def move_expired_messages_to_archive_by_recipient( recipient: Recipient, message_retention_days: int, realm: Realm, chunk_size: int = MESSAGE_BATCH_SIZE) -> int: # This function will archive appropriate messages and their related objects. query = SQL(""" INSERT INTO zerver_archivedmessage ({dst_fields}, archive_transaction_id) SELECT {src_fields}, {archive_transaction_id} FROM zerver_message WHERE zerver_message.recipient_id = {recipient_id} AND zerver_message.date_sent < {check_date} LIMIT {chunk_size} ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET archive_transaction_id = {archive_transaction_id} RETURNING id """) check_date = timezone_now() - timedelta(days=message_retention_days) return run_archiving_in_chunks( query, type=ArchiveTransaction.RETENTION_POLICY_BASED, realm=realm, recipient_id=Literal(, check_date=Literal(check_date.isoformat()), chunk_size=chunk_size, )
def exportFilterIdsFile(config, conn, pg_path, site_id, out_file): lpis_table = "decl_{}_{}".format(config.site_short_name, config.year) srid = get_srid(conn, lpis_table) with conn.cursor() as cursor: query = SQL(""" select lpis."NewID" as "SEQ_ID" from l4c_practices ap inner join {} lpis on lpis.ori_id = ap.orig_id where ap.site_id = {} and ap.year = {} and not lpis.is_deleted order by lpis."NewID" """) query = query.format(Identifier(lpis_table), Literal(site_id), Literal(config.year)) query_str = query.as_string(conn) print(query_str) name = os.path.basename(out_file) table_name = os.path.splitext(name)[0].lower() command = get_export_table_command(config.ogr2ogr_path, out_file, pg_path, "-nln", table_name, "-sql", query_str, "-a_srs", "EPSG:" + str(srid), "-gt", 100000) run_command(command)
def getSiteConfigKey(conn, key, site_id): value = '' with conn.cursor() as cursor: query = SQL(""" select value from config where key = {} and site_id = {} """) query = query.format(Literal(key), Literal(site_id)) print(query.as_string(conn)) cursor.execute(query) for row in cursor: value = row[0] conn.commit() # get the default value if not found if value == '': query = SQL( """ select value from config where key = {} and site_id is null """ ) query = query.format(Literal(key)) print(query.as_string(conn)) cursor.execute(query) for row in cursor: value = row[0] conn.commit() return value
def _business_logic(request_data: dict) -> tuple: # By this point, our award_id has been validated and cleaned up by # TinyShield. We will either have an internal award id that is an # integer or a generated award id that is a string. award_id = request_data['award_id'] hide_edge_cases = request_data.get('hide_edge_cases') hide_edges_awarded_amount = '' hide_edges_end_date = '' award_id_column = 'award_id' if type( award_id) is int else 'generated_unique_award_id' if hide_edge_cases: hide_edges_awarded_amount = "and ca.base_and_all_options_value > 0 and ca.total_obligation > 0" hide_edges_end_date = "where tf.period_of_perf_potential_e is not null" sql = COUNT_ACTIVITY_HIDDEN_SQL.format( award_id_column=Identifier(award_id_column), award_id=Literal(award_id), hide_edges_awarded_amount=SQL(hide_edges_awarded_amount), hide_edges_end_date=SQL(hide_edges_end_date)) else: sql = COUNT_ACTIVITY_SQL.format( award_id_column=Identifier(award_id_column), award_id=Literal(award_id)) overall_count_results = execute_sql_to_ordered_dictionary(sql) overall_count = overall_count_results[0][ 'rollup_contract_count'] if overall_count_results else 0 sql = ACTIVITY_SQL.format( award_id_column=Identifier(award_id_column), award_id=Literal(award_id), limit=Literal(request_data['limit'] + 1), offset=Literal((request_data['page'] - 1) * request_data['limit']), hide_edges_awarded_amount=SQL(hide_edges_awarded_amount), hide_edges_end_date=SQL(hide_edges_end_date)) return execute_sql_to_ordered_dictionary(sql), overall_count
def countRaceSetting(logger): ''' This function queries the database and returns the counts of each main race: AA, NHPI, MR sorted by treatment setting. Parameters ---------- logger : {logging.Logger} The logger used for logging error information ''' try: rd = {"AA": [], "NHPI": [], "MR": []} for race in table1_config["inputs"]["races"]: counts = [0] * len(table1_config["params"]["settings"]["all"]) count = 0 for setting in table1_config["params"]["settings"]["all"]: query = SQL(''' SELECT count(*) FROM tejas.race_age_t1new t1 INNER JOIN tejas.restofusers t2 ON t1.siteid = t2.siteid AND t1.backgroundid = t2.backgroundid WHERE t1.visit_type = {} AND t1.race = {} ''').format(Literal(setting), Literal(race)) data = [d[0] for d in pgIO.getAllData(query)] counts[count] += data[0] count += 1 rd[race] = counts except Exception as e: logger.error('countRaceSetting failed because of {}'.format(e)) return rd
def __get_where_clauses(self, properties=[], bbox=[]): """ Generarates WHERE conditions to be implemented in query. Private method mainly associated with query method :param properties: list of tuples (name, value) :param bbox: bounding box [minx,miny,maxx,maxy] :returns: psycopg2.sql.Composed or psycopg2.sql.SQL """ where_conditions = [] if properties: property_clauses = [ SQL('{} = {}').format(Identifier(k), Literal(v)) for k, v in properties ] where_conditions += property_clauses if bbox: bbox_clause = SQL('{} && ST_MakeEnvelope({})').format( Identifier(self.geom), SQL(', ').join([Literal(bbox_coord) for bbox_coord in bbox])) where_conditions.append(bbox_clause) if where_conditions: where_clause = SQL(' WHERE {}').format( SQL(' AND ').join(where_conditions)) else: where_clause = SQL('') return where_clause
def check_string_concatenation(self, label_col, other_columns, constraint={}, sep='.', convert_to_base26={}): """ Check that the label_column is the concatenation of the other columns with the given separator Input: - ``label_col`` -- the label_column - ``other_columns`` -- the other columns from which we can deduce the label - ``constraint`` -- a dictionary, as passed to the search method - ``sep`` -- the separator for the join - ``convert_to_base26`` -- a dictionary where the keys are columns that we need to convert to base26, and the values is that the shift that we need to apply """ oc_converted = [ SQL('to_base26({0} + {1})').format( Identifier(col), Literal(int(convert_to_base26[col]))) if col in convert_to_base26 else Identifier(col) for col in other_columns ] #intertwine the separator oc = [ oc_converted[i // 2] if i % 2 == 0 else Literal(sep) for i in range(2 * len(oc_converted) - 1) ] return self._run_query( SQL(" != ").join([SQL(" || ").join(oc), Identifier(label_col)]), constraint)
def _execute_indexing_task( model_name, table_name, target_index, start_id, end_id, notify_url ): elasticsearch = elasticsearch_connect() deleted, mature = get_existence_queries(model_name, table_name) query = SQL( "SELECT *, {deleted}, {mature} " "FROM {table_name} " "WHERE id BETWEEN {start_id} AND {end_id};" ).format( deleted=deleted, mature=mature, table_name=Identifier(table_name), start_id=Literal(start_id), end_id=Literal(end_id), )"Querying {query}") indexer = TableIndexer(elasticsearch) p = Process( target=_launch_reindex, args=(model_name, table_name, target_index, query, indexer, notify_url), ) p.start()"Started indexing task")
def _build_where(**where_columns): """ Accepts a keyword arguments that are valid subaward columns names and the value upon which they will be filtered. Will return a SQL where clause along the lines of: where column1 > value1 or column2 > value2 Uses psycopg Identifier, Literal, and SQL to ensure everything is properly formatted. """ wheres = [] for column, value in where_columns.items(): if value is not None: wheres.append( SQL("{} > {}").format(Identifier(column), Literal(value))) if wheres: # Because our where clause is embedded in a dblink, we need to # wrap it in a literal again to get everything escaped properly. where = SQL("where {}").format(SQL(" or ").join(wheres)) where = Literal(convert_composable_query_to_string(where)) where = convert_composable_query_to_string(where) return where[1:-1] # Remove outer quotes return ""
def datetime_span2sql(cls, fieldname, datetime_span): dt_start, dt_end = datetime_span sql_list = [ SQL("{} >= {}").format(Identifier(fieldname), Literal(dt_start)), SQL("{} <= {}").format(Identifier(fieldname), Literal(dt_end)), ] sql = PostgresTool.join(SQL(" AND "), sql_list) return sql
def params(self): return dict( table=Identifier(*self.table), xmin_start=Literal(self.xmin_start), xmin_end=Literal(self.xmin_end), limit=Literal(self.limit), pk=Identifier(, )
def get_l2a_products_from_db(config, conn): with conn.cursor() as cursor: query = SQL(""" with products as ( select product.site_id,, product.created_timestamp as date, product.processor_id, product.product_type_id, product.full_path, product.tiles from product where product.site_id = {} and product.product_type_id = 1 ) select, products.tiles,, products.full_path from products where date between {} and {} order by date; """) site_id_filter = Literal(config.site_id) start_date_filter = Literal(config.start_date) end_date_filter = Literal(config.end_date) query = query.format(site_id_filter, start_date_filter, end_date_filter) # print(query.as_string(conn)) cursor.execute(query) results = cursor.fetchall() conn.commit() products = [] log_time ="%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S") for (dt, tiles, prdName, full_path) in results: #print("Full path: {}".format(full_path)) try: files = os.listdir(full_path) except: print( "Product {} found in DB but not on disk".format(full_path)) continue l2aTilePaths = fnmatch.filter(files, "S2*_OPER_SSC_L2VALD_*.HDR") if len(l2aTilePaths) == 0: l2aTilePaths = fnmatch.filter(files, "L8_TEST_L8C_L2VALD_*.HDR") for file in l2aTilePaths: relHdrFilePath = os.path.join(prdName, file) fullHdrFilePath = os.path.join(full_path, file) #print("Full HDR file path: {}".format(fullHdrFilePath))'[%s] L2A HDR PATH from PRODUCT:[ %s ]',log_time,fullHdrFilePath) products.append(L2AProduct(relHdrFilePath, fullHdrFilePath)) return products
def query(self): return SQL("select *, xmin, now() as etl_ts " "from {table} where {column} > {state} " "order by {column} limit {limit};").format( table=Identifier(*self.table), column=Identifier(self.column), state=Literal(self.state), limit=Literal(self.limit), )
def get_radar_products(config, conn, site_id): with conn.cursor() as cursor: query = SQL(""" select * from ( select greatest(substr(split_part(, '_', 4), 2), split_part(, '_', 5)) :: date as date, site_tiles.tile_id, product.orbit_type_id, split_part(, '_', 6) as polarization, product.product_type_id,, product.full_path from sp_get_site_tiles({} :: smallint, 1 :: smallint) as site_tiles inner join shape_tiles_s2 on shape_tiles_s2.tile_id = site_tiles.tile_id inner join product on ST_Intersects(product.geog, shape_tiles_s2.geog) where product.satellite_id = 3 and product.site_id = {} ) products where date between {} and {} order by date; """) site_id_filter = Literal(site_id) start_date_filter = Literal(config.season_start) end_date_filter = Literal(config.season_end) query = query.format(site_id_filter, site_id_filter, start_date_filter, end_date_filter) print(query.as_string(conn)) cursor.execute(query) results = cursor.fetchall() conn.commit() products = [] for ( dt, tile_id, orbit_type_id, polarization, radar_product_type, name, full_path, ) in results: if config.products is None or name in config.products: products.append( RadarProduct( dt, tile_id, orbit_type_id, polarization, radar_product_type, full_path, )) return products
def run_archiving_in_chunks( query: SQL, type: int, realm: Optional[Realm] = None, chunk_size: int = MESSAGE_BATCH_SIZE, **kwargs: Composable, ) -> int: # This function is carefully designed to achieve our # transactionality goals: A batch of messages is either fully # archived-and-deleted or not transactionally. # # We implement this design by executing queries that archive messages and their related objects # (such as UserMessage, Reaction, and Attachment) inside the same transaction.atomic() block. assert type in (ArchiveTransaction.MANUAL, ArchiveTransaction.RETENTION_POLICY_BASED) message_count = 0 while True: start_time = time.time() with transaction.atomic(): archive_transaction = ArchiveTransaction.objects.create( type=type, realm=realm) new_chunk = move_rows( Message, query, src_db_table=None, chunk_size=Literal(chunk_size), returning_id=True, archive_transaction_id=Literal(, **kwargs, ) if new_chunk: move_related_objects_to_archive(new_chunk) delete_messages(new_chunk) message_count += len(new_chunk) else: archive_transaction.delete() # Nothing was archived total_time = time.time() - start_time # This line needs to be outside of the atomic block, to capture the actual moment # archiving of the chunk is finished (since Django does some significant additional work # when leaving the block). if len(new_chunk) > 0: "Archived %s messages in %.2fs in transaction %s.", len(new_chunk), total_time,, ) # We run the loop, until the query returns fewer results than chunk_size, # which means we are done: if len(new_chunk) < chunk_size: break return message_count
def get_radar_products(config, conn, site_id): with conn.cursor() as cursor: query = SQL(""" with products as ( select product.site_id, site_tiles.tile_id,, case when substr(, 17, 8) > substr(, 33, 8) then substr(, 17, 8) else substr(, 33, 8) end :: date as date, coalesce(product.orbit_type_id, 1) as orbit_type_id, substr(, 49, 2) as polarization, product.processor_id, product.product_type_id, substr(, length( - strpos(reverse(, '_') + 2) as radar_product_type, product.orbit_id, product.full_path from sp_get_site_tiles({} :: smallint, 1 :: smallint) as site_tiles inner join shape_tiles_s2 on shape_tiles_s2.tile_id = site_tiles.tile_id inner join product on ST_Intersects(product.geog, shape_tiles_s2.geog) where product.satellite_id = 3 and product.site_id = {} ) select, products.tile_id, products.orbit_type_id, products.polarization, products.radar_product_type, products.full_path from products where date between {} and {} order by date; """) site_id_filter = Literal(site_id) start_date_filter = Literal(config.season_start) end_date_filter = Literal(config.season_end) query = query.format(site_id_filter, site_id_filter, start_date_filter, end_date_filter) # print(query.as_string(conn)) cursor.execute(query) results = cursor.fetchall() conn.commit() products = [] for (dt, tile_id, orbit_type_id, polarization, radar_product_type, full_path) in results: if config.file_type == radar_product_type: if config.polarisation == "" or config.polarisation == polarization: products.append( RadarProduct(dt, tile_id, orbit_type_id, polarization, radar_product_type, full_path)) return products
def check_array_len_eq_constant(self, column, limit, constraint={}, array_dim = 1): """ Length of array equal to constant """ return self._run_query(SQL("array_length({0}, {1}) != {2}").format( Identifier(column), Literal(int(array_dim)), Literal(int(limit)) ), constraint)
def ageBinnedCategorisedSUD(logger): ''' Finds percentage of the age-binned sample that has SUD of a particular substance Decorators: lD.log Arguments: logger {logging.Logger} -- logs error information ''' try: countDict = {} for sudcat in table2_config["params"]["sudcats"].keys(): list1 = [] for race in table2_config["inputs"]["races"]: list2 = [] for lower, upper in zip(['1', '12', '18', '35', '50'], ['11', '17', '34', '49', '100']): query = SQL(''' SELECT count(*) FROM sarah.test2 t1 INNER JOIN sarah.test4 t2 ON t1.patientid = t2.patientid WHERE t1.race = {} AND t1.age BETWEEN {} AND {} AND t2.{} = true ''').format( Literal(race), Literal(lower), Literal(upper), Identifier(sudcat) ) data = [d[0] for d in pgIO.getAllData(query)] list2.append(data[0]) list1.append(list2) countDict[sudcat] = list1 # Change counts to percentage of the race sample resultsDict = {} for row in countDict: resultsDict[row] = divByAgeBins(countDict[row]) except Exception as e: logger.error('Failed to find categorised SUD counts because of {}'.format(e)) return resultsDict
def process_db_ndvi_products(config, conn, site_id): with conn.cursor() as cursor: query = SQL(""" with products as ( select product.site_id,, product.created_timestamp as date, product.processor_id, product.product_type_id, product.full_path, product.tiles from product where product.site_id = {} and product.product_type_id = 3 ) select, products.tiles, products.full_path from products where date between {} and {} order by date; """) site_id_filter = Literal(site_id) start_date_filter = Literal(config.season_start) end_date_filter = Literal(config.season_end) query = query.format(site_id_filter, start_date_filter, end_date_filter) #print(query.as_string(conn)) # execute the query cursor.execute(query) results = cursor.fetchall() conn.commit() print("Extracted a number of {} products to check".format( len(results))) for (dt, tiles, full_path) in results: tilesPath = os.path.join(full_path, "TILES") try: tilesDirs = os.listdir(tilesPath) except: print( "Product {} found in DB but not on disk".format(full_path)) continue for tile in tiles: tilePaths = fnmatch.filter(tilesDirs, "S2AGRI_L3B_A*_T{}".format(tile)) if len(tilePaths) == 1: subPath = tilePaths[0] m = re.match( "S2AGRI_L3B_A(\d{{8}}T\d{{6}})_T{}".format(tile), subPath) checkTileDir(config, tilesPath, subPath, tile,
def check_array_len_col(self, array_column, len_column, constraint={}, shift=0, array_dim = 1): """ Length of array_column matches len_column """ return self._run_query(SQL("array_length({0}, {3}) != {1} + {2}").format( Identifier(array_column), Identifier(len_column), Literal(int(shift)), Literal(array_dim), ), constraint)
def addmorethan2sudcolumn(logger): '''Populates the 'morethan2sud' column in tejas.sud_race_age This function counts the number of 'True' for each mental disorder for each user in tejas.sud_race_age. If they have more than 1 'True' value, their 'morethan2sud' column will be set to 'True'. Decorators: lD.log Arguments: logger {logging.Logger} -- logs error information ''' try: query = ''' SELECT siteid, backgroundid, alc, cannabis, amphe, halluc, nicotin, cocaine, opioids, sedate, others, polysub, inhalant FROM tejas.sud_race_age ''' data = pgIO.getAllData(query) csvfile = '../data/raw_data/atleast2suduser_keys.csv' count = 0 output = open(csvfile, 'w+') csv_output = csv.writer(output) for row in data: if sum(list(row[2:])) >= 2: csv_output.writerow(row) readCSV = csv.reader(open(csvfile), delimiter=",") for user in tqdm(readCSV): updateQuery = SQL(''' UPDATE tejas.sud_race_age SET morethan2sud = true WHERE siteid = {} AND backgroundid = {} ''').format(Literal(user[0]), Literal(str(user[1]))) value = pgIO.commitData(updateQuery) # print(type(user[0])) #Update column's null values to false updateQuery2 = ''' UPDATE tejas.sud_race_age SET morethan2sud = false WHERE morethan2sud is null ''' print(pgIO.commitData(updateQuery2)) except Exception as e: logger.error('adding morethan2sud column to the database failed because of {}'.format(e)) return
def table_exists(cnx: Union[str, psycopg2.extensions.connection], table_name: str, schema_name: str) -> bool: """ :param cnx: an open connection or database connection string :param table_name: the name of the table :param schema_name: the name of the schema in which the table resides :return: ``True`` if the table exists, otherwise ``False`` """ query = SQL(_PHRASEBOOK.gets('table_exists')).format( table=Literal(table_name), schema=Literal(schema_name)) return execute_scalar(cnx=cnx, query=query)
def _create_place_classtype_table(self, sql_tablespace, phrase_class, phrase_type): """ Create table place_classtype of the given phrase_class/phrase_type if doesn't exit. """ table_name = 'place_classtype_{}_{}'.format(phrase_class, phrase_type) with self.db_connection.cursor() as db_cursor: db_cursor.execute(SQL(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {{}} {} AS SELECT place_id AS place_id,st_centroid(geometry) AS centroid FROM placex WHERE class = {{}} AND type = {{}}""".format(sql_tablespace)) .format(Identifier(table_name), Literal(phrase_class), Literal(phrase_type)))
def relabelVar(logger): '''Relabels column values This function relabels Race and Settings values to standardised values. Decorators: lD.log Arguments: logger {logging.Logger} -- logs error information ''' try: # relabel_sex_success = [] # for sex in table1_config["inputs"]["sexes"]: # sex_query = SQL(''' # UPDATE sarah.test2 # SET sex = {} # WHERE sex in {} # ''').format( # Literal(sex), # Literal(tuple(table1_config["params"]["sexes"][sex])) # ) # relabel_sex_success.append(pgIO.commitData(sex_query)) # if False in relabel_sex_success: # print("Relabelling sex not successful!") relabel_race_success = [] for race in table1_config["inputs"]["races"]: race_query = SQL(''' UPDATE sarah.test2 SET race = {} WHERE race in {} ''').format(Literal(race), Literal(tuple(table1_config["params"]["races"][race]))) relabel_race_success.append(pgIO.commitData(race_query)) if False in relabel_race_success: print("Relabelling race not successful!") relabel_setting_success = [] for setting in table1_config["inputs"]["settings"]: setting_query = SQL(''' UPDATE sarah.test2 SET visit_type = {} WHERE visit_type in {} ''').format( Literal(setting), Literal(tuple(table1_config["params"]["settings"][setting]))) relabel_setting_success.append(pgIO.commitData(setting_query)) if False in relabel_setting_success: print("Relabelling setting not successful!") except Exception as e: logger.error('Failed to update table test2 because {}'.format(e))
def exportPracticesFile(config, conn, pg_path, practice, site_id, out_file): lpis_table = "decl_{}_{}".format(config.site_short_name, config.year) lut_table = "lut_{}_{}".format(config.site_short_name, config.year) srid = get_srid(conn, lpis_table) with conn.cursor() as cursor: query = SQL(""" select lpis."NewID" as "SEQ_ID", lpis.ori_id as "FIELD_ID", as "COUNTRY", ap.year as "YEAR", ap.main_crop as "MAIN_CROP", ap.veg_start as "VEG_START", ap.h_start as "H_START", ap.h_end as "H_END", ap.practice as "PRACTICE", ap.p_type as "P_TYPE", ap.p_start as "P_START", ap.p_end as "P_END", lpis."GeomValid", lpis."Duplic", lpis."Overlap", lpis."Area_meters" as "Area_meter", lpis."ShapeInd", lut.ctnum as "CTnum", lut.ct as "CT", as "LC", lpis."S1Pix", lpis."S2Pix" from l4c_practices ap inner join {} lpis on lpis.ori_id = ap.orig_id natural join {} lut where ap.site_id = {} and ap.year = {} and ap.practice_short_name = {} and not lpis.is_deleted order by lpis."NewID" """) query = query.format(Identifier(lpis_table), Identifier(lut_table), Literal(site_id), Literal(config.year), Literal(practice)) query_str = query.as_string(conn) print(query_str) # TODO: change natural join with inner join lut_nld_2019_2019 lut using (ori_crop) or something like this name = os.path.basename(out_file) table_name = os.path.splitext(name)[0].lower() command = get_export_table_command(config.ogr2ogr_path, out_file, pg_path, "-nln", table_name, "-sql", query_str, "-a_srs", "EPSG:" + str(srid), "-gt", 100000) run_command(command)
def get_ndvi_products_from_db(config, conn, site_id): with conn.cursor() as cursor: query = SQL(""" with products as ( select product.site_id,, product.created_timestamp as date, product.processor_id, product.product_type_id, product.full_path, product.tiles from product where product.site_id = {} and product.product_type_id = 3 ) select, products.tiles, products.full_path from products where date between {} and {} order by date; """) site_id_filter = Literal(site_id) start_date_filter = Literal(config.season_start) end_date_filter = Literal(config.season_end) query = query.format(site_id_filter, start_date_filter, end_date_filter) # print(query.as_string(conn)) cursor.execute(query) results = cursor.fetchall() conn.commit() products = [] for (dt, tiles, full_path) in results: for tile in tiles: ndviTilePath = os.path.join(full_path, "TILES") acq_date = dt.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S") ndviTilePath = os.path.join( ndviTilePath, "S2AGRI_L3B_A{}_T{}".format(acq_date, tile)) ndviTilePath = os.path.join(ndviTilePath, "IMG_DATA") ndviTilePath = os.path.join( ndviTilePath, "S2AGRI_L3B_SNDVI_A{}_T{}.TIF".format(acq_date, tile)) products.append(NdviProduct(dt, tile, ndviTilePath)) #if not os.path.exists(ndviTilePath) : # print ("FILE DOES NOT EXISTS: ".format(ndviTilePath)) return products
def set_interface(connection, component: str, consumers: List[ConsumerRecord], producers: List[ProducerRecord]) -> None: _guarantee_consumer_uniqueness(consumers) _guarantee_producer_uniqueness(producers) consumers_for_db = [ (c.sub_component, c.interface_host, c.interface_type, c.primary, c.secondary, c.tertiary, c.optional) for c in consumers ] producers_for_db = [ (p.sub_component, p.interface_host, p.interface_type, p.primary, p.secondary, p.tertiary, p.deprecated) for p in producers ] try: sql_delete_consumers = SQL(SQL_DELETE_CONSUMERS).format(component=Literal(component)) sql_delete_producers = SQL(SQL_DELETE_PRODUCERS).format(component=Literal(component)) sql_insert_consumers = SQL(SQL_INSERT_CONSUMERS).format(component=Literal(component)) sql_insert_producers = SQL(SQL_INSERT_PRODUCERS).format(component=Literal(component)) with connection.cursor() as cursor: # delete consumers before deleting producers cursor.execute(SQL_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE_CONSUMERS) if consumers_for_db: execute_values( cursor, sql_delete_consumers + SQL(SQL_CONSUMERS_NOT_IN), consumers_for_db, page_size=len(consumers_for_db), # sending chunkwise would delete all elements not in chunk ) else: cursor.execute(sql_delete_consumers) if producers_for_db: execute_values( cursor, sql_delete_producers + SQL(SQL_PRODUCERS_NOT_IN), producers_for_db, page_size=len(producers_for_db), # sending chunkwise would delete all elements not in chunk ) else: cursor.execute(sql_delete_producers) # insert producers before inserting consumers execute_values(cursor, sql_insert_producers, producers_for_db) execute_values(cursor, sql_insert_consumers, consumers_for_db) connection.commit() except UniqueViolation as e: raise InterfaceEntryDuplication(f'The interface specification contains one value multiple times: {e}') except RaiseException as e: raise InterfaceEntryConflict(f'Error: {e.pgerror.splitlines()[0]}')
def allAgesGeneralSUD(logger): ''' Finds percentage of the total sample that has any SUD and more than 2 SUD Decorators: lD.log Arguments: logger {logging.Logger} -- logs error information ''' try: countDict = {"any_sud": [], "morethan2_sud": []} # Find number of users in each race who have any SUD any_sud = [] for race in table2_config["inputs"]["races"]: query = SQL(''' WITH subQ AS ( SELECT * FROM tejas.sud_race_age WHERE sud_race_age.race = {} ) SELECT count(*) FROM subQ ''').format(Literal(race)) data = [d[0] for d in pgIO.getAllData(query)] countDict["any_sud"].append(data[0]) # Find number of users in each race who have >2 SUD count = {"AA": 0, "NHPI": 0, "MR": 0} for race in table2_config["inputs"]["races"]: query = SQL(''' SELECT alc, cannabis, amphe, halluc, nicotin, cocaine, opioids, sedate, others, polysub, inhalant FROM tejas.sud_race_age WHERE sud_race_age.race = {} ''').format(Literal(race)) data = pgIO.getAllData(query) for tuple in data: if sum(list(tuple)) >= 2: count[race] += 1 for race in count: countDict["morethan2_sud"].append(count[race]) except Exception as e: logger.error('Cannot find general SUD counts because of {}'.format(e)) return countDict
def insert_account(cursor, account): q = SQL("INSERT INTO passwords.account (name) SELECT {0} WHERE NOT " "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM passwords.account WHERE name = {1})" "RETURNING acct_id").format(Literal(account), Literal(account)) cursor.execute(q) r = cursor.fetchone() if r: return r[0] else: cursor.execute(SQL("SELECT acct_id FROM passwords.account " "WHERE name={0}").format(Literal(account))) r = cursor.fetchone() if r: return r[0]
def _business_logic(request_data: dict) -> list: # By this point, our award_id has been validated and cleaned up by # TinyShield. We will either have an internal award id that is an # integer or a generated award id that is a string. award_id = request_data["award_id"] award_id_column = "id" if type(award_id) is int else "generated_unique_award_id" sql = FUNDING_SQL.format( award_id_column=Identifier(award_id_column), award_id=Literal(award_id), order_by=build_composable_order_by(SORTABLE_COLUMNS[request_data["sort"]], request_data["order"]), limit=Literal(request_data["limit"] + 1), offset=Literal((request_data["page"] - 1) * request_data["limit"]), ) return execute_sql_to_ordered_dictionary(sql)