コード例 #1
ファイル: python.py プロジェクト: rag9704/PTS
    def execute_detached(self, line, timeout=None):
        This function ...
        :param line:
        :param timeout:

        # Construct the command
        if self.tmux:
            send_command = 'tmux send-keys -t ' + self.screen_name + ' "' + line + '" Enter'

            if "'" not in line:
                send_command = "screen -S " + self.screen_name + " -p 0 -X stuff '" + line + "\n'"
            elif '"' not in line:
                send_command = 'screen -S ' + self.screen_name + ' -p 0 -X stuff "' + line + '\n"'
                raise ValueError(
                    "Line cannot contain both single quotes and double quotes")

        # Debugging
        log.debug("The command to execute the line is:")

        # Send the line
        output = self.remote.execute(send_command,

        # Sleep for a while so that we are sure that the actual python stuff has reached the interactive python session within the screen
        time.wait(5)  # in seconds

        # Return the output
        return output
コード例 #2
ファイル: python.py プロジェクト: SKIRT/PTS
    def start_session(self, python_command="python"):

        This function ...
        :param python_command:

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Starting session for python ...")

        # Construct the command
        if self.tmux: command = "tmux new -d -s " + self.screen_name + " " + python_command
        elif self.output_path is not None: command = "screen -dmS " + self.screen_name + " -L"
        else: command = "screen -dmS " + self.screen_name

        # Debugging
        log.debug("Starting session with the command:")

        # Execute the command
        self.remote.execute(command, show_output=True, cwd=self.output_path)

        # Using screen
        if not self.tmux:

            start_python_command = "screen -S " + self.screen_name + " -p 0 -X stuff '" + python_command + "\n'"
コード例 #3
ファイル: python.py プロジェクト: rag9704/PTS
    def start_session(self, python_command="python"):
        This function ...
        :param python_command:

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Starting session for python ...")

        # Construct the command
        if self.tmux:
            command = "tmux new -d -s " + self.screen_name + " " + python_command
        elif self.output_path is not None:
            command = "screen -dmS " + self.screen_name + " -L"
            command = "screen -dmS " + self.screen_name

        # Debugging
        log.debug("Starting session with the command:")

        # Execute the command
        self.remote.execute(command, show_output=True, cwd=self.output_path)

        # Using screen
        if not self.tmux:

            start_python_command = "screen -S " + self.screen_name + " -p 0 -X stuff '" + python_command + "\n'"
コード例 #4
ファイル: restore.py プロジェクト: SKIRT/PTS
    def restore_chi_squared(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Restoring the chi squared tables ...")

        # Loop over the generations
        for generation_name in self.generation_names:

            # Has generation?
            if not self.has_generation(generation_name): continue

            # Debugging
            log.debug("Creating backup of chi squared table for generation '" + generation_name + "' ...")

            # Get the generation
            generation = self.generations[generation_name]

            # Get the generation path
            generation_path = self.get_generation_restore_path(generation_name)

            # Determine the filepath
            filepath = fs.join(generation_path, "chi_squared.dat")

            # Copy the file
            fs.copy_file(filepath, generation.chi_squared_table_path)
コード例 #5
ファイル: interpolator.py プロジェクト: SKIRT/PTS
    def load_frame(self):

        This function ...

        # Debugging
        log.debug("Loading the frame ...")

        # Import the image
        importer = ImageImporter()

        # Get the primary image frame
        frame = importer.image.primary

        # Get the original header
        self.header = importer.image.original_header

        # Get the original nan pixels
        self.nans = frame.nans

        # Set the NaN pixels to zero in the frame
        frame[self.nans] = 0.0

        # Set the frame
        self.frame = frame
コード例 #6
ファイル: python.py プロジェクト: SKIRT/PTS
    def execute_detached(self, line, timeout=None):

        This function ...
        :param line:
        :param timeout:

        # Construct the command
        if self.tmux: send_command = 'tmux send-keys -t ' + self.screen_name + ' "' + line + '" Enter'

            if "'" not in line: send_command = "screen -S " + self.screen_name + " -p 0 -X stuff '" + line + "\n'"
            elif '"' not in line: send_command = 'screen -S ' + self.screen_name + ' -p 0 -X stuff "' + line + '\n"'
            else: raise ValueError("Line cannot contain both single quotes and double quotes")

        # Debugging
        log.debug("The command to execute the line is:")

        # Send the line
        output = self.remote.execute(send_command, show_output=log.is_debug, timeout=timeout)

        # Sleep for a while so that we are sure that the actual python stuff has reached the interactive python session within the screen
        time.wait(5) # in seconds

        # Return the output
        return output
コード例 #7
    def initialize_frames(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Initializing the frames ...")

        # Loop over the filters
        for fltr in self.coordinate_systems.filters:

            # Debugging
            log.debug("Initializing the '" + str(fltr) + "' frame ...")

            # Get the wcs
            wcs = self.coordinate_systems[fltr]

            # Create new frame
            frame = Frame.zeros(wcs.shape)

            # Add the wcs
            frame.wcs = wcs

            # Set the filter
            frame.filter = fltr

            # Set the unit
            frame.unit = "Jy"

            # Add the frame
            self.frames[fltr] = frame
コード例 #8
    def load_frame(self):
        This function ...

        # Debugging
        log.debug("Loading the frame ...")

        # Determine the full path to the image
        #image_path = fs.absolute_path(config.image)

        # Import the image
        importer = ImageImporter()

        # Get the primary image frame
        frame = importer.image.primary

        # Get the original header
        header = importer.image.original_header

        # Create a mask of the pixels that are NaNs
        nans = frame.nans()

        # Set the NaN pixels to zero in the frame
        frame[nans] = 0.0
コード例 #9
ファイル: plot.py プロジェクト: rag9704/PTS
    def write_tour_to_img(self, tour):

        The function to plot the graph
        :param tour:

        padding = 20
        coords = [(x+padding,y+padding) for (x,y) in self.coordinates]
        maxx, maxy = 0, 0

        for x, y in coords:

          maxx = max(x, maxx)
          maxy = max(y, maxy)

        maxx += padding
        maxy += padding

        img = Image.new("RGB",(int(maxx),int(maxy)),color=(255,255,255))

        font = ImageFont.load_default()
        d = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
        num_cities = len(tour)

        # Loop over the cities
        for i in range(num_cities):

          j = (i+1) % num_cities
          city_i = tour[i]
          city_j = tour[j]
          x1,y1 = coords[city_i]
          x2,y2 = coords[city_j]


        for x, y in coords:

          x, y = int(x),int(y)

        del d

        # Save
        if self.output_path is not None:

            # Determine the plot path
            path = fs.join(self.output_path, str(self.counter) + ".png")

            # Debugging
            log.debug("Saving the plot to '" + path + "' ...")

            # Save
            img.save(path, "PNG")

        else: raise RuntimeError("Cannot show the plot, specify an output path")
コード例 #10
ファイル: python.py プロジェクト: SKIRT/PTS
    def import_package_update(self, name, as_name=None, from_name=None, show_output=False):

        Thins function ...
        :param name:
        :param as_name:
        :param from_name:
        :param show_output:

        # Try to import
        success, module_name, import_statement = self.import_package(name, as_name=as_name, from_name=from_name, show_output=show_output, return_false_if_fail=True, return_failed_module=True)

        # Not succesful, try updating the module on which it failed
        if not success:

            # No problem module, show import statement
            if module_name is None: raise RuntimeError("Unsolvable import error occured at: '" + import_statement + "'")

            # Debugging
            log.debug("Import of '" + name + "' was unsuccesful: trying updating the '" + module_name + "' package ...")

            from ..prep.update import update_pts_dependencies_remote

            # Find conda
            conda_installation_path, conda_main_executable_path = self.remote.find_conda()

            # Determine the conda environment for PTS
            env_name = self.remote.conda_environment_for_pts
            if env_name is None: raise Exception("Cannot determine the conda environment used for pts")
            conda_environment = env_name

            environment_bin_path = fs.join(conda_installation_path, "envs", conda_environment, "bin")
            if not self.remote.is_directory(environment_bin_path): raise RuntimeError("The environment directory is not present")
            conda_executable_path = fs.join(environment_bin_path, "conda")

            # Set ...
            conda_pip_path = fs.join(environment_bin_path, "pip")
            conda_python_path = fs.join(environment_bin_path, "python")
            conda_easy_install_path = fs.join(environment_bin_path, "easy_install")

            # Update the module
            packages = [module_name]
            update_pts_dependencies_remote(self.remote, packages, conda_executable_path,
                                           conda_environment, conda_python_path, conda_pip_path,

            # Try again
            success, module_name, import_statement = self.import_package(name, as_name=as_name, from_name=from_name,
                                                       show_output=show_output, return_false_if_fail=True,

            # Not succesful again
            if not success: raise ImportError("The import statement '" + import_statement + "' failed on remote host '" + self.host_id + "'")
コード例 #11
ファイル: restore.py プロジェクト: SKIRT/PTS
    def restore_best_parameters(self):

        This function ...

        # Debugging
        log.debug("Restoring the best parameters table ...")

        # Copy the file
        fs.copy_file(self.restore_best_parameters_path, self.fitting_run.path)
コード例 #12
ファイル: restore.py プロジェクト: SKIRT/PTS
    def restore_weights(self):

        This function ...

        # Debugging
        log.debug("Restoring the weights ...")

        # Copy the weights
        fs.copy_file(self.restore_weights_path, self.fitting_run.path)
コード例 #13
ファイル: interpolator.py プロジェクト: SKIRT/PTS
    def load_regions(self):

        This function ...

        # Debugging
        log.debug("Loading the regions ...")

        # Load the region
        self.regions = load_as_pixel_region_list(self.config.regions, self.wcs, only=self.config.shapes, color=self.config.color, ignore_color=self.config.ignore_color)
コード例 #14
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: rag9704/PTS
    def load_images(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Loading the images ...")

        # The common wcs of the images
        wcs = None

        # Loop over the images in the data directory
        for path, filename in fs.files_in_path(self.data_path,
                                               returns=["path", "name"]):

            # Load the frame
            frame = Frame.from_file(path)

            # Set filter
            previous_filter = frame.filter
            frame.filter = parse_filter(filename.split("_norm")[0])
            if previous_filter != frame.filter: frame.save()

            # Check filter
            if str(frame.filter) not in [
                    str(fltr) for fltr in self.config.fitting_filters

            # Determine name
            name = str(frame.filter)

            # Check wcs
            if wcs is None: wcs = frame.wcs
            elif wcs == frame.wcs: pass
                raise IOError("The coordinate system of image '" + filename +
                              "' does not match that of other images")

            # Debugging
            log.debug("Adding frame '" + filename + "' ...")

            # Add to dictionary
            self.images[name] = frame

            # Set original path
            self.image_paths[name] = path

        # Set the wcs
        self.wcs = wcs
コード例 #15
ファイル: restore.py プロジェクト: SKIRT/PTS
    def restore_prob(self):

        This function ...

        # Debugging
        log.debug("Restoring the probabilities ...")

        # Copy the directory
        fs.clear_directory(self.fitting_run.prob_path, recursive=True)
        fs.copy_directory(self.restore_prob_path, self.fitting_run.path)
コード例 #16
ファイル: restore.py プロジェクト: SKIRT/PTS
    def restore_best(self):

        This function ...

        # Debugging
        log.debug("Restoring the best simulations ...")

        # Copy the directory
        fs.clear_directory(self.fitting_run.best_path, recursive=True)
        fs.copy_directory(self.restore_best_path, self.fitting_run.path)
コード例 #17
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: rag9704/PTS
    def load_coordinate_systems(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Loading the coordinate systems ...")

        nfilters_stars = 0
        nfilters_extra = 0

        # Loop over the header files
        for path, name in fs.files_in_path(headers_path,
                                           returns=["path", "name"]):

            # Get the filter and wavelength
            fltr = parse_filter(name)
            wavelength = fltr.effective if fltr.effective is not None else fltr.center

            # SKip Planck
            if fltr.observatory == "Planck": continue

            # Wavelength greater than 25 micron
            if wavelength > wavelengths.ranges.ir.mir.max:

                if nfilters_extra == self.config.nfilters_extra: continue
                else: nfilters_extra += 1

            # Wavelength smaller than 25 micron

                if nfilters_stars == self.config.nfilters_stars: continue
                else: nfilters_stars += 1

            # Debugging
            log.debug("Loading the coordinate system for the '" + str(fltr) +
                      "' filter ...")

            # Get WCS
            wcs = CoordinateSystem.from_header_file(path)

            # Add the coordinate system
            self.coordinate_systems.append(wcs, fltr=fltr)

            # Break the loop if we have enough
            if nfilters_stars == self.config.nfilters_stars and nfilters_extra == self.config.nfilters_extra:
コード例 #18
    def create_dataset(self, masks=None):

        This function ...
        :param masks:

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Creating the dataset ...")

        # Initialize
        self.dataset = DataSet()

        # Add the frames
        for fltr in self.frames:

            # Determine name for the image
            name = str(fltr)

            # Determine path for this frame
            path = fs.join(self.data_frames_path, name + ".fits")

            # Debugging
            log.debug("Saving the frame ...")

            # Save the frame

            # Debugging
            log.debug("Adding the '" + name + "' image to the dataset ...")

            # Add the frame to the dataset
            self.dataset.add_path(name, path)

            # Determine the path for the mask
            mask_path = fs.join(self.data_masks_path, name + ".fits")

            # Mask
            if masks is not None and fltr in masks:

                # Debugging
                log.debug("Saving the mask ...")

                # Save

                # Debugging
                log.debug("Adding mask ...")

                # Add the mask
                self.dataset.add_mask_path(name, mask_path)

        # Determine database path
        path = fs.join(self.path, "database.dat")

        # Write the dataset
コード例 #19
    def load_regions(self):
        This function ...

        # Debugging
        log.debug("Loading the regions ...")

        # Load the region
        region_path = fs.join(input_path, config.regions)
        self.regions = load_as_pixel_region_list(
コード例 #20
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: SKIRT/PTS
    def load_coordinate_systems(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Loading the coordinate systems ...")

        nfilters_stars = 0
        nfilters_extra = 0

        # Loop over the header files
        for path, name in fs.files_in_path(headers_path, extension="txt", returns=["path", "name"]):

            # Get the filter and wavelength
            fltr = parse_filter(name)
            wavelength = fltr.effective if fltr.effective is not None else fltr.center

            # SKip Planck
            if fltr.observatory == "Planck": continue

            # Wavelength greater than 25 micron
            if wavelength > wavelengths.ranges.ir.mir.max:

                if nfilters_extra == self.config.nfilters_extra: continue
                else: nfilters_extra += 1

            # Wavelength smaller than 25 micron

                if nfilters_stars == self.config.nfilters_stars: continue
                else: nfilters_stars += 1

            # Debugging
            log.debug("Loading the coordinate system for the '" + str(fltr) + "' filter ...")

            # Get WCS
            wcs = CoordinateSystem.from_header_file(path)

            # Add the coordinate system
            self.coordinate_systems.append(wcs, fltr=fltr)

            # Break the loop if we have enough
            if nfilters_stars == self.config.nfilters_stars and nfilters_extra == self.config.nfilters_extra: break
コード例 #21
ファイル: python.py プロジェクト: SKIRT/PTS
    def create_pipe(self):

        This function ...

        # Create pipe file
        out_pipe_filename = "out_pipe_" + self.session_id + ".txt"
        self.out_pipe_filepath = fs.join(self.remote.pts_temp_path, out_pipe_filename)

        # Debugging
        log.debug("Creating pipe file '" + self.out_pipe_filepath + "' on remote ...")

        # Create the pipe file for output
        if self.remote.is_file(self.out_pipe_filepath): self.remote.remove_file(self.out_pipe_filepath)
        #self.remote.write_line(self.out_pipe_filepath, "")
コード例 #22
ファイル: restore.py プロジェクト: SKIRT/PTS
    def restore_fluxes_plots(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Making a backup of the mock fluxes plots ...")

        # Loop over the generations
        for generation_name in self.generation_names:

            # Has generation?
            if not self.has_generation(generation_name): continue

            # Debugging
            log.debug("Creating backups for generation '" + generation_name + "' ...")

            # Get the generation
            generation = self.generations[generation_name]

            # Get restore path
            generation_path = self.get_generation_restore_path(generation_name)

            # Loop over the simulations
            for simulation_name in generation.simulation_names:

                # Set simulation path
                simulation_path = fs.join(generation_path, simulation_name)

                # Check whether fluxes are present
                filepath = fs.join(simulation_path, "earth_fluxes.pdf")
                if not fs.is_file(filepath):
                    log.warning("No mock SED plot for simulation '" + simulation_name + "' of generation '" + generation_name + "'")

                # Debugging
                log.debug("Restoring fluxes plot for simulation '" + simulation_name + "' ...")

                # Copy the plot file
                fs.copy_file(filepath, generation.get_mock_sed_plot_path(simulation_name))
コード例 #23
ファイル: restore.py プロジェクト: SKIRT/PTS
    def restore_differences(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Making a backup of the flux differences ...")

        # Loop over the generations
        for generation_name in self.generation_names:

            # Has generation?
            if not self.has_generation(generation_name): continue

            # Debugging
            log.debug("Creating backups for generation '" + generation_name + "' ...")

            # Get the generation
            generation = self.generations[generation_name]

            # Get restore path
            generation_path = self.get_generation_restore_path(generation_name)

            # Loop over the simulations
            for simulation_name in generation.simulation_names:

                # Set simulation path
                simulation_path = fs.join(generation_path, simulation_name)

                # Check whether the simulation has differences
                filepath = fs.join(simulation_path, "differences.dat")
                if not fs.is_file(filepath):
                    log.warning("No differences table for simulation '" + simulation_name + "' of generation '" + generation_name + "'")

                # Debugging
                log.debug("Restoring differences table for simulation '" + simulation_name + "' ...")

                # Copy the file
                fs.copy_file(filepath, generation.get_simulation_sed_differences_path(simulation_name))
コード例 #24
ファイル: python.py プロジェクト: rag9704/PTS
    def create_pipe(self):
        This function ...

        # Create pipe file
        out_pipe_filename = "out_pipe_" + self.session_id + ".txt"
        self.out_pipe_filepath = fs.join(self.remote.pts_temp_path,

        # Debugging
        log.debug("Creating pipe file '" + self.out_pipe_filepath +
                  "' on remote ...")

        # Create the pipe file for output
        if self.remote.is_file(self.out_pipe_filepath):
        #self.remote.write_line(self.out_pipe_filepath, "")
コード例 #25
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: SKIRT/PTS
    def get_best_parameter_values(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Getting the best parameter values ...")

        # Get the best parameter values
        self.best_parameter_values, self.best_chi_squared = self.modeler.modeler.fitter.fitting_run.best_parameter_values_and_chi_squared

        # Debugging
        log.debug("The best parameter values are:")
        for parameter_name in self.best_parameter_values: log.debug(" - " + parameter_name + ": " + tostr(self.best_parameter_values[parameter_name], scientific=True, fancy=True, ndigits=parameter_ndigits[parameter_name]))

        # Debugging
        log.debug("The best chi squared value is " + str(self.best_chi_squared))
コード例 #26
ファイル: python.py プロジェクト: SKIRT/PTS
    def send_line_and_raise(self, command, show_output=False, timeout=None):

        This function ...
        :param command:
        :param show_output:
        :param timeout:

        # Send the command and get the output
        output = self.send_line(command, show_output=show_output, timeout=timeout)

        # There is output
        if len(output) > 0:

            # Get the last line
            last_line = output[-1]

            # Check for errors
            if "Error: " in last_line:

                # Get the error type
                error_class_name = last_line.split(": ")[0]
                    error_class = eval(error_class_name)
                    error_specifier = ""
                except NameError:
                    error_class = Exception
                    error_specifier = " (" + error_class_name + ") "

                message = last_line.split(error_class_name + ": ")[1]
                message = "[" + self.host_id + "] " + error_specifier + message

                # Re-raise the remote error
                raise error_class(message)

            # Show the output (no errors) if debugging and show_output is False
            if not show_output: # Output was not shown in realtime
                for line in output: log.debug("[" + self.host_id + "] " + line)
コード例 #27
    def set_fwhms(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Setting the FWHMs ...")

        # Loop over the filters
        for fltr in self.frames:

            # Get the fwhm
            if has_variable_fwhm(fltr): fwhm = fwhms[str(fltr)]
            else: fwhm = get_fwhm(fltr)

            # Debugging
            log.debug("The FWHM of the '" + str(fltr) + "' image is " + stringify.stringify(fwhm)[1])

            # Set
            self.real_fwhms[fltr] = fwhm
コード例 #28
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: rag9704/PTS
    def make_rotation_masks(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Making rotation masks ...")

        # Loop over the filters
        for fltr in self.frames:

            # Debugging
            log.info("Making rotation mask for the '" + str(fltr) +
                     "' image ...")

            # Get the frame
            frame = self.frames[fltr]

            # Rotate
            if self.config.rotate:

                # Choose a random rotation angle
                angle = Angle(np.random.uniform(-90, 90), "deg")

                # Debugging
                log.debug("The random rotation angle is '" +
                          stringify.stringify(angle)[1] + "'")

                # Create mask
                mask = frame.rotation_mask(angle)

            # Don't rotate
                mask = Mask.empty_like(frame)

            # Set the mask
            self.rotation_masks[fltr] = mask
コード例 #29
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: SKIRT/PTS
    def make_rotation_masks(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Making rotation masks ...")

        # Loop over the filters
        for fltr in self.frames:

            # Debugging
            log.info("Making rotation mask for the '" + str(fltr) + "' image ...")

            # Get the frame
            frame = self.frames[fltr]

            # Rotate
            if self.config.rotate:

                # Choose a random rotation angle
                angle = Angle(np.random.uniform(-90, 90), "deg")

                # Debugging
                log.debug("The random rotation angle is '" + stringify.stringify(angle)[1] + "'")

                # Create mask
                mask = frame.rotation_mask(angle)

            # Don't rotate
            else: mask = Mask.empty_like(frame)

            # Set the mask
            self.rotation_masks[fltr] = mask
コード例 #30
    def generate_initial_parameter_values(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Generating random initial parameter values ...")

        # Get the low and high value
        low_factor = self.config.relative_range_initial.min
        high_factor = self.config.relative_range_initial.max

        # Determine the exponents, to generate random points
        log_low = np.log10(low_factor)
        log_high = np.log10(high_factor)

        # Loop over the real parameter values
        for parameter_name in self.real_parameter_values:

            # Get the parameter value
            value = self.real_parameter_values[parameter_name]

            # Multiply the value with a random number between 1/3 and 3.
            random = np.random.uniform(log_low, log_high)
            random_factor = 10**random

            # Set the value as the initial parameter value
            self.initial_parameter_values[parameter_name] = value

        # Debugging
        log.debug("The initial parameter values are:")
        for parameter_name in self.real_parameter_values:
            log.debug(" - " + parameter_name + ": " +
コード例 #31
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: SKIRT/PTS
    def generate_initial_parameter_values(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Generating random initial parameter values ...")

        # Get the low and high value
        low_factor = self.config.relative_range_initial.min
        high_factor = self.config.relative_range_initial.max

        # Determine the exponents, to generate random points
        log_low = np.log10(low_factor)
        log_high = np.log10(high_factor)

        # Loop over the real parameter values
        for parameter_name in self.real_parameter_values:

            # Get the parameter value
            value = self.real_parameter_values[parameter_name]

            # Multiply the value with a random number between 1/3 and 3.
            random = np.random.uniform(log_low, log_high)
            random_factor = 10 ** random

            # Set the value as the initial parameter value
            self.initial_parameter_values[parameter_name] = value

        # Debugging
        log.debug("The initial parameter values are:")
        for parameter_name in self.real_parameter_values: log.debug(" - " + parameter_name + ": " + tostr(self.initial_parameter_values[parameter_name], scientific=True, fancy=True, ndigits=parameter_ndigits[parameter_name]))
コード例 #32
    def make_point_sources_variable_fwhm(self, masks=None):

        THis function ...
        :param masks:

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Making point sources with a variable FWHM in each band ...")

        # Loop over the 'star' filters
        for fltr in self.star_filters:

            # Debugging
            log.debug("Making point sources for the '" + str(fltr) + "' image ...")

            # Get y and x
            if not self.config.only_local:
                y, x = np.indices(self.frames[fltr].shape)
            else: y = x = None

            # Get pixelscale
            pixelscale = self.frames[fltr].average_pixelscale

            # Debugging
            log.debug("The pixelscale of the image is " + stringify.stringify(pixelscale)[1])

            # Determine the FWHM in pixel coordinates
            fwhm_pix = self.real_fwhms[fltr].to("arcsec").value / pixelscale.to("arcsec").value

            counter = 0

            # Loop over the coordinates in the point sources catalog
            for coordinate in self.point_source_catalog.coordinates():

                counter += 1

                # Debugging
                log.debug("Adding point source " + str(counter) + " of " + str(len(self.point_source_catalog)) + " ...")

                # Check whether it falls in the frame
                if not self.frames[fltr].contains(coordinate): continue

                # Convert into pixel coordinate
                pixel_coordinate = coordinate.to_pixel(self.frames[fltr].wcs)

                # Get the corresponding pixel
                pixel = Pixel.for_coordinate(pixel_coordinate)

                # Check whether not masked
                if masks is not None and fltr in masks and masks[fltr][pixel.y, pixel.x]: continue

                # Generate random deviation
                x_deviation = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.)
                y_deviation = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.)

                # Debugging
                log.debug("Random pixel position deviation is (" + str(x_deviation) + ", " + str(y_deviation) + ")")

                # Alter pixel coordinate
                pixel_coordinate.x += x_deviation
                pixel_coordinate.y += y_deviation

                # Generate random deviation from FWHM
                fwhm_deviation = np.random.normal(0.0, 0.05 * fwhm_pix)

                # Debugging
                log.debug("Random FWHM deviation (on a FWHM of " + str(fwhm_pix) + ") is " + str(fwhm_deviation))

                # Add the deviation
                fwhm_pix += fwhm_deviation

                # Generate a random amplitude (from 100 till 100 000)
                amplitude_exponent = np.random.uniform(2., 5.)
                amplitude = 10**amplitude_exponent

                # Determine sigma
                sigma = statistics.fwhm_to_sigma * fwhm_pix

                # Only 'render' the Gaussian locally
                if self.config.only_local: min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, rel_center = determine_patch_for_psf(pixel_coordinate, amplitude, sigma, max_x_pixel=self.frames[fltr].xsize-1, max_y_pixel=self.frames[fltr].ysize-1, keep_in_frame=True)

                # Render each Gaussian over the entire frame
                    min_x = max_x = min_y = max_y = None
                    rel_center = pixel_coordinate

                # Make the model
                model = create_model(self.config.psf_model, amplitude, rel_center, sigma)

                # Evaluate the model
                if self.config.only_local: y, x = np.indices((max_y - min_y, max_x - min_x))
                data = model(x, y)

                # Add the data
                if self.config.only_local: self.frames[fltr][min_y:max_y, min_x:max_x] += data
                else: self.frames[fltr] += data
コード例 #33
ファイル: multiply.py プロジェクト: rag9704/PTS
    new_filepath = fs.appended_filepath(config.filepath, "_backup")
    fs.copy_file(config.filepath, new_filepath)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Inform the user
log.info("Loading the image '" + config.filepath + "' ...")

# Load the image
image = Image.from_file(config.filepath)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Debugging
sum_before = np.nansum(image.primary.data)
log.debug("Sum of the primary frame before multiplication is " +

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Inform th euser
log.info("Multiplying the image with a factor of " + str(config.factor) +
         " ...")

# Multiply
image *= config.factor

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Debugging
sum_after = np.nansum(image.primary.data)
log.debug("Sum of the primary frame after multiplication is " + str(sum_after))
コード例 #34
ファイル: python.py プロジェクト: SKIRT/PTS
    def __del__(self):

        This function ...

        # Debugging
        if self.output_path is not None: log.debug("Screen output has been placed in '" + self.output_path + "'")

        # Detach if we are still attached
        if self.attached: self.detach()

        # Remove things if we are not in debug mode
        if not log.is_debug:

            # Using tmux
            if self.tmux:

                end_session_command = "tmux kill-session -t " + self.screen_name

            # Using screen

                # Stop the python session
                end_python_command = "screen -r -S " + self.screen_name + " -X stuff 'exit()\n'"

                # Stop screen session

            # Remove the pipe file


            # Debugging info
            log.debug("Not closing session and removing pipe in debug mode")
            if self.tmux: log.debug(" - Tmux session name: " + self.screen_name)
            else: log.debug(" - Screen session name: " + self.screen_name)
            log.debug(" - pipe file path: " + self.out_pipe_filepath)
            if self.output_path is not None: log.debug(" - screen log file: " + self.screenlog_path)
コード例 #35
ファイル: installation_commands.py プロジェクト: rag9704/PTS
if modules.names["mpi"] is not None:

    if modules.names["mpi"] != modules.names["cpp"]:
        installation_commands["compilers"].append(Map(line="module load " + modules.names["mpi"], comment="Load the MPI module"))

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

installation_commands["build"].append(Map(line="cd " + skirt_repo_path, comment="Navigate to the SKIRT repository directory"))

qmake_path = modules.paths["qmake"]
make_make_command = qmake_path + " BuildSKIRT.pro -o ../release/Makefile CONFIG+=release"
nthreads = remote.cores_per_socket
make_command = "make -j " + str(nthreads) + " -w -C ../release"

# Debugging
log.debug("Make commands:")
log.debug(" 1) " + make_make_command)
log.debug(" 2) " + make_command)
#log.debug("in directory " + skirt_repo_path)

# Configure
#output = remote.execute(make_make_command, show_output=log.is_debug(), cwd=skirt_repo_path)

# Overwrite the git version
#git_version_content = 'const char* git_version = " ' + git_version + ' " ;'
#git_version_path = fs.join(skirt_repo_path, "SKIRTmain", "git_version.h")
#write_command = 'echo "' + git_version_content + '" > ' + git_version_path

# Make
#output = remote.execute(make_command, show_output=log.is_debug(), cwd=skirt_repo_path)
コード例 #36
ファイル: remotes.py プロジェクト: SKIRT/PTS
config = parse_arguments("remotes", definition, "Check the status of the remotes")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Set log level in a special way
if config.debug: setup_log("DEBUG")
else: setup_log("ERROR")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Loop over the hosts
for host in config.hosts:

    # Debugging
    log.debug("Connecting to remote host '" + host.id + "' ...")

    # Create remote, try connecting
    remote = Remote()
    connected = remote.setup(host, login_timeout=10) # only try for 10 seconds

    # Connection succeeded?
    if connected: print(fmt.green + host.id + ": up" + fmt.reset)
        print(fmt.red + host.id + ": down" + fmt.reset)

    # Show clustername
    if remote.cluster_name is not None: print("Cluster name: " + remote.cluster_name)

コード例 #37
ファイル: fix_attenuation.py プロジェクト: rag9704/PTS
for prep_name in fix:

    # Get the image paths after and including the extinction correction step
    paths = get_step_image_paths_with_cached(modeling_path,

    # Determine the correction factor
    actual = float(fix[prep_name][0])
    mistaken = float(fix[prep_name][1])
    factor = 10**(actual - mistaken)

    # Debugging
    log.debug("The correction factor for the " + prep_name + " image is " +
    correction_factors[prep_name] = factor


    # Loop over the images
    for step in paths:

        # Get the path
        path = paths[step]

        # Check whether the correction has already been performed
        backup_filepath = fs.appended_filepath(path, "_backup")
        if fs.is_file(path):  # local
コード例 #38
    # Check whether the remote is available
    if config.full:
        remote = Remote()
        if not remote.setup(host_id):
            log.warning("The remote host '" + host_id +
                        "' is not available: skipping ...")
        remote = None

    # Determine the path to the run directory for the specified remote host
    host_run_path = fs.join(introspection.pts_run_dir, host_id)

    # Check if there are tasks
    if not fs.is_directory(host_run_path):
        log.debug("No run directory for host '" + host_id + "'")
    if fs.is_empty(host_run_path):
        log.debug("No tasks for host '" + host_id + "'")

    # Loop over the task files in the run directory for the host
    for path, name in fs.files_in_path(host_run_path,
                                       returns=["path", "name"],

        # Skip
        if config.ids is not None and int(name) not in config.ids: continue

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Removing task " + name + " ...")
コード例 #39
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: rag9704/PTS
def plot_galaxy_components(components,
    This function ....
    :param components:
    :param draw:
    :param show:
    :param shape:
    :param unit:
    :param width:
    :param height:
    :param style:
    :param kwargs:

    # Determine the limits
    limits = determine_model_limits(components, unit, symmetric=True)

    # Debugging
    log.debug("Plot limits: " + str(limits))

    # Create coordinate data
    x, y, z, r, theta, phi = xyz(shape=shape, limits=limits, spherical=True)
    data = r * 0

    # Loop over the components
    for name in components:

        # Debugging
        log.debug("Computing the density of the " + name + " component ...")

        component = components[name]
        density = component.density_function(normalize=True)(x, y, z)
        data += density

    if draw:

        # :param lighting: boolean, to use lighting or not, if set to false, lighting parameters will be overriden
        # :param data_min: minimum value to consider for data, if None, computed using np.nanmin
        # :param data_max: maximum value to consider for data, if None, computed using np.nanmax
        # :param tf: transfer function (see ipyvolume.transfer_function, or use the argument below)
        # :param stereo: stereo view for virtual reality (cardboard and similar VR head mount)
        # :param width: width of rendering surface
        # :param height: height of rendering surface
        # :param ambient_coefficient: lighting parameter
        # :param diffuse_coefficient: lighting parameter
        # :param specular_coefficient: lighting parameter
        # :param specular_exponent: lighting parameter
        # :param downscale: downscale the rendering for better performance, for instance when set to 2, a 512x512 canvas will show a 256x256 rendering upscaled, but it will render twice as fast.
        # :param level: level(s) for the where the opacity in the volume peaks, maximum sequence of length 3
        # :param opacity: opacity(ies) for each level, scalar or sequence of max length 3
        # :param level_width: width of the (gaussian) bumps where the opacity peaks, scalar or sequence of max length 3
        # :param kwargs: extra argument passed to Volume and default transfer function

        # DEFAULT:

        # lighting=False, data_min=None, data_max=None, tf=None, stereo=False,
        # width=400, height=500,
        # ambient_coefficient=0.5, diffuse_coefficient=0.8,
        # specular_coefficient=0.5, specular_exponent=5,
        # downscale=1,
        # level=[0.1, 0.5, 0.9], opacity=[0.01, 0.05, 0.1], level_width=0.1,

        level = [0.2]
        #opacity = [0.05, 0.0, 0.0]
        opacity = [0.08, 0.0, 0.0]
        level_width = 0.2
        level_width = [level_width] * 3

        kwargs = dict()
        kwargs["width"] = width
        kwargs["height"] = height
        kwargs["stereo"] = False
        kwargs["level"] = level
        kwargs["opacity"] = opacity
        kwargs["level_width"] = level_width
        kwargs["downscale"] = 1

        # Create transfer function arguments
        tf_kwargs = {}

        # Clip off lists
        min_length = min(len(level), len(level_width), len(opacity))
        level = list(level[:min_length])
        opacity = list(opacity[:min_length])
        level_width = list(level_width[:min_length])
        # append with zeros
        while len(level) < 3:
        while len(opacity) < 3:
        while len(level_width) < 3:
        for i in range(1, 4):
            tf_kwargs["level" + str(i)] = level[i - 1]
            tf_kwargs["opacity" + str(i)] = opacity[i - 1]
            tf_kwargs["width" + str(i)] = level_width[i - 1]
        tf = TransferFunctionWidgetJs3(**tf_kwargs)

        # Set the transfer function
        kwargs["tf"] = tf

        # Set style
        if style == "dark": kwargs["style"] = dark
        elif style == "light": kwargs["style"] = light
        elif style == "minimal": kwargs["style"] = minimal
        else: raise ValueError("Invalid style: " + style)

        # Create the volume plot
        vol = ipyvolume.quickvolshow(data=data.T, **kwargs)
        #vol = p3.volshow(data=data, **kwargs)

        # SHOW?
        if show:
        return vol

        return data
コード例 #40
ファイル: previous_log.py プロジェクト: SKIRT/PTS
    command = filename.split("__")[0]

    # Skip other commands
    if not command.startswith(config.match): continue

    # Add filepath

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

if len(matches) > 1: raise ValueError("Ambigious command: matches are " + ", ".join(matches.keys()))

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

single_command = matches.keys()[0]
log.debug("The matching command is '" + single_command + "'")
if len(matches[single_command]) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Something went wrong")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Get latest
latest_time = None
latest_filepath = None

# Loop over the files
for filepath in matches[single_command]:

    name = fs.strip_extension(fs.name(filepath))
    command_name, datetime = time.get_name_and_time_from_unique_name(name)

    #print(name, command_name, datetime)
コード例 #41
ファイル: python.py プロジェクト: rag9704/PTS
    def __del__(self):
        This function ...

        # Debugging
        if self.output_path is not None:
            log.debug("Screen output has been placed in '" + self.output_path +

        # Detach if we are still attached
        if self.attached: self.detach()

        # Remove things if we are not in debug mode
        if not log.is_debug():

            # Using tmux
            if self.tmux:

                end_session_command = "tmux kill-session -t " + self.screen_name

            # Using screen

                # Stop the python session
                end_python_command = "screen -r -S " + self.screen_name + " -X stuff 'exit()\n'"

                # Stop screen session

            # Remove the pipe file


            # Debugging info
            log.debug("Not closing session and removing pipe in debug mode")
            if self.tmux:
                log.debug(" - Tmux session name: " + self.screen_name)
                log.debug(" - Screen session name: " + self.screen_name)
            log.debug(" - pipe file path: " + self.out_pipe_filepath)
            if self.output_path is not None:
                log.debug(" - screen log file: " + self.screenlog_path)
コード例 #42
ファイル: clear_simulations.py プロジェクト: rag9704/PTS
    # Check whether the remote is available
    if config.full:
        remote = Remote()
        if not remote.setup(host_id):
            log.warning("The remote host '" + host_id +
                        "' is not available: skipping ...")
        remote = None

    # Determine the path to the run directory for the specified remote host
    host_run_path = fs.join(introspection.skirt_run_dir, host_id)

    # Check if there are simulations
    if not fs.is_directory(host_run_path):
        log.debug("No run directory for host '" + host_id + "'")
    if fs.is_empty(host_run_path):
        log.debug("No simulations for host '" + host_id + "'")

    # Loop over the simulation files in the run directory
    for path, name in fs.files_in_path(host_run_path,
                                       returns=["path", "name"],

        # Skip
        if config.ids is not None and int(name) not in config.ids: continue

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Removing simulation " + name + " ...")
コード例 #43
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: SKIRT/PTS
def plot_galaxy_components(components, draw=True, show=True, shape=128, unit="pc", width=700, height=800, style='light', **kwargs):

    This function ....
    :param components:
    :param draw:
    :param show:
    :param shape:
    :param unit:
    :param width:
    :param height:
    :param style:
    :param kwargs:

    # Determine the limits
    limits = determine_model_limits(components, unit, symmetric=True)

    # Debugging
    log.debug("Plot limits: " + str(limits))

    # Create coordinate data
    x, y, z, r, theta, phi = xyz(shape=shape, limits=limits, spherical=True)
    data = r * 0

    # Loop over the components
    for name in components:

        # Debugging
        log.debug("Computing the density of the " + name + " component ...")

        component = components[name]
        density = component.density_function(normalize=True)(x, y, z)
        data += density

    if draw:

        # :param lighting: boolean, to use lighting or not, if set to false, lighting parameters will be overriden
        # :param data_min: minimum value to consider for data, if None, computed using np.nanmin
        # :param data_max: maximum value to consider for data, if None, computed using np.nanmax
        # :param tf: transfer function (see ipyvolume.transfer_function, or use the argument below)
        # :param stereo: stereo view for virtual reality (cardboard and similar VR head mount)
        # :param width: width of rendering surface
        # :param height: height of rendering surface
        # :param ambient_coefficient: lighting parameter
        # :param diffuse_coefficient: lighting parameter
        # :param specular_coefficient: lighting parameter
        # :param specular_exponent: lighting parameter
        # :param downscale: downscale the rendering for better performance, for instance when set to 2, a 512x512 canvas will show a 256x256 rendering upscaled, but it will render twice as fast.
        # :param level: level(s) for the where the opacity in the volume peaks, maximum sequence of length 3
        # :param opacity: opacity(ies) for each level, scalar or sequence of max length 3
        # :param level_width: width of the (gaussian) bumps where the opacity peaks, scalar or sequence of max length 3
        # :param kwargs: extra argument passed to Volume and default transfer function

        # DEFAULT:

        # lighting=False, data_min=None, data_max=None, tf=None, stereo=False,
        # width=400, height=500,
        # ambient_coefficient=0.5, diffuse_coefficient=0.8,
        # specular_coefficient=0.5, specular_exponent=5,
        # downscale=1,
        # level=[0.1, 0.5, 0.9], opacity=[0.01, 0.05, 0.1], level_width=0.1,

        level = [0.2]
        #opacity = [0.05, 0.0, 0.0]
        opacity = [0.08, 0.0, 0.0]
        level_width = 0.2
        level_width = [level_width] * 3

        kwargs = dict()
        kwargs["width"] = width
        kwargs["height"] = height
        kwargs["stereo"] = False
        kwargs["level"] = level
        kwargs["opacity"] = opacity
        kwargs["level_width"] = level_width
        kwargs["downscale"] = 1

        # Create transfer function arguments
        tf_kwargs = {}

        # Clip off lists
        min_length = min(len(level), len(level_width), len(opacity))
        level = list(level[:min_length])
        opacity = list(opacity[:min_length])
        level_width = list(level_width[:min_length])
        # append with zeros
        while len(level) < 3:
        while len(opacity) < 3:
        while len(level_width) < 3:
        for i in range(1,4):
            tf_kwargs["level"+str(i)] = level[i-1]
            tf_kwargs["opacity"+str(i)] = opacity[i-1]
            tf_kwargs["width"+str(i)] = level_width[i-1]
        tf = TransferFunctionWidgetJs3(**tf_kwargs)

        # Set the transfer function
        kwargs["tf"] = tf

        # Set style
        if style == "dark": kwargs["style"] = dark
        elif style == "light": kwargs["style"] = light
        elif style == "minimal": kwargs["style"] = minimal
        else: raise ValueError("Invalid style: " + style)

        # Create the volume plot
        vol = ipyvolume.quickvolshow(data=data.T, **kwargs)
        #vol = p3.volshow(data=data, **kwargs)

        # SHOW?
        if show:
        return vol

    else: return data
コード例 #44
ファイル: clear_simulations.py プロジェクト: SKIRT/PTS
for host_id in config.remotes:

    # Check whether the remote is available
    if config.full:
        remote = Remote()
        if not remote.setup(host_id):
            log.warning("The remote host '" + host_id + "' is not available: skipping ...")
    else: remote = None

    # Determine the path to the run directory for the specified remote host
    host_run_path = fs.join(introspection.skirt_run_dir, host_id)

    # Check if there are simulations
    if not fs.is_directory(host_run_path):
        log.debug("No run directory for host '" + host_id + "'")
    if fs.is_empty(host_run_path): log.debug("No simulations for host '" + host_id + "'")

    # Loop over the simulation files in the run directory
    for path, name in fs.files_in_path(host_run_path, extension="sim", returns=["path", "name"], sort=int):

        # Skip
        if config.ids is not None and int(name) not in config.ids: continue

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Removing simulation " + name + " ...")

        # Fully clear
        if config.full:
コード例 #45
    def make_point_sources_fixed_fwhm(self, masks=None):

        This function ...
        :param masks:

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Making point sources with a fixed FWHM in each band ...")

        # Loop over the 'star' filters
        for fltr in self.star_filters:

            # Debugging
            log.debug("Making point sources for the '" + str(fltr) + "' image ...")

            # Get pixelscale
            pixelscale = self.frames[fltr].average_pixelscale

            # Debugging
            log.debug("The pixelscale of the image is " + stringify.stringify(pixelscale)[1])

            # Determine the FWHM in pixel coordinates
            fwhm_pix = self.real_fwhms[fltr].to("arcsec").value / pixelscale.to("arcsec").value

            # Determine sigma
            sigma = statistics.fwhm_to_sigma * fwhm_pix

            # Only 'render' the Gaussian locally
            origin = PixelCoordinate(0.0, 0.0)
            amplitude = 1.
            min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, rel_center = determine_patch_for_psf(origin, amplitude, sigma, keep_in_frame=False)

            # Make the model
            model = create_model(self.config.psf_model, amplitude, rel_center, sigma)

            # Evalute the model
            y, x = np.indices((max_y - min_y, max_x - min_x))
            data = model(x, y)

            # Keep track of the number of sources
            counter = 0

            # Loop over the coordinates in the point sources catalog
            for coordinate in self.point_source_catalog.coordinates():

                counter += 1

                # Debugging
                log.debug("Adding source " + str(counter) + " of " + str(len(self.point_source_catalog)) + " ...")

                # Check whether it falls in the frame
                if not self.frames[fltr].contains(coordinate): continue

                # Convert into pixel coordinate
                pixel_coordinate = coordinate.to_pixel(self.frames[fltr].wcs)

                # Get the corresponding pixel
                pixel = Pixel.for_coordinate(pixel_coordinate)

                # Check whether not masked
                if masks is not None and fltr in masks and masks[fltr][pixel.y, pixel.x]: continue

                # Generate a random amplitude (from 100 till 100 000)
                amplitude_exponent = np.random.uniform(2., 5.)
                amplitude = 10 ** amplitude_exponent

                # Calculate absolute minima and maxima
                source_min_x = min_x + pixel.x
                source_max_x = max_x + pixel.x
                source_min_y = min_y + pixel.y
                source_max_y = max_y + pixel.y

                source_xsize = source_max_x - source_min_x
                source_ysize = source_max_y - source_min_y

                # Correct
                if source_min_x < 0:
                    cut_x_min = - source_min_x
                    source_min_x = 0
                else: cut_x_min = 0

                if source_max_x >= self.frames[fltr].xsize:
                    cut_x_max = source_xsize - (source_max_x - self.frames[fltr].xsize)
                    source_max_x = self.frames[fltr].xsize
                else: cut_x_max = source_xsize

                if source_min_y < 0:
                    cut_y_min = - source_min_y
                    source_min_y = 0
                else: cut_y_min = 0

                if source_max_y >= self.frames[fltr].ysize:
                    cut_y_max = source_ysize - (source_max_y - self.frames[fltr].ysize)
                    source_max_y = self.frames[fltr].ysize
                else: cut_y_max = source_ysize

                # Create the final data for this source
                source_data = data[cut_y_min:cut_y_max, cut_x_min:cut_x_max] * amplitude

                # Add the data
                self.frames[fltr][source_min_y:source_max_y, source_min_x:source_max_x] += source_data
コード例 #46
    for name in maps:

        # Get the map
        comparison_map = maps[name]


        if not comparison_map.wcs.is_celestial:
            log.warning("The " + name + " " + which_map +
                        " dust map doesn't have a celestial WCS: skipping ...")

        # Debugging
            "Bringing the reference and comparison image to the same resolution ..."

        # Rebin to same pixel grid
        frames = NamedFrameList(reference=the_map, comparison=comparison_map)



        # Normalize both frames

        # REplace nans
コード例 #47
ファイル: multiply.py プロジェクト: SKIRT/PTS
    new_filepath = fs.appended_filepath(config.filepath, "_backup")
    fs.copy_file(config.filepath, new_filepath)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Inform the user
log.info("Loading the image '" + config.filepath + "' ...")

# Load the image
image = Image.from_file(config.filepath)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Debugging
sum_before = np.nansum(image.primary.data)
log.debug("Sum of the primary frame before multiplication is " + str(sum_before))

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Inform th euser
log.info("Multiplying the image with a factor of " + str(config.factor) + " ...")

# Multiply
image *= config.factor

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Debugging
sum_after = np.nansum(image.primary.data)
log.debug("Sum of the primary frame after multiplication is " + str(sum_after))
コード例 #48
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: rag9704/PTS
    def make_old_stars_maps_bulge(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Making map of old stellar bulge ...")

        # Get decomposition properties
        #properties = get_properties(self.config.galaxy)
        components = get_components(self.config.galaxy)
        disk_pa = components["disk"].position_angle

        # Create a Sersic model for the bulge
        bulge_deprojection_method = "tilt"
        print("axial ratio:", components["bulge"].axial_ratio)
        print("inclination:", self.inclination)
        components["bulge"].axial_ratio = 1. / components["bulge"].axial_ratio
        bulge = SersicModel3D.from_2d(


        # Create the 'earth' projection system
        azimuth = 0.0
        projection = GalaxyProjection.from_wcs(self.get_wcs("I2"),
                                               self.distance, self.inclination,
                                               azimuth, disk_pa)

        # Create instrument from projection
        instrument = SimpleInstrument.from_projection(projection)

        # Inform the user
        log.debug("Creating ski file to simulate the bulge image ...")

        # Load the bulge ski file template
        bulge_template_path = fs.join(template_path, "bulge.ski")
        ski = SkiFile(bulge_template_path)

        npackages = 1e7

        # Set the number of photon packages

        # Set the bulge geometry
        ski.set_stellar_component_geometry(0, bulge)

        # Remove all existing instruments

        # Add the instruments
        ski.add_instrument(instrument_name, instrument)

        # Determine the simulation path
        simulation_path = fs.create_directory_in(self.path, "bulge")

        # Determine the path to the ski file
        ski_path = fs.join(simulation_path, "bulge.ski")

        # Save the ski file to the new path

        # Determine the path to the simulation output directory and create it
        out_path = fs.create_directory_in(simulation_path, "out")

        # Inform the user
        log.debug("Running the bulge simulation ...")

        # The SKIRT launching environment
        launcher = SingleImageSKIRTLauncher()

        # Load the PSF kernel and prepare
        aniano = AnianoKernels()
        psf = aniano.get_psf("I2")

        # Simulate the bulge image
        fluxdensity = components["bulge"].fluxdensity
        bulge_image = launcher.run(ski_path,

        # Determine path for the bulge map
        path = fs.join(self.maps_path, old_bulge_filename)

        # Save the bulge map