コード例 #1
def adapt_bits(bits):
    """psycopg2 adapter function for ``bitstring.Bits``.
    Encode SQL parameters from ``bitstring.Bits`` instances to SQL strings.
    if bits.length % 4 == 0:
        return ext.AsIs("X'%s'" % (bits.hex, ))
    return ext.AsIs("B'%s'" % (bits.bin, ))
コード例 #2
ファイル: scene.py プロジェクト: yanggis/espa-api
    def order_attr(self, col):
        Select the column value from the ordering_order table for this
        specific scene

        :param col: column to select on
        :return: value
        sql = ('SELECT %s '
               'FROM ordering_scene JOIN ordering_order '
               'ON ordering_order.id = ordering_scene.order_id '
               'WHERE ordering_scene.id = %s')

        log_sql = ''
            with db_instance() as db:
                log_sql = db.cursor.mogrify(sql, (db_extns.AsIs(col), self.id))
                db.select(sql, (db_extns.AsIs(col), self.id))
                ret = db[0][col]

        except DBConnectException as e:
            logger.critical('Error retrieving order_attr: {}\n'
                            'sql: {} \n'.format(e.message, log_sql))
            raise SceneException(e)

        except KeyError as e:
            logger.critical('Error order_attr returned no results\n'
                            'sql: {}'.format(log_sql))

            raise SceneException('Key Error: {}'.format(e.message))

        return ret
コード例 #3
ファイル: scene.py プロジェクト: yanggis/espa-api
    def update(self, att, val):
        Update a specifed column value for this Scene object
        with a new value

        :param att: column to update
        :param val: new value
        :return: updated value from self
        sql = 'update ordering_scene set %s = %s where id = %s'

        log_sql = ''
            with db_instance() as db:
                log_sql = db.cursor.mogrify(sql,
                                            (db_extns.AsIs(att), val, self.id))
                logger.info("\n*** Updating scene: \n" + log_sql + '\n***\n"')
                db.execute(sql, (db_extns.AsIs(att), val, self.id))
        except DBConnectException as e:
            raise SceneException('Error updating scene: {}\nSQL: {}'.format(
                e.message, log_sql))

        self.__setattr__(att, val)

        return self.__getattribute__(att)
コード例 #4
ファイル: order.py プロジェクト: Jwely/espa-api
    def update(self, att, val):
        Update a specified column value for this Order object

        :param att: column to update
        :param val: new value
        :return: updated value from self
        sql = 'update ordering_order set %s = %s where id = %s'

        log_sql = ''
            with db_instance() as db:
                log_sql = db.cursor.mogrify(sql,
                                            (db_extns.AsIs(att), val, self.id))
                db.execute(sql, (db_extns.AsIs(att), val, self.id))
        except DBConnectException as e:
            logger.debug('Error updating order: {}\nSQL: {}'.format(
                e.message, log_sql))

        self.__setattr__(att, val)

        return self.__getattribute__(att)
コード例 #5
ファイル: data_manager.py プロジェクト: Kunand/Ask-mate
def get_5_question(cursor, limit, order_by, order_direction):
    query = f"""
                SELECT *
                FROM question
                ORDER BY %(order_by)s %(order_direction)s
                LIMIT %(limit)s
        query, {
            "order_by": extensions.AsIs(order_by),
            "order_direction": extensions.AsIs(order_direction),
            "limit": limit
    return cursor.fetchall()
コード例 #6
ファイル: scene.py プロジェクト: Jwely/espa-api
    def get(cls, col_name, scene_name, orderid):
        Retrieve a value for a particular column based on
        the long name of the order

        :param col_name: column value to retrieve
        :param scene_name: scene/collection id
        :param orderid: long name for the related order,
         [email protected]
        :return: column value
        sql = ('select %s '
               'from ordering_scene '
               'join ordering_order '
               'on ordering_order.id = ordering_scene.order_id '
               'where ordering_scene.name = %s '
               'and ordering_order.orderid = %s')

        if '.' in col_name:
            _, col = col_name.split('.')
            col = col_name

        log_sql = ''
            with db_instance() as db:
                log_sql = (db.cursor.
                           mogrify(sql, (db_extns.AsIs(col_name),
                                         scene_name, orderid)))
                db.select(sql, (db_extns.AsIs(col_name),
                                scene_name, orderid))
                ret = db[0][col]

        except DBConnectException as e:
            logger.debug('Error scene get\n'
                         'msg: {0}\n'
                         'sql: {1}'.format(e.message, log_sql))

            raise SceneException(e.message)

        except KeyError as e:
            logger.debug('Scene.get returned no results\n'
                         'sql: {}'.format(log_sql))

            raise SceneException('Key Error: {}'

        return ret
コード例 #7
ファイル: order.py プロジェクト: Jwely/espa-api
    def save(self):
        Upsert self to the database
        sql = ('INSERT INTO ordering_order %s VALUES %s '
               'ON CONFLICT (orderid) '
               'DO UPDATE '
               'SET %s = %s')

        attr_tup = ('orderid', 'status', 'order_source', 'product_options',
                    'product_opts', 'order_type', 'initial_email_sent',
                    'completion_email_sent', 'note', 'completion_date',
                    'order_date', 'user_id', 'ee_order_id', 'email',

        vals = tuple(
            self.__getattribute__(v) if v != 'product_opts' else json.
            dumps(self.__getattribute__(v)) for v in attr_tup)

        cols = '({})'.format(','.join(attr_tup))

        log_sql = ''
            with db_instance() as db:
                log_sql = db.cursor.mogrify(
                    (db_extns.AsIs(cols), vals, db_extns.AsIs(cols), vals))
                    (db_extns.AsIs(cols), vals, db_extns.AsIs(cols), vals))

                logger.info('Saved updates to order id: {}\n'
                            'order.id: {}\nsql: {}\nargs: {}'.format(
                                self.orderid, self.id, log_sql,
                                zip(attr_tup, vals)))
        except DBConnectException as e:
            logger.debug('Error saving order: {}\nsql: {}'.format(
                e.message, log_sql))

            raise OrderException(e)

        new = Order.find(self.id)

        for att in attr_tup:
            self.__setattr__(att, new.__getattribute__(att))
コード例 #8
ファイル: scene.py プロジェクト: yanggis/espa-api
    def save(self):
        Save the current configuration of the scene object to the DB
        sql = 'UPDATE ordering_scene SET %s = %s WHERE id = %s'

        attr_tup = ('status', 'cksum_download_url', 'log_file_contents',
                    'processing_location', 'retry_after', 'job_name', 'note',
                    'retry_count', 'sensor_type', 'product_dload_url',
                    'tram_order_id', 'completion_date', 'ee_unit_id',
                    'retry_limit', 'cksum_distro_location',
                    'product_distro_location', 'reported_orphan', 'orphaned',
                    'failed_lta_status_update', 'download_size',

        vals = tuple(self.__getattribute__(v) for v in attr_tup)
        cols = '({})'.format(','.join(attr_tup))

        log_sql = ''
            with db_instance() as db:
                log_sql = db.cursor.mogrify(
                    sql, (db_extns.AsIs(cols), vals, self.id))

                db.execute(sql, (db_extns.AsIs(cols), vals, self.id))
                logger.info('\n*** Saved updates to scene id: {}, name:{}\n'
                            'sql: {}\n args: {}\n***'.format(
                                self.id, self.name, log_sql,
                                zip(attr_tup, vals)))
        except DBConnectException as e:
            logger.critical("Error saving scene: {}\n"
                            "sql: {}".format(e.message, log_sql))
            raise SceneException(e)

        new = Scene.where({'id': self.id})[0]

        for att in attr_tup:
            self.__setattr__(att, new.__getattribute__(att))
コード例 #9
ファイル: scene.py プロジェクト: yanggis/espa-api
    def bulk_update(cls, ids=None, updates=None):
        Update a list of scenes with

        :param ids: ids of scenes to update
        :param updates: attributes to update
        :return: True
        if not isinstance(ids, (list, tuple)):
            raise TypeError('Scene.bulk_update ids should be a list')
        if not isinstance(updates, dict):
            raise TypeError('Scene.bulk_update updates should be a dict')

        sql = 'UPDATE ordering_scene SET %s = %s WHERE id in %s'

        fields = '({})'.format(','.join(updates.keys()))
        vals = tuple(updates.values())
        ids = tuple(ids)

        if ",)" in sql:
            sql = sql.replace(",)", ")")

        log_sql = ''
            with db_instance() as db:
                log_sql = db.cursor.mogrify(sql,
                                            (db_extns.AsIs(fields), vals, ids))
                logger.info('\n*** Bulk Updating scenes: \n' + log_sql +
                db.execute(sql, (db_extns.AsIs(fields), vals, ids))
        except DBConnectException as e:
            logger.critical('Error scene bulk_update: {}\nSQL: {}'.format(
                e.message, log_sql))
            raise SceneException(e)

        return True
コード例 #10
def adapt_wkt(value):
    return pgext.AsIs("ST_GeomFromText('%s')" % value.wkt)
コード例 #11
ファイル: data_migration.py プロジェクト: ChristianBorn/MI1a
def to_int(x):
    """psycopg2 interpolation to int"""
    return extensions.AsIs('%d' % int(x))
コード例 #12
ファイル: data_migration.py プロジェクト: ChristianBorn/MI1a
def to_float(x):
    """psycopg2 interpolation to float"""
    return extensions.AsIs('%f' % float(x))
コード例 #13
import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import re
from psycopg2.pool import ThreadedConnectionPool

from .sqlblock import BaseSQLBlock
from .dtable import dsequence

import psycopg2.extensions as _pgext
# _pgext.register_type(_pgext.UNICODE)
# _pgext.register_type(_pgext.UNICODEARRAY)

# register postgresql type dsequence
_pgext.register_adapter(dsequence, lambda seq: _pgext.AsIs(repr(seq.value)))

class jsonb:

class PostgreSQLBlock(BaseSQLBlock):
    _conn_pools = {}

    def __init__(self, dsn='DEFAULT', autocommit=False, record_type=None):
        super(PostgreSQLBlock, self).__init__('postgres', dsn, autocommit,

    def set_dsn(cls, **kwargs):
コード例 #14
 def _unary(self, operator):
     # This is a total hack, but you need to combine a raw empty space with
     # the current node, in reverse order, with the connector being the
     # unary operator you want to apply.
     return self._combine(ext.AsIs(''), operator, True)
コード例 #15
tables_df = pd.read_sql('''
                    SELECT tablename
                    FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables
                    WHERE tableowner=%(user)s
                        params={'user': DB_USER_CLEANUP})

# And DROP those tables. Use CASCADE to get rid of any
# dependencies
c = tm351_cleanup_conn.cursor()

for t in list(tables_df['tablename'].values):
    print("DROPping table {}".format(t))
    c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %(tablename)s CASCADE;",
              {'tablename': pge.AsIs(t)})


# Now we need to populate the tables in the tm351_hospital schema

c = tm351_cleanup_conn.cursor()

# (Re-)create the schema:
print("Recreating the tm351_hospital schema")
c.execute("DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS tm351_hospital CASCADE;")
c.execute("CREATE SCHEMA tm351_hospital;")

print("Populating the tm351_hospital schema")