コード例 #1
        def compute_terms(self, control_allocation, execution_id=None):
            '''Calculate interaction terms.

            Results are returned in a dict; entries are keyed using names of terms listed in the `PV` Enum.
            Values of entries are nd arrays.

            # FIX: 11/9/19 LOCALLY MANAGE STATEFULNESS OF ControlSignals AND costs
            # ref_variables = ref_variables or self.reference_variable
            # self.reference_variable = ref_variables

            terms = self.specified_terms
            computed_terms = {}

            # No need to calculate features, so just get values
            computed_terms[PV.F] = f = self.terms[PV.F.value]

            # Compute value of each control_signal from its variable
            c = [None] * len(control_allocation)
            for i, var in enumerate(control_allocation):
                c[i] = self.control_signal_functions[i](
                    var, execution_id=execution_id)
            computed_terms[PV.C] = c = np.array(c)

            # Compute costs for new control_signal values
            if PV.COST in terms:
                # computed_terms[PV.COST] = -(np.exp(0.25*c-3))
                # computed_terms[PV.COST] = -(np.exp(0.25*c-3) + (np.exp(0.25*np.abs(c-self.control_signal_change)-3)))
                costs = [None] * len(c)
                for i, val in enumerate(c):
                    # MODIFIED 11/9/18 OLD:
                    costs[i] = -(self._compute_costs[i](
                        val, execution_id=execution_id))
                    # # MODIFIED 11/9/18 NEW: [JDC]
                    # costs[i] = -(self._compute_costs[i](val, ref_variables[i]))
                    # MODIFIED 11/9/18 END
                computed_terms[PV.COST] = np.array(costs)

            # Compute terms interaction that are used
            if any(term in terms for term in [PV.FF, PV.FFC, PV.FFCC]):
                computed_terms[PV.FF] = ff = np.array(
                    tensor_power(f, range(2, self.num[PV.F.value] + 1)))
            if any(term in terms for term in [PV.CC, PV.FCC, PV.FFCC]):
                computed_terms[PV.CC] = cc = np.array(
                    tensor_power(c, range(2, self.num[PV.C.value] + 1)))
            if any(term in terms for term in [PV.FC, PV.FCC, PV.FFCC]):
                computed_terms[PV.FC] = np.tensordot(f, c, axes=0)
            if any(term in terms for term in [PV.FFC, PV.FFCC]):
                computed_terms[PV.FFC] = np.tensordot(ff, c, axes=0)
            if any(term in terms for term in [PV.FCC, PV.FFCC]):
                computed_terms[PV.FCC] = np.tensordot(f, cc, axes=0)
            if PV.FFCC in terms:
                computed_terms[PV.FFCC] = np.tensordot(ff, cc, axes=0)

            return computed_terms
コード例 #2
        def __init__(self, feature_values, control_signals, specified_terms):

            # Get variable for control_signals specified in constructor
            control_allocation = []
            for c in control_signals:
                if isinstance(c, ControlSignal):
                        v = c.variable
                        v = c.defaults.variable
                elif isinstance(c, type):
                    if issubclass(c, ControlSignal):
                        v = c.class_defaults.variable
                    else:  # If a class other than ControlSignal was specified, typecheck should have found it
                        assert False, "PROGRAM ERROR: unrecognized specification for {} arg of {}: {}".\
                                                      format(repr(CONTROL_SIGNALS), self.name, c)
                    port_spec_dict = _parse_port_spec(port_type=ControlSignal,
                    v = port_spec_dict[VARIABLE]
                    v = v or ControlSignal.defaults.variable
            # Get primary function and compute_costs function for each ControlSignal (called in compute_terms)
            self.control_signal_functions = [
                c.function for c in control_signals
            self._compute_costs = [c.compute_costs for c in control_signals]

            def get_intrxn_labels(x):
                return list([s for s in powerset(x) if len(s) > 1])

            def error_for_too_few_terms(term):
                spec_type = {'FF': 'feature_values', 'CC': 'control_signals'}
                raise RegressionCFAError(
                    "Specification of {} for {} arg of {} "
                    "requires at least two {} be specified".format(
                        'PV.' + term, repr(PREDICTION_TERMS), self.name,

            F = PV.F.value
            C = PV.C.value
            FF = PV.FF.value
            CC = PV.CC.value
            FC = PV.FC.value
            FFC = PV.FFC.value
            FCC = PV.FCC.value
            FFCC = PV.FFCC.value
            COST = PV.COST.value

            self.specified_terms = specified_terms
            self.terms = [None] * len(PV)
            self.idx = [None] * len(PV)
            self.num = [None] * len(PV)
            self.num_elems = [None] * len(PV)
            self.labels = [None] * len(PV)

            # MAIN EFFECT TERMS (unflattened)

            # Feature_values
            self.terms[F] = f = feature_values
            self.num[F] = len(f)  # feature_values are arrays
            self.num_elems[F] = len(
                f.reshape(-1))  # num of total elements assigned to vector
            self.labels[F] = ['f' + str(i) for i in range(0, len(f))]

            # Placemarker until control_signals are instantiated
            self.terms[C] = c = np.array([[0]] * len(control_allocation))
            self.num[C] = len(c)
            self.num_elems[C] = len(c.reshape(-1))
            self.labels[C] = [
                'c' + str(i) for i in range(0, len(control_allocation))

            # Costs
            # Placemarker until control_signals are instantiated
            self.terms[COST] = cst = np.array([[0]] * len(control_allocation))
            self.num[COST] = self.num[C]
            self.num_elems[COST] = len(cst.reshape(-1))
            self.labels[COST] = [
                'cst' + str(i) for i in range(0, self.num[COST])

            # INTERACTION TERMS (unflattened)

            # Interactions among feature vectors
            if any(term in specified_terms
                   for term in [PV.FF, PV.FFC, PV.FFCC]):
                if len(f) < 2:
                self.terms[FF] = ff = np.array(
                    tensor_power(f, levels=range(2,
                                                 len(f) + 1)))
                self.num[FF] = len(ff)
                self.num_elems[FF] = len(ff.reshape(-1))
                self.labels[FF] = get_intrxn_labels(self.labels[F])

            # Interactions among values of control_signals
            if any(term in specified_terms
                   for term in [PV.CC, PV.FCC, PV.FFCC]):
                if len(c) < 2:
                self.terms[CC] = cc = np.array(
                    tensor_power(c, levels=range(2,
                                                 len(c) + 1)))
                self.num[CC] = len(cc)
                self.num_elems[CC] = len(cc.reshape(-1))
                self.labels[CC] = get_intrxn_labels(self.labels[C])

            # feature-control interactions
            if any(term in specified_terms
                   for term in [PV.FC, PV.FCC, PV.FFCC]):
                self.terms[FC] = fc = np.tensordot(f, c, axes=0)
                self.num[FC] = len(fc.reshape(-1))
                self.num_elems[FC] = len(fc.reshape(-1))
                self.labels[FC] = list(product(self.labels[F], self.labels[C]))

            # feature-feature-control interactions
            if any(term in specified_terms for term in [PV.FFC, PV.FFCC]):
                if len(f) < 2:
                self.terms[FFC] = ffc = np.tensordot(ff, c, axes=0)
                self.num[FFC] = len(ffc.reshape(-1))
                self.num_elems[FFC] = len(ffc.reshape(-1))
                self.labels[FFC] = list(
                    product(self.labels[FF], self.labels[C]))

            # feature-control-control interactions
            if any(term in specified_terms for term in [PV.FCC, PV.FFCC]):
                if len(c) < 2:
                self.terms[FCC] = fcc = np.tensordot(f, cc, axes=0)
                self.num[FCC] = len(fcc.reshape(-1))
                self.num_elems[FCC] = len(fcc.reshape(-1))
                self.labels[FCC] = list(
                    product(self.labels[F], self.labels[CC]))

            # feature-feature-control-control interactions
            if PV.FFCC in specified_terms:
                if len(f) < 2:
                if len(c) < 2:
                self.terms[FFCC] = ffcc = np.tensordot(ff, cc, axes=0)
                self.num[FFCC] = len(ffcc.reshape(-1))
                self.num_elems[FFCC] = len(ffcc.reshape(-1))
                self.labels[FFCC] = list(
                    product(self.labels[FF], self.labels[CC]))

            # Construct "flattened" vector based on specified terms, and assign indices (as slices)
            i = 0
            for t in range(len(PV)):
                if t in [t.value for t in specified_terms]:
                    self.idx[t] = slice(i, i + self.num_elems[t])
                    i += self.num_elems[t]

            self.vector = np.zeros(i)