コード例 #1
    def __init__(self):
        Does the work of reading in basic information from file, creates native Python structures
        self.settings = define_command_line_arguments(
                               'verbose', 'log_level', 'dry_run', 'teachers', 'courses',
                               'students', 'email_list', 'families', 'parents',
                               'automagic_emails', 'profiles', 'input_okay', 'updaters',
                               'enroll_cohorts', 'enroll_courses', 'remove_enrollments', inspect_student=False)

        self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
        self.path_to_powerschool = config_get_section_attribute('DIRECTORIES', 'path_to_powerschool_dump')
        self.path_to_output = config_get_section_attribute('DIRECTORIES', 'path_to_output')
        self.student_info_file = AutoSendFile('dist', 'studentinfo')
        self.student_info_controller = Controller(Student)
        self.course_info_controller = Controller(Course)
        self.teacher_info_controller = Controller(Teacher)
        self.schedule_info_controller = Controller(Schedule)
        self.allocation_info_controller = Controller(Allocation)
        self.user_data = ServerInfo().get_student_info()
        homerooms = None
        self._secondary_homerooms = None
        self._elementary_homerooms = None
コード例 #2
 def __init__(self):
     self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
     self.logger.warn('Started at {}'.format( datetime.datetime.now() ) )
     self.arguments = define_command_line_arguments(*self.switches, **self.strings)
     self.config = config
     self.tree = InfoController()
     if 'DEFAULTS' in self.config.sections():
         for key in self.config['DEFAULTS']:
             setattr(self, key, self.config.getboolean('DEFAULTS', key))
     self.email_server = None
     # TODO: Figure out if this is really needed
     if self.config.has_section("EMAIL"):
         self.email_server = self.config['EMAIL'].get('domain')
     if not self.email_server:
         self.email_server = 'localhost'
     have_email_section = self.config.has_section('EMAIL')
     have_moodle_section = self.config.has_section('MOODLE')
     # moodle link
     self.server_information = ServerInfo()
     # required paths
     self.path_to_powerschool = config_get_section_attribute('DIRECTORIES', 'path_to_powerschool_dump')
     self.path_to_output = config_get_section_attribute('DIRECTORIES', 'path_to_output')
     self.path_to_errors = config_get_section_attribute('DIRECTORIES', 'path_to_errors')
コード例 #3
from psmdlsyncer.Tree import Tree
from psmdlsyncer.utils import NS
from psmdlsyncer.settings import define_command_line_arguments
args = define_command_line_arguments(format='{lastfirst}{SPACE}({num})')
tree = Tree()
# TODO: Need to output an example for ease of use

def notlegal(psID):
    if not psID.isdigit():
        return True
    if not len(psID) == 5:
        return True
    if int(psID) < 30000:
        return True
    return False

output = []
for teacher_key in tree.get_teacher_keys():
    teacher = tree.get_teacher(teacher_key)
    ns = NS(teacher)
    if teacher.status == 1 and notlegal(teacher.num):
コード例 #4

import re
path_to_mail_log = '/var/log/mail.log'
from psmdlsyncer.settings import config_get_section_attribute, \
from psmdlsyncer.html_email import Email
from psmdlsyncer.utils import NS
from collections import defaultdict
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
args = define_command_line_arguments('stdout', 'no_emails')
output = config_get_section_attribute('DIRECTORIES', 'path_to_output')
domain = config_get_section_attribute('EMAIL', 'domain')
if not domain:
    domain = 'localhost'
def out(line):
    with open(output + '/bounce_stats.txt', 'a') as f:
        f.write(str(line) + '\n')

class Bounce:
    def __init__(self):
        self.count = 0
        self.messages = []
        self.key = ""
    def __repr__(self):
        return self.key + ': ' + str(self.count) + '\n' + str(self.messages)

bounces = defaultdict(Bounce)
for line in open(path_to_mail_log):
    for search_item in ['status=bounced', 'status=deferred']: