def getFileDocumentEntity(self, fileDescriptor: FileDescriptor, title: str, author: str, pageCount: int, wordCount: int, characterCount: int) -> None: ''' # TODO ''' table = self.table coreModuleTables = self.coreModuleTables fileEntity = self.coreModuleQuerier.getFileInDatabase(fileDescriptor) s = select([ table['file_document'] ]).\ where(and_( coreModuleTables['file'] == fileEntity['id'] )) i = table['file_document'].insert().values(id_file=fileEntity['id'], title=title, author=author, pages=pageCount, words=wordCount, characters=characterCount) return dbTools.getSingletonEntity(s, i, self.dbEngine, allowParallel=True)
def getFilePathEntity(self, filePath: str, fileSchemeAndHost: str): ''' Get the database value for the given filePath. :param filePath: The file path to retrieve. :type filePath: str :param fileSchemeAndHost: The file scheme and host to support multiple locations :type filePath: str :return: A file path entity :rtype: dict ''' table = self.table s = select([ table['file_path'] ]).\ where(table['file_path'].c.path == filePath) i = table['file_path'].insert().values(path=filePath, scheme_host=fileSchemeAndHost) return dbTools.getSingletonEntity(s, i, self.dbEngine, allowParallel=False)
def getFileEntity(self, fileDescriptor: FileDescriptor, fileMimeEntity: any, fileEncodingEntity: any, filePathEntity: any): ''' Add a file entity in the database. :param fileDescriptor: A file descriptor. :type fileDescriptor: :class:`public.fileDescriptor.FileDescriptor` :param fileMimeEntity: dict :type fileMimeEntity: A file mime entity. :param fileEncodingEntity: A file encoding entity :type fileEncodingEntity: dict :param filePathEntity: A file path entity. :type filePathEntity: dict :return: A file entity :rtype: dict ''' table = self.table s = select([ table['file'] ]).\ where(and_( table['file'].c.id_file_mime == fileMimeEntity['id'], table['file'].c.id_file_encoding == fileEncodingEntity['id'], table['file'].c.id_file_path == filePathEntity['id'], table['file'].c.filename == )) i = table['file'].insert().values( id_file_mime=fileMimeEntity['id'], id_file_encoding=fileEncodingEntity['id'], id_file_path=filePathEntity['id'],, size_kilobyte=fileDescriptor.sizeKB, last_update=fileDescriptor.modificationDateTime, file_description=fileDescriptor.description) return dbTools.getSingletonEntity(s, i, self.dbEngine, allowParallel=True)
def getMetaNameEntity(self, metaName: str): ''' Get the database value for the given meta name. :param filePath: The meta name to retrieve. :type filePath: str :return: A file path entity :rtype: dict ''' table = self.table s = select([ table['meta_name'] ]).\ where(table['meta_name'] == metaName) i = table['meta_name'].insert().values(name=metaName) return dbTools.getSingletonEntity(s, i, self.dbEngine)
def getMetaValueEntity(self, documentEntity: dict, metaNameEntity: dict, metaValue: str): ''' __TODO__ ''' table = self.table s = select([ table['meta_value'] ]).\ where(and_( table['meta_value'].c.id_meta_name == metaNameEntity['id'], table['meta_value'].c.id_file_document == documentEntity['id'], table['meta_value'].c.value == str(metaValue)[:511] )) i = table['meta_value'].insert().values( id_meta_name=metaNameEntity['id'], id_file_document=documentEntity['id'], value=metaValue) return dbTools.getSingletonEntity(s, i, self.dbEngine)
def getChapterEntity(self, parentChapterEntity: dict or None, chapterTitle: str): ''' __TODO__ ''' table = self.table parentChapterId = None if parentChapterEntity: parentChapterId = parentChapterEntity['id'] s = select([ table['chapter'] ]).\ where(and_( table['chapter'].c.id_parent_chapter == parentChapterId, table['chapter'].c.title == chapterTitle )) i = table['chapter'].insert().values(id_parent_chapter=parentChapterId, title=chapterTitle) return dbTools.getSingletonEntity(s, i, self.dbEngine)
def getFileMimeEntity(self, fileMime: str): ''' Get the database value for the given fileMime. :param fileMime: The file mime to retrieve. :type fileMime: str :return: A file mime entity :rtype: dict ''' table = self.table s = select([ table['file_mime'] ]).\ where(table['file_mime'].c.mime == fileMime) i = table['file_mime'].insert().values(mime=fileMime) return dbTools.getSingletonEntity(s, i, self.dbEngine, allowParallel=False)
def getFileEncodingEntity(self, fileEncoding: str): ''' Get the database value for the given fileEncoding. :param fileEncoding: The file encoding to retrieve. :type fileEncoding: str :return: A file encoding entity :rtype: dict ''' table = self.table s = select([ table['file_encoding'] ]).\ where(table['file_encoding'].c.encoding == fileEncoding) i = table['file_encoding'].insert().values(encoding=fileEncoding) return dbTools.getSingletonEntity(s, i, self.dbEngine, allowParallel=False)