def records_where( self, where: Union[Mapping[str, Any], str, List[str]]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: if not self.connected: raise ConnectionError( f'no connection to {self.username}@{self.hostname}:{self.port}/{self.database}/{}' ) where_clause, where_values = self.__where_clause(where) with self.connection as connection: with connection.cursor() as cursor: if where_clause is None: cursor.execute( f'SELECT {", ".join(self.fields.keys())} FROM {};' ) else: try: cursor.execute( f'SELECT * FROM {} WHERE {where_clause};', where_values) except psycopg2.errors.UndefinedColumn as error: raise KeyError(error) except psycopg2.errors.SyntaxError as error: raise SyntaxError(f'invalid SQL syntax - {error}') matching_records = cursor.fetchall() connection.close() matching_records = [ parse_record_values(dict(zip(self.fields.keys(), record)), self.fields) for record in matching_records ] return matching_records
def __len__(self) -> int: with self.connection as connection: with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(f'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {};') length = cursor.fetchone()[0] connection.close() return length
def connected(self) -> bool: with self.connection as connection: try: with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute('SELECT 1;') cursor.fetchone() connected = True except: connected = False connection.close() return connected
def remote_fields(self) -> Dict[str, type]: if not self.connected: raise ConnectionError( f'no connection to {self.username}@{self.hostname}:{self.port}/{self.database}/{}' ) fields = None with self.connection as connection: with connection.cursor() as cursor: if database_has_table(cursor, fields = database_table_fields(cursor, for field, field_type in fields.items(): dimensions = field_type.count('_') field_type = field_type.strip('_') field_type = field_type.lower() if field_type == 'geometry': if field in self.fields: fields[field] = self.fields[field] continue for python_type, postgres_type in self.FIELD_TYPES.items( ): if postgres_type.lower() == field_type: if field_type == 'geometry': if python_type not in globals(): exec( f'from shapely.geometry import {python_type}' ) field_type = eval(python_type) break else: for python_type, postgres_type in self.FIELD_TYPES.items( ): if python_type.lower() in field_type: field_type = eval(python_type) break else: field_type = str for _ in range(dimensions): field_type = [field_type] fields[field] = field_type else: fields = None connection.close() return fields
def delete_where(self, where: Union[Mapping[str, Any], str, List[str]]): if not self.connected: raise ConnectionError( f'no connection to {self.username}@{self.hostname}:{self.port}/{self.database}/{}' ) where_clause, where_values = self.__where_clause(where) with self.connection as connection: with connection.cursor() as cursor: if where_clause is None: cursor.execute(f'TRUNCATE {};') else: try: cursor.execute( f'DELETE FROM {} WHERE {where_clause};', where_values) except psycopg2.errors.UndefinedColumn as error: raise KeyError(error) except psycopg2.errors.SyntaxError as error: raise SyntaxError(f'invalid SQL syntax - {error}') connection.close()
def records_intersecting( self, geometry: BaseGeometry, crs: CRS = None, geometry_fields: List[str] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: if crs is None: crs = if crs.to_epsg() is None: raise NotImplementedError(f'no EPSG code found for CRS "{crs}"') if geometry_fields is None or len(geometry_fields) == 0: geometry_fields = list(self.geometry_fields) where_clause = [] where_values = [] for field in geometry_fields: where_values.extend([geometry.wkt, crs.to_epsg()]) geometry_string = f'ST_GeomFromText(%s, %s)' if crs != geometry_string = f'ST_Transform({geometry_string}, %s)' where_values.append( where_clause.append(f'ST_Intersects({field}, {geometry_string})') where_clause = ' OR '.join(where_clause) with self.connection as connection: with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute( f'SELECT * FROM {} WHERE {where_clause};', where_values) records = cursor.fetchall() connection.close() return [ parse_record_values(dict(zip(self.fields.keys(), record)), self.fields) for record in records ]
for row in user_record: user_id, first_name, last_name, user_type = row temp_dict = { 'user_id': user_id, 'first_name': first_name, 'last_name': last_name, 'user_type': user_type } my_list_of_users.append(temp_dict) except (Exception, Error) as error: print("Error while connection to PostgreSQL", error) finally: if connection: cursor.close() connection.close() # this is the call that saw us create the # we included a possible solution in room_list = [] try: connection = connect(database=os.getenv('NIYON_CHAT_DATABASE'), user=os.getenv('NIYON_CHAT_USER'), host=os.getenv('NIYON_CHAT_HOST'), password=os.getenv('NIYON_CHAT_PASSWORD'), port=os.getenv('NIYON_PG_PORT')) cursor = connection.cursor() my_room_list = "SELECT id, roomname FROM public.roomname" cursor.execute(my_room_list) my_rooms = cursor.fetchall()
def close(): if connection: connection.close() print("PostgreSQL connection is closed")
def __where_clause(self, where: Dict[str, Union[Any, List]]) -> (str, List): if (where is not None and not isinstance(where, Sequence) and not isinstance(where, dict)): raise NotImplementedError( f'unsupported query type "{type(where)}"') if where is None or len(where) == 0: where_clause = None where_values = None else: fields = None where_values = [] if isinstance(where, str): where_clause = where elif isinstance(where, dict): where_clause = [] for field, value in where.items(): field_type = self.fields[field] if isinstance(value, BaseGeometry) or isinstance( value, BaseMultipartGeometry): where_clause.append( f'{field} = ST_GeomFromText(%s, %s)') where_values.extend([value.wkt,]) else: if isinstance(field_type, list): if not isinstance(value, Sequence) or isinstance( value, str): statement = f'%s = ANY({field})' else: if fields is None: with self.connection as connection: with connection.cursor() as cursor: fields = database_table_fields( cursor, connection.close() field_type = fields[field] dimensions = field_type.count('_') field_type = field_type.strip('_') statement = f'{field} = %s::{field_type}{"[]" * dimensions}' elif value is None: statement = f'{field} IS %s' elif isinstance(value, Sequence) and not isinstance( value, str): statement = f'{field} IN %s' value = tuple(value) elif isinstance(value, str) and '%' in value: statement = f'{field} ILIKE %s' else: if isinstance(value, datetime): value = f'{value:%Y%m%d %H%M%S}' elif isinstance(value, date): value = f'{value:%Y%m%d}' statement = f'{field} = %s' where_values.append(value) where_clause.append(statement) where_clause = ' AND '.join(where_clause) else: where_clause = ' AND '.join(where) if len(where_values) == 0: where_values = None return where_clause, where_values
def delete_table(self): with self.connection as connection: with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(f'DROP TABLE {};') connection.close()
def insert(self, records: List[Dict[str, Any]]): if isinstance(records, dict): records = [records] if not all(field in record for field in self.primary_key for record in records): raise KeyError( f'one or more records does not contain primary key(s) "{self.primary_key}"' ) if not self.connected: raise ConnectionError( f'no connection to {self.username}@{self.hostname}:{self.port}/{self.database}/{}' ) with self.connection as connection: with connection.cursor() as cursor: for record in records: if len(self.primary_key) == 1: primary_key_string = self.primary_key[0] primary_key_value = record[self.primary_key[0]] else: primary_key_string = f'({", ".join(self.primary_key)})' primary_key_value = tuple( record[primary_key] for primary_key in self.primary_key) record_fields_not_in_local_table = [ field for field in record if field not in self.fields ] if len(record_fields_not_in_local_table) > 0: self.logger.warning( f'record has {len(record_fields_not_in_local_table)} fields not in the local table' f' that will not be inserted: {record_fields_not_in_local_table}' ) local_fields_in_record = [ field for field in self.fields if field in record ] geometry_fields = [ field for field in self.geometry_fields if field in record ] columns = [ field for field in local_fields_in_record if field not in geometry_fields ] values = [ record[field] for field in local_fields_in_record if field not in geometry_fields ] for index, value in enumerate(values): if isinstance(value, Collection) and not isinstance( value, (str, list)): values[index] = list(value) if primary_key_value in self: record_without_primary_key = { column: value for column, value in zip(columns, values) if column not in self.primary_key } if len(record_without_primary_key) > 0: if len(record_without_primary_key) > 1: cursor.execute( f'UPDATE {} SET ({", ".join(record_without_primary_key.keys())}) = %s ' f'WHERE {primary_key_string} = %s;', [ tuple(record_without_primary_key. values()), primary_key_value, ], ) else: cursor.execute( f'UPDATE {} SET {tuple(record_without_primary_key.keys())[0]} = %s ' f'WHERE {primary_key_string} = %s;', [ tuple(record_without_primary_key. values())[0], primary_key_value, ], ) else: cursor.execute( f'INSERT INTO {} ({", ".join(columns)}) VALUES %s;', [tuple(values)], ) if len(geometry_fields) > 0: geometries = { field: record[field] for field in geometry_fields if record[field] is not None } for field, geometry in geometries.items(): cursor.execute( f'UPDATE {} SET {field} = ST_GeomFromText(%s, %s) ' f'WHERE {primary_key_string} = %s;', [ geometry.wkt,, primary_key_value ], ) connection.close()
def __init__( self, hostname: str, table_name: str, database: str = None, fields: Dict[str, type] = None, primary_key: Union[str, List[str]] = None, crs: CRS = None, username: str = None, users: List[str] = None, logger: Logger = None, **kwargs, ): self.tunnel_credentials = {} if 'ssh_hostname' in kwargs and kwargs['ssh_hostname'] is not None: credentials = parse_hostname(kwargs['ssh_hostname']) ssh_hostname = credentials['hostname'] ssh_port = credentials['port'] if ssh_port is None: ssh_port = SSH_DEFAULT_PORT ssh_username = kwargs[ 'ssh_username'] if 'ssh_username' in kwargs else None ssh_password = kwargs[ 'ssh_password'] if 'ssh_password' in kwargs else None self.tunnel_credentials['ssh_hostname'] = ssh_hostname self.tunnel_credentials['ssh_port'] = ssh_port self.tunnel_credentials['ssh_username'] = ssh_username self.tunnel_credentials['ssh_password'] = ssh_password password = None if username is not None and ':' in username: username, password = username.split(':', 1) if 'password' in kwargs: password = kwargs['password'] if password is None: password = getpass() self._DatabaseTable__password = password if database is None: database = 'postgres' super().__init__( resource=hostname, table_name=table_name, database=database, fields=fields, primary_key=primary_key, crs=crs, username=username, password=password, users=users, logger=logger, ) if not self.connected: raise ConnectionError( f'no connection to {self.username}@{self.hostname}:{self.port}/{self.database}/{}' ) if self.fields is None: with self.connection as connection: with connection.cursor() as cursor: self._DatabaseTable__fields = database_table_fields( cursor, connection.close() if self.primary_key is None: self._DatabaseTable__primary_key = list(self.fields)[0] with self.connection as connection: with connection.cursor() as cursor: if database_has_table(cursor, if database_table_is_inherited(cursor, raise RuntimeError( f'inheritance of table "{self.database}/{}" will cause unexpected behaviour; aborting' ) remote_fields = self.remote_fields if list(remote_fields) != list(self.fields): self.logger.warning( f'schema of existing table "{self.database}/{}" differs from given fields' ) remote_fields_not_in_local_table = { field: value for field, value in remote_fields.items() if field not in self.fields } if len(remote_fields_not_in_local_table) > 0: self.logger.warning( f'remote table has {len(remote_fields_not_in_local_table)} fields not in local table: {list(remote_fields_not_in_local_table)}' ) self.logger.warning( f'adding {len(remote_fields_not_in_local_table)} fields to local table: {list(remote_fields_not_in_local_table)}' ) self._DatabaseTable__fields.update( remote_fields_not_in_local_table) self._DatabaseTable__fields = { field: self._DatabaseTable__fields[field] for field in remote_fields } local_fields_not_in_remote_table = { field: value for field, value in self.fields.items() if field not in remote_fields } if len(local_fields_not_in_remote_table) > 0: self.logger.warning( f'local table has {len(local_fields_not_in_remote_table)} fields not in remote table: {list(local_fields_not_in_remote_table)}' ) self.logger.warning( f'adding {len(local_fields_not_in_remote_table)} fields to remote table: {list(local_fields_not_in_remote_table)}' ) if list(remote_fields) != list(self.fields): self.logger.warning( f'altering schema of "{self.database}/{}"' ) self.logger.debug(self.remote_fields) self.logger.debug(self.fields) copy_table_name = f'old_{}' if database_has_table(cursor, copy_table_name): cursor.execute( f'DROP TABLE {copy_table_name};') cursor.execute( f'ALTER TABLE {} RENAME TO {copy_table_name};' ) cursor.execute( f'CREATE TABLE {} ({self.schema});') for user in self.users: cursor.execute( f'GRANT INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE ON TABLE public.{} TO {user};' ) copy_table_fields = list( database_table_fields(cursor, copy_table_name)) cursor.execute( f'INSERT INTO {} ({", ".join(copy_table_fields)}) SELECT {", ".join(copy_table_fields)} FROM {copy_table_name};' ) cursor.execute(f'DROP TABLE {copy_table_name};') else: self.logger.debug( f'creating remote table "{self.database}/{}"') cursor.execute( f'CREATE TABLE {} ({self.schema});') for user in self.users: cursor.execute( f'GRANT INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE ON TABLE public.{} TO {user};' ) connection.close() if 'password' in kwargs: kwargs['password'] = '******' self.kwargs = kwargs
def exists(self) -> bool: with self.connection as connection: with connection.cursor() as cursor: exists = database_has_table(cursor, connection.close() return exists