コード例 #1
def healpix2car(
    bounding_box=(-180, 180, -75, 30),
    """ Convert HEALPIX map to CAR map
    input_file: fits file
      name of the input HEALPIX fits file
    fields: tuple
      HEALPIX fields to convert i.e. (0,) will keep only temperature field
    mask_file: fits file
      name of the HEALPIX mask file
    output_file: fits file
      name of the output CAR fits file
    resolution: string
      CAR final resolution in arcminutes
    bounding_box:  tuple
      (ra0, ra1, dec0, dec1) in degree

    healpix_map = so_map.read_map(input_file, fields_healpix=fields)

    # CAR Template
    ra0, ra1, dec0, dec1 = bounding_box
    res = resolution
    car_template = so_map.car_template(healpix_map.ncomp, ra0, ra1, dec0, dec1, res)
    projected_map = so_map.healpix2car(healpix_map, car_template, lmax=lmax)

    if mask_file is not None:
        mask = so_map.read_map(mask_file)
        projected_mask = so_map.healpix2car(mask, car_template, lmax=lmax)
        if mask.ncomp == healpix_map.ncomp == 1:
            projected_map.data *= np.where(projected_mask.data < 0.5, 0, 1)
        elif mask.ncomp == 1:
            for i in range(healpix_map.ncomp):
                projected_map.data[i] *= np.where(projected_mask.data < 0.5, 0, 1)
            if healpix_map.ncomp != mask.ncomp:
                raise ValueError("Map and mask have different number of components")
            for i in range(mask.ncomp):
                projected_map.data[i] *= np.where(projected_mask.data[i] < 0.5, 0, 1)

    print("Writing '{}' file".format(output_file))
    return projected_map
コード例 #2
type = "Cl"

test_dir = "result_pspyVSnamasterCAR_spin0and2"

# create a binningfile with format, lmin,lmax,lmean
                               file_name="%s/binning.dat" % test_dir)
binning_file = "%s/binning.dat" % test_dir

# the templates for the CMB splits
template = so_map.car_template(ncomp, ra0, ra1, dec0, dec1, res)
# the templates for the binary mask
binary = so_map.car_template(1, ra0, ra1, dec0, dec1, res)
# for CAR we set pixels inside the survey at 1 and  at the border to be zero
binary.data[:] = 0
binary.data[1:-1, 1:-1] = 1

print("Generate CMB realisation")

#First let's generate a CMB realisation
cmb = template.synfast(clfile)
split = cmb.copy()
#let's add noise to it with rms 20 uk.arcmin
noise = so_map.white_noise(split, rms_uKarcmin_T=rms_uKarcmin_T)
split.data += noise.data
コード例 #3
    alms = curvedsky.rand_alm(ps_cmb, lmax=lmax_simu)

    if include_fg == True:
        fglms = curvedsky.rand_alm(ps_fg, lmax=lmax_simu)

    master_alms = {}
    fcount = 0

    for exp in experiments:
        freqs = d["freqs_%s" % exp]
        nsplits = d["nsplits_%s" % exp]

        if d["pixel_%s" % exp] == "CAR":
            template = so_map.car_template(ncomp, d["ra0_%s" % exp],
                                           d["ra1_%s" % exp],
                                           d["dec0_%s" % exp],
                                           d["dec1_%s" % exp],
                                           d["res_%s" % exp])
            template = so_map.healpix_template(ncomp,
                                               nside=d["nside_%s" % exp])

        l, nl_array_t, nl_array_pol = maps_to_params_utils.get_noise_matrix_spin0and2(
            noise_data_dir, exp, freqs, lmax_simu + 1, nsplits, lcut=lcut)

        nlms = maps_to_params_utils.generate_noise_alms(
            nl_array_t, lmax_simu, nsplits, ncomp, nl_array_pol=nl_array_pol)

        for fid, freq in enumerate(freqs):
            window = so_map.read_map("%s/window_%s_%s.fits" %
                                     (window_dir, exp, freq))
コード例 #4
import psplay
import time
import pylab as plt, numpy as np
from pspy import so_map, pspy_utils

# Sim parameters
clfile = "bode_almost_wmap5_lmax_1e4_lensedCls_startAt2.dat"
n_sims = 100
template_car = so_map.car_template(3, -10, 10, -10, 10, 0.5)
rms_uKarcmin_T = 8
map0_info = {
    "name": "split0_IQU.fits",
    "data_type": "IQU",
    "id": "split0",
    "cal": None
map1_info = {
    "name": "split1_IQU.fits",
    "data_type": "IQU",
    "id": "split1",
    "cal": None
maps_info_list = [map0_info, map1_info]

# Patch parameter
source_mask = {"name": "source_mask.fits", "apo_type": "C1", "apo_radius": 0.3}
galactic_mask = "mask_galactic_equatorial_car_halfarcmin.fits"
patch = {"patch_type": "Disk", "center": [0, 0], "radius": 8}
apo_radius_survey = 1

# Spectra parameters
コード例 #5
d = so_dict.so_dict()

n_sims = d["n_sims"]
beamed_clfile = d["beamed_clfile"]
res_arcmin = d["res_arcmin"]
name_split = d["name_split"]
n_splits = d["n_splits"]
rms_uKarcmin_T = d["rms_uKarcmin_T"] * np.sqrt(n_splits)
ra0, ra1, dec0, dec1 = d["ra0"], d["ra1"], d["dec0"], d["dec1"]
run_name = d["run_name"]

sim_dir = "sims_%s" % run_name

eps = 1
template_car = so_map.car_template(3, ra0 - eps, ra1 + eps, dec0 - eps,
                                   dec1 + eps, res_arcmin)

for iii in range(n_sims):
    print("generate sim %03d" % iii)
    cmb = template_car.synfast(beamed_clfile)
    for i in range(n_splits):
        name = "sim_%03d_%s%d" % (iii, name_split, i)
        split = cmb.copy()
        noise = so_map.white_noise(split, rms_uKarcmin_T=rms_uKarcmin_T)
        split.data += noise.data
        split.write_map("%s/%s.fits" % (sim_dir, name))
        split.plot(file_name="%s/%s" % (sim_dir, name))
コード例 #6
experiments = d["experiments"]
lmax = d["lmax"]
lmax_mcm = d["lmax_mcm"]

# The first step of this code is to generate the window functions for the different frequency channels
# of the different experiments.

print("Geneating window functions")

for exp in experiments:
    freqs = d["freqs_%s" % exp]

    if d["pixel_%s" % exp] == "CAR":
        binary = so_map.car_template(ncomp=1,
                                     ra0=d["ra0_%s" % exp],
                                     ra1=d["ra1_%s" % exp],
                                     dec0=d["dec0_%s" % exp],
                                     dec1=d["dec1_%s" % exp],
                                     res=d["res_%s" % exp])

        binary.data[:] = 1
        if d["binary_is_survey_mask"] == True:
            binary.data[:] = 0
            binary.data[1:-1, 1:-1] = 1

    elif d["pixel_%s" % exp] == "HEALPIX":
        binary = so_map.healpix_template(ncomp=1, nside=d["nside_%s" % exp])
        binary.data[:] = 1

    for freq in freqs:
        window = binary.copy()