コード例 #1
    def apply(self, node, options=None):
        '''Apply the NemoArrayRange2Loop transformation if the supplied node
        is the outermost Range node (specifying an access to an array
        index) within an Array Reference that is on the left-hand-side
        of an Assignment node. These constraints are required for
        correctness and an exception will be raised if they are not
        satisfied. If the constraints are satisfied then the outermost
        Range nodes within array references within the Assignment node
        are replaced with references to a loop index. A NemoLoop loop
        (with the same loop index) is also placed around the modified
        assignment statement. If the array reference on the
        left-hand-side of the assignment only had one range node as an
        index (so now has none) then the assigment is also placed
        within a NemoKern.

        The name of the loop index is taken from the PSyclone
        configuration file if a name exists for the particular array
        index, otherwise a new name is generated. The bounds of the
        loop are taken from the Range node if they are provided. If
        not, the loop bounds are taken from the PSyclone configuration
        file if bounds values are supplied. If not, the LBOUND or
        UBOUND intrinsics are used as appropriate. The type of the
        NemoLoop is also taken from the configuration file if it is
        supplied for that index, otherwise it is specified as being

        :param node: a Range node.
        :type node: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Range`
        :param options: a dictionary with options for \
            transformations. No options are used in this \
            transformation. This is an optional argument that defaults \
            to None.
        :type options: dict of string:values or None


        array_reference = node.parent
        array_index = node.position
        assignment = array_reference.parent
        parent = assignment.parent
        symbol_table = node.scope.symbol_table

        # See if there is any configuration information for this array index
        loop_type_order = Config.get().api_conf("nemo").get_index_order()
        # TODO: Add tests in get_loop_type_data() to make sure values
        # are strings that represent an integer or a valid variable
        # name, e.g. 1a should not be allowed. See issue #1035
        loop_type_data = Config.get().api_conf("nemo").get_loop_type_data()
            loop_type = loop_type_order[array_index]
            loop_type_info = loop_type_data[loop_type]
            lower_bound_info = loop_type_info['start']
            upper_bound_info = loop_type_info['stop']
            loop_variable_name = loop_type_info['var']
        except IndexError:
            lower_bound_info = None
            upper_bound_info = None
            loop_variable_name = symbol_table.next_available_name("idx")

        # Lower bound
        if not array_reference.is_lower_bound(array_index):
            # The range specifies a lower bound so use it
            lower_bound = node.start.copy()
        elif lower_bound_info:
            # The config metadata specifies a lower bound so use it
                _ = int(lower_bound_info)
                lower_bound = Literal(lower_bound_info, INTEGER_TYPE)
            except ValueError:
                lower_bound = Reference(symbol_table.lookup(lower_bound_info))
            # The lower bound is not set or specified so use the
            # LBOUND() intrinsic
            lower_bound = node.start.copy()

        # Upper bound
        if not array_reference.is_upper_bound(array_index):
            # The range specifies an upper bound so use it
            upper_bound = node.stop.copy()
        elif upper_bound_info:
            # The config metadata specifies an upper bound so use it
                _ = int(upper_bound_info)
                upper_bound = Literal(upper_bound_info, INTEGER_TYPE)
            except ValueError:
                upper_bound = Reference(symbol_table.lookup(upper_bound_info))
            # The upper bound is not set or specified so use the
            # UBOUND() intrinsic
            upper_bound = node.stop.copy()

        # Just use the specified step value
        step = node.step.copy()

        # Look up the loop variable in the symbol table. If it does
        # not exist then create it.
            loop_variable_symbol = symbol_table.lookup(loop_variable_name)
        except KeyError:
            # Add loop variable as it does not already exist
            loop_variable_symbol = DataSymbol(loop_variable_name, INTEGER_TYPE)

        # Replace the loop_idx array dimension with the loop variable.
        n_ranges = None
        for array in assignment.walk(ArrayReference):

            # Ignore the array reference if none of its index accesses
            # are Ranges
            if not any(child for child in array.children
                       if isinstance(child, Range)):
            # Ignore the array reference if any of its parents up to
            # the Assignment node are not Operations that return
            # scalars.
            ignore = False
            current = array.parent
            while not isinstance(current, Assignment):
                # Ignore if not a scalar valued operation (vector
                # valued operations are excluded in the validate
                # method).
                if not isinstance(current, Operation):
                    ignore = True
                current = current.parent
            if ignore:

            current_n_ranges = len([
                child for child in array.children if isinstance(child, Range)
            if n_ranges is None:
                n_ranges = current_n_ranges
            elif n_ranges != current_n_ranges:
                raise InternalError(
                    "The number of ranges in the arrays within this "
                    "assignment are not equal. This is invalid PSyIR and "
                    "should never happen.")
            idx = get_outer_index(array)
            array.children[idx] = Reference(loop_variable_symbol)
        position = assignment.position
        loop = NemoLoop.create(loop_variable_symbol, lower_bound, upper_bound,
                               step, [assignment.detach()])
        parent.children.insert(position, loop)

            _ = get_outer_index(array_reference)
        except IndexError:
            # All valid array ranges have been replaced with explicit
            # loops. We now need to take the content of the loop and
            # place it within a NemoKern (inlined kernel) node.
コード例 #2
ファイル: assignment_test.py プロジェクト: hiker/PSyclone
def test_is_array_range():
    '''test that the is_array_range method behaves as expected, returning
    true if the LHS of the assignment is an array range access.

    one = Literal("1.0", REAL_TYPE)
    int_one = Literal("1", INTEGER_TYPE)
    int_ten = Literal("10", INTEGER_TYPE)

    # lhs is an array reference with a range
    array_type = ArrayType(REAL_TYPE, [10, 10])
    symbol = DataSymbol("x", array_type)
    x_range = Range.create(int_one, int_ten.copy(), int_one.copy())
    array_ref = ArrayReference.create(symbol, [x_range, int_one.copy()])
    assignment = Assignment.create(array_ref, one.copy())
    assert assignment.is_array_range is True

    # Check when lhs consists of various forms of structure access
    grid_type = StructureType.create([
        ("dx", REAL_SINGLE_TYPE, Symbol.Visibility.PUBLIC),
        ("dy", REAL_SINGLE_TYPE, Symbol.Visibility.PUBLIC)
    grid_type_symbol = TypeSymbol("grid_type", grid_type)
    # Create the definition of the 'field_type', contains array of grid_types
    field_type_def = StructureType.create([
        ("data", ArrayType(REAL_SINGLE_TYPE, [10]), Symbol.Visibility.PUBLIC),
        ("sub_meshes", ArrayType(grid_type_symbol,
                                 [3]), Symbol.Visibility.PUBLIC)
    field_type_symbol = TypeSymbol("field_type", field_type_def)
    field_symbol = DataSymbol("wind", field_type_symbol)

    # Array reference to component of derived type using a range
    lbound = BinaryOperation.create(
        StructureReference.create(field_symbol, ["data"]), int_one.copy())
    ubound = BinaryOperation.create(
        StructureReference.create(field_symbol, ["data"]), int_one.copy())
    my_range = Range.create(lbound, ubound)

    data_ref = StructureReference.create(field_symbol, [("data", [my_range])])
    assign = Assignment.create(data_ref, one.copy())
    assert assign.is_array_range is True

    # Access to slice of 'sub_meshes': wind%sub_meshes(1:3)%dx = 1.0
    sub_range = Range.create(int_one.copy(), Literal("3", INTEGER_TYPE))
    dx_ref = StructureReference.create(field_symbol,
                                       [("sub_meshes", [sub_range]), "dx"])
    sub_assign = Assignment.create(dx_ref, one.copy())
    assert sub_assign.is_array_range is True

    # Create an array of these derived types and assign to a slice:
    # chi(1:10)%data(1) = 1.0
    field_bundle_symbol = DataSymbol("chi", ArrayType(field_type_symbol, [3]))
    fld_range = Range.create(int_one.copy(), Literal("10", INTEGER_TYPE))
    fld_ref = ArrayOfStructuresReference.create(field_bundle_symbol,
                                                [("data", [int_one.copy()])])
    fld_assign = Assignment.create(fld_ref, one.copy())
    assert fld_assign.is_array_range is True

    # When the slice has two operator ancestors, none of which are a reduction
    # e.g y(1, INT(ABS(map(:, 1)))) = 1.0
    int_array_type = ArrayType(INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE, [10, 10])
    map_sym = DataSymbol("map", int_array_type)
    lbound1 = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.LBOUND,
                                     Reference(map_sym), int_one.copy())
    ubound1 = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.UBOUND,
                                     Reference(map_sym), int_one.copy())
    my_range1 = Range.create(lbound1, ubound1)
    abs_op = UnaryOperation.create(
        ArrayReference.create(map_sym, [my_range1, int_one.copy()]))
    int_op = UnaryOperation.create(UnaryOperation.Operator.INT, abs_op)
    assignment = Assignment.create(
        ArrayReference.create(symbol, [int_one.copy(), int_op]), one.copy())
    assert assignment.is_array_range is True
コード例 #3
def test_children_validation():
    ''' Test that nodes are validated when inserted as children of other
    nodes. For simplicity we use Node subclasses to test this functionality
    across a range of possible operations.

    The specific logic of each validate method will be tested individually
    inside each Node test file.
    assignment = Assignment()
    return_stmt = Return()
    reference = Reference(DataSymbol("a", INTEGER_TYPE))

    assert isinstance(assignment.children, (ChildrenList, list))

    # Try adding a invalid child (e.g. a return_stmt into an assingment)
    with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as error:
    assert "Item 'Return' can't be child 0 of 'Assignment'. The valid format" \
        " is: 'DataNode, DataNode'." in str(error.value)

    # The same behaviour occurs when list insertion operations are used.
    with pytest.raises(GenerationError):

    with pytest.raises(GenerationError):
        assignment.children[0] = return_stmt

    with pytest.raises(GenerationError):
        assignment.children.insert(0, return_stmt)

    with pytest.raises(GenerationError):

    with pytest.raises(GenerationError):
        assignment.children = assignment.children + [return_stmt]

    # Valid nodes are accepted

    # Check displaced items are also be checked when needed
    start = Literal("0", INTEGER_TYPE)
    stop = Literal("1", INTEGER_TYPE)
    step = Literal("2", INTEGER_TYPE)
    child_node = Assignment.create(Reference(DataSymbol("tmp", REAL_TYPE)),
                                   Reference(DataSymbol("i", REAL_TYPE)))
    loop_variable = DataSymbol("idx", INTEGER_TYPE)
    loop = Loop.create(loop_variable, start, stop, step, [child_node])
    with pytest.raises(GenerationError):
        loop.children.insert(1, Literal("0", INTEGER_TYPE))

    with pytest.raises(GenerationError):

    with pytest.raises(GenerationError):
        del loop.children[2]

    with pytest.raises(GenerationError):

    with pytest.raises(GenerationError):

    # But the in the right circumstances they work fine
    assert isinstance(loop.children.pop(), Schedule)
    assert loop.children[0].value == "2"
コード例 #4
ファイル: datasymbol_test.py プロジェクト: xyuan/PSyclone
def test_datasymbol_constant_value_setter():
    '''Test that a DataSymbol constant value can be set if given a new valid
    constant value.'''

    # Test with valid constant values
    sym = DataSymbol('a', INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE, constant_value=7)
    assert sym.constant_value.value == "7"
    sym.constant_value = 9
    assert sym.constant_value.value == "9"

    sym = DataSymbol('a', REAL_SINGLE_TYPE, constant_value=3.1415)
    assert sym.constant_value.value == "3.1415"
    sym.constant_value = 1.0
    assert sym.constant_value.value == "1.0"

    sym = DataSymbol('a', BOOLEAN_TYPE, constant_value=True)
    assert sym.constant_value.value == "true"
    sym.constant_value = False
    assert sym.constant_value.value == "false"

    # Test with valid constant expressions
    lhs = Literal('2', INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE)
    rhs = Reference(DataSymbol('constval', INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE))
    ct_expr = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.ADD, lhs, rhs)
    sym = DataSymbol('a', INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE, constant_value=ct_expr)
    assert isinstance(sym.constant_value, BinaryOperation)
    assert sym.constant_value is ct_expr
コード例 #5
ファイル: datasymbol_test.py プロジェクト: xyuan/PSyclone
def test_datasymbol_str():
    '''Test that the DataSymbol __str__ method returns the expected string'''
    data_symbol = DataSymbol("a", INTEGER4_TYPE, constant_value=3)
    assert (data_symbol.__str__() ==
            "a: <Scalar<INTEGER, 4>, Local, constant_value=Literal[value:'3', "
            "Scalar<INTEGER, 4>]>")
コード例 #6
def create_psyir_tree():
    ''' Create an example PSyIR Tree.

    :returns: an example PSyIR tree.
    :rtype: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Container`

    # Symbol table, symbols and scalar datatypes
    symbol_table = SymbolTable()
    arg1 = symbol_table.new_symbol(symbol_type=DataSymbol,
    tmp_symbol = symbol_table.new_symbol(symbol_type=DataSymbol,
    index_symbol = symbol_table.new_symbol(root_name="i",
    real_kind = symbol_table.new_symbol(root_name="RKIND",
    routine_symbol = RoutineSymbol("my_sub")

    # Array using precision defined by another symbol
    scalar_type = ScalarType(ScalarType.Intrinsic.REAL, real_kind)
    array = symbol_table.new_symbol(root_name="a",
                                    datatype=ArrayType(scalar_type, [10]))

    # Make generators for nodes which do not have other Nodes as children,
    # with some predefined scalar datatypes
    def zero():
        return Literal("0.0", REAL_TYPE)

    def one():
        return Literal("1.0", REAL4_TYPE)

    def two():
        return Literal("2.0", scalar_type)

    def int_zero():
        return Literal("0", INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE)

    def int_one():
        return Literal("1", INTEGER8_TYPE)

    def tmp1():
        return Reference(arg1)

    def tmp2():
        return Reference(tmp_symbol)

    # Unary Operation
    oper = UnaryOperation.Operator.SIN
    unaryoperation = UnaryOperation.create(oper, tmp2())

    # Binary Operation
    oper = BinaryOperation.Operator.ADD
    binaryoperation = BinaryOperation.create(oper, one(), unaryoperation)

    # Nary Operation
    oper = NaryOperation.Operator.MAX
    naryoperation = NaryOperation.create(oper, [tmp1(), tmp2(), one()])

    # Array reference using a range
    lbound = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.LBOUND,
                                    Reference(array), int_one())
    ubound = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.UBOUND,
                                    Reference(array), int_one())
    my_range = Range.create(lbound, ubound)
    tmparray = ArrayReference.create(array, [my_range])

    # Assignments
    assign1 = Assignment.create(tmp1(), zero())
    assign2 = Assignment.create(tmp2(), zero())
    assign3 = Assignment.create(tmp2(), binaryoperation)
    assign4 = Assignment.create(tmp1(), tmp2())
    assign5 = Assignment.create(tmp1(), naryoperation)
    assign6 = Assignment.create(tmparray, two())

    # Call
    call = Call.create(routine_symbol, [tmp1(), binaryoperation.copy()])

    # If statement
    if_condition = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.GT, tmp1(),
    ifblock = IfBlock.create(if_condition, [assign3, assign4])

    # Loop
    loop = Loop.create(index_symbol, int_zero(), int_one(), int_one(),

    # Routine
    routine = Routine.create("work", symbol_table,
                             [assign1, call, assign2, loop, assign5, assign6])

    # Container
    container_symbol_table = SymbolTable()
    container = Container.create("CONTAINER", container_symbol_table,

    # Import data from another container
    external_container = ContainerSymbol("some_mod")
    external_var = DataSymbol("some_var",
    routine_symbol.interface = GlobalInterface(external_container)

    # Routine (specified as being a program)
    program_symbol_table = SymbolTable()
    work_symbol = RoutineSymbol("work")
    container_symbol = ContainerSymbol("CONTAINER")
    work_symbol.interface = GlobalInterface(container_symbol)
    arg_symbol = program_symbol_table.new_symbol(root_name="arg",
    call = Call.create(work_symbol, [Reference(arg_symbol)])
    program = Routine.create("some_program",
                             program_symbol_table, [call],

    # File container
    file_container = FileContainer.create("dummy", SymbolTable(),
                                          [container, program])

    return file_container
コード例 #7
def test_get_array_bound():
    '''Test that the _get_array_bound utility function returns the expected
    bound values for different types of array declaration.

    scalar_symbol = DataSymbol("n", INTEGER_TYPE, constant_value=20)
    array_type = ArrayType(REAL_TYPE, [
        10, scalar_symbol, ArrayType.Extent.DEFERRED,
    array_symbol = DataSymbol("x", array_type)
    reference = Reference(array_symbol)
    # literal value
    (lower_bound, upper_bound, step) = _get_array_bound(reference, 0)
    assert isinstance(lower_bound, Literal)
    assert lower_bound.value == "1"
    assert lower_bound.datatype.intrinsic == ScalarType.Intrinsic.INTEGER
    assert isinstance(upper_bound, Literal)
    assert upper_bound.value == "10"
    assert upper_bound.datatype.intrinsic == ScalarType.Intrinsic.INTEGER
    assert isinstance(step, Literal)
    assert step.value == "1"
    assert step.datatype.intrinsic == ScalarType.Intrinsic.INTEGER
    # symbol
    (lower_bound, upper_bound, step) = _get_array_bound(reference, 1)
    assert isinstance(lower_bound, Literal)
    assert lower_bound.value == "1"
    assert lower_bound.datatype.intrinsic == ScalarType.Intrinsic.INTEGER
    assert isinstance(upper_bound, Reference)
    assert upper_bound.symbol.name == "n"
    assert isinstance(step, Literal)
    assert step.value == "1"
    assert step.datatype.intrinsic == ScalarType.Intrinsic.INTEGER

    # deferred and attribute
    def _check_ulbound(lower_bound, upper_bound, step, index):
        '''Internal utility routine that checks LBOUND and UBOUND are used
        correctly for the lower and upper array bounds

        assert isinstance(lower_bound, BinaryOperation)
        assert lower_bound.operator == BinaryOperation.Operator.LBOUND
        assert isinstance(lower_bound.children[0], Reference)
        assert lower_bound.children[0].symbol is array_symbol
        assert isinstance(lower_bound.children[1], Literal)
        assert (lower_bound.children[1].datatype.intrinsic ==
        assert lower_bound.children[1].value == str(index)
        assert isinstance(upper_bound, BinaryOperation)
        assert upper_bound.operator == BinaryOperation.Operator.UBOUND
        assert isinstance(upper_bound.children[0], Reference)
        assert upper_bound.children[0].symbol is array_symbol
        assert isinstance(upper_bound.children[1], Literal)
        assert (upper_bound.children[1].datatype.intrinsic ==
        assert upper_bound.children[1].value == str(index)
        assert isinstance(step, Literal)
        assert step.value == "1"
        assert step.datatype.intrinsic == ScalarType.Intrinsic.INTEGER

    (lower_bound, upper_bound, step) = _get_array_bound(reference, 2)
    _check_ulbound(lower_bound, upper_bound, step, 2)
    (lower_bound, upper_bound, step) = _get_array_bound(reference, 3)
    _check_ulbound(lower_bound, upper_bound, step, 3)
コード例 #8
 def create_data_symbol(arg):
     symbol = DataSymbol(arg.name, REAL_TYPE, interface=arg.interface)
     return symbol
コード例 #9
 def create_real(variable):
     return DataSymbol(variable.name,
コード例 #10
 def create_data_symbol(arg):
     symbol = DataSymbol(arg.name,
                         constant_value=Literal("1", INTEGER_TYPE))
     return symbol
コード例 #11
 def create_data_symbol(arg):
     symbol = DataSymbol(arg.name, CHARACTER_TYPE, interface=arg.interface)
     return symbol
コード例 #12
def test_symtab_implementation_for_opencl():
    ''' Tests that the GOcean specialised Symbol Table implements the
    abstract properties needed to generate OpenCL.
    kschedule = GOKernelSchedule('test')

    # Test symbol table without any kernel argument
    with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as err:
        _ = kschedule.symbol_table.iteration_indices
    assert ("GOcean 1.0 API kernels should always have at least two "
            "arguments representing the iteration indices but the Symbol "
            "Table for kernel 'test' has only 0 argument(s)."
            in str(err.value))

    # Test symbol table with 1 kernel argument
    arg1 = DataSymbol("arg1",
    with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as err:
        _ = kschedule.symbol_table.iteration_indices
    assert ("GOcean 1.0 API kernels should always have at least two "
            "arguments representing the iteration indices but the Symbol "
            "Table for kernel 'test' has only 1 argument(s)."
            in str(err.value))

    # Test symbol table with 2 kernel argument
    arg2 = DataSymbol("arg2",
    kschedule.symbol_table.specify_argument_list([arg1, arg2])
    iteration_indices = kschedule.symbol_table.iteration_indices
    assert iteration_indices[0] is arg1
    assert iteration_indices[1] is arg2

    # Test symbol table with 3 kernel argument
    array_type = ArrayType(REAL_TYPE, [10, 10])
    arg3 = DataSymbol("buffer1",
    kschedule.symbol_table.specify_argument_list([arg1, arg2, arg3])
    iteration_indices = kschedule.symbol_table.iteration_indices
    data_args = kschedule.symbol_table.data_arguments
    assert iteration_indices[0] is arg1
    assert iteration_indices[1] is arg2
    assert data_args[0] is arg3

    # Test gen_ocl with wrong iteration indices types and shapes.
    arg1._datatype._intrinsic = ScalarType.Intrinsic.REAL
    with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as err:
        _ = kschedule.symbol_table.iteration_indices
    assert ("GOcean 1.0 API kernels first argument should be a scalar "
            "integer but got 'Scalar<REAL, UNDEFINED>' for kernel 'test'."
            in str(err.value))

    arg1._datatype._intrinsic = ScalarType.Intrinsic.INTEGER  # restore
    arg2._datatype = ArrayType(INTEGER_TYPE, [10])
    with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as err:
        _ = kschedule.symbol_table.iteration_indices
    assert ("GOcean 1.0 API kernels second argument should be a scalar integer"
            " but got 'Array<Scalar<INTEGER, UNDEFINED>, shape=["
            "Literal[value:'10', Scalar<INTEGER, UNDEFINED>]]>' for "
            "kernel 'test'." in str(err.value))
コード例 #13
def test_array_is_full_range():
    '''Test that the is_full_range method in the Array Node works as
    expected. '''
    # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
    zero = Literal("0", INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE)
    one = Literal("1", INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE)
    array_type = ArrayType(REAL_SINGLE_TYPE, [10])
    symbol = DataSymbol("my_array", array_type)
    reference = Reference(symbol)
    lbound = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.LBOUND,
                                    reference, one)
    ubound = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.UBOUND,
                                    reference, one)
    symbol_error = DataSymbol("another_array", array_type)
    reference_error = Reference(symbol_error)

    # Index out of bounds
    array_reference = ArrayReference.create(symbol, [one])
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
    assert ("In ArrayReference 'my_array' the specified index '1' must be "
            "less than the number of dimensions '1'." in str(excinfo.value))

    # Array dimension is not a Range
    assert not array_reference.is_full_range(0)

    # Check LBOUND
    # Array dimension range lower bound is not a binary operation
    my_range = Range.create(one, one, one)
    array_reference = ArrayReference.create(symbol, [my_range])
    assert not array_reference.is_full_range(0)

    # Array dimension range lower bound is not an LBOUND binary operation
    my_range = Range.create(ubound, one, one)
    array_reference = ArrayReference.create(symbol, [my_range])
    assert not array_reference.is_full_range(0)

    # Array dimension range lower bound is an LBOUND binary operation
    # with the first value not being a reference
    lbound_error = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.LBOUND,
                                          zero, zero)
    my_range = Range.create(lbound_error, one, one)
    array_reference = ArrayReference.create(symbol, [my_range])
    assert not array_reference.is_full_range(0)

    # Array dimension range lower bound is an LBOUND binary operation
    # with the first value being a reference to a different symbol
    lbound_error = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.LBOUND,
                                          reference_error, zero)
    my_range = Range.create(lbound_error, one, one)
    array_reference = ArrayReference.create(symbol, [my_range])
    assert not array_reference.is_full_range(0)

    # Array dimension range lower bound is an LBOUND binary operation
    # with the second value not being a literal.
    lbound_error = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.LBOUND,
                                          reference, reference)
    my_range = Range.create(lbound_error, one, one)
    array_reference = ArrayReference.create(symbol, [my_range])
    assert not array_reference.is_full_range(0)

    # Array dimension range lower bound is an LBOUND binary operation
    # with the second value not being an integer literal.
    lbound_error = BinaryOperation.create(
        BinaryOperation.Operator.LBOUND, reference,
        Literal("1.0", REAL_SINGLE_TYPE))
    my_range = Range.create(lbound_error, one, one)
    array_reference = ArrayReference.create(symbol, [my_range])
    assert not array_reference.is_full_range(0)

    # Array dimension range lower bound is an LBOUND binary operation
    # with the second value being an integer literal with the wrong
    # value (should be 0 as this dimension index is 0).
    lbound_error = BinaryOperation.create(
        BinaryOperation.Operator.LBOUND, reference, one)
    my_range = Range.create(lbound_error, one, one)
    array_reference = ArrayReference.create(symbol, [my_range])
    assert not array_reference.is_full_range(0)

    # Check UBOUND
    # Array dimension range upper bound is not a binary operation
    my_range = Range.create(lbound, one, one)
    array_reference = ArrayReference.create(symbol, [my_range])
    assert not array_reference.is_full_range(0)

    # Array dimension range upper bound is not a UBOUND binary operation
    my_range = Range.create(lbound, lbound, one)
    array_reference = ArrayReference.create(symbol, [my_range])
    assert not array_reference.is_full_range(0)

    # Array dimension range upper bound is a UBOUND binary operation
    # with the first value not being a reference
    ubound_error = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.UBOUND,
                                          zero, zero)
    my_range = Range.create(lbound, ubound_error, one)
    array_reference = ArrayReference.create(symbol, [my_range])
    assert not array_reference.is_full_range(0)

    # Array dimension range upper bound is a UBOUND binary operation
    # with the first value being a reference to a different symbol
    ubound_error = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.UBOUND,
                                          reference_error, zero)
    my_range = Range.create(lbound, ubound_error, one)
    array_reference = ArrayReference.create(symbol, [my_range])
    assert not array_reference.is_full_range(0)

    # Array dimension range upper bound is a UBOUND binary operation
    # with the second value not being a literal.
    ubound_error = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.UBOUND,
                                          reference, reference)
    my_range = Range.create(lbound, ubound_error, one)
    array_reference = ArrayReference.create(symbol, [my_range])
    assert not array_reference.is_full_range(0)

    # Array dimension range upper bound is a UBOUND binary operation
    # with the second value not being an integer literal.
    ubound_error = BinaryOperation.create(
        BinaryOperation.Operator.UBOUND, reference,
        Literal("1.0", REAL_SINGLE_TYPE))
    my_range = Range.create(lbound, ubound_error, one)
    array_reference = ArrayReference.create(symbol, [my_range])
    assert not array_reference.is_full_range(0)

    # Array dimension range upper bound is a UBOUND binary operation
    # with the second value being an integer literal with the wrong
    # value (should be 1 as this dimension is 1).
    ubound_error = BinaryOperation.create(
        BinaryOperation.Operator.UBOUND, reference, zero)
    my_range = Range.create(lbound, ubound_error, one)
    array_reference = ArrayReference.create(symbol, [my_range])
    assert not array_reference.is_full_range(0)

    # Check Step
    # Array dimension range step is not a literal.
    my_range = Range.create(lbound, ubound, lbound)
    array_reference = ArrayReference.create(symbol, [my_range])
    assert not array_reference.is_full_range(0)

    # Array dimension range step is not an integer literal.
    my_range = Range.create(lbound, ubound, one)
    # We have to change this to a non-integer manually as the create
    # function only accepts integer literals for the step argument.
    my_range.children[2] = Literal("1.0", REAL_SINGLE_TYPE)
    array_reference = ArrayReference.create(symbol, [my_range])
    assert not array_reference.is_full_range(0)

    # Array dimension range step is is an integer literal with the
    # wrong value (not 1).
    my_range = Range.create(lbound, ubound, zero)
    array_reference = ArrayReference.create(symbol, [my_range])
    assert not array_reference.is_full_range(0)

    # All is as it should be.
    # The full range is covered so return true.
    my_range = Range.create(lbound, ubound, one)
    array_reference = ArrayReference.create(symbol, [my_range])
    assert array_reference.is_full_range(0)
コード例 #14
ファイル: abs2code_trans.py プロジェクト: xyuan/PSyclone
    def apply(self, node, options=None):
        '''Apply the ABS intrinsic conversion transformation to the specified
        node. This node must be an ABS UnaryOperation. The ABS
        UnaryOperation is converted to equivalent inline code. This is
        implemented as a PSyIR transform from:

        .. code-block:: python

            R = ... ABS(X) ...


        .. code-block:: python

            tmp_abs = X
            if tmp_abs < 0.0:
                res_abs = tmp_abs*-1.0
                res_abs = tmp_abs
            R = ... res_abs ...

        where ``X`` could be an arbitrarily complex PSyIR expression
        and ``...`` could be arbitrary PSyIR code.

        This transformation requires the operation node to be a
        descendent of an assignment and will raise an exception if
        this is not the case.

        :param node: an ABS UnaryOperation node.
        :type node: :py:class:`psyclone.psyGen.UnaryOperation`
        :param options: a dictionary with options for transformations.
        :type options: dictionary of string:values or None

        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals

        schedule = node.root
        symbol_table = schedule.symbol_table

        oper_parent = node.parent
        assignment = node.ancestor(Assignment)
        # Create two temporary variables.  There is an assumption here
        # that the ABS Operator returns a PSyIR real type. This might
        # not be what is wanted (e.g. the args might PSyIR integers),
        # or there may be errors (arguments are of different types)
        # but this can't be checked as we don't have the appropriate
        # methods to query nodes (see #658).
        res_var = symbol_table.new_symbol_name("res_abs")
        symbol_res_var = DataSymbol(res_var, REAL_TYPE)
        tmp_var = symbol_table.new_symbol_name("tmp_abs")
        symbol_tmp_var = DataSymbol(tmp_var, REAL_TYPE)

        # Replace operation with a temporary (res_X).
        oper_parent.children[node.position] = Reference(symbol_res_var,

        # tmp_var=X
        lhs = Reference(symbol_tmp_var)
        rhs = node.children[0]
        new_assignment = Assignment.create(lhs, rhs)
        new_assignment.parent = assignment.parent
        assignment.parent.children.insert(assignment.position, new_assignment)

        # if condition: tmp_var>0.0
        lhs = Reference(symbol_tmp_var)
        rhs = Literal("0.0", REAL_TYPE)
        if_condition = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.GT, lhs,

        # then_body: res_var=tmp_var
        lhs = Reference(symbol_res_var)
        rhs = Reference(symbol_tmp_var)
        then_body = [Assignment.create(lhs, rhs)]

        # else_body: res_var=-1.0*tmp_var
        lhs = Reference(symbol_res_var)
        lhs_child = Reference(symbol_tmp_var)
        rhs_child = Literal("-1.0", REAL_TYPE)
        rhs = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.MUL, lhs_child,
        else_body = [Assignment.create(lhs, rhs)]

        # if [if_condition] then [then_body] else [else_body]
        if_stmt = IfBlock.create(if_condition, then_body, else_body)
        if_stmt.parent = assignment.parent
        assignment.parent.children.insert(assignment.position, if_stmt)
コード例 #15
ファイル: dynkern_test.py プロジェクト: mfkiwl/PSyclone
def test_validate_kernel_code_arg(monkeypatch):
    '''Test that this method returns successfully if its two arguments
    have identical content, otherwise test that the expected
    exceptions are raised.

    kernel = DynKern()
    # Kernel name needs to be set when testing exceptions.
    kernel._name = "dummy"
    read_access = ArgumentInterface(ArgumentInterface.Access.READ)

    real_scalar_symbol = DataSymbol("generic_real_scalar",
    int_scalar_symbol = DataSymbol("generic_int_scalar",
    real_scalar_rw_symbol = DataSymbol("generic_scalar_rw",
    lfric_real_scalar_symbol = LfricRealScalarDataSymbol("scalar",
    lfric_int_scalar_symbol = LfricIntegerScalarDataSymbol(
        "scalar", interface=read_access)
    lfric_real_field_symbol = RealFieldDataDataSymbol("field",


    with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as info:
    assert ("Kernel argument 'scalar' has datatype 'Intrinsic.REAL' in kernel "
            "'dummy' but the LFRic API expects 'Intrinsic.INTEGER'"
            in str(info.value))

    with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as info:
    assert ("Kernel argument 'generic_real_scalar' has precision 'UNDEFINED' "
            "in kernel 'dummy' but the LFRic API expects 'r_def'."
            in str(info.value))

    with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as info:
    assert ("Kernel argument 'generic_real_scalar' has intent 'READ' in "
            "kernel 'dummy' but the LFRic API expects intent "
            "'READWRITE'." in str(info.value))

    with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as info:
    assert ("Argument 'field' to kernel 'dummy' should be a scalar "
            "according to the LFRic API, but it is not." in str(info.value))

    with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as info:
    assert ("Argument 'scalar' to kernel 'dummy' should be an array "
            "according to the LFRic API, but it is not." in str(info.value))

    undf = NumberOfUniqueDofsDataSymbol("undf", fs="w0", interface=read_access)
    lfric_real_field_symbol2 = RealFieldDataDataSymbol("field",
    # if one of the dimensions is not a datasymbol then the arguments
    # are not checked.

    lfric_real_field_symbol3 = RealFieldDataDataSymbol("field",
    monkeypatch.setattr(lfric_real_field_symbol3.datatype, "_shape",
                        [Reference(undf), Reference(undf)])
    with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as info:
    assert ("Argument 'field' to kernel 'dummy' should be an array with 2 "
            "dimension(s) according to the LFRic API, but found 1."
            in str(info.value))

    lfric_real_field_symbol4 = RealFieldDataDataSymbol(
    with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as info:
    assert ("For dimension 1 in array argument 'field' to kernel 'dummy' the "
            "following error was found: Kernel argument 'generic_int_scalar' "
            "has precision 'UNDEFINED' in kernel 'dummy' but the LFRic API "
            "expects 'i_def'" in str(info.value))

    # monkeypatch lfric_real_scalar_symbol to return that it is not a
    # scalar in order to force the required exception. We do this by
    # changing the ScalarType as it is used when determining whether
    # the symbol is a scalar.
    monkeypatch.setattr(psyclone.psyir.symbols, "ScalarType", str)
    with pytest.raises(InternalError) as info:
    assert ("unexpected argument type found for 'scalar' in kernel 'dummy'. "
            "Expecting a scalar or an array." in str(info.value))
コード例 #16

# Create the definition of the 'field_type'
FIELD_TYPE_DEF = StructureType.create([
    ("data", ArrayType(SCALAR_TYPE, [10]), Symbol.Visibility.PUBLIC),
    ("grid", GRID_TYPE_SYMBOL, Symbol.Visibility.PUBLIC),
    ("sub_meshes", ArrayType(GRID_TYPE_SYMBOL, [3]), Symbol.Visibility.PUBLIC),
    ("flag", INTEGER4_TYPE, Symbol.Visibility.PUBLIC)
FIELD_TYPE_SYMBOL = TypeSymbol("field_type", FIELD_TYPE_DEF)

# Create an argument of this derived type. At this point we know only that
# DTYPE_SYMBOL refers to a type defined in the CONT container.
FIELD_SYMBOL = DataSymbol("wind",

# Create an array of these derived types
FIELD_BUNDLE_SYMBOL = DataSymbol("chi", ArrayType(FIELD_TYPE_SYMBOL, [3]))

print("Container Symbol Table:")

print("Kernel Symbol Table:")

INDEX_SYMBOL = SYMBOL_TABLE.new_symbol(root_name="i",
コード例 #17
    def apply(self, node, options=None):
        '''Apply the MATMUL intrinsic conversion transformation to the
        specified node. This node must be a MATMUL
        BinaryOperation. Currently only the matrix vector version of
        MATMUL is supported. The arguments are permitted to have
        additional dimensions (i.e. more than 2 for the matrix and
        more than 1 for the vector) but the matrix can only have two
        indices which are ranges and these must be the first two
        indices and the vector can only have one index that is a range
        and this must be the first index. Further, the ranges must be
        for the full index space for that dimension (i.e. array
        subsections are not supported). If the transformation is
        successful then an assignment which includes a MATMUL
        BinaryOperation node is converted to equivalent inline code.

        :param node: a MATMUL Binary-Operation node.
        :type node: :py:class:`psyclone.psyGen.BinaryOperation`
        :param options: a dictionary with options for transformations.
        :type options: dictionary of string:values or None

        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals

        assignment = node.parent
        matrix = node.children[0]
        vector = node.children[1]
        result = node.parent.lhs
        result_symbol = result.symbol

        # Create new i and j loop iterators.
        symbol_table = node.scope.symbol_table
        i_loop_name = symbol_table.new_symbol_name("i")
        i_loop_symbol = DataSymbol(i_loop_name, INTEGER_TYPE)
        j_loop_name = symbol_table.new_symbol_name("j")
        j_loop_symbol = DataSymbol(j_loop_name, INTEGER_TYPE)

        # Create "result(i)"
        result_dims = [Reference(i_loop_symbol)]
        if len(result.children) > 1:
            # Add any additional dimensions (in case of an array slice)
        result = Array.create(result_symbol, result_dims)
        # Create "vector(j)"
        vector_dims = [Reference(j_loop_symbol)]
        if len(vector.children) > 1:
            # Add any additional dimensions (in case of an array slice)
        vector_array_reference = Array.create(vector.symbol, vector_dims)
        # Create "matrix(i,j)"
        array_dims = [Reference(i_loop_symbol), Reference(j_loop_symbol)]
        if len(matrix.children) > 2:
            # Add any additional dimensions (in case of an array slice)
        matrix_array_reference = Array.create(matrix.symbol, array_dims)
        # Create "matrix(i,j) * vector(j)"
        multiply = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.MUL,
        # Create "result(i) + matrix(i,j) * vector(j)"
        rhs = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.ADD, result,
        # Create "result(i) = result(i) + matrix(i,j) * vector(j)"
        assign = Assignment.create(result, rhs)
        # Create j loop and add the above code as a child
        # Work out the bounds
        lower_bound, upper_bound, step = _get_array_bound(vector, 0)
        jloop = Loop.create(j_loop_symbol, lower_bound, upper_bound, step,
        # Create "result(i) = 0.0"
        assign = Assignment.create(result, Literal("0.0", REAL_TYPE))
        # Create i loop and add assigment and j loop as children
        lower_bound, upper_bound, step = _get_array_bound(matrix, 0)
        iloop = Loop.create(i_loop_symbol, lower_bound, upper_bound, step,
                            [assign, jloop])
        # Add the new code to the PSyIR
        iloop.parent = assignment.parent
        assignment.parent.children.insert(assignment.position, iloop)
        # remove the original matmul
コード例 #18
def test_oclw_kernelschedule():
    '''Check the OpenCLWriter class kernelschedule_node visitor produces
    the expected OpenCL code.


    # The kernelschedule OpenCL Backend relies on abstract methods that
    # need to be implemented by the APIs. A generic kernelschedule will
    # produce a NotImplementedError.
    oclwriter = OpenCLWriter()
    kschedule = KernelSchedule("kname")
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as error:
        _ = oclwriter(kschedule)
    assert "Abstract property. Which symbols are data arguments is " \
        "API-specific." in str(error.value)

    # Mock abstract properties. (pytest monkeypatch does not work
    # with properties, used sub-class instead)
    class MockSymbolTable(SymbolTable):
        ''' Mock needed abstract methods of the Symbol Table '''
        def iteration_indices(self):
            return self.argument_list[:2]

        def data_arguments(self):
            return self.argument_list[2:]

    kschedule.symbol_table.__class__ = MockSymbolTable

    # Create a sample symbol table and kernel schedule
    interface = ArgumentInterface(ArgumentInterface.Access.UNKNOWN)
    i = DataSymbol('i', INTEGER_TYPE, interface=interface)
    j = DataSymbol('j', INTEGER_TYPE, interface=interface)
    array_type = ArrayType(REAL_TYPE, [10, 10])
    data1 = DataSymbol('data1', array_type, interface=interface)
    data2 = DataSymbol('data2', array_type, interface=interface)
    kschedule.symbol_table.specify_argument_list([i, j, data1, data2])

    result = oclwriter(kschedule)
    assert result == "" \
        "__kernel void kname(\n" \
        "  __global double * restrict data1,\n" \
        "  __global double * restrict data2\n" \
        "  ){\n" \
        "  int data1LEN1 = get_global_size(0);\n" \
        "  int data1LEN2 = get_global_size(1);\n" \
        "  int data2LEN1 = get_global_size(0);\n" \
        "  int data2LEN2 = get_global_size(1);\n" \
        "  int i = get_global_id(0);\n" \
        "  int j = get_global_id(1);\n" \
        "  return;\n" \

    # Set a local_size value different to 1 into the KernelSchedule
    oclwriter = OpenCLWriter(kernels_local_size=4)
    result = oclwriter(kschedule)

    assert result == "" \
        "__attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(4, 1, 1)))\n" \
        "__kernel void kname(\n" \
        "  __global double * restrict data1,\n" \
        "  __global double * restrict data2\n" \
        "  ){\n" \
        "  int data1LEN1 = get_global_size(0);\n" \
        "  int data1LEN2 = get_global_size(1);\n" \
        "  int data2LEN1 = get_global_size(0);\n" \
        "  int data2LEN2 = get_global_size(1);\n" \
        "  int i = get_global_id(0);\n" \
        "  int j = get_global_id(1);\n" \
        "  return;\n" \

    # Add a symbol with a deferred interface and check that this raises the
    # expected error
    array_type = ArrayType(REAL_TYPE, [10, 10])
        DataSymbol('broken', array_type, interface=UnresolvedInterface()))
    with pytest.raises(VisitorError) as err:
        _ = oclwriter(kschedule)
    assert ("symbol table contains unresolved data entries (i.e. that have no "
            "defined Interface) which are not used purely to define the "
            "precision of other symbols: 'broken'" in str(err.value))
コード例 #19
def create_psyir_tree():
    ''' Create an example PSyIR Tree.

    :returns: an example PSyIR tree.
    :rtype: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Container`

    # Symbol table, symbols and scalar datatypes
    symbol_table = SymbolTable()
    arg1 = symbol_table.new_symbol(symbol_type=DataSymbol,
    tmp_symbol = symbol_table.new_symbol(symbol_type=DataSymbol,
    index_symbol = symbol_table.new_symbol(root_name="i",
    real_kind = symbol_table.new_symbol(root_name="RKIND",
    routine_symbol = RoutineSymbol("my_sub")

    # Array using precision defined by another symbol
    scalar_type = ScalarType(ScalarType.Intrinsic.REAL, real_kind)
    array = symbol_table.new_symbol(root_name="a",
                                    datatype=ArrayType(scalar_type, [10]))

    # Nodes which do not have Nodes as children and (some) predefined
    # scalar datatypes
    # TODO: Issue #1136 looks at how to avoid all of the _x versions
    zero_1 = Literal("0.0", REAL_TYPE)
    zero_2 = Literal("0.0", REAL_TYPE)
    zero_3 = Literal("0.0", REAL_TYPE)
    one_1 = Literal("1.0", REAL4_TYPE)
    one_2 = Literal("1.0", REAL4_TYPE)
    one_3 = Literal("1.0", REAL4_TYPE)
    two = Literal("2.0", scalar_type)
    int_zero = Literal("0", INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE)
    int_one_1 = Literal("1", INTEGER8_TYPE)
    int_one_2 = Literal("1", INTEGER8_TYPE)
    int_one_3 = Literal("1", INTEGER8_TYPE)
    int_one_4 = Literal("1", INTEGER8_TYPE)
    tmp1_1 = Reference(arg1)
    tmp1_2 = Reference(arg1)
    tmp1_3 = Reference(arg1)
    tmp1_4 = Reference(arg1)
    tmp1_5 = Reference(arg1)
    tmp1_6 = Reference(arg1)
    tmp2_1 = Reference(tmp_symbol)
    tmp2_2 = Reference(tmp_symbol)
    tmp2_3 = Reference(tmp_symbol)
    tmp2_4 = Reference(tmp_symbol)
    tmp2_5 = Reference(tmp_symbol)
    tmp2_6 = Reference(tmp_symbol)

    # Unary Operation
    oper = UnaryOperation.Operator.SIN
    unaryoperation_1 = UnaryOperation.create(oper, tmp2_1)
    unaryoperation_2 = UnaryOperation.create(oper, tmp2_2)

    # Binary Operation
    oper = BinaryOperation.Operator.ADD
    binaryoperation_1 = BinaryOperation.create(oper, one_1, unaryoperation_1)
    binaryoperation_2 = BinaryOperation.create(oper, one_2, unaryoperation_2)

    # Nary Operation
    oper = NaryOperation.Operator.MAX
    naryoperation = NaryOperation.create(oper, [tmp1_1, tmp2_3, one_3])

    # Array reference using a range
    lbound = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.LBOUND,
                                    Reference(array), int_one_1)
    ubound = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.UBOUND,
                                    Reference(array), int_one_2)
    my_range = Range.create(lbound, ubound)
    tmparray = ArrayReference.create(array, [my_range])

    # Assignments
    assign1 = Assignment.create(tmp1_2, zero_1)
    assign2 = Assignment.create(tmp2_4, zero_2)
    assign3 = Assignment.create(tmp2_5, binaryoperation_1)
    assign4 = Assignment.create(tmp1_3, tmp2_6)
    assign5 = Assignment.create(tmp1_4, naryoperation)
    assign6 = Assignment.create(tmparray, two)

    # Call
    call = Call.create(routine_symbol, [tmp1_5, binaryoperation_2])

    # If statement
    if_condition = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.GT, tmp1_6,
    ifblock = IfBlock.create(if_condition, [assign3, assign4])

    # Loop
    loop = Loop.create(index_symbol, int_zero, int_one_3, int_one_4, [ifblock])

    # KernelSchedule
    kernel_schedule = KernelSchedule.create(
        "work", symbol_table, [assign1, call, assign2, loop, assign5, assign6])

    # Container
    container_symbol_table = SymbolTable()
    container = Container.create("CONTAINER", container_symbol_table,

    # Import data from another container
    external_container = ContainerSymbol("some_mod")
    external_var = DataSymbol("some_var",
    routine_symbol.interface = GlobalInterface(external_container)
    return container
コード例 #20
    def apply(self, node, options=None):
        '''Apply the MIN intrinsic conversion transformation to the specified
        node. This node must be an MIN NaryOperation. The MIN
        NaryOperation is converted to equivalent inline code.  This is
        implemented as a PSyIR transform from:

        .. code-block:: python

            R = ... MIN(A, B, C ...) ...


        .. code-block:: python

            res_min = A
            tmp_min = B
            IF tmp_min < res_min:
                res_min = tmp_min
            tmp_min = C
            IF tmp_min < res_min:
                res_min = tmp_min
            R = ... res_min ...

        where ``A``, ``B``, ``C`` ... could be arbitrarily complex PSyIR
        expressions and the ``...`` before and after ``MIN(A, B, C
        ...)`` can be arbitrary PSyIR code.

        This transformation requires the operation node to be a
        descendent of an assignment and will raise an exception if
        this is not the case.

        :param node: a MIN Binary- or Nary-Operation node.
        :type node: :py:class:`psyclone.psyGen.BinaryOperation` or \
        :param symbol_table: the symbol table.
        :type symbol_table: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.SymbolTable`
        :param options: a dictionary with options for transformations.
        :type options: dictionary of string:values or None

        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals

        schedule = node.root
        symbol_table = schedule.symbol_table

        oper_parent = node.parent
        assignment = node.ancestor(Assignment)

        # Create a temporary result variable. There is an assumption
        # here that the MIN Operator returns a PSyIR real type. This
        # might not be what is wanted (e.g. the args might PSyIR
        # integers), or there may be errors (arguments are of
        # different types) but this can't be checked as we don't have
        # appropriate methods to query nodes (see #658).
        res_var = symbol_table.new_symbol_name("res_min")
        res_var_symbol = DataSymbol(res_var, REAL_TYPE)
        # Create a temporary variable. Again there is an
        # assumption here about the datatype - please see previous
        # comment (associated issue #658).
        tmp_var = symbol_table.new_symbol_name("tmp_min")
        tmp_var_symbol = DataSymbol(tmp_var, REAL_TYPE)

        # Replace operation with a temporary (res_var).
        oper_parent.children[node.position] = Reference(res_var_symbol,

        # res_var=A
        lhs = Reference(res_var_symbol)
        new_assignment = Assignment.create(lhs, node.children[0])
        new_assignment.parent = assignment.parent
        assignment.parent.children.insert(assignment.position, new_assignment)

        # For each of the remaining min arguments (B,C...)
        for expression in node.children[1:]:

            # tmp_var=(B or C or ...)
            lhs = Reference(tmp_var_symbol)
            new_assignment = Assignment.create(lhs, expression)
            new_assignment.parent = assignment.parent

            # if_condition: tmp_var<res_var
            lhs = Reference(tmp_var_symbol)
            rhs = Reference(res_var_symbol)
            if_condition = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.LT,
                                                  lhs, rhs)

            # then_body: res_var=tmp_var
            lhs = Reference(res_var_symbol)
            rhs = Reference(tmp_var_symbol)
            then_body = [Assignment.create(lhs, rhs)]

            # if [if_condition] then [then_body]
            if_stmt = IfBlock.create(if_condition, then_body)
            if_stmt.parent = assignment.parent
            assignment.parent.children.insert(assignment.position, if_stmt)
コード例 #21
def test_cw_gen_declaration():
    '''Check the CWriter class gen_declaration method produces
    the expected declarations.

    cwriter = CWriter()

    # Basic entries
    symbol = DataSymbol("dummy1", INTEGER_TYPE)
    result = cwriter.gen_declaration(symbol)
    assert result == "int dummy1"

    symbol = DataSymbol("dummy1", CHARACTER_TYPE)
    result = cwriter.gen_declaration(symbol)
    assert result == "char dummy1"

    symbol = DataSymbol("dummy1", BOOLEAN_TYPE)
    result = cwriter.gen_declaration(symbol)
    assert result == "bool dummy1"

    # Array argument
    array_type = ArrayType(REAL_TYPE, [2, ArrayType.Extent.ATTRIBUTE, 2])
    symbol = DataSymbol("dummy2",
    result = cwriter.gen_declaration(symbol)
    assert result == "double * restrict dummy2"

    # Array with unknown access
    array_type = ArrayType(INTEGER_TYPE, [2, ArrayType.Extent.ATTRIBUTE, 2])
    symbol = DataSymbol("dummy2",
    result = cwriter.gen_declaration(symbol)
    assert result == "int * restrict dummy2"

    # Check invalid datatype produces and error
    symbol._datatype = "invalid"
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as error:
        _ = cwriter.gen_declaration(symbol)
    assert "Could not generate the C definition for the variable 'dummy2', " \
        "type 'invalid' is currently not supported." in str(error.value)
コード例 #22
from __future__ import print_function
from psyclone.psyir.nodes import Reference, Literal, UnaryOperation, \
    BinaryOperation, NaryOperation, Assignment, IfBlock, Loop, \
    Container, Range, Array, Call, KernelSchedule
from psyclone.psyir.symbols import DataSymbol, RoutineSymbol, SymbolTable, \
    ContainerSymbol, ArgumentInterface, ScalarType, ArrayType, \
from psyclone.psyir.backend.fortran import FortranWriter
from psyclone.psyir.backend.c import CWriter

# Symbol table, symbols and scalar datatypes
SYMBOL_TABLE = SymbolTable()
TMP_NAME1 = SYMBOL_TABLE.new_symbol_name()
ARG1 = DataSymbol(TMP_NAME1,
TMP_NAME2 = SYMBOL_TABLE.new_symbol_name()
INDEX_NAME = SYMBOL_TABLE.new_symbol_name(root_name="i")
REAL_KIND_NAME = SYMBOL_TABLE.new_symbol_name(root_name="RKIND")
REAL_KIND = DataSymbol(REAL_KIND_NAME, INTEGER_TYPE, constant_value=8)
ROUTINE_SYMBOL = RoutineSymbol("my_sub")

# Array using precision defined by another symbol
コード例 #23
ファイル: datasymbol_test.py プロジェクト: xyuan/PSyclone
def test_datasymbol_shape():
    ''' Test that shape returns [] if the symbol is a scalar.'''
    data_symbol = DataSymbol("a", REAL4_TYPE)
    assert data_symbol.shape == []
コード例 #24
def test_same_range():
    '''Test that the same_range utility function behaves in the expected

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as info:
        ArrayRange2LoopTrans.same_range(None, None, None, None)
    assert ("The first argument to the same_range() method should be an "
            "Array but found 'NoneType'." in str(info.value))

    array_type = ArrayType(REAL_TYPE, [10])
    array_value = Array.create(DataSymbol("dummy", array_type),
    array_range = Array.create(DataSymbol("dummy", array_type),

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as info:
        ArrayRange2LoopTrans.same_range(array_value, None, None, None)
    assert ("The second argument to the same_range() method should be an "
            "int but found 'NoneType'." in str(info.value))

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as info:
        ArrayRange2LoopTrans.same_range(array_value, 1, None, None)
    assert ("The third argument to the same_range() method should be an "
            "Array but found 'NoneType'." in str(info.value))

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as info:
        ArrayRange2LoopTrans.same_range(array_value, 1, array_value, None)
    assert ("The fourth argument to the same_range() method should be an "
            "int but found 'NoneType'." in str(info.value))

    with pytest.raises(IndexError) as info:
        ArrayRange2LoopTrans.same_range(array_value, 1, array_value, 2)
    assert ("The value of the second argument to the same_range() method "
            "'1' should be less than the number of dimensions '1' in the "
            "associated array 'array1'." in str(info.value))

    with pytest.raises(IndexError) as info:
        ArrayRange2LoopTrans.same_range(array_value, 0, array_value, 2)
    assert ("The value of the fourth argument to the same_range() method "
            "'2' should be less than the number of dimensions '1' in the "
            "associated array 'array2'." in str(info.value))

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as info:
        ArrayRange2LoopTrans.same_range(array_value, 0, array_value, 0)
    assert ("The child of the first array argument at the specified index (0) "
            "should be a Range node, but found 'DataNode'" in str(info.value))

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as info:
        ArrayRange2LoopTrans.same_range(array_range, 0, array_value, 0)
    assert ("The child of the second array argument at the specified index "
            "(0) should be a Range node, but found 'DataNode'"
            in str(info.value))

    # lower bounds both use lbound, upper bounds both use ubound and
    # step is the same so everything matches.
    array_x = create_array_x(SymbolTable())
    array_x_2 = create_array_x(SymbolTable())
    assert ArrayRange2LoopTrans.same_range(array_x, 0, array_x_2, 0) is True

    # steps are different (calls string_compare)
    tmp = array_x_2.children[0].step
    array_x_2.children[0].step = Literal("2", INTEGER_TYPE)
    assert ArrayRange2LoopTrans.same_range(array_x, 0, array_x_2, 0) is False

    # Put step value back to what it was in case it affects the ubound
    # and lbound tests
    array_x_2.children[0].step = tmp

    # one of upper bounds uses ubound, other does not
    tmp1 = array_x_2.children[0].stop
    array_x_2.children[0].stop = Literal("2", INTEGER_TYPE)
    assert ArrayRange2LoopTrans.same_range(array_x, 0, array_x_2, 0) is False

    # neither use upper bound and are different (calls string_compare)
    tmp2 = array_x.children[0].stop
    array_x.children[0].stop = Literal("1", INTEGER_TYPE)
    assert ArrayRange2LoopTrans.same_range(array_x, 0, array_x_2, 0) is False

    # Put upper bounds back to what they were in case they affect the
    # lbound tests
    array_x_2.children[0].stop = tmp1
    array_x.children[0].stop = tmp2

    # one of lower bounds uses lbound, other does not
    array_x_2.children[0].start = Literal("1", INTEGER_TYPE)
    assert ArrayRange2LoopTrans.same_range(array_x, 0, array_x_2, 0) is False

    # neither use lower bound and are different (calls string_compare)
    array_x.children[0].start = Literal("2", INTEGER_TYPE)
    assert ArrayRange2LoopTrans.same_range(array_x, 0, array_x_2, 0) is False
コード例 #25
ファイル: datasymbol_test.py プロジェクト: xyuan/PSyclone
def test_datasymbol_initialisation():
    '''Test that a DataSymbol instance can be created when valid arguments are
    given, otherwise raise relevant exceptions.'''

    # Test with valid arguments
    assert isinstance(DataSymbol('a', REAL_SINGLE_TYPE), DataSymbol)
    assert isinstance(DataSymbol('a', REAL_DOUBLE_TYPE), DataSymbol)
    assert isinstance(DataSymbol('a', REAL4_TYPE), DataSymbol)
    kind = DataSymbol('r_def', INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE)
    real_kind_type = ScalarType(ScalarType.Intrinsic.REAL, kind)
    assert isinstance(DataSymbol('a', real_kind_type), DataSymbol)
    # real constants are not currently supported
    assert isinstance(DataSymbol('a', INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE), DataSymbol)
    assert isinstance(DataSymbol('a', INTEGER_DOUBLE_TYPE, constant_value=0),
    assert isinstance(DataSymbol('a', INTEGER4_TYPE), DataSymbol)

    assert isinstance(DataSymbol('a', CHARACTER_TYPE), DataSymbol)
    assert isinstance(DataSymbol('a', CHARACTER_TYPE, constant_value="hello"),
    assert isinstance(DataSymbol('a', BOOLEAN_TYPE), DataSymbol)
    assert isinstance(DataSymbol('a', BOOLEAN_TYPE, constant_value=False),
    array_type = ArrayType(REAL_SINGLE_TYPE, [ArrayType.Extent.ATTRIBUTE])
    assert isinstance(DataSymbol('a', array_type), DataSymbol)

    array_type = ArrayType(REAL_SINGLE_TYPE, [3])
    assert isinstance(DataSymbol('a', array_type), DataSymbol)
    array_type = ArrayType(REAL_SINGLE_TYPE, [3, ArrayType.Extent.ATTRIBUTE])
    assert isinstance(DataSymbol('a', array_type), DataSymbol)
    assert isinstance(DataSymbol('a', REAL_SINGLE_TYPE), DataSymbol)
    assert isinstance(DataSymbol('a', REAL8_TYPE), DataSymbol)
    dim = DataSymbol('dim', INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE)
    array_type = ArrayType(REAL_SINGLE_TYPE, [dim])
    assert isinstance(DataSymbol('a', array_type), DataSymbol)
    array_type = ArrayType(REAL_SINGLE_TYPE,
                           [3, dim, ArrayType.Extent.ATTRIBUTE])
    assert isinstance(DataSymbol('a', array_type), DataSymbol)
    assert isinstance(
                       ArgumentInterface.Access.READWRITE)), DataSymbol)
    assert isinstance(
        DataSymbol('a', REAL_SINGLE_TYPE,
                   visibility=Symbol.Visibility.PRIVATE), DataSymbol)
コード例 #26
    def apply(self, node, options=None):
        '''Apply the SIGN intrinsic conversion transformation to the specified
        node. This node must be a SIGN BinaryOperation. The SIGN
        BinaryOperation is converted to equivalent inline code. This
        is implemented as a PSyIR transform from:

        .. code-block:: python

            R = ... SIGN(A, B) ...


        .. code-block:: python

            tmp_abs = A
            if tmp_abs < 0.0:
                res_abs = tmp_abs*-1.0
                res_abs = tmp_abs
            res_sign = res_abs
            tmp_sign = B
            if tmp_sign < 0.0:
                res_sign = res_sign*-1.0
            R = ... res_sign ...

        where ``A`` and ``B`` could be arbitrarily complex PSyIR
        expressions, ``...`` could be arbitrary PSyIR code and where
        ``ABS`` has been replaced with inline code by the NemoAbsTrans

        This transformation requires the operation node to be a
        descendent of an assignment and will raise an exception if
        this is not the case.

        :param node: a SIGN BinaryOperation node.
        :type node: :py:class:`psyclone.psyGen.BinaryOperation`
        :param symbol_table: the symbol table.
        :type symbol_table: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.symbols.SymbolTable`
        :param options: a dictionary with options for transformations.
        :type options: dictionary of string:values or None

        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals

        schedule = node.root
        symbol_table = schedule.symbol_table

        oper_parent = node.parent
        assignment = node.ancestor(Assignment)
        # Create two temporary variables.  There is an assumption here
        # that the SIGN Operator returns a PSyIR real type. This might
        # not be what is wanted (e.g. the args might PSyIR integers),
        # or there may be errors (arguments are of different types)
        # but this can't be checked as we don't have the appropriate
        # methods to query nodes (see #658).
        res_var = symbol_table.new_symbol_name("res_sign")
        res_var_symbol = DataSymbol(res_var, REAL_TYPE)
        tmp_var = symbol_table.new_symbol_name("tmp_sign")
        tmp_var_symbol = DataSymbol(tmp_var, REAL_TYPE)

        # Replace operator with a temporary (res_var).
        oper_parent.children[node.position] = Reference(res_var_symbol,

        # res_var=ABS(A)
        lhs = Reference(res_var_symbol)
        rhs = UnaryOperation.create(UnaryOperation.Operator.ABS,
        new_assignment = Assignment.create(lhs, rhs)
        new_assignment.parent = assignment.parent
        assignment.parent.children.insert(assignment.position, new_assignment)

        # Replace the ABS intrinsic with inline code.
        abs_trans = Abs2CodeTrans()
        abs_trans.apply(rhs, symbol_table)

        # tmp_var=B
        lhs = Reference(tmp_var_symbol)
        new_assignment = Assignment.create(lhs, node.children[1])
        new_assignment.parent = assignment.parent
        assignment.parent.children.insert(assignment.position, new_assignment)

        # if_condition: tmp_var<0.0
        lhs = Reference(tmp_var_symbol)
        rhs = Literal("0.0", REAL_TYPE)
        if_condition = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.LT, lhs,

        # then_body: res_var=res_var*-1.0
        lhs = Reference(res_var_symbol)
        lhs_child = Reference(res_var_symbol)
        rhs_child = Literal("-1.0", REAL_TYPE)
        rhs = BinaryOperation.create(BinaryOperation.Operator.MUL, lhs_child,
        then_body = [Assignment.create(lhs, rhs)]

        # if [if_condition] then [then_body]
        if_stmt = IfBlock.create(if_condition, then_body)
        if_stmt.parent = assignment.parent
        assignment.parent.children.insert(assignment.position, if_stmt)