOLE YZ'), 0.000000000000, 4, "SCF QUADRUPOLE YZ")

    psi4.properties('B3LYP', properties=props)

    assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable('CURRENT ENERGY'), -39.14134740550916, 6, "B3LYP energy")
    assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable('B3LYP DIPOLE X'), 0.000000000000, 4, "B3LYP DIPOLE X")
    assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable('B3LYP DIPOLE Y'), -0.000000000000, 4, "B3LYP DIPOLE Y")
    assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable('B3LYP DIPOLE Z'), 0.641741521158, 4, "B3LYP DIPOLE Z")
    assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable('B3LYP QUADRUPOLE XX'), -7.616483183211, 4, "B3LYP QUADRUPOLE XX")
    assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable('B3LYP QUADRUPOLE YY'), -6.005896804551, 4, "B3LYP QUADRUPOLE YY")
    assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable('B3LYP QUADRUPOLE ZZ'), -7.021817489904, 4, "B3LYP QUADRUPOLE ZZ")
    assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable('B3LYP QUADRUPOLE XY'), 0.000000000000, 4, "B3LYP QUADRUPOLE XY")
    assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable('B3LYP QUADRUPOLE XZ'), 0.000000000000, 4, "B3LYP QUADRUPOLE XZ")
    assert psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable('B3LYP QUADRUPOLE YZ'), -0.000000000000, 4, "B3LYP QUADRUPOLE YZ")
コード例 #37
def test_pcmsolver():
    #! pcm

    nucenergy = 12.0367196636183458
    polenergy = -0.0053060443528559
    totalenergy = -55.4559426361734040

    NH3 = psi4.geometry("""
    symmetry c1
    N     -0.0000000001    -0.1040380466      0.0000000000
    H     -0.9015844116     0.4818470201     -1.5615900098
    H     -0.9015844116     0.4818470201      1.5615900098
    H      1.8031688251     0.4818470204      0.0000000000
    units bohr

        'basis': 'STO-3G',
        'scf_type': 'pk',
        'pcm': True,
        'pcm_scf_type': 'total',

       Units = Angstrom
       Medium {
       SolverType = IEFPCM
       Solvent = Water

       Cavity {
       RadiiSet = UFF
       Type = GePol
       Scaling = False
       Area = 0.3
       Mode = Implicit

    print('RHF-PCM, total algorithm')
    energy_scf1, wfn1 = psi4.energy('scf', return_wfn=True)
    assert psi4.compare_values(
        nucenergy, NH3.nuclear_repulsion_energy(), 10,
        "Nuclear repulsion energy (PCM, total algorithm)")  #TEST
    assert psi4.compare_values(totalenergy, energy_scf1, 10,
                               "Total energy (PCM, total algorithm)")  #TEST
    assert psi4.compare_values(
        polenergy, wfn1.variable("PCM POLARIZATION ENERGY"), 6,
        "Polarization energy (PCM, total algorithm)")  #TEST

    psi4.set_options({'pcm_scf_type': 'separate'})
    print('RHF-PCM, separate algorithm')
    energy_scf2 = psi4.energy('scf')
    assert psi4.compare_values(totalenergy, energy_scf2, 10,
                               "Total energy (PCM, separate algorithm)")
    assert psi4.compare_values(
        polenergy, psi4.variable("PCM POLARIZATION ENERGY"), 6,
        "Polarization energy (PCM, separate algorithm)")

    # Now force use of UHF on NH3 to check sanity of the algorithm with PCM
    psi4.set_options({'pcm_scf_type': 'total', 'reference': 'uhf'})
    print('UHF-PCM, total algorithm')
    energy_scf3 = psi4.energy('scf')
    assert psi4.compare_values(totalenergy, energy_scf3, 10,
                               "Total energy (PCM, separate algorithm)")
    assert psi4.compare_values(
        polenergy, psi4.variable("PCM POLARIZATION ENERGY"), 6,
        "Polarization energy (PCM, separate algorithm)")

    psi4.set_options({'pcm_scf_type': 'total', 'reference': 'rohf'})
    print('ROHF-PCM, total algorithm')
    energy_scf4 = psi4.energy('scf')
    assert psi4.compare_values(totalenergy, energy_scf4, 10,
                               "Total energy (PCM, separate algorithm)")  #TEST
    assert psi4.compare_values(
        polenergy, psi4.variable("PCM POLARIZATION ENERGY"), 6,
        "Polarization energy (PCM, separate algorithm)")  #TEST
コード例 #38
ファイル: test_addons.py プロジェクト: SebWouters/psi4
def test_dftd3():
    #! Exercises the various DFT-D corrections, both through python directly and through c++

    ref_d2         = [-0.00390110, -0.00165271, -0.00058118]
    ref_d3zero     = [-0.00285088, -0.00084340, -0.00031923]
    ref_d3bj       = [-0.00784595, -0.00394347, -0.00226683]

    ref_pbe_d2     = [-0.00278650, -0.00118051, -0.00041513]
    ref_pbe_d3zero = [-0.00175474, -0.00045421, -0.00016839]
    ref_pbe_d3bj   = [-0.00475937, -0.00235265, -0.00131239]

    eneyne = psi4.geometry("""
    C   0.000000  -0.667578  -2.124659
    C   0.000000   0.667578  -2.124659
    H   0.923621  -1.232253  -2.126185
    H  -0.923621  -1.232253  -2.126185
    H  -0.923621   1.232253  -2.126185
    H   0.923621   1.232253  -2.126185
    C   0.000000   0.000000   2.900503
    C   0.000000   0.000000   1.693240
    H   0.000000   0.000000   0.627352
    H   0.000000   0.000000   3.963929

    print('  -D correction from Py-side')
    E, G = eneyne.run_dftd3('b3lyp', 'd2')
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_d2[0], E, 7, 'Ethene-Ethyne -D2')
    mA = eneyne.extract_subsets(1)
    E, G = mA.run_dftd3('b3lyp', 'd2')
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_d2[1], E, 7, 'Ethene -D2')
    mB = eneyne.extract_subsets(2)
    E, G = mB.run_dftd3('b3lyp', 'd2')
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_d2[2], E, 7, 'Ethyne -D2')
    #mBcp = eneyne.extract_subsets(2,1)
    #E, G = mBcp.run_dftd3('b3lyp', 'd2')
    #compare_values(ref_d2[2], E, 7, 'Ethyne(CP) -D2')

    E, G = eneyne.run_dftd3('b3lyp', 'd3zero')
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_d3zero[0], E, 7, 'Ethene-Ethyne -D3 (zero)')
    mA = eneyne.extract_subsets(1)
    E, G = mA.run_dftd3('b3lyp', 'd3zero')
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_d3zero[1], E, 7, 'Ethene -D3 (zero)')
    mB = eneyne.extract_subsets(2)
    E, G = mB.run_dftd3('b3lyp', 'd3zero')
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_d3zero[2], E, 7, 'Ethyne -D3 (zero)')

    E, G = eneyne.run_dftd3('b3lyp', 'd3bj')
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_d3bj[0], E, 7, 'Ethene-Ethyne -D3 (bj)')
    mA = eneyne.extract_subsets(1)
    E, G = mA.run_dftd3('b3lyp', 'd3bj')
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_d3bj[1], E, 7, 'Ethene -D3 (bj)')
    mB = eneyne.extract_subsets(2)
    E, G = mB.run_dftd3('b3lyp', 'd3bj')
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_d3bj[2], E, 7, 'Ethyne -D3 (bj)')

    E, G = eneyne.run_dftd3('b3lyp', 'd3')
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_d3zero[0], E, 7, 'Ethene-Ethyne -D3 (alias)')
    E, G = eneyne.run_dftd3('b3lyp', 'd')
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_d2[0], E, 7, 'Ethene-Ethyne -D (alias)')
    E, G = eneyne.run_dftd3('b3lyp', 'd2')
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_d2[0], E, 7, 'Ethene-Ethyne -D2 (alias)')

    psi4.set_options({'basis': 'sto-3g',
                      'scf_type': 'df',
                      'dft_radial_points': 50,  # use really bad grid for speed since all we want is the -D value
                      'dft_spherical_points': 110,
                      #'scf print': 3,  # will print dftd3 program output to psi4 output file

    print('  -D correction from C-side')
    #psi4.energy('b3lyp-d2', engine='libdisp')
    #assert psi4.compare_values(ref_d2[1], psi4.variable('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY'), 7, 'Ethene -D2 (calling psi4 Disp class)')
    #assert psi4.compare_values(ref_d2[1], psi4.variable('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY'), 7, 'Ethene -D2 (calling dftd3 -old)')
    #assert psi4.compare_values(ref_d3zero[1], psi4.variable('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY'), 7, 'Ethene -D3 (calling dftd3 -zero)')
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_d3bj[1], psi4.variable('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY'), 7, 'Ethene -D3 (calling dftd3 -bj)')

    psi4.energy('b3lyp-d2', engine='libdisp')
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_d2[1], psi4.variable('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY'), 7, 'Ethene -D2 (alias)')
    #assert psi4.compare_values(ref_d3zero[1], psi4.variable('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY'), 7, 'Ethene -D3 (alias)')
    #assert psi4.compare_values(ref_d2[1], psi4.variable('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY'), 7, 'Ethene -D (alias)')
    assert psi4.compare_values(-0.000834247063, psi4.variable('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY'), 7, 'Ethene wb97x-d (chg)')

    print('  non-default -D correction from C-side')
    #psi4.set_options({'dft_dispersion_parameters': [0.75]})
    #psi4.energy('b3lyp-d2', engine='libdisp')
    #assert psi4.compare_values(ref_pbe_d2[2], psi4.variable('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY'), 7, 'Ethene -D2 (calling psi4 Disp class)')
    #psi4.set_options({'dft_dispersion_parameters': [0.75, 20.0]})
    #assert psi4.compare_values(ref_pbe_d2[2], psi4.variable('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY'), 7, 'Ethene -D2 (calling dftd3 -old)')
    #psi4.set_options({'dft_dispersion_parameters': [1.0,  0.722, 1.217, 14.0]})
    #assert psi4.compare_values(ref_pbe_d3zero[2], psi4.variable('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY'), 7, 'Ethene -D3 (calling dftd3 -zero)')
    psi4.set_options({'dft_dispersion_parameters': [1.000, 0.7875, 0.4289, 4.4407]})
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_pbe_d3bj[2], psi4.variable('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY'), 7, 'Ethene -D3 (calling dftd3 -bj)')

    psi4.set_options({'dft_dispersion_parameters': [0.75]})
    psi4.energy('b3lyp-d2', engine='dftd3')
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_pbe_d2[2], psi4.variable('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY'), 7, 'Ethene -D2 (alias)')
    psi4.set_options({'dft_dispersion_parameters': [1.0,  0.722, 1.217, 14.0]})
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_pbe_d3zero[2], psi4.variable('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY'), 7, 'Ethene -D3 (alias)')
    psi4.set_options({'dft_dispersion_parameters': [0.75]})
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_pbe_d2[2], psi4.variable('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY'), 7, 'Ethene -D (alias)')
    psi4.set_options({'dft_dispersion_parameters': [1.0]})
    assert psi4.compare_values(-0.000834247063, psi4.variable('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY'), 7, 'Ethene wb97x-d (chg)')

    print('  non-default -D correction from Py-side')
    eneyne.run_dftd3('b3lyp', 'd2', {'s6': 0.75})
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_pbe_d2[0], psi4.variable('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY'), 7, 'Ethene-Ethyne -D2')
    mA = eneyne.extract_subsets(1)
    mA.run_dftd3('b3lyp', 'd2', {'s6': 0.75})
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_pbe_d2[1], psi4.variable('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY'), 7, 'Ethene -D2')
    mB = eneyne.extract_subsets(2)
    mB.run_dftd3('b3lyp', 'd2', {'s6': 0.75})
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_pbe_d2[2], psi4.variable('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY'), 7, 'Ethyne -D2')

    eneyne.run_dftd3('b3lyp', 'd3zero', {'s6': 1.0,  's8': 0.722, 'sr6': 1.217, 'alpha6': 14.0})
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_pbe_d3zero[0], psi4.variable('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY'), 7, 'Ethene-Ethyne -D3 (zero)')
    mA = eneyne.extract_subsets(1)
    mA.run_dftd3('b3lyp', 'd3zero', {'s6': 1.0,  's8': 0.722, 'sr6': 1.217, 'alpha6': 14.0})
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_pbe_d3zero[1], psi4.variable('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY'), 7, 'Ethene -D3 (zero)')
    mB = eneyne.extract_subsets(2)
    mB.run_dftd3('b3lyp', 'd3zero', {'s6': 1.0,  's8': 0.722, 'sr6': 1.217, 'alpha6': 14.0})
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_pbe_d3zero[2], psi4.variable('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY'), 7, 'Ethyne -D3 (zero)')

    eneyne.run_dftd3('b3lyp', 'd3bj', {'s6': 1.000, 's8':  0.7875, 'a1':  0.4289, 'a2': 4.4407})
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_pbe_d3bj[0], psi4.variable('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY'), 7, 'Ethene-Ethyne -D3 (bj)')
    mA = eneyne.extract_subsets(1)
    mA.run_dftd3('b3lyp', 'd3bj', {'s6': 1.000, 's8':  0.7875, 'a1':  0.4289, 'a2': 4.4407})
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_pbe_d3bj[1], psi4.variable('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY'), 7, 'Ethene -D3 (bj)')
    mB = eneyne.extract_subsets(2)
    mB.run_dftd3('b3lyp', 'd3bj', {'s6': 1.000, 's8':  0.7875, 'a1':  0.4289, 'a2': 4.4407})
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_pbe_d3bj[2], psi4.variable('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY'), 7, 'Ethyne -D3 (bj)')
    eneyne.run_dftd3('b3lyp', 'd3', {'s6': 1.0,  's8': 0.722, 'sr6': 1.217, 'alpha6': 14.0})

    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_pbe_d3zero[0], psi4.variable('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY'), 7, 'Ethene-Ethyne -D3 (alias)')
    eneyne.run_dftd3('b3lyp', 'd', {'s6': 0.75})
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_pbe_d2[0], psi4.variable('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY'), 7, 'Ethene-Ethyne -D (alias)')
    eneyne.run_dftd3('b3lyp', 'd2', {'s6': 0.75})
    assert psi4.compare_values(ref_pbe_d2[0], psi4.variable('DISPERSION CORRECTION ENERGY'), 7, 'Ethene-Ethyne -D2 (alias)')
コード例 #39
ファイル: test_addons.py プロジェクト: SebWouters/psi4
def test_libefp():
    #! EFP on mixed QM (water) and EFP (water + 2 * ammonia) system.
    #! An EFP-only calc performed first to test vales against q-chem.

    qmefp = psi4.geometry("""
    # QM fragment
    0 1
    units bohr
    O1     0.000000000000     0.000000000000     0.224348285559
    H2    -1.423528800232     0.000000000000    -0.897393142237
    H3     1.423528800232     0.000000000000    -0.897393142237
    # EFP as EFP fragments
    efp h2o -4.014110144291     2.316749370493    -1.801514729931 -2.902133 1.734999 -1.953647
    efp NH3,1.972094713645,,3.599497221584 ,    5.447701074734 -1.105309 2.033306 -1.488582
    efp NH3 -7.876296399270    -1.854372164887    -2.414804197762  2.526442 1.658262 -2.742084

    #  <<<  EFP calc  >>>
        'basis': '6-31g*',
        'scf_type': 'pk',
        'guess': 'core',
        'df_scf_guess': False})

    assert psi4.compare_values( 9.1793879214, qmefp.nuclear_repulsion_energy(), 6, 'QM NRE')
    assert psi4.compare_values(-0.0004901368, psi4.variable('efp elst energy'), 6, 'EFP-EFP Elst')  # from q-chem
    assert psi4.compare_values(-0.0003168768, psi4.variable('efp ind energy'), 6, 'EFP-EFP Indc')
    assert psi4.compare_values(-0.0021985285, psi4.variable('efp disp energy'), 6, 'EFP-EFP Disp')  # from q-chem
    assert psi4.compare_values( 0.0056859871, psi4.variable('efp exch energy'), 6, 'EFP-EFP Exch')  # from q-chem
    assert psi4.compare_values( 0.0026804450, psi4.variable('efp total energy'), 6, 'EFP-EFP Totl')
    assert psi4.compare_values( 0.0026804450, psi4.variable('current energy'), 6, 'Current')


    #  <<<  QM + EFP calc  >>>
        'e_convergence': 12,
        'd_convergence': 12})

    assert psi4.compare_values( 9.1793879214, qmefp.nuclear_repulsion_energy(), 6, 'QM NRE')
    assert psi4.compare_values( 0.2622598847, psi4.variable('efp total energy') - psi4.variable('efp ind energy'), 6, 'EFP corr to SCF')  # from q-chem
    assert psi4.compare_values(-0.0117694790, psi4.variable('efp ind energy'), 6, 'QM-EFP Indc')  # from q-chem
    assert psi4.compare_values(-0.0021985285, psi4.variable('efp disp energy'), 6, 'EFP-EFP Disp')  # from q-chem
    assert psi4.compare_values( 0.0056859871, psi4.variable('efp exch energy'), 6, 'EFP-EFP Exch')  # from q-chem
    assert psi4.compare_values( 0.2504904057, psi4.variable('efp total energy'), 6, 'EFP-EFP Totl')  # from q-chem
    assert psi4.compare_values(-76.0139362744, psi4.variable('scf total energy'), 6, 'SCF')  # from q-chem
コード例 #40
ファイル: test_addons.py プロジェクト: SebWouters/psi4
def test_pcmsolver():
    #! pcm

    nucenergy   =  12.0367196636183458
    polenergy   =  -0.0053060443528559
    totalenergy = -55.4559426361734040

    NH3 = psi4.geometry("""
    symmetry c1
    N     -0.0000000001    -0.1040380466      0.0000000000
    H     -0.9015844116     0.4818470201     -1.5615900098
    H     -0.9015844116     0.4818470201      1.5615900098
    H      1.8031688251     0.4818470204      0.0000000000
    units bohr

      'basis': 'STO-3G',
      'scf_type': 'pk',
      'pcm': True,
      'pcm_scf_type': 'total',

       Units = Angstrom
       Medium {
       SolverType = IEFPCM
       Solvent = Water

       Cavity {
       RadiiSet = UFF
       Type = GePol
       Scaling = False
       Area = 0.3
       Mode = Implicit

    print('RHF-PCM, total algorithm')
    energy_scf1, wfn1 = psi4.energy('scf', return_wfn=True)
    assert psi4.compare_values(nucenergy, NH3.nuclear_repulsion_energy(), 10, "Nuclear repulsion energy (PCM, total algorithm)") #TEST
    assert psi4.compare_values(totalenergy, energy_scf1, 10, "Total energy (PCM, total algorithm)") #TEST
    assert psi4.compare_values(polenergy, wfn1.variable("PCM POLARIZATION ENERGY"), 6, "Polarization energy (PCM, total algorithm)") #TEST

    psi4.set_options({'pcm_scf_type': 'separate'})
    print('RHF-PCM, separate algorithm')
    energy_scf2 = psi4.energy('scf')
    assert psi4.compare_values(totalenergy, energy_scf2, 10, "Total energy (PCM, separate algorithm)")
    assert psi4.compare_values(polenergy, psi4.variable("PCM POLARIZATION ENERGY"), 6, "Polarization energy (PCM, separate algorithm)")

    # Now force use of UHF on NH3 to check sanity of the algorithm with PCM
    psi4.set_options({'pcm_scf_type': 'total', 'reference': 'uhf'})
    print('UHF-PCM, total algorithm')
    energy_scf3 = psi4.energy('scf')
    assert psi4.compare_values(totalenergy, energy_scf3, 10, "Total energy (PCM, separate algorithm)")
    assert psi4.compare_values(polenergy, psi4.variable("PCM POLARIZATION ENERGY"), 6, "Polarization energy (PCM, separate algorithm)")

    psi4.set_options({'pcm_scf_type': 'total', 'reference': 'rohf'})
    print('ROHF-PCM, total algorithm')
    energy_scf4 = psi4.energy('scf')
    assert psi4.compare_values(totalenergy, energy_scf4, 10, "Total energy (PCM, separate algorithm)") #TEST
    assert psi4.compare_values(polenergy, psi4.variable("PCM POLARIZATION ENERGY"), 6, "Polarization energy (PCM, separate algorithm)")  #TEST
コード例 #41
ファイル: input.py プロジェクト: SebWouters/psi4
P 4 1.00
        34.8564630000           0.0156480000
         7.8431310000           0.0981970000
         2.3062490000           0.3077680000
         0.7231640000           0.4924700000
P 1 1.00
         0.2148820000           1.0000000000
P 1 1.00
         0.0638500000           1.0000000000
D 2 1.00
         2.3062000000           0.2027000000
         0.7232000000           0.5791000000
D 2 1.00
         0.2149000000           0.7854500000
         0.0639000000           0.5338700000

ccsd_e, wfn = psi4.properties('ccsd',properties=['dipole'],return_wfn=True)
psi4.oeprop(wfn,"DIPOLE", "QUADRUPOLE", title="(OEPROP)CC")
psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable("(OEPROP)CC DIPOLE X"), 0.000000000000,6,"CC DIPOLE X")             #TEST
psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable("(OEPROP)CC DIPOLE Y"), 0.000000000000,6,"CC DIPOLE Y")             #TEST
psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable("(OEPROP)CC DIPOLE Z"),-1.840334899884,6,"CC DIPOLE Z")             #TEST
psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable("(OEPROP)CC QUADRUPOLE XX"),-7.864006962064,6,"CC QUADRUPOLE XX")   #TEST
psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable("(OEPROP)CC QUADRUPOLE XY"), 0.000000000000,6,"CC QUADRUPOLE XY")   #TEST
psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable("(OEPROP)CC QUADRUPOLE XZ"), 0.000000000000,6,"CC QUADRUPOLE XZ")   #TEST
psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable("(OEPROP)CC QUADRUPOLE YY"),-4.537386915305,6,"CC QUADRUPOLE YY")   #TEST
psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable("(OEPROP)CC QUADRUPOLE YZ"), 0.000000000000,6,"CC QUADRUPOLE YZ")   #TEST
psi4.compare_values(psi4.variable("(OEPROP)CC QUADRUPOLE ZZ"),-6.325836255265,6,"CC QUADRUPOLE ZZ")   #TEST