def output_cohorts_info(obj, format_string, path): from psmdlsyncer.sql import MoodleDBSession from psmdlsyncer.php import ModUserEnrollments from psmdlsyncer.sql import MoodleDBSession from psmdlsyncer.models.datastores.moodle import MoodleTree moodle = MoodleTree() moodle.process() m = MoodleDBSession() mod = ModUserEnrollments() if path is None: import sys output_func = sys.stdout.write else: output_func = path.write format_string += '\n' for idnumber, username, cohort in m.get_cohorts_with_username(): if cohort: if moodle.teachers.get_from_attribute('username', username): output_func(format_string.format(idnumber=idnumber, cohort=cohort, username=username))
def portfolios_by_class(obj, file_): output_list = [] from psmdlsyncer.models.datastores.autosend import AutoSendTree from psmdlsyncer.models.datastores.moodle import MoodleTree import re autosend = AutoSendTree() moodle = MoodleTree() autosend.process() moodle.process() for student_key in autosend.students.get_keys(): student = autosend.students.get_key(student_key) m_student = moodle.students.get_key(student_key) if student.homeroom == "1DB" or student.grade in [4, 5]: item = type("Student", (), {}) f = re.sub('[^a-z]', '', student.first.lower()) item.firstname = student.first item.lastname = student.last item.student_id = student.idnumber = student.first + ' ' + student.last item.homeroom = student.homeroom item.teacher_email = item.student_email = item.slug = f + item.student_id item.blog_url = '' + item.slug output_list.append([, item.homeroom, item.blog_url]) output_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) for line in output_list: file_.write("\t".join(line) + '\n')
def output_portfolios(obj, file_): from psmdlsyncer.models.datastores.autosend import AutoSendTree from psmdlsyncer.models.datastores.moodle import MoodleTree import re from cli.portfolio_commands import portfolio_commands autosend = AutoSendTree() moodle = MoodleTree() autosend.process() moodle.process() # firstname student_id homeroom email #import_list = [ ('Adam', '99999', '5UK', '*****@*****.**') ] for student_key in autosend.students.get_keys(): # Use moodle's info student = moodle.students.get_key(student_key) if not student: continue #if student.grade in [4, 5]: if student.homeroom == "1DB": item = type("Student", (), {}) f = re.sub('[^a-z]', '', student.first.lower()) item.firstname = student.first item.student_id = student.idnumber item.homeroom = student.homeroom item.teacher_email = '*****@*****.**' item.student_email = item.slug = f + item.student_id file_.write('# {}:\n'.format(item.slug)) for command in portfolio_commands.split('\n'): file_.write(command.format(item) + '\n')
def dragonnet_user(which, subbranch=None, attribute=None, value=None, **kwargs): """ Check out the information that is provided by PowerSchool and compare that to Moodle """ click.echo("Hi there, starting up our syncing software (patience is a virtue).") if which.lower() == 'autosend': from psmdlsyncer.models.datastores.autosend import AutoSendTree autosend = AutoSendTree() moodle = None elif which.lower() == 'moodle': from psmdlsyncer.models.datastores.moodle import MoodleTree moodle = MoodleTree() autosend = None elif which.lower() == 'both': from psmdlsyncer.models.datastores.autosend import AutoSendTree from psmdlsyncer.models.datastores.moodle import MoodleTree moodle = MoodleTree() autosend = AutoSendTree() click.echo('Begin processing...') autosend.process() if autosend else None moodle.process() if moodle else None click.echo('...done processing.') if not subbranch: subbranch = click.prompt("Enter subbranch are looking for: ", default='students') if not attribute: attribute = click.prompt("Enter the attribute you are looking for: ", default="idnumber") if not value: value = click.prompt("Enter the value you are looking for: ") autosend_item = getattr(autosend, subbranch).get_from_attribute(attribute, value) if autosend else None moodle_item = getattr(moodle, subbranch).get_from_attribute(attribute, value) if moodle else None click.echo(autosend_item.output(indent=4, add={'branch':'autosend'})) if autosend_item else None click.echo(moodle_item.output(indent=4, add={'branch':'moodle'})) if moodle_item else None
def launch(obj, inspect=False, output=None, analyze=False, teachersonly=False, studentsonly=False): """ Launch syncer stuff """ import socket hostname = socket.gethostname() if 'dragonnet' in hostname: from psmdlsyncer.models.datastores.moodle import MoodleTree from psmdlsyncer.models.datastores.autosend import AutoSendTree from psmdlsyncer.syncing.templates import MoodleTemplate from psmdlsyncer.syncing.differences import DetermineChanges # To get the groups right we need to process AutosendTree first and send it over to Moodle right = AutoSendTree() right.process() left = MoodleTree() #left.groups.section_maps = {v:k for k, v in right.groups.section_maps.items()} # items become the keys left.process() d = DetermineChanges(left, right, MoodleTemplate, teachersonly, studentsonly) if output: for item in d.subtract(): output.write(str(item)) output.write('\n') exit() if inspect: from IPython import embed embed() exit() if analyze: keys = list(left.groups.section_maps.keys) print(keys) from IPython import embed;embed() ss = [k for k in keys if left.groups.get_key(k).idnumber.endswith('S')] for s in ss: swa = s + 'WA1' swas1 = [k for k in keys if swa in keys[k]] print(swas1) swa = s + 'WA2' swas2 = [k for k in keys if swa in keys[k]] print(swas2) exit() d.go() elif 'student' in hostname: from psmdlsyncer.models.datastores.autosend import AutoSendTree autosend = AutoSendTree() autosend.process() autosend.build_automagic_emails(make_new_students=True) autosend.output_all_aliases() autosend.run_newaliases() else: print("Can't run, is the hostname wrong?")
def update_portfolios(obj, file_): from psmdlsyncer.models.datastores.autosend import AutoSendTree from psmdlsyncer.models.datastores.moodle import MoodleTree import re from cli.portfolio_commands import portfolio_commands autosend = AutoSendTree() moodle = MoodleTree() autosend.process() moodle.process() # firstname student_id homeroom email #import_list = [ ('Adam', '99999', '5UK', '*****@*****.**') ] for student_key in autosend.students.get_keys(): student = autosend.students.get_key(student_key) m_student = moodle.students.get_key(student_key) if student.homeroom == "1DB" or student.grade in ["4", "5"]: file_.write('wp --path=/var/www/portfolios user update {} --first_name=\'{0.first}\' --last_name=\'{0.last}\' --display_name=\'{0.first}\'\n'.format(student))
from psmdlsyncer.models.datastores.autosend import AutoSendTree from collections import defaultdict from psmdlsyncer.php import CallPHP from psmdlsyncer.db.MoodleDB import GroupsMember as Member import datetime from psmdlsyncer.db import DBSession from psmdlsyncer.sql import MoodleDBSession from sqlalchemy import and_ test = False really = not test if __name__ == "__main__": moodle = MoodleTree() autosend = AutoSendTree() moodle.process() autosend.process() sql = MoodleDBSession() db = MoodleDBSession() Group = db.table_string_to_class('groups') User = db.table_string_to_class('user') Enrol = db.table_string_to_class('user_enrolments') php = CallPHP() renames = defaultdict(list) for student in moodle.students.get_objects():