コード例 #1
ファイル: agd_gcv_test.py プロジェクト: ezbc/class_work
def run_ht03_fits(chi=None, load_data=False):

    import pickle
    import pspline
    import numpy as np
    import os

    test_data = pickle.load(open('data/HT2003_data_test100.pickle'))

    # Grab the first spectrum from the data
    x = test_data['x_values'][0]
    y_list = test_data['data_list'][0:]

    smooth = 0
    if smooth:
        x = np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], len(x) / 2)
        for i, y in enumerate(y_list):
            y_new = np.zeros(len(x))
            for j in xrange(len(x)):
                y_new[j] = np.average(y[2*j:2*j+1])
            y_list[i] = y_new

    # Do a fourier transform
    if 1:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        ft = np.fft.fft(y_list[0])
        freq = np.fft.fftfreq(y_list[0].shape[0])
        plt.plot(freq, ft)
        return None

    if 0:
        print('last and first =', x[-1], x[0])
        print('noise =', np.std(y_list[0][0:50]))
        print('max = ', np.max(y_list[0]))
        print('snr = ', np.max(y_list[0])/ np.std(y_list[0][0:50]))
        print('Delta =', x[1] - x[0])
        print('ht03 ylist length', len(y_list))

    if 0:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        plt.plot(x, y_list[0])

    if not load_data:

        temp_results = pspline.fit_spline(x, y_list, N_k=len(x),

        results = {}
        results['y_fit_list'] = temp_results['reg 4th deriv']['y_fit_list']
        results['y_4d_list'] = temp_results['reg 4th deriv']['y4d_list']
        results['y_3d_list'] = temp_results['reg 3rd deriv']['y3d_list']
        results['y_2d_list'] = temp_results['reg 2nd deriv']['y2d_list']
        results['y_1d_list'] = temp_results['reg 1st deriv']['y1d_list']
        results['x_fit'] = temp_results['x_fit']
        results['y_data_list'] = y_list
        results['x_data'] = temp_results['x_data']

        if chi is None:
            data_filename = 'spline_fits.pickle'
            data_filename = 'spline_fits_chi{0:.2f}.pickle'.format(chi)

        with open('data/' + data_filename, 'w') as f:
            pickle.dump(results, f)

    elif load_data:
        results = pickle.load(open('data/spline_fits.pickle'))

    # Plot
    if chi is None:
        filename = 'figures/ht03_fits/ht03_spline_'
        filename = 'figures/ht03_fits/ht03_spline_chi{0:.2f}_'.format(chi)

    plot_splines(results, show=0, filename=filename)
    plot_splines(results, show=0, filename=filename, wide=True)

    # Make a movie with the plots
    if chi is None:
        os.system('avconv -r 2 -i figures/ht03_fits/ht03_spline_%3d.png ' + \
        os.system('avconv -r 2 -i figures/ht03_fits/' + \
                  'ht03_spline_chi{0:.2f}_%3d.png '.format(chi) + \
コード例 #2
ファイル: agd_gcv_test.py プロジェクト: ezbc/class_work
def test_fit_spline():

    import numpy as np
    import pspline
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from scipy.integrate import simps

    sigma = 1
    x = np.linspace(-30, 30, 71)
    y = gauss(x, 5, -10, 10) + gauss(x, 40, 10, 4)
    y = gauss(x, 40, 10, 4) + np.random.normal(0, 0.1, len(y))
    y = gauss(x, 5, -10, 10) \
        + np.random.normal(0, sigma, len(y))
        #+ gauss(x, 110, 10, 4) \
    y_1d = gauss_1st_deriv(x, 5, -10, 10)

    # Define range of chi values to fit with
    chis = [1e-10, 1e-8, 1e-6, 1e-4, 1e-2, 1, 1e2, 1e4]
    chis = np.logspace(-14, 5, 10)
    #chis = np.logspace(-4, 0, 10)
    #chis = np.logspace(-2, -1, 10)
    #chis = (1e-4,)

    #A_C, h, lam_C, Vs, derivs = pspline.fit_spline(x, y, chis=chis)
    A_C, h, derivs, lam_C = pspline.fit_spline(x, y)

    #N_k = lam_C.shape[0]
    #Delta = lam_C[1,0] - lam_C[0,0]
    #B = pspline.construct_B(N_k, N_k, Delta)

    if 0:
        plt.clf(); plt.close()
        plt.plot(chis, Vs)

    #deriv_3 = B*h
    #deriv_2 = B*deriv_3
    #deriv_1 = B*deriv_2
    #deriv_0 = B*deriv_1
    A_C = np.squeeze(np.asarray(A_C))

    plt.clf(); plt.close()
    plt.plot(lam_C, derivs[2], label=r"f'($\lambda$)")
    plt.plot(x, y_1d, label=r"True f'($\lambda$)")

    plt.clf(); plt.close()
    scale = np.max(y) / np.max(h)
    plt.plot(lam_C, h*scale, label=r"f''''($\lambda$)")
    plt.plot(lam_C, derivs[0], label=r"f'''($\lambda$)")
    plt.plot(lam_C, derivs[1], label=r"f''($\lambda$)")
    plt.plot(lam_C, derivs[2], label=r"f'($\lambda$)")
    plt.plot(lam_C, derivs[3], label=r"f($\lambda$)")
    #plt.plot(lam_C, deriv_0)
    plt.plot(x, A_C, label=r"Integ f''''($\lambda$)")
    plt.plot(x, y, label=r"f($\lambda$)")
    plt.plot(x, y - A_C, label=r"f''''($\lambda$) - Integ f''''($\lambda$)")
コード例 #3
ファイル: agd_gcv_test.py プロジェクト: ezbc/class_work
def run_ht03_sim(uniform_noise=True, load_data=False):

    import pspline
    import pickle
    import numpy as np
    from scipy import linalg
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    if not load_data:
        # Test integration of fourth derivative of gaussians
        x0s = (3, 14, 16)
        sigmas = (1.7, 2, 0.4)
        As = (0.6, 1.055, 0.1)

        x = np.arange(-98, 98, 0.20010214)

        print len(x)

        y = gauss(x, sigmas[0], x0s[0], As[0]) \
            + gauss(x, sigmas[1], x0s[1], As[1]) \
            + gauss(x, sigmas[2], x0s[2], As[2])

        # Add noise
        if uniform_noise:
            y += np.random.normal(0,0.008007, len(x))
            noise = np.random.normal(0,0.008007, len(x))
            indices = np.where((x > -1) & (x < 5))
            noise[indices] = np.random.normal(0.01,0.008007/3.0,
            indices = np.where((x > 5) & (x < 10))
            noise[indices] = np.random.normal(-0.01,0.008007/3.0,
            indices = np.where((x > 10) & (x < 17))
            noise[indices] = np.random.normal(0,0.008007/1.0, len(indices[0]))
            indices = np.where((x > -20) & (x < -4))
            noise[indices] = np.random.normal(0.01,0.008007, len(indices[0]))
            indices = np.where((x > -30) & (x < -20))
            noise[indices] = np.random.normal(-0.01,0.008007/1.3, len(indices[0]))
            indices = np.where((x > 18) & (x < 25))
            noise[indices] = np.random.normal(0.01,0.008007*1.3, len(indices[0]))
            indices = np.where((x > 25) & (x < 40))
            noise[indices] = np.random.normal(-0.01,0.008007, len(indices[0]))
            y += noise

        y_list = [y,]

        temp_results = pspline.fit_spline(x, y_list, N_k=len(x),

        results = {}
        results['y_fit_list'] = temp_results['reg 4th deriv']['y_fit_list']
        results['y_4d_list'] = temp_results['reg 4th deriv']['y4d_list']
        results['y_3d_list'] = temp_results['reg 3rd deriv']['y3d_list']
        results['y_2d_list'] = temp_results['reg 2nd deriv']['y2d_list']
        results['y_1d_list'] = temp_results['reg 1st deriv']['y1d_list']
        results['x_fit'] = temp_results['x_fit']
        results['y_data_list'] = y_list
        results['x_data'] = temp_results['x_data']

        if uniform_noise:
            data_filename = 'ht03_sim_uniform_noise.pickle'
            data_filename = 'ht03_sim_nonuniform_noise.pickle'

        with open('data/' + data_filename, 'w') as f:
            pickle.dump(results, f)
    elif load_data:
        if uniform_noise:
            data_filename = 'ht03_sim_uniform_noise.pickle'
            data_filename = 'ht03_sim_nonuniform_noise.pickle'

        results = pickle.load(open('data/' + data_filename))

    #norm = np.sum(y_calc - y)
    #print('Sum of diff. of calc y and true y = {0:.2f}'.format(norm))
    norm = np.sum((results['y_data_list'][0] - results['y_fit_list'][0])**2)
    print('L2 norm of calc y and true y = {0:.2f}'.format(norm))

    # filename
    if uniform_noise:
        filename = 'ht03_sim_uniform_noise'
        filename = 'ht03_sim_nonuniform_noise'

    plot_splines(results, filename='figures/' + filename)
コード例 #4
ファイル: agd_gcv_test.py プロジェクト: ezbc/class_work
def test_gauss_integration(ngauss=1):

    import pspline
    import numpy as np
    from scipy import linalg
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    # Test integration of fourth derivative of gaussians
    Delta = 0.5
    x0s = (0, 15)
    sigmas = (5, 10)
    As = (20, 10)
    x0s = (3, 14, 16)
    sigmas = (1.7, 2, 0.4)
    As = (0.6, 1.055, 0.1)

    x = np.arange(-30, 30, Delta)
    x = np.linspace(-30, 30, 71)
    x = np.arange(-98, 98, 0.20010214)

    if ngauss == 2:
        y = gauss(x, sigmas[0], x0s[0], As[0]) \
            + gauss(x, sigmas[1], x0s[1], As[1]) \
            + gauss(x, sigmas[2], x0s[2], As[2])
    elif ngauss == 1:
        y = gauss(x, sigmas[0], x0s[0], As[0]) \
            + np.random.normal(0,1, len(x))

    # Add noise
    uniform = 0
    if uniform:
        y += np.random.normal(0,0.008007, len(x))
        noise = np.random.normal(0,0.008007, len(x))
        indices = np.where((x > -1) & (x < 17))
        noise[indices] = np.random.normal(0,0.008007/3.0, len(indices[0]))
        y += noise

    y_list = [y,]

    if 0:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        plt.plot(x, y_list[0])

    print('sim ylist length', len(y_list))

    temp_results = pspline.fit_spline(x, y_list, N_k=len(x), init_guess=20)

    y_fit = temp_results['reg 1st deriv']['y_fit_list'][0]
    y_4d = temp_results['reg 4th deriv']['y4d_list'][0]
    y_3d = temp_results['reg 3rd deriv']['y3d_list'][0]
    y_2d = temp_results['reg 2nd deriv']['y2d_list'][0]
    y_1d = temp_results['reg 1st deriv']['y1d_list'][0]
    x_fit = temp_results['x_fit']
    y_calc = temp_results['reg 1st deriv']['y_fit_list'][0]
    x_data = temp_results['x_data']

    #norm = np.sum(y_calc - y)
    #print('Sum of diff. of calc y and true y = {0:.2f}'.format(norm))
    norm = np.sum((y_calc - y)**2)
    print('L2 norm of calc y and true y = {0:.2f}'.format(norm))

    # Plot
    scale = np.max(y) / np.max(y_4d)
    plt.clf(); plt.close()
    plt.plot(x, y, label='f(x)',)
    plt.plot(x_fit, y_4d * scale, label="f''''(x) x " + str(scale))
    plt.plot(x_fit, y_3d, label="Calc. f'''(x)")
    plt.plot(x_fit, y_2d, label="Calc. f''(x)")
    plt.plot(x_fit, y_1d, label="Calc. f'(x)")
    plt.plot(x_fit, y_calc, label="Calc. f(x)",)#marker='o')
    #plt.plot(x, y_calc - y, label="Integrated f''''(x) - f(x)")
    plt.xlim(-30, 30)
    #plt.ylim(-15, max(As)*1.1)
    plt.savefig('figures/integration_test_ngauss' + str(ngauss) + '.png')
コード例 #5
def test_fit_spline():

    import numpy as np
    import pspline
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from scipy.integrate import simps

    sigma = 1
    x = np.linspace(-30, 30, 71)
    y = gauss(x, 5, -10, 10) + gauss(x, 40, 10, 4)
    y = gauss(x, 40, 10, 4) + np.random.normal(0, 0.1, len(y))
    y = gauss(x, 5, -10, 10) \
        + np.random.normal(0, sigma, len(y))
    #+ gauss(x, 110, 10, 4) \
    y_1d = gauss_1st_deriv(x, 5, -10, 10)

    # Define range of chi values to fit with
    chis = [1e-10, 1e-8, 1e-6, 1e-4, 1e-2, 1, 1e2, 1e4]
    chis = np.logspace(-14, 5, 10)
    #chis = np.logspace(-4, 0, 10)
    #chis = np.logspace(-2, -1, 10)
    #chis = (1e-4,)

    #A_C, h, lam_C, Vs, derivs = pspline.fit_spline(x, y, chis=chis)
    A_C, h, derivs, lam_C = pspline.fit_spline(x, y)

    #N_k = lam_C.shape[0]
    #Delta = lam_C[1,0] - lam_C[0,0]
    #B = pspline.construct_B(N_k, N_k, Delta)

    if 0:
        plt.plot(chis, Vs)

    #deriv_3 = B*h
    #deriv_2 = B*deriv_3
    #deriv_1 = B*deriv_2
    #deriv_0 = B*deriv_1
    A_C = np.squeeze(np.asarray(A_C))

    plt.plot(lam_C, derivs[2], label=r"f'($\lambda$)")
    plt.plot(x, y_1d, label=r"True f'($\lambda$)")

    scale = np.max(y) / np.max(h)
    plt.plot(lam_C, h * scale, label=r"f''''($\lambda$)")
    plt.plot(lam_C, derivs[0], label=r"f'''($\lambda$)")
    plt.plot(lam_C, derivs[1], label=r"f''($\lambda$)")
    plt.plot(lam_C, derivs[2], label=r"f'($\lambda$)")
    plt.plot(lam_C, derivs[3], label=r"f($\lambda$)")
    #plt.plot(lam_C, deriv_0)
    plt.plot(x, A_C, label=r"Integ f''''($\lambda$)")
    plt.plot(x, y, label=r"f($\lambda$)")
    plt.plot(x, y - A_C, label=r"f''''($\lambda$) - Integ f''''($\lambda$)")
コード例 #6
def main():


    import pickle
    import pspline
    import numpy as np

    test_data = pickle.load(open('data/HT2003_data_test100.pickle'))

    # load data instead of fitting?
    load_data = 0

    # Grab the first spectrum from the data
    x = test_data['x_values'][0]
    y_list = test_data['data_list'][0:2]

    if not load_data:
        A_C_list, h_list, derivs_list, lam_C = \
                pspline.fit_spline(x, y_list, N_k=len(x), init_guess=0.0052)

        y_3d_list = []
        y_2d_list = []
        y_1d_list = []
        for deriv_list in derivs_list:

        if len(y_list) > 1:
            results = {}
            results['y_fit_list'] = A_C_list
            results['y_4d_list'] = h_list
            results['y_3d_list'] = y_3d_list
            results['y_2d_list'] = y_2d_list
            results['y_1d_list'] = y_1d_list
            results['x_fit'] = lam_C
            results['y_data_list'] = y_list
            results['x_data'] = x
        elif len(y_list) == 1:
            results = {}
            results['y_fit_list'] = (A_C_list, )
            results['y_4d_list'] = (h_list, )
            results['y_3d_list'] = y_3d_list
            results['y_2d_list'] = y_2d_list
            results['y_1d_list'] = y_1d_list
            results['x_fit'] = lam_C
            results['y_data_list'] = (np.array(y_list[0]), )
            results['x_data'] = x

        with open('data/spline_fits.pickle', 'w') as f:
            pickle.dump(results, f)
    elif load_data:
        results = pickle.load(open('data/spline_fits.pickle'))

    plot_splines(results, show=0)
コード例 #7
def main():


    import pickle
    import pspline
    import numpy as np

    test_data = pickle.load(open('data/HT2003_data_test100.pickle'))

    # load data instead of fitting?
    load_data = 0

    # Grab the first spectrum from the data
    x = test_data['x_values'][0]
    y_list = test_data['data_list'][0:2]

    if not load_data:
        A_C_list, h_list, derivs_list, lam_C = \
                pspline.fit_spline(x, y_list, N_k=len(x), init_guess=0.0052)

        y_3d_list = []
        y_2d_list = []
        y_1d_list = []
        for deriv_list in derivs_list:

        if len(y_list) > 1:
            results = {}
            results['y_fit_list'] = A_C_list
            results['y_4d_list'] = h_list
            results['y_3d_list'] = y_3d_list
            results['y_2d_list'] = y_2d_list
            results['y_1d_list'] = y_1d_list
            results['x_fit'] = lam_C
            results['y_data_list'] = y_list
            results['x_data'] = x
        elif len(y_list) == 1:
            results = {}
            results['y_fit_list'] = (A_C_list,)
            results['y_4d_list'] = (h_list,)
            results['y_3d_list'] = y_3d_list
            results['y_2d_list'] = y_2d_list
            results['y_1d_list'] = y_1d_list
            results['x_fit'] = lam_C
            results['y_data_list'] = (np.array(y_list[0]),)
            results['x_data'] = x

        with open('data/spline_fits.pickle', 'w') as f:
            pickle.dump(results, f)
    elif load_data:
        results = pickle.load(open('data/spline_fits.pickle'))

    plot_splines(results, show=0)