コード例 #1
ファイル: __main__.py プロジェクト: Stargrazer82301/CAAPR
    sys.argv[0] = target
    del sys.argv[1]
    print "Executing: " + match[0] + "/" + match[1] + " " + " ".join(sys.argv[1:])
    exec open(target)

# If there is an unique match in a table
elif len(table_matches) == 1 and len(matches) == 0:

    subproject, index = table_matches[0]
    command_name = tables[subproject]["Command"][index]
    description = tables[subproject]["Description"][index]
    class_path_relative = tables[subproject]["Path"][index]
    class_path = "pts." + subproject + "." + class_path_relative
    module_path, class_name = class_path.rsplit('.', 1)

    subproject_path = introspection.pts_subproject_dir(subproject)

    sys.argv[0] = fs.join(introspection.pts_root_dir, module_path.replace(".", "/") + ".py") # this is actually not necessary (and not really correct, it's not like we are calling the module where the class is..)
    del sys.argv[1] # but this is important

    module = importlib.import_module(module_path)

    cls = getattr(module, class_name)

    # Import things
    from pts.core.tools import logging
    from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationReader


    configuration_name = tables[subproject]["Configuration"][index]
コード例 #2
ファイル: depends.py プロジェクト: wdobbels/CAAPR
    elif len(table_matches) == 1 and len(matches) == 0:

        # from pts.core.tools import logging
        # configuration

        # Path to class module

        table_match = table_matches[0]
        subproject = table_match[0]
        index = table_match[1]

        relative_class_module_path = tables[subproject]["Path"][index].replace(
            ".", "/").rsplit("/", 1)[0] + ".py"

        class_module_path = fs.join(

        logging_path = fs.join(introspection.pts_package_dir, "core", "tools",

        command_name = tables[subproject]["Command"][index]
        configuration_name = tables[subproject]["Configuration"][index]
        if configuration_name == "--": configuration_name = command_name
        configuration_module_path = fs.join(
            "pts/" + subproject + "/config/" + configuration_name + ".py")

        # Add dependencies
        encountered = set()
        introspection.add_dependencies(dependencies, logging_path, encountered)
コード例 #3
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: SKIRT/PTS
def run_configurable(table_matches, args, tables):

    This function ...
    :param table_matches:
    :param args:
    :param tables:

    # Determine the configuration method
    configuration_method = None
    if args.interactive: configuration_method = "interactive"
    elif args.arguments: configuration_method = "arguments"
    elif args.configfile is not None: configuration_method = "file:" + args.configfile
    elif args.rerun: configuration_method = "last"

    # Regenerate the configuration method option
    if args.interactive: configuration_method_argument = "--interactive"
    elif args.arguments: configuration_method_argument = "--arguments"
    elif args.configfile is not None: configuration_method_argument = "--configfile '" + args.configfile + "'"
    elif args.rerun: configuration_method_argument = "--rerun"
    else: configuration_method_argument = ""

    # Resolve
    subproject, index = table_matches[0]
    resolved = introspection.resolve_from_match(subproject, tables[subproject], index)

    # Get properties
    title = resolved.title
    command_name = resolved.command_name
    hidden = resolved.hidden
    description = resolved.description
    module_path = resolved.module_path
    class_name = resolved.class_name
    configuration_method_table = resolved.configuration_method
    configuration_module_path = resolved.configuration_module_path
    subproject_path = introspection.pts_subproject_dir(subproject)

    # Set
    sys.argv[0] = fs.join(introspection.pts_root_dir, module_path.replace(".", "/") + ".py") # this is actually not necessary (and not really correct, it's not like we are calling the module where the class is..)
    del sys.argv[1] # but this is important

    # Get a list of the leftover arguments
    leftover_arguments = sys.argv[1:]

    # Welcome message
    if subproject == "modeling": welcome_modeling()
    elif subproject == "magic": welcome_magic()
    elif subproject == "dustpedia": welcome_dustpedia()
    elif subproject == "evolve": welcome_evolve()

    # Special
    if subproject == "modeling": check_modeling_cwd(command_name, fs.cwd())

    # Get the configuration definition
    definition = introspection.get_configuration_definition_pts_not_yet_in_pythonpath(configuration_module_path)

    # If not specified on the command line (before the command name), then use the default specified in the commands.dat file
    if configuration_method is None: configuration_method = configuration_method_table

    # Check whether arguments are passed and the configuration method is interactive
    if configuration_method == "interactive" and len(leftover_arguments) > 0: raise ValueError("Arguments on the command-line are not supported by default for this command. Run with pts --arguments to change this behaviour.")

    # Create the configuration
    config = create_configuration(definition, command_name, description, configuration_method)

    ## SAVE THE CONFIG if requested
    if config.write_config:
        config_filepath = config.config_file_path(command_name)
    else: config_filepath = None

    # If this is not a re-run
    if not args.rerun:
        if not fs.is_directory(introspection.pts_user_config_dir): fs.create_directory(introspection.pts_user_config_dir)
        config_cache_path = fs.join(introspection.pts_user_config_dir, command_name + ".cfg")

    # Setup function
    if subproject == "modeling": setup_modeling(command_name, fs.cwd(), configuration_method_argument)
    elif subproject == "magic": setup_magic(command_name, fs.cwd())
    elif subproject == "dustpedia": setup_dustpedia(command_name, fs.cwd())
    elif subproject == "evolve": setup_evolve(command_name, fs.cwd())

    # Initialize the logger
    log = initialize_pts(config, remote=args.remote, command_name=command_name)

    # Exact command name
    exact_command_name = subproject + "/" + command_name

    # If the PTS command has to be executed remotely
    if args.remote is not None: run_remotely(exact_command_name, config, args.keep, args.remote, log)

    # The PTS command has to be executed locally
    else: run_locally(exact_command_name, module_path, class_name, config, args.input_files, args.output_files, args.output, log)

    # Finish function
    if subproject == "modeling": finish_modeling(command_name, fs.cwd(), config_path=config_filepath)
    elif subproject == "magic": finish_magic(command_name, fs.cwd())
    elif subproject == "dustpedia": finish_dustpedia(command_name, fs.cwd())
    elif subproject == "evolve": finish_evolve(command_name, fs.cwd())
コード例 #4
def run_configurable(table_matches, args, tables):
    This function ...
    :param table_matches:
    :param args:
    :param tables:

    # Determine the configuration method
    configuration_method = None
    if args.interactive: configuration_method = "interactive"
    elif args.arguments: configuration_method = "arguments"
    elif args.configfile is not None:
        configuration_method = "file:" + args.configfile
    elif args.rerun:
        configuration_method = "last"

    # Resolve
    subproject, index = table_matches[0]
    resolved = introspection.resolve_from_match(subproject, tables[subproject],

    # Get properties
    title = resolved.title
    command_name = resolved.command_name
    hidden = resolved.hidden
    description = resolved.description
    module_path = resolved.module_path
    class_name = resolved.class_name
    configuration_method_table = resolved.configuration_method
    configuration_module_path = resolved.configuration_module_path
    subproject_path = introspection.pts_subproject_dir(subproject)

    # Set
    sys.argv[0] = fs.join(
        module_path.replace(".", "/") + ".py"
    )  # this is actually not necessary (and not really correct, it's not like we are calling the module where the class is..)
    del sys.argv[1]  # but this is important

    # Get a list of the leftover arguments
    leftover_arguments = sys.argv[1:]

    # Welcome message
    if subproject == "modeling": welcome_modeling()
    elif subproject == "magic": welcome_magic()
    elif subproject == "dustpedia": welcome_dustpedia()
    elif subproject == "evolve": welcome_evolve()

    # Get the configuration definition
    definition = introspection.get_configuration_definition_pts_not_yet_in_pythonpath(

    # If not specified on the command line (before the command name), then use the default specified in the commands.dat file
    if configuration_method is None:
        configuration_method = configuration_method_table

    # Check whether arguments are passed and the configuration method is interactive
    if configuration_method == "interactive" and len(leftover_arguments) > 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "Arguments on the command-line are not supported by default for this command. Run with pts --arguments to change this behaviour."

    # Create the configuration
    config = create_configuration(definition, command_name, description,

    ## SAVE THE CONFIG if requested
    if config.write_config:

    # If this is not a re-run
    if not args.rerun:
        if not fs.is_directory(introspection.pts_user_config_dir):
        config_cache_path = fs.join(introspection.pts_user_config_dir,
                                    command_name + ".cfg")

    # Setup function
    if subproject == "modeling": setup_modeling(command_name, fs.cwd())
    elif subproject == "magic": setup_magic(command_name, fs.cwd())
    elif subproject == "dustpedia": setup_dustpedia(command_name, fs.cwd())
    elif subproject == "evolve": setup_evolve(command_name, fs.cwd())

    # Initialize the logger
    log = initialize_pts(config, remote=args.remote, command_name=command_name)

    # Exact command name
    exact_command_name = subproject + "/" + command_name

    # If the PTS command has to be executed remotely
    if args.remote is not None:
        run_remotely(exact_command_name, config, args.keep, args.remote, log)

        # The PTS command has to be executed locally
        run_locally(exact_command_name, module_path, class_name, config,
                    args.input_files, args.output_files, args.output, log)

    # Finish function
    if subproject == "modeling": finish_modeling(command_name, fs.cwd())
    elif subproject == "magic": finish_magic(command_name, fs.cwd())
    elif subproject == "dustpedia": finish_dustpedia(command_name, fs.cwd())
    elif subproject == "evolve": finish_evolve(command_name, fs.cwd())
コード例 #5
    def get_dependencies(self):
        This function ...

        # If no script name is given, list all dependencies of PTS and the
        # PTS modules that use them
        if self.config.script is None:

            if self.config.subprojects:

                self.dependencies = defaultdict(set)

                directories_for_subproject = defaultdict(list)

                # Loop over the subdirectories of the 'do' directory
                for path, name in fs.directories_in_path(
                        introspection.pts_do_dir, returns=["path", "name"]):
                    subproject = name

                # Loop over the other directories in 'pts' (other than 'do' and 'doc')
                for path, name in fs.directories_in_path(
                        returns=["path", "name"],
                        exact_not_name=["do", "doc"]):
                    subproject = name

                encountered_internal_modules = set()

                for subproject in directories_for_subproject:

                    # print(subproject, directories_for_subproject[subproject])

                    # List the dependencies of the matching script
                    dependencies_for_this = defaultdict(set)

                    for dir_path in directories_for_subproject[subproject]:

                        for file_path in fs.files_in_path(dir_path,
                            # if subproject == "dustpedia": print(file_path)

                                dependencies_for_this, file_path,

                        subproject] = dependencies_for_this.keys()

                    for dependency in dependencies_for_this:
                        for name in dependencies_for_this[dependency]:

            # No subprojects are specified, list all PTS dependencies
                self.dependencies = introspection.get_all_dependencies()

        # If a script name is given

            scripts = introspection.get_scripts()
            tables = introspection.get_arguments_tables()

            # Find matching 'do' commands (actual scripts or tabulated commands)
            matches = introspection.find_matches_scripts(
                self.config.script, scripts)
            table_matches = introspection.find_matches_tables(
                self.config.script, tables)

            # List the dependencies of the matching script
            self.dependencies = defaultdict(set)

            # No match
            if len(matches) + len(table_matches) == 0:
                show_all_available(scripts, tables)

            # More matches
            elif len(matches) + len(table_matches) > 1:
                show_possible_matches(matches, table_matches, tables)

            # Exactly one match from existing do script
            elif len(matches) == 1 and len(table_matches) == 0:

                # Determine the full path to the matching script
                script_path = fs.join(introspection.pts_do_dir, matches[0][0],

                introspection.add_dependencies(self.dependencies, script_path,

            # Exactly one match from tabulated command
            elif len(table_matches) == 1 and len(matches) == 0:

                # from pts.core.tools import logging
                # configuration

                # Path to class module

                table_match = table_matches[0]
                subproject = table_match[0]
                index = table_match[1]

                relative_class_module_path = tables[subproject]["Path"][
                    index].replace(".", "/").rsplit("/", 1)[0] + ".py"

                class_module_path = fs.join(

                logging_path = fs.join(introspection.pts_package_dir, "core",
                                       "tools", "logging.py")

                command_name = tables[subproject]["Command"][index]
                configuration_name = tables[subproject]["Configuration"][index]
                if configuration_name == "--":
                    configuration_name = command_name
                configuration_module_path = fs.join(
                    introspection.pts_root_dir, "pts/" + subproject +
                    "/config/" + configuration_name + ".py")

                # Add dependencies
                encountered = set()
                introspection.add_dependencies(self.dependencies, logging_path,
                                               class_module_path, encountered)
コード例 #6
ファイル: depends.py プロジェクト: Stargrazer82301/CAAPR
    # Exactly one match from tabulated command
    elif len(table_matches) == 1 and len(matches) == 0:

        # from pts.core.tools import logging
        # configuration

        # Path to class module

        table_match = table_matches[0]
        subproject = table_match[0]
        index = table_match[1]

        relative_class_module_path = tables[subproject]["Path"][index].replace(".", "/").rsplit("/", 1)[0] + ".py"

        class_module_path = fs.join(introspection.pts_subproject_dir(subproject), relative_class_module_path)

        logging_path = fs.join(introspection.pts_package_dir, "core", "tools", "logging.py")

        command_name = tables[subproject]["Command"][index]
        configuration_name = tables[subproject]["Configuration"][index]
        if configuration_name == "--": configuration_name = command_name
        configuration_module_path = fs.join(introspection.pts_root_dir, "pts/" + subproject + "/config/" + configuration_name + ".py")

        # Add dependencies
        encountered = set()
        introspection.add_dependencies(dependencies, logging_path, encountered)
        introspection.add_dependencies(dependencies, configuration_module_path, encountered)
        introspection.add_dependencies(dependencies, class_module_path, encountered)

# Get the names and versions of all installed python packages
コード例 #7
ファイル: dependencies.py プロジェクト: SKIRT/PTS
    def get_dependencies(self):

        This function ...

        # If no script name is given, list all dependencies of PTS and the
        # PTS modules that use them
        if self.config.script is None:

            if self.config.subprojects:

                self.dependencies = defaultdict(set)

                directories_for_subproject = defaultdict(list)

                # Loop over the subdirectories of the 'do' directory
                for path, name in fs.directories_in_path(introspection.pts_do_dir, returns=["path", "name"]):
                    subproject = name

                # Loop over the other directories in 'pts' (other than 'do' and 'doc')
                for path, name in fs.directories_in_path(introspection.pts_package_dir, returns=["path", "name"],
                                                         exact_not_name=["do", "doc"]):
                    subproject = name

                encountered_internal_modules = set()

                for subproject in directories_for_subproject:

                    # print(subproject, directories_for_subproject[subproject])

                    # List the dependencies of the matching script
                    dependencies_for_this = defaultdict(set)

                    for dir_path in directories_for_subproject[subproject]:

                        for file_path in fs.files_in_path(dir_path, extension="py", recursive=True):
                            # if subproject == "dustpedia": print(file_path)

                            introspection.add_dependencies(dependencies_for_this, file_path,

                    self.dependencies_for_subproject[subproject] = dependencies_for_this.keys()

                    for dependency in dependencies_for_this:
                        for name in dependencies_for_this[dependency]:

            # No subprojects are specified, list all PTS dependencies
            else: self.dependencies = introspection.get_all_dependencies()

        # If a script name is given

            scripts = introspection.get_scripts()
            tables = introspection.get_arguments_tables()

            # Find matching 'do' commands (actual scripts or tabulated commands)
            matches = introspection.find_matches_scripts(self.config.script, scripts)
            table_matches = introspection.find_matches_tables(self.config.script, tables)

            # List the dependencies of the matching script
            self.dependencies = defaultdict(set)

            # No match
            if len(matches) + len(table_matches) == 0:
                show_all_available(scripts, tables)

            # More matches
            elif len(matches) + len(table_matches) > 1:
                show_possible_matches(matches, table_matches, tables)

            # Exactly one match from existing do script
            elif len(matches) == 1 and len(table_matches) == 0:

                # Determine the full path to the matching script
                script_path = fs.join(introspection.pts_do_dir, matches[0][0], matches[0][1])

                introspection.add_dependencies(self.dependencies, script_path, set())

            # Exactly one match from tabulated command
            elif len(table_matches) == 1 and len(matches) == 0:

                # from pts.core.tools import logging
                # configuration

                # Path to class module

                table_match = table_matches[0]
                subproject = table_match[0]
                index = table_match[1]

                relative_class_module_path = tables[subproject]["Path"][index].replace(".", "/").rsplit("/", 1)[0] + ".py"
                class_module_path = fs.join(introspection.pts_subproject_dir(subproject), relative_class_module_path)
                logging_path = fs.join(introspection.pts_package_dir, "core", "basics", "log.py")

                command_name = tables[subproject]["Command"][index]
                configuration_name = tables[subproject]["Configuration"][index]
                if configuration_name == "--": configuration_name = command_name
                configuration_module_path = fs.join(introspection.pts_root_dir,
                                                    "pts/" + subproject + "/config/" + configuration_name + ".py")

                # Add dependencies
                encountered = set()
                introspection.add_dependencies(self.dependencies, logging_path, encountered)
                introspection.add_dependencies(self.dependencies, configuration_module_path, encountered)
                introspection.add_dependencies(self.dependencies, class_module_path, encountered)