コード例 #1
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: clayne/syringe-1
    def __padding(self):
        data = self['e_data'].li
        sections, segments = data['e_shoff'], data['e_phoff']

        position = sum(self[fld].li.size() for fld in ['e_ident', 'e_data', 'e_dataentries'])
        entry = min([item for item in [sections.int(), sections.int()] if item > position])

        return ptype.clone(ptype.block, length=max(0, entry - position))
コード例 #2
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: clayne/syringe-1
    def __members(self):
        res, t = self['armag'].li, self._members
        if isinstance(self.source, ptypes.prov.bounded):
            expected = self.source.size() - res.size()
            return ptype.clone(t, blocksize=lambda _, cb=max(0, expected): cb)

        cls = self.__class__
        logging.warning("{:s} : Unable to determine number of members for {!s} when reading from an unbounded source.".format(self.instance(), t))
        return t
コード例 #3
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: clayne/syringe-1
    def __e_data(self):
        e_ident = self['e_ident'].li

        # Figure out the EI_CLASS to determine the Ehdr size
        ei_class = e_ident['EI_CLASS']
        if ei_class['ELFCLASS32']:
            t = header.Elf32_Ehdr
        elif ei_class['ELFCLASS64']:
            t = header.Elf64_Ehdr
            raise NotImplementedError(ei_class)

        # Now we can clone it using the byteorder from EI_DATA
        ei_data = e_ident['EI_DATA']
        return ptype.clone(t, recurse={'byteorder': ei_data.order()})
コード例 #4
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: clayne/syringe-1
    def __e_sectionhdrentries(self):
        data = self['e_data'].li
        sections, segments = data['e_shoff'], data['e_phoff']

        if isinstance(self.source, ptypes.provider.memorybase):
            return ptype.undefined

        e_ident = self['e_ident'].li
        ei_class = e_ident['EI_CLASS']
        if ei_class['ELFCLASS32']:
            t = section.Elf32_Shdr
        elif ei_class['ELFCLASS64']:
            t = section.Elf64_Shdr
            raise NotImplementedError(ei_class)

        # FIXME: this needs to be properly calculated to ensure it's actually next
        count = data['e_shnum'].int() if segments.int() < sections.int() else 0

        return ptype.clone(header.ShdrEntries, _object_=t, length=count)
コード例 #5
ファイル: pstruct.py プロジェクト: arizvisa/syringe
 def __b(self):
     return ptype.clone(pint.int_t, length=self['a'].li.int())
コード例 #6
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: d0c-s4vage/syringe
def protocol(layer):
    return ptype.clone(layers, protocol=layer)
コード例 #7
ファイル: parray.py プロジェクト: arizvisa/syringe
 def _object_(self):
     length = 0 if len(self.value) == 0 else (self.value[-1].length+1)%4
     return ptype.clone(pint.uint_t,length=length)
コード例 #8
ファイル: parray.py プロジェクト: arizvisa/syringe
 def test_array_set_initialized_instance():
     b = ptype.clone(parray.type,_object_=pint.uint8_t,length=4)
     a = parray.type(_object_=pint.uint8_t,length=4).a
     a.set(tuple(pint.uint32_t().set(0x40) for x in six.moves.range(4)))
     if sum(x.int() for x in a) == 256:
         raise Success
コード例 #9
ファイル: parray.py プロジェクト: arizvisa/syringe
 def test_array_set_initialized_container():
     b = ptype.clone(parray.type,_object_=pint.uint8_t,length=4)
     a = parray.type(_object_=pint.uint8_t,length=4).a
     if sum(x.size() for x in a) == 16:
         raise Success
コード例 #10
ファイル: parray.py プロジェクト: lotusexpeditor/syringe
 def _object_(self):
     length = 0 if len(self.value) == 0 else (self.value[-1].length+1)%4
     return ptype.clone(pint.uint_t,length=length)
コード例 #11
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: clayne/syringe-1
 def _object_(self, items=sorted):
     item = items[len(self.value)]
     if isinstance(item, segment.ElfXX_Phdr):
         return ptype.clone(segment_t, __segment__=item)
     return ptype.clone(section_t, __section__=item)
コード例 #12
ファイル: parray.py プロジェクト: lotusexpeditor/syringe
 def test_array_set_initialized_container():
     b = ptype.clone(parray.type,_object_=pint.uint8_t,length=4)
     a = parray.type(_object_=pint.uint8_t,length=4).a
     if sum(x.size() for x in a) == 16:
         raise Success
コード例 #13
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: mmg1/syringe-1
def protocol(layer):
    return ptype.clone(layers, protocol=layer)
コード例 #14
 def __b(self):
     return ptype.clone(pint.int_t, length=self['a'].li.int())
コード例 #15
ファイル: parray.py プロジェクト: lotusexpeditor/syringe
 def test_array_set_initialized_instance():
     b = ptype.clone(parray.type,_object_=pint.uint8_t,length=4)
     a = parray.type(_object_=pint.uint8_t,length=4).a
     a.set(tuple(pint.uint32_t().set(0x40) for x in range(4)))
     if sum(x.int() for x in a) == 256:
         raise Success
コード例 #16
 class st1(pstruct.type):
     _fields_ = [
         (pint.int8_t, 'a'),
         (lambda s: ptype.clone(pint.int_t, length=s['a'].li.int()),
コード例 #17
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: clayne/syringe-1
    def __e_dataentries(self):
        data = self['e_data'].li
        if isinstance(self.source, ptypes.provider.memorybase):
            return ptype.clone(parray.type, _object_=segment.MemorySegmentData, length=0)

        # If we're using a file source, then we'll need to include both sections
        # _and_ segments. We'll also create some lookup dicts so that we can
        # identify which type is at a particular offset. This way we can give
        # the sections priority since we're dealing with files.
        sections, segments = data['e_shoff'].d, data['e_phoff'].d
        segmentlist = [phdr for _, phdr in segments.li.sorted()]
        sectionlist = [shdr for _, shdr in sections.li.sorted()]

        segmentlookup = {phdr['p_offset'].int() : phdr for phdr in segmentlist}
        segmentlookup.update({phdr['p_offset'].int() + phdr.getreadsize() : phdr for phdr in segmentlist if phdr.getreadsize() > 0})

        sectionlookup = {shdr['sh_offset'].int() : shdr for shdr in sectionlist}
        sectionlookup.update({shdr['sh_offset'].int() + shdr.getreadsize() : shdr for shdr in sectionlist if shdr.getreadsize() > 0})

        # Now we need to sort both of them into a single list so we can figure
        # out the layout of this executable. To do this, we're just going to
        # create a list of the offset of each boundary. This way we can use
        # our lookup tables to figure out which type is the right one.
        layout = []
        for phdr in segmentlist:
            offset = phdr['p_offset'].int()
            bisect.insort(layout, offset)
            bisect.insort(layout, offset + phdr.getreadsize())

        for shdr in sectionlist:
            offset = shdr['sh_offset'].int()
            bisect.insort(layout, offset)
            bisect.insort(layout, offset + shdr.getreadsize())

        # Our layout contains the boundaries of all of our sections, so now
        # we need to walk our layout and determine whether there's a section
        # or a segment at that particular address.

        # FIXME: we need to filter out segments here if we found a section that
        #        is contained within it.
        sorted, used = [], {item for item in []}
        for boundary, _ in itertools.groupby(layout):
            item = sectionlookup.get(boundary, segmentlookup.get(boundary, None))
            if item is None or item in used:

        # Figure out which types we need to use depending on the source
        if isinstance(self.source, ptypes.provider.memorybase):
            section_t, segment_t = section.SectionData, segment.MemorySegmentData
            section_t, segment_t = section.SectionData, segment.FileSegmentData

        # Everything has been sorted, so now we can construct our array and
        # align it properly to load as many contiguous pieces as possible.
        def _object_(self, items=sorted):
            item = items[len(self.value)]
            if isinstance(item, segment.ElfXX_Phdr):
                return ptype.clone(segment_t, __segment__=item)
            return ptype.clone(section_t, __section__=item)

        # Finally we can construct our array composed of the proper types
        return ptype.clone(parray.type, _object_=_object_, length=len(sorted))