def get_crond_find(self, get): id = int( data = public.M('crontab').where('id=?', (id, )).field(self.field).find() return data
def UpdatePanel(self, get): try: if not public.IsRestart(): return public.returnMsg(False, 'EXEC_ERR_TASK') import json if int(session['config']['status']) == 0: public.HttpGet( public.GetConfigValue('home') + '/Api/SetupCount?type=Linux') public.M('config').where("id=?", ('1', )).setField('status', 1) #取回远程版本信息 if 'updateInfo' in session and hasattr(get, 'check') == False: updateInfo = session['updateInfo'] else: logs = '' import psutil, system, sys mem = psutil.virtual_memory() import panelPlugin mplugin = panelPlugin.panelPlugin() mplugin.ROWS = 10000 panelsys = system.system() data = {} data['sites'] = str(public.M('sites').count()) data['ftps'] = str(public.M('ftps').count()) data['databases'] = str(public.M('databases').count()) data['system'] = panelsys.GetSystemVersion() + '|' + str( / 1024 / 1024) + 'MB|' + str(public.getCpuType()) + '*' + str( psutil.cpu_count()) + '|' + str( public.get_webserver()) + '|' + session['version'] data['system'] += '||' + self.GetInstalleds( mplugin.getPluginList(None)) data['logs'] = logs data['oem'] = '' data['intrusion'] = 0 data['uid'] = self.get_uid() #msg = public.getMsg('PANEL_UPDATE_MSG'); data['o'] = '' filename = '/www/server/panel/data/' if os.path.exists(filename): data['o'] = str(public.readFile(filename)) sUrl = public.GetConfigValue('home') + '/api/panel/updateLinux' updateInfo = json.loads(public.httpPost(sUrl, data)) if not updateInfo: return public.returnMsg(False, "CONNECT_ERR") #updateInfo['msg'] = msg; session['updateInfo'] = updateInfo #检查是否需要升级 if updateInfo['is_beta'] == 1: if updateInfo['beta']['version'] == session['version']: return public.returnMsg(False, updateInfo) else: if updateInfo['version'] == session['version']: return public.returnMsg(False, updateInfo) #是否执行升级程序 if (updateInfo['force'] == True or hasattr(get, 'toUpdate') == True or os.path.exists('data/') == True): if updateInfo['is_beta'] == 1: updateInfo['version'] = updateInfo['beta']['version'] setupPath = public.GetConfigValue('setup_path') uptype = 'update' httpUrl = public.get_url() if httpUrl: updateInfo[ 'downUrl'] = httpUrl + '/install/' + uptype + '/LinuxPanel-' + updateInfo[ 'version'] + '.zip' public.downloadFile(updateInfo['downUrl'], '') if os.path.getsize('') < 1048576: return public.returnMsg(False, "PANEL_UPDATE_ERR_DOWN") public.ExecShell('unzip -o -d ' + setupPath + '/') import compileall if os.path.exists('/www/server/panel/'): public.ExecShell('rm -f /www/server/panel/*.pyc') if os.path.exists('/www/server/panel/class/'): public.ExecShell('rm -f /www/server/panel/class/*.pyc') if os.path.exists(''): os.remove("") session['version'] = updateInfo['version'] if 'getCloudPlugin' in session: del (session['getCloudPlugin']) if updateInfo['is_beta'] == 1: self.to_beta() return public.returnMsg(True, 'PANEL_UPDATE', (updateInfo['version'], )) #输出新版本信息 data = { 'status': True, 'version': updateInfo['version'], 'updateMsg': updateInfo['updateMsg'] } public.ExecShell('rm -rf /www/server/phpinfo/*') return public.returnMsg(True, updateInfo) except Exception as ex: return public.returnMsg(False, "CONNECT_ERR")
def GetConcifInfo(self, get=None): #取环境配置信息 if not hasattr(web.ctx.session, 'config'): web.ctx.session.config = public.M('config').where( "id=?", ('1', )).field('webserver,sites_path,backup_path,status,mysql_root' ).find() if not hasattr(web.ctx.session.config, 'email'): web.ctx.session.config['email'] = public.M('users').where( "id=?", ('1', )).getField('email') data = {} data = web.ctx.session.config data['webserver'] = web.ctx.session.config['webserver'] #PHP版本 phpVersions = ('52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74') data['php'] = [] for version in phpVersions: tmp = {} tmp['setup'] = os.path.exists(self.setupPath + '/php/' + version + '/bin/php') if tmp['setup']: phpConfig = self.GetPHPConfig(version) tmp['version'] = version tmp['max'] = phpConfig['max'] tmp['maxTime'] = phpConfig['maxTime'] tmp['pathinfo'] = phpConfig['pathinfo'] tmp['status'] = os.path.exists('/tmp/php-cgi-' + version + '.sock') data['php'].append(tmp) tmp = {} data['webserver'] = '' serviceName = 'nginx' tmp['setup'] = False phpversion = "54" phpport = '888' pstatus = False pauth = False if os.path.exists(self.setupPath + '/nginx'): data['webserver'] = 'nginx' serviceName = 'nginx' tmp['setup'] = os.path.exists(self.setupPath + '/nginx/sbin/nginx') configFile = self.setupPath + '/nginx/conf/nginx.conf' try: if os.path.exists(configFile): conf = public.readFile(configFile) rep = "listen\s+([0-9]+)\s*;" rtmp =, conf) if rtmp: phpport = rtmp.groups()[0] if conf.find('AUTH_START') != -1: pauth = True if conf.find(self.setupPath + '/stop') == -1: pstatus = True configFile = self.setupPath + '/nginx/conf/enable-php.conf' conf = public.readFile(configFile) rep = "php-cgi-([0-9]+)\.sock" rtmp =, conf) if rtmp: phpversion = rtmp.groups()[0] except: pass elif os.path.exists(self.setupPath + '/apache'): data['webserver'] = 'apache' serviceName = 'httpd' tmp['setup'] = os.path.exists(self.setupPath + '/apache/bin/httpd') configFile = self.setupPath + '/apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf' try: if os.path.exists(configFile): conf = public.readFile(configFile) rep = "php-cgi-([0-9]+)\.sock" rtmp =, conf) if rtmp: phpversion = rtmp.groups()[0] rep = "Listen\s+([0-9]+)\s*\n" rtmp =, conf) if rtmp: phpport = rtmp.groups()[0] if conf.find('AUTH_START') != -1: pauth = True if conf.find(self.setupPath + '/stop') == -1: pstatus = True except: pass tmp['type'] = data['webserver'] tmp['version'] = public.readFile(self.setupPath + '/' + data['webserver'] + '/') tmp['status'] = False result = public.ExecShell('/etc/init.d/' + serviceName + ' status') if result[0].find('running') != -1: tmp['status'] = True data['web'] = tmp tmp = {} vfile = self.setupPath + '/phpmyadmin/' tmp['version'] = public.readFile(vfile) tmp['setup'] = os.path.exists(vfile) tmp['status'] = pstatus tmp['phpversion'] = phpversion tmp['port'] = phpport tmp['auth'] = pauth data['phpmyadmin'] = tmp tmp = {} tmp['setup'] = os.path.exists('/etc/init.d/tomcat') tmp['status'] = True if public.ExecShell('ps -aux|grep tomcat|grep -v grep')[0] == "": tmp['status'] = False tmp['version'] = public.readFile(self.setupPath + '/tomcat/') data['tomcat'] = tmp tmp = {} tmp['setup'] = os.path.exists(self.setupPath + '/mysql/bin/mysql') tmp['version'] = public.readFile(self.setupPath + '/mysql/') tmp['status'] = os.path.exists('/tmp/mysql.sock') data['mysql'] = tmp tmp = {} tmp['setup'] = os.path.exists(self.setupPath + '/redis/runtest') tmp['status'] = os.path.exists('/var/run/') data['redis'] = tmp tmp = {} tmp['setup'] = os.path.exists('/usr/local/memcached/bin/memcached') tmp['status'] = os.path.exists('/var/run/') data['memcached'] = tmp tmp = {} tmp['setup'] = os.path.exists(self.setupPath + '/pure-ftpd/bin/pure-pw') tmp['version'] = public.readFile(self.setupPath + '/pure-ftpd/') tmp['status'] = os.path.exists('/var/run/') data['pure-ftpd'] = tmp data['panel'] = self.GetPanelInfo() data['systemdate'] = public.ExecShell( 'date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z %z"')[0].strip() return data
def AddSpecifiesIp(self, get): ''' get 里面 有 protocol type port address ps 五个参数 protocol == ['tcp','udp'] types==['reject','accept'] # 放行和禁止 port = 端口 address 地址 :param get : :return: ''' # | ports | protocol | address_ip | types | flag = False import re # 判断端口是否正确 rep = "^\d{1,5}(:\d{1,5})?$" if not, get.port): return public.returnMsg(False, 'PORT_CHECK_RANGE') # 判断IP是否正确 rep2 = "^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}(\/\d{1,2})?$" if not, get.address): return public.returnMsg(False, 'FIREWALL_IP_FORMAT') import time ports = get.port ps = types = get.type protocol = get.protocol address_ip = get.address protocol_list = ['tcp', 'udp'] type_list = ['reject', 'accept'] # 判断type类型是否正确 if types not in type_list: return public.returnMsg(False, 'FIREWALL_PORT_EXISTS') # 判断protocol 类型是否正确 if protocol not in protocol_list: return public.returnMsg(False, 'FIREWALL_PORT_EXISTS') notudps = ['80', '443', '8888', '888', '39000:40000', '21', '22'] if ports in notudps: flag = True # sql 查询 #sql="select * from firewall where ports='%s' and address_ip='%s' and protocol='%s' and types='%s';" % (str(ports), str(address_ip), str(protocol), str(types)) query_result = public.M('firewall').where( 'ports=? and address_ip=? and protocol=? and types=?', (ports, address_ip, protocol, types)).count() # 这里大于0 表示存在 if query_result > 0: return public.returnMsg(False, 'FIREWALL_PORT_EXISTS') if self.__isUfw: if type == 'accept': public.ExecShell('ufw allow proto ' + protocol + ' from ' + address_ip + ' to any port ' + ports + '') else: public.ExecShell('ufw deny proto ' + protocol + ' from ' + address_ip + ' to any port ' + ports + '') else: if self.__isFirewalld: port = ports.replace(':', '-') self.__Obj.Add_Port_IP(port=ports, address=address_ip, pool=protocol, type=types) else: if type == 'accept': public.ExecShell('iptables -I INPUT -s ' + address_ip + ' -p ' + protocol + ' --dport ' + ports + ' -j ACCEPT') else: public.ExecShell('iptables -I INPUT -s ' + address_ip + ' -p ' + protocol + ' --dport ' + ports + ' -j DROP') public.WriteLog("TYPE_FIREWALL", 'FIREWALL_ACCEPT_PORT', (ports, )) addtime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %X', time.localtime()) result = public.M('firewall').add( 'protocol,types,port,address_ip,ps,addtime', (protocol, types, ports, address_ip, ps, addtime)) self.FirewallReload() return public.returnMsg(True, 'ADD_SUCCESS')
def GetTaskCount(self, get): #取任务数量 return public.M('tasks').where("status!=?", ('1', )).count()
def GetSiteId(self, get): return public.M('sites').where('name=?', (get.webname, )).getField('id')
def AddAcceptPort(self, get): flag = False import re rep = "^\d{1,5}(:\d{1,5})?$" if not, get.port): return public.returnMsg(False, 'PORT_CHECK_RANGE') import time port = get.port ps = types = get.type type_list = ['tcp', 'udp'] if types not in type_list: return public.returnMsg(False, 'FIREWALL_PORT_EXISTS') notudps = ['80', '443', '8888', '888', '39000:40000', '21', '22'] if port in notudps: flag = True #return public.M('firewall').where("port=?", (port,)).count() if types == 'tcp': if flag: if public.M('firewall').where("port=?", (port, )).count() > 0: return public.returnMsg(False, 'FIREWALL_PORT_EXISTS') else: if public.M('firewall').where("port=? and type='tcp'", (port, )).count() > 0: return public.returnMsg(False, 'FIREWALL_PORT_EXISTS') elif types == 'udp': if flag: if public.M('firewall').where("port=?", (port, )).count() > 0: return public.returnMsg(False, 'FIREWALL_PORT_EXISTS') else: if public.M('firewall').where("port=? and type='udp'", (port, )).count() > 0: return public.returnMsg(False, 'FIREWALL_PORT_EXISTS') else: return public.returnMsg(False, 'FIREWALL_PORT_EXISTS') if self.__isUfw: if port in notudps: public.ExecShell('ufw allow ' + port + '/tcp') else: public.ExecShell('ufw allow ' + port + '/' + type + '') else: if self.__isFirewalld: port = port.replace(':', '-') if port in notudps: public.ExecShell( 'firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=' + port + '/tcp') else: public.ExecShell( 'firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=' + port + '/' + types + '') else: if port in notudps: public.ExecShell( 'iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport ' + port + ' -j ACCEPT') else: public.ExecShell( 'iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m ' + types + ' --dport ' + port + ' -j ACCEPT') public.WriteLog("TYPE_FIREWALL", 'FIREWALL_ACCEPT_PORT', (port, )) addtime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %X', time.localtime()) result = public.M('firewall').add('port,ps,addtime,types', (port, ps, addtime, types)) #return result self.FirewallReload() return public.returnMsg(True, 'ADD_SUCCESS')
def crate_let_by_file(self,data): result = {} result['status'] = False result['clecks'] = [] try: log_level = "INFO" if data['account_key']: log_level = 'ERROR' if not data['email']: data['email'] = public.M('users').getField('email') client = sewer.Client(domain_name = data['first_domain'],dns_class = None,account_key = data['account_key'],domain_alt_names = data['domains'],contact_email = str(data['email']),LOG_LEVEL = log_level,ACME_AUTH_STATUS_WAIT_PERIOD = 15,ACME_AUTH_STATUS_MAX_CHECKS = 5,ACME_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 20,ACME_DIRECTORY_URL = self.let_url) client.acme_register() authorizations, finalize_url = client.apply_for_cert_issuance() responders = [] sucess_domains = [] for url in authorizations: identifier_auth = self.get_identifier_authorization(client,url) authorization_url = identifier_auth["url"] http_name = identifier_auth["domain"] http_token = identifier_auth["http_token"] http_challenge_url = identifier_auth["http_challenge_url"] acme_keyauthorization, domain_http_value = client.get_keyauthorization(http_token) acme_dir = '%s/.well-known/acme-challenge' % (data['site_dir']); if not os.path.exists(acme_dir): os.makedirs(acme_dir) #写入token wellknown_path = acme_dir + '/' + http_token public.writeFile(wellknown_path,acme_keyauthorization) wellknown_url = "http://{0}/.well-known/acme-challenge/{1}".format(http_name, http_token) result['clecks'].append({'wellknown_url':wellknown_url,'http_token':http_token}); is_check = False n = 0 while n < 5: print("wait_check_authorization_status") try: retkey = public.httpGet(wellknown_url,20) if retkey == acme_keyauthorization: is_check = True break; except : pass n += 1; time.sleep(1) if is_check: sucess_domains.append(http_name) responders.append({"authorization_url": authorization_url, "acme_keyauthorization": acme_keyauthorization,"http_challenge_url": http_challenge_url}) if len(sucess_domains) > 0: #验证 for i in responders: auth_status_response = client.check_authorization_status(i["authorization_url"]) if auth_status_response.json()["status"] == "pending": client.respond_to_challenge(i["acme_keyauthorization"], i["http_challenge_url"]) for i in responders: client.check_authorization_status(i["authorization_url"], ["valid"]) certificate_url = client.send_csr(finalize_url) certificate = client.download_certificate(certificate_url) if certificate: certificate = self.split_ca_data(certificate) result['cert'] = certificate['cert'] result['ca_data'] = certificate['ca_data'] result['key'] = client.certificate_key result['account_key'] = client.account_key result['status'] = True else: result['msg'] = '证书获取失败,请稍后重试.' else: result['msg'] = "签发失败,我们无法验证您的域名:<p>1、检查域名是否绑定到对应站点</p><p>2、检查域名是否正确解析到本服务器,或解析还未完全生效</p><p>3、如果您的站点设置了反向代理,或使用了CDN,请先将其关闭</p><p>4、如果您的站点设置了301重定向,请先将其关闭</p><p>5、如果以上检查都确认没有问题,请尝试更换DNS服务商</p>'" except Exception as e: result['msg'] = self.get_error(str(e)) return result
def setPs(self, get): id = = public.xssencode( if public.M(get.table).where("id=?", (id, )).setField('ps', return public.returnMsg(True, 'EDIT_SUCCESS') return public.returnMsg(False, 'EDIT_ERROR')
def crate_let_by_oper(self,data): result = {} result['status'] = False try: if not data['email']: data['email'] = public.M('users').getField('email') #手动解析记录值 if not 'renew' in data: BTPanel.dns_client = sewer.Client(domain_name = data['first_domain'],dns_class = None,account_key = data['account_key'],domain_alt_names = data['domains'],contact_email = str(data['email']) ,ACME_AUTH_STATUS_WAIT_PERIOD = 15,ACME_AUTH_STATUS_MAX_CHECKS = 5,ACME_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 20,ACME_DIRECTORY_URL = self.let_url) domain_dns_value = "placeholder" dns_names_to_delete = [] BTPanel.dns_client.acme_register() authorizations, finalize_url = BTPanel.dns_client.apply_for_cert_issuance() responders = [] for url in authorizations: identifier_auth = BTPanel.dns_client.get_identifier_authorization(url) authorization_url = identifier_auth["url"] dns_name = identifier_auth["domain"] dns_token = identifier_auth["dns_token"] dns_challenge_url = identifier_auth["dns_challenge_url"] acme_keyauthorization, domain_dns_value = BTPanel.dns_client.get_keyauthorization(dns_token) acme_name = self.get_acme_name(dns_name) dns_names_to_delete.append({"dns_name": public.de_punycode(dns_name),"acme_name":acme_name, "domain_dns_value": domain_dns_value}) responders.append( { "authorization_url": authorization_url, "acme_keyauthorization": acme_keyauthorization, "dns_challenge_url": dns_challenge_url, } ) dns = {} dns['dns_names'] = dns_names_to_delete dns['responders'] = responders dns['finalize_url'] = finalize_url return dns else: responders = data['dns']['responders'] dns_names_to_delete = data['dns']['dns_names'] finalize_url = data['dns']['finalize_url'] for i in responders: auth_status_response = BTPanel.dns_client.check_authorization_status(i["authorization_url"]) if auth_status_response.json()["status"] == "pending": BTPanel.dns_client.respond_to_challenge(i["acme_keyauthorization"], i["dns_challenge_url"]) for i in responders: BTPanel.dns_client.check_authorization_status(i["authorization_url"], ["valid"]) certificate_url = BTPanel.dns_client.send_csr(finalize_url) certificate = BTPanel.dns_client.download_certificate(certificate_url) if certificate: certificate = self.split_ca_data(certificate) result['cert'] = certificate['cert'] result['ca_data'] = certificate['ca_data'] result['key'] = BTPanel.dns_client.certificate_key result['account_key'] = BTPanel.dns_client.account_key result['status'] = True BTPanel.dns_client = None else: result['msg'] = '证书获取失败,请稍后重试.' except Exception as e: print(public.get_error_info()) result['msg'] = self.get_error(str(e)) return result
def crate_let_by_dns(self,data): dns_class = self.get_dns_class(data) if not dns_class: return public.returnMsg(False, 'DNS连接失败,请检查密钥是否正确.') result = {} result['status'] = False try: log_level = "INFO" if data['account_key']: log_level = 'ERROR' if not data['email']: data['email'] = public.M('users').getField('email') client = sewer.Client(domain_name = data['first_domain'],domain_alt_names = data['domains'],account_key = data['account_key'],contact_email = str(data['email']),LOG_LEVEL = log_level,ACME_AUTH_STATUS_WAIT_PERIOD = 15,ACME_AUTH_STATUS_MAX_CHECKS = 5,ACME_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 20, dns_class = dns_class,ACME_DIRECTORY_URL = self.let_url) domain_dns_value = "placeholder" dns_names_to_delete = [] try: client.acme_register() authorizations, finalize_url = client.apply_for_cert_issuance() responders = [] for url in authorizations: identifier_auth = client.get_identifier_authorization(url) authorization_url = identifier_auth["url"] dns_name = identifier_auth["domain"] dns_token = identifier_auth["dns_token"] dns_challenge_url = identifier_auth["dns_challenge_url"] acme_keyauthorization, domain_dns_value = client.get_keyauthorization(dns_token) dns_class.create_dns_record(public.de_punycode(dns_name), domain_dns_value) self.check_dns(self.get_acme_name(dns_name),domain_dns_value) dns_names_to_delete.append({"dns_name": public.de_punycode(dns_name), "domain_dns_value": domain_dns_value}) responders.append({"authorization_url": authorization_url, "acme_keyauthorization": acme_keyauthorization,"dns_challenge_url": dns_challenge_url} ) n = 0 while n<2: print("第",n+1,"次验证") try: for i in responders: auth_status_response = client.check_authorization_status(i["authorization_url"]) r_data = auth_status_response.json() if r_data["status"] == "pending": client.respond_to_challenge(i["acme_keyauthorization"], i["dns_challenge_url"]) for i in responders: client.check_authorization_status(i["authorization_url"], ["valid"]) break except: n+=1 certificate_url = client.send_csr(finalize_url) certificate = client.download_certificate(certificate_url) if certificate: certificate = self.split_ca_data(certificate) result['cert'] = certificate['cert'] result['ca_data'] = certificate['ca_data'] result['key'] = client.certificate_key result['account_key'] = client.account_key result['status'] = True except Exception as e: print(public.get_error_info()) raise e finally: try: for i in dns_names_to_delete: dns_class.delete_dns_record(i["dns_name"], i["domain_dns_value"]) except : pass except Exception as err: print(public.get_error_info()) result['msg'] = self.get_error(str(err)) return result
def setPHPMyAdmin(self, get): import re #try: if public.get_webserver() == 'nginx': filename = web.ctx.session.setupPath + '/nginx/conf/nginx.conf' else: filename = web.ctx.session.setupPath + '/apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf' conf = public.readFile(filename) if hasattr(get, 'port'): mainPort = public.readFile('data/').strip() if mainPort == get.port: return public.returnMsg(False, 'SOFT_PHPVERSION_ERR_PORT_RE') if public.get_webserver() == 'nginx': rep = "listen\s+([0-9]+)\s*;" oldPort =, conf).groups()[0] conf = re.sub(rep, 'listen ' + get.port + ';\n', conf) else: rep = "Listen\s+([0-9]+)\s*\n" oldPort =, conf).groups()[0] conf = re.sub(rep, "Listen " + get.port + "\n", conf, 1) rep = "VirtualHost\s+\*:[0-9]+" conf = re.sub(rep, "VirtualHost *:" + get.port, conf, 1) if oldPort == get.port: return public.returnMsg(False, 'SOFT_PHPVERSION_ERR_PORT') public.writeFile(filename, conf) import firewalls = public.getMsg('SOFT_PHPVERSION_PS') fw = firewalls.firewalls() fw.AddAcceptPort(get) public.serviceReload() public.WriteLog('TYPE_SOFT', 'SOFT_PHPMYADMIN_PORT', (get.port, )) = public.M('firewall').where('port=?', (oldPort, )).getField('id') get.port = oldPort fw.DelAcceptPort(get) return public.returnMsg(True, 'SET_PORT_SUCCESS') if hasattr(get, 'phpversion'): if public.get_webserver() == 'nginx': filename = web.ctx.session.setupPath + '/nginx/conf/enable-php.conf' conf = public.readFile(filename) rep = "php-cgi.*\.sock" conf = re.sub(rep, 'php-cgi-' + get.phpversion + '.sock', conf) else: rep = "php-cgi.*\.sock" conf = re.sub(rep, 'php-cgi-' + get.phpversion + '.sock', conf) public.writeFile(filename, conf) public.serviceReload() public.WriteLog('TYPE_SOFT', 'SOFT_PHPMYADMIN_PHP', (get.phpversion, )) return public.returnMsg(True, 'SOFT_PHPVERSION_SET') if hasattr(get, 'password'): import panelSite if (get.password == 'close'): return panelSite.panelSite().CloseHasPwd(get) else: return panelSite.panelSite().SetHasPwd(get) if hasattr(get, 'status'): if conf.find(web.ctx.session.setupPath + '/stop') != -1: conf = conf.replace(web.ctx.session.setupPath + '/stop', web.ctx.session.setupPath + '/phpmyadmin') msg = public.getMsg('START') else: conf = conf.replace(web.ctx.session.setupPath + '/phpmyadmin', web.ctx.session.setupPath + '/stop') msg = public.getMsg('STOP') public.writeFile(filename, conf) public.serviceReload() public.WriteLog('TYPE_SOFT', 'SOFT_PHPMYADMIN_STATUS', (msg, )) return public.returnMsg(True, 'SOFT_PHPMYADMIN_STATUS', (msg, ))
def UpdatePanel(self, get): #return public.returnMsg(False,'演示服务器,禁止此操作!'); try: if not public.IsRestart(): return public.returnMsg(False, 'EXEC_ERR_TASK') import web, json if int(web.ctx.session.config['status']) == 0: public.httpGet(web.ctx.session.home + '/Api/SetupCount?type=Linux') public.M('config').where("id=?", ('1', )).setField('status', 1) #取回远程版本信息 if hasattr(web.ctx.session, 'updateInfo') == True and hasattr( get, 'check') == False: updateInfo = web.ctx.session.updateInfo else: login_temp = 'data/login.temp' if os.path.exists(login_temp): logs = public.readFile(login_temp) os.remove(login_temp) else: logs = '' import psutil, panelPlugin, system mem = psutil.virtual_memory() mplugin = panelPlugin.panelPlugin() mplugin.ROWS = 10000 panelsys = system.system() data = {} data['sites'] = str(public.M('sites').count()) data['ftps'] = str(public.M('ftps').count()) data['databases'] = str(public.M('databases').count()) data['system'] = panelsys.GetSystemVersion() + '|' + str( / 1024 / 1024) + 'MB|' + public.getCpuType() + '*' + str( psutil.cpu_count()) + '|' + public.get_webserver( ) + '|' + web.ctx.session.version data['system'] += '||' + self.GetInstalleds( mplugin.getPluginList(None)) data['logs'] = logs data['oem'] = '' msg = public.getMsg('PANEL_UPDATE_MSG') sUrl = web.ctx.session.home + '/Api/updateLinux' betaIs = 'data/' betaStr = public.readFile(betaIs) if betaStr: if betaStr.strip() != 'False': sUrl = web.ctx.session.home + '/Api/updateLinuxBeta' msg = public.getMsg('PANEL_UPDATE_MSG_TEST') betaIs = 'plugin/beta/config.conf' betaStr = public.readFile(betaIs) if betaStr: if betaStr.strip() != 'False': sUrl = web.ctx.session.home + '/Api/updateLinuxBeta' msg = public.getMsg('PANEL_UPDATE_MSG_TEST') updateInfo = json.loads(public.httpPost(sUrl, data)) if not updateInfo: return public.returnMsg(False, "CONNECT_ERR") updateInfo['msg'] = msg web.ctx.session.updateInfo = updateInfo #检查是否需要升级 if updateInfo['version'] == web.ctx.session.version: try: return public.returnMsg(False, updateInfo['msg']) except: return public.returnMsg(False, 'PANEL_UPDATE_ERR_NEW') #是否执行升级程序 if (updateInfo['force'] == True or hasattr(get, 'toUpdate') == True or os.path.exists('data/') == True): setupPath = web.ctx.session.setupPath uptype = 'update' betaIs = 'plugin/beta/config.conf' betaStr = public.readFile(betaIs) if betaStr: if betaStr.strip() != 'False': uptype = 'updateTest' betaIs = 'data/' betaStr = public.readFile(betaIs) if betaStr: if betaStr.strip() != 'False': uptype = 'updateTest' httpUrl = public.get_url() if httpUrl: updateInfo[ 'downUrl'] = httpUrl + '/install/' + uptype + '/LinuxPanel-' + updateInfo[ 'version'] + '.zip' public.downloadFile(updateInfo['downUrl'], '') if os.path.getsize('') < 1048576: return public.returnMsg(False, "PANEL_UPDATE_ERR_DOWN") public.ExecShell('unzip -o -d ' + setupPath + '/') import compileall if os.path.exists(setupPath + '/panel/'): public.ExecShell('rm -f ' + setupPath + '/panel/*.pyc') if os.path.exists(setupPath + '/panel/class/'): public.ExecShell('rm -f ' + setupPath + '/panel/class/*.pyc') compileall.compile_dir(setupPath + '/panel') compileall.compile_dir(setupPath + '/panel/class') public.ExecShell('rm -f') web.ctx.session.version = updateInfo['version'] return public.returnMsg(True, 'PANEL_UPDATE', (updateInfo['version'], )) #输出新版本信息 data = { 'status': True, 'version': updateInfo['version'], 'updateMsg': updateInfo['updateMsg'] } public.ExecShell('rm -rf /www/server/phpinfo/*') return data except Exception, ex: return public.returnMsg(False, "CONNECT_ERR")
def StartTask(self, get): echo = public.M('crontab').where('id=?', (, )).getField('echo') execstr = public.GetConfigValue('setup_path') + '/cron/' + echo public.ExecShell('chmod +x ' + execstr) public.ExecShell('nohup ' + execstr + ' >> ' + execstr + '.log 2>&1 &') return public.returnMsg(True, 'CRONTAB_TASK_EXEC')
def control_init(): time.sleep(1) sql = db.Sql().dbfile('system') if not sql.table('sqlite_master').where('type=? AND name=?', ('table', 'load_average')).count(): csql = '''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `load_average` ( `id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, `pro` REAL, `one` REAL, `five` REAL, `fifteen` REAL, `addtime` INTEGER )''' sql.execute(csql, ()) if not public.M('sqlite_master').where( 'type=? AND name=? AND sql LIKE ?', ('table', 'sites', '%type_id%')).count(): public.M('sites').execute( "alter TABLE sites add edate integer DEFAULT '0000-00-00'", ()) public.M('sites').execute( "alter TABLE sites add type_id integer DEFAULT 0", ()) sql = db.Sql() if not sql.table('sqlite_master').where('type=? AND name=?', ('table', 'site_types')).count(): csql = '''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `site_types` ( `id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, `name` REAL, `ps` REAL )''' sql.execute(csql, ()) if not sql.table('sqlite_master').where( 'type=? AND name=?', ('table', 'download_token')).count(): csql = '''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `download_token` ( `id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, `token` REAL, `filename` REAL, `total` INTEGER DEFAULT 0, `expire` INTEGER, `password` REAL, `ps` REAL, `addtime` INTEGER )''' sql.execute(csql, ()) if not sql.table('sqlite_master').where('type=? AND name=?', ('table', 'messages')).count(): csql = '''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `messages` ( `id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, `level` TEXT, `msg` TEXT, `state` INTEGER DEFAULT 0, `expire` INTEGER, `addtime` INTEGER )''' sql.execute(csql, ()) if not public.M('sqlite_master').where( 'type=? AND name=? AND sql LIKE ?', ('table', 'logs', '%username%')).count(): public.M('logs').execute( "alter TABLE logs add uid integer DEFAULT '1'", ()) public.M('logs').execute( "alter TABLE logs add username TEXT DEFAULT 'system'", ()) if not public.M('sqlite_master').where( 'type=? AND name=? AND sql LIKE ?', ('table', 'crontab', '%status%')).count(): public.M('crontab').execute( "ALTER TABLE 'crontab' ADD 'status' INTEGER DEFAULT 1", ()) public.M('crontab').execute( "ALTER TABLE 'crontab' ADD 'save' INTEGER DEFAULT 3", ()) public.M('crontab').execute( "ALTER TABLE 'crontab' ADD 'backupTo' TEXT DEFAULT off", ()) public.M('crontab').execute("ALTER TABLE 'crontab' ADD 'sName' TEXT", ()) public.M('crontab').execute("ALTER TABLE 'crontab' ADD 'sBody' TEXT", ()) public.M('crontab').execute("ALTER TABLE 'crontab' ADD 'sType' TEXT", ()) public.M('crontab').execute( "ALTER TABLE 'crontab' ADD 'urladdress' TEXT", ()) public.M('users').where( 'email=? or email=?', ('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**')).setField( 'email', '*****@*****.**') if not public.M('sqlite_master').where( 'type=? AND name=? AND sql LIKE ?', ('table', 'users', '%salt%')).count(): public.M('users').execute("ALTER TABLE 'users' ADD 'salt' TEXT", ()) public.chdck_salt() filename = '/www/server/nginx/off' if os.path.exists(filename): os.remove(filename) c = public.to_string([ 99, 104, 97, 116, 116, 114, 32, 45, 105, 32, 47, 119, 119, 119, 47, 115, 101, 114, 118, 101, 114, 47, 112, 97, 110, 101, 108, 47, 99, 108, 97, 115, 115, 47, 42 ]) try: init_file = '/etc/init.d/bt' src_file = '/www/server/panel/' md51 = public.md5(init_file) md52 = public.md5(src_file) if md51 != md52: import shutil shutil.copyfile(src_file, init_file) if os.path.getsize(init_file) < 10: public.ExecShell("chattr -i " + init_file) public.ExecShell("\cp -arf %s %s" % (src_file, init_file)) public.ExecShell("chmod +x %s" % init_file) except: pass public.writeFile('/var/bt_setupPath.conf', '/www') public.ExecShell(c) p_file = 'class/' if os.path.exists(p_file): public.ExecShell("rm -f class/*.so") # public.ExecShell("chmod -R 600 /www/server/panel/data;chmod -R 600 /www/server/panel/config;chmod -R 700 /www/server/cron;chmod -R 600 /www/server/cron/*.log;chown -R root:root /www/server/panel/data;chown -R root:root /www/server/panel/config;chown -R www:www /www/server/phpmyadmin;chmod -R 700 /www/server/phpmyadmin") if os.path.exists("/www/server/mysql"): public.ExecShell("chown mysql:mysql /etc/my.cnf;chmod 600 /etc/my.cnf") stop_path = '/www/server/stop' if not os.path.exists(stop_path): os.makedirs(stop_path) public.ExecShell( "chown -R root:root {path};chmod -R 755 {path}".format(path=stop_path)) public.ExecShell('chmod 755 /www;chmod 755 /www/server') #disable_putenv('putenv') clean_session() #set_crond() clean_max_log('/www/server/panel/plugin/rsync/lsyncd.log') clean_max_log('/var/log/rsyncd.log', 1024 * 1024 * 10) clean_max_log('/root/.pm2/pm2.log', 1024 * 1024 * 20) remove_tty1() clean_hook_log() run_new() clean_max_log('/www/server/cron', 1024 * 1024 * 5, 20) #check_firewall() check_dnsapi() clean_php_log() #update_py37() files_set_mode()
def get_domain_run_path(self, domain): pid = public.M('domain').where('name=?', (domain, )).getField('pid') if not pid: return False return self.get_site_run_path(pid)
def SetupPackage(self, get): name = get.dname site_name = get.site_name php_version = get.php_version #取基础信息 find = public.M('sites').where( 'name=?', (site_name, )).field('id,path,name').find() path = find['path'] if path.replace('//', '/') == '/': return public.returnMsg(False, 'Dangerous website root directory!') #获取包信息 pinfo = self.GetPackageInfo(name) id = pinfo['id'] if not pinfo: return public.returnMsg(False, 'The specified package does not exist.!') #检查本地包 self.WriteLogs( json.dumps({ 'name': 'Verifying package...', 'total': 0, 'used': 0, 'pre': 0, 'speed': 0 })) pack_path = self.__panelPath + '/package' if not os.path.exists(pack_path): os.makedirs(pack_path, 384) packageZip = pack_path + '/' + name + '.zip' isDownload = False if os.path.exists(packageZip): md5str = self.GetFileMd5(packageZip) if md5str != pinfo['versions'][0]['md5']: isDownload = True else: isDownload = True #下载文件 if isDownload: self.WriteLogs( json.dumps({ 'name': 'Downloading file ...', 'total': 0, 'used': 0, 'pre': 0, 'speed': 0 })) if pinfo['versions'][0]['download']: self.DownloadFile( '' + pinfo['versions'][0]['download'], packageZip) if not os.path.exists(packageZip): return public.returnMsg(False, 'File download failed!' + packageZip) pinfo = self.set_temp_file(packageZip, path) if not pinfo: return public.returnMsg( False, 'Cannot find [aaPanel Auto Deployment Configuration File] in the installation package' ) #设置权限 self.WriteLogs( json.dumps({ 'name': 'Setting permissions', 'total': 0, 'used': 0, 'pre': 0, 'speed': 0 })) os.system('chmod -R 755 ' + path) os.system('chown -R www.www ' + path) if pinfo['chmod'] != "": for chm in pinfo['chmod']: os.system('chmod -R ' + str(chm['mode']) + ' ' + (path + '/' + chm['path']).replace('//', '/')) #安装PHP扩展 self.WriteLogs( json.dumps({ 'name': 'Install the necessary PHP extensions', 'total': 0, 'used': 0, 'pre': 0, 'speed': 0 })) import files mfile = files.files() pinfo['php_ext'] = pinfo['php_ext'].strip().split(',') for ext in pinfo['php_ext']: if ext == 'pathinfo': import config con = config.config() get.version = php_version get.type = 'on' con.setPathInfo(get) else: = ext get.version = php_version get.type = '1' mfile.InstallSoft(get) #解禁PHP函数 if 'enable_functions' in pinfo: try: php_f = public.GetConfigValue( 'setup_path') + '/php/' + php_version + '/etc/php.ini' php_c = public.readFile(php_f) rep = "disable_functions\s*=\s{0,1}(.*)\n" tmp =, php_c).groups() disable_functions = tmp[0].split(',') for fun in pinfo['enable_functions']: fun = fun.strip() if fun in disable_functions: disable_functions.remove(fun) disable_functions = ','.join(disable_functions) php_c = re.sub( rep, 'disable_functions = ' + disable_functions + "\n", php_c) public.writeFile(php_f, php_c) public.phpReload(php_version) except: pass #执行额外shell进行依赖安装 self.WriteLogs( json.dumps({ 'name': 'Execute extra SHELL', 'total': 0, 'used': 0, 'pre': 0, 'speed': 0 })) if os.path.exists(path + '/'): os.system('cd ' + path + ' && bash ' + ' ' + find['name']) os.system('rm -f ' + path + '/') #是否执行Composer if os.path.exists(path + '/composer.json'): self.WriteLogs( json.dumps({ 'name': 'Execute Composer', 'total': 0, 'used': 0, 'pre': 0, 'speed': 0 })) if not os.path.exists(path + '/composer.lock'): execPHP = '/www/server/php/' + php_version + '/bin/php' if execPHP: if public.get_url().find('125.88'): os.system( 'cd ' + path + ' && ' + execPHP + ' /usr/bin/composer config repo.packagist composer' ) import panelSite phpini = '/www/server/php/' + php_version + '/etc/php.ini' phpiniConf = public.readFile(phpini) phpiniConf = phpiniConf.replace( 'proc_open,proc_get_status,', '') public.writeFile(phpini, phpiniConf) os.system( 'nohup cd ' + path + ' && ' + execPHP + ' /usr/bin/composer install -vvv > /tmp/composer.log 2>&1 &' ) #写伪静态 self.WriteLogs( json.dumps({ 'name': 'Set URL rewrite', 'total': 0, 'used': 0, 'pre': 0, 'speed': 0 })) swfile = path + '/nginx.rewrite' if os.path.exists(swfile): rewriteConf = public.readFile(swfile) dwfile = self.__panelPath + '/vhost/rewrite/' + site_name + '.conf' public.writeFile(dwfile, rewriteConf) #删除伪静态文件 public.ExecShell("rm -f " + path + '/*.rewrite') #删除多余文件 rm_file = path + '/index.html' if os.path.exists(rm_file): rm_file_body = public.readFile(rm_file) if rm_file_body.find('panel-heading') != -1: os.remove(rm_file) #设置运行目录 self.WriteLogs( json.dumps({ 'name': 'Set the run directory', 'total': 0, 'used': 0, 'pre': 0, 'speed': 0 })) if pinfo['run_path'] != '/': import panelSite siteObj = panelSite.panelSite() mobj = obj() = find['id'] mobj.runPath = pinfo['run_path'] siteObj.SetSiteRunPath(mobj) #导入数据 self.WriteLogs( json.dumps({ 'name': 'Import database', 'total': 0, 'used': 0, 'pre': 0, 'speed': 0 })) if os.path.exists(path + '/import.sql'): databaseInfo = public.M('databases').where( 'pid=?', (find['id'], )).field('username,password').find() if databaseInfo: os.system('/www/server/mysql/bin/mysql -u' + databaseInfo['username'] + ' -p' + databaseInfo['password'] + ' ' + databaseInfo['username'] + ' < ' + path + '/import.sql') os.system('rm -f ' + path + '/import.sql') siteConfigFile = (path + '/' + pinfo['db_config']).replace( '//', '/') if os.path.exists(siteConfigFile): siteConfig = public.readFile(siteConfigFile) siteConfig = siteConfig.replace('BT_DB_USERNAME', databaseInfo['username']) siteConfig = siteConfig.replace('BT_DB_PASSWORD', databaseInfo['password']) siteConfig = siteConfig.replace('BT_DB_NAME', databaseInfo['username']) public.writeFile(siteConfigFile, siteConfig) #清理文件和目录 self.WriteLogs( json.dumps({ 'name': '清理多余的文件', 'total': 0, 'used': 0, 'pre': 0, 'speed': 0 })) for f_path in pinfo['remove_file']: filename = (path + '/' + f_path).replace('//', '/') if os.path.exists(filename): if not os.path.isdir(filename): if f_path.find('.user.ini') != -1: public.ExecShell("chattr -i " + filename) os.remove(filename) else: public.ExecShell("rm -rf " + filename) public.serviceReload() if id: self.depTotal(id) self.WriteLogs( json.dumps({ 'name': 'Ready to deploy', 'total': 0, 'used': 0, 'pre': 0, 'speed': 0 })) return public.returnMsg(True, pinfo)
def GetDVSSL(self, get): = public.M('domain').where('name=?', (get.domain, )).getField('pid') if hasattr(get, 'siteName'): get.path = public.M('sites').where('id=?', (, )).getField('path') else: get.siteName = public.M('sites').where('id=?', (, )).getField('name') #当申请二级域名为www时,检测主域名是否绑定到同一网站 if get.domain[:4] == 'www.': if not public.M('domain').where('name=? AND pid=?', (get.domain[4:], return public.returnMsg( False, "Apply for [%s] certificate to verify [%s] Please bind [%s] and resolve to the site!" % (get.domain, get.domain[4:], get.domain[4:])) #检测是否开启强制HTTPS if not self.CheckForceHTTPS(get.siteName): return public.returnMsg(False, 'SSL_ORDER_HTTPS_ERR') #获取真实网站运行目录 runPath = self.GetRunPath(get) if runPath != False and runPath != '/': get.path += runPath #提前模拟测试验证文件值是否正确 authfile = get.path + '/.well-known/pki-validation/fileauth.txt' if not self.CheckDomain(get): if not os.path.exists(authfile): return public.returnMsg(False, 'CANT_CREATE', (authfile, )) else: msg = '''{err_msg}<br><a class="btlink" href="{c_url}" target="_blank">{c_url}</a> <br><br> <p></b>{err_msg1}</b></p> {err_msg2}<br> {err_msg3}<br> {err_msg4}'''.format(c_url=self._check_url, err_msg=public.getMsg('SSL_ERR_MSG'), err_msg1=public.getMsg('SSL_ERR_MSG1'), err_msg2=public.getMsg('SSL_ERR_MSG2'), err_msg3=public.getMsg('SSL_ERR_MSG3'), err_msg4=public.getMsg('SSL_ERR_MSG4')) return public.returnMsg(False, msg) action = 'GetDVSSL' if hasattr(get, 'partnerOrderId'): self.__PDATA['data']['partnerOrderId'] = get.partnerOrderId action = 'ReDVSSL' self.__PDATA['data']['domain'] = get.domain self.__PDATA['data'] = self.De_Code(self.__PDATA['data']) result = public.httpPost(self.__APIURL + '/' + action, self.__PDATA) try: result = json.loads(result) except: return result result['data'] = self.En_Code(result['data']) try: if 'authValue' in result['data'].keys(): public.writeFile(authfile, result['data']['authValue']) except: try: public.writeFile(authfile, result['data']['authValue']) except: return result return result
def CheckDbExists(self, port, type=None): data = public.M('firewall').field('id,port,ps,addtime,types').select() return data for dt in data: if dt['port'] == port and dt['type'] == type: return dt return False
def get_login_log(self,get): return public.M('logs').where('type=?',(u'用户登录',)).field('log,addtime').select();
def GetList(self, get=None): try: data = {} # 获取开放的端口 data['ports'] = self.__Obj.GetAcceptPortList() #当前时间 #'2018-10-11 14:36:40' addtime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %X', time.localtime()) # for i in range(len(data['ports'])): # tmp = self.CheckDbExists(data['ports'][i]['port'], data['ports'][i]['protocol']) # | id | port | ps | addtime | ports | protocol | address_ip | types | if not tmp: public.M('firewall').add( 'port,ps,addtime', (data['ports'][i]['port'], '', addtime)) data['iplist'] = self.__Obj.GetDropAddressList() for i in range(len(data['iplist'])): try: tmp = self.CheckDbExists(data['iplist'][i]['address']) if not tmp: public.M('firewall').add( 'port,ps,addtime', (data['iplist'][i]['address'], '', addtime)) except: return public.get_error_info() # 添加到firewalls 数据表中 data['reject'] = self.__Obj.GetrejectLIST() for i in range(len(data['reject'])): try: tmp = self.CheckDbExists2(data['reject'][i]['protocol'], data['reject'][i]['type'], data['reject'][i]['port'], data['reject'][i]['address']) if not tmp: public.M('firewall').add( 'protocol,types,ports,address_ip,addtime', (data['reject'][i]['protocol'], data['reject'][i]['type'], data['reject'][i]['port'], data['reject'][i]['address'], addtime)) except: return public.get_error_info() # 添加允许信息到firewalls 表中 data['accept'] = self.__Obj.Getacceptlist() #return data for i in range(len(data['accept'])): try: tmp = self.CheckDbExists2(data['accept'][i]['protocol'], data['accept'][i]['type'], data['accept'][i]['port'], data['accept'][i]['address']) if not tmp: public.M('firewall').add( 'protocol,types,ports,address_ip,addtime', (data['accept'][i]['protocol'], data['accept'][i]['type'], data['accept'][i]['port'], data['accept'][i]['address'], addtime)) except: return public.get_error_info() return data except Exception as ex: return public.get_error_info()
def CheckDbExists(self,port): data = public.M('firewall').field('id,port,ps,addtime').select(); for dt in data: if dt['port'] == port: return dt; return False;
def setPHPMyAdmin(self, get): import re #try: filename = self.__get_webserver_conffile() conf = public.readFile(filename) if not conf: return public.returnMsg(False, 'ERROR') if hasattr(get, 'port'): mainPort = public.readFile('data/').strip() rulePort = [ '80', '443', '21', '20', '8080', '8081', '8089', '11211', '6379' ] if get.port in rulePort: return public.returnMsg(False, 'AJAX_PHPMYADMIN_PORT_ERR') if public.get_webserver() == 'nginx': rep = "listen\s+([0-9]+)\s*;" oldPort =, conf).groups()[0] conf = re.sub(rep, 'listen ' + get.port + ';\n', conf) else: rep = "Listen\s+([0-9]+)\s*\n" oldPort =, conf).groups()[0] conf = re.sub(rep, "Listen " + get.port + "\n", conf, 1) rep = "VirtualHost\s+\*:[0-9]+" conf = re.sub(rep, "VirtualHost *:" + get.port, conf, 1) if oldPort == get.port: return public.returnMsg(False, 'SOFT_PHPVERSION_ERR_PORT') public.writeFile(filename, conf) import firewalls = public.getMsg('SOFT_PHPVERSION_PS') fw = firewalls.firewalls() fw.AddAcceptPort(get) public.serviceReload() public.WriteLog('TYPE_SOFT', 'SOFT_PHPMYADMIN_PORT', (get.port, )) = public.M('firewall').where('port=?', (oldPort, )).getField('id') get.port = oldPort fw.DelAcceptPort(get) return public.returnMsg(True, 'SET_PORT_SUCCESS') if hasattr(get, 'phpversion'): if public.get_webserver() == 'nginx': filename = public.GetConfigValue( 'setup_path') + '/nginx/conf/enable-php.conf' conf = public.readFile(filename) rep = "php-cgi.*\.sock" conf = re.sub(rep, 'php-cgi-' + get.phpversion + '.sock', conf, 1) else: rep = "php-cgi.*\.sock" conf = re.sub(rep, 'php-cgi-' + get.phpversion + '.sock', conf, 1) public.writeFile(filename, conf) public.serviceReload() public.WriteLog('TYPE_SOFT', 'SOFT_PHPMYADMIN_PHP', (get.phpversion, )) return public.returnMsg(True, 'SOFT_PHPVERSION_SET') if hasattr(get, 'password'): import panelSite if (get.password == 'close'): return panelSite.panelSite().CloseHasPwd(get) else: return panelSite.panelSite().SetHasPwd(get) if hasattr(get, 'status'): if conf.find(public.GetConfigValue('setup_path') + '/stop') != -1: conf = conf.replace( public.GetConfigValue('setup_path') + '/stop', public.GetConfigValue('setup_path') + '/phpmyadmin') msg = public.getMsg('START') else: conf = conf.replace( public.GetConfigValue('setup_path') + '/phpmyadmin', public.GetConfigValue('setup_path') + '/stop') msg = public.getMsg('STOP') public.writeFile(filename, conf) public.serviceReload() public.WriteLog('TYPE_SOFT', 'SOFT_PHPMYADMIN_STATUS', (msg, )) return public.returnMsg(True, 'SOFT_PHPMYADMIN_STATUS', (msg, ))
def ClickPanelInfo(self, get): click = public.M('panel').where('id=?', (, )).getField('click') public.M('panel').where('id=?', (, )).setField('click', click + 1) return True
def get_load_average(self, get): data = public.M('load_average').dbfile('system').where( "addtime>=? AND addtime<=?", (get.start, get.end)).field( 'id,pro,one,five,fifteen,addtime').order('id asc').select() return self.ToAddtime(data)
def setPanel(self, get): if not public.IsRestart(): return public.returnMsg(False, 'EXEC_ERR_TASK') isReWeb = False sess_out_path = 'data/' if 'session_timeout' in get: session_timeout = int(get.session_timeout) s_time_tmp = public.readFile(sess_out_path) if not s_time_tmp: s_time_tmp = '0' if int(s_time_tmp) != session_timeout: if session_timeout < 300: return public.returnMsg(False, '超时时间不能小于300秒') public.writeFile(sess_out_path, str(session_timeout)) isReWeb = True workers_p = 'data/' if 'workers' in get: workers = int(get.workers) if int(public.readFile(workers_p)) != workers: if workers < 1 or workers > 1024: return public.returnMsg(False, '面板线程数范围应该在1-1024之间') public.writeFile(workers_p, str(workers)) isReWeb = True if get.domain: reg = "^([\w\-\*]{1,100}\.){1,4}(\w{1,10}|\w{1,10}\.\w{1,10})$" if not re.match(reg, get.domain): return public.returnMsg(False, 'SITE_ADD_ERR_DOMAIN') oldPort = public.GetHost(True) newPort = get.port if oldPort != get.port: get.port = str(int(get.port)) if self.IsOpen(get.port): return public.returnMsg(False, 'PORT_CHECK_EXISTS', (get.port, )) if int(get.port) >= 65535 or int(get.port) < 100: return public.returnMsg(False, 'PORT_CHECK_RANGE') public.writeFile('data/', get.port) import firewalls = public.getMsg('PORT_CHECK_PS') fw = firewalls.firewalls() fw.AddAcceptPort(get) get.port = oldPort = public.M('firewall').where("port=?", (oldPort, )).getField('id') fw.DelAcceptPort(get) isReWeb = True if get.webname != session['title']: session['title'] = get.webname public.SetConfigValue('title', get.webname) limitip = public.readFile('data/limitip.conf') if get.limitip != limitip: public.writeFile('data/limitip.conf', get.limitip) public.writeFile('data/domain.conf', get.domain.strip()) public.writeFile('data/iplist.txt', get.address) public.M('config').where("id=?", ('1', )).save( 'backup_path,sites_path', (get.backup_path, get.sites_path)) session['config']['backup_path'] = os.path.join('/', get.backup_path) session['config']['sites_path'] = os.path.join('/', get.sites_path) mhost = public.GetHost() if get.domain.strip(): mhost = get.domain data = { 'uri': request.path, 'host': mhost + ':' + newPort, 'status': True, 'isReWeb': isReWeb, 'msg': public.getMsg('PANEL_SAVE') } public.WriteLog('TYPE_PANEL', 'PANEL_SET_SUCCESS', (newPort, get.domain, get.backup_path, get.sites_path, get.address, get.limitip)) if isReWeb: public.restart_panel() return data
def delClose(self, get): public.M('logs').where('id>?', (0, )).delete() public.WriteLog('TYPE_CONFIG', 'LOG_CLOSE') return public.returnMsg(True, 'LOG_CLOSE')
def get_config(self, get): if 'config' in session: return session['config'] data = public.M('config').where("id=?", ('1', )).field( 'webserver,sites_path,backup_path,status,mysql_root').find() return data
def reload_session(self): userInfo = public.M('users').where( "id=?", (1, )).field('username,password').find() token = public.Md5(userInfo['username'] + '/' + userInfo['password']) public.writeFile('/www/server/panel/data/', token) session['login_token'] = token
def GetCrontab(self, get): self.checkBackup() self.__clean_log() cront = public.M('crontab').order("id desc").field(self.field).select() if type(cront) == str: public.M('crontab').execute( "ALTER TABLE 'crontab' ADD 'status' INTEGER DEFAULT 1", ()) public.M('crontab').execute( "ALTER TABLE 'crontab' ADD 'save' INTEGER DEFAULT 3", ()) public.M('crontab').execute( "ALTER TABLE 'crontab' ADD 'backupTo' TEXT DEFAULT off", ()) public.M('crontab').execute( "ALTER TABLE 'crontab' ADD 'sName' TEXT", ()) public.M('crontab').execute( "ALTER TABLE 'crontab' ADD 'sBody' TEXT", ()) public.M('crontab').execute( "ALTER TABLE 'crontab' ADD 'sType' TEXT", ()) public.M('crontab').execute( "ALTER TABLE 'crontab' ADD 'urladdress' TEXT", ()) cront = public.M('crontab').order("id desc").field( self.field).select() data = [] for i in range(len(cront)): tmp = cront[i] if cront[i]['type'] == "day": tmp['type'] = public.getMsg('CRONTAB_TODAY') tmp['cycle'] = public.getMsg('CRONTAB_TODAY_CYCLE', (str( cront[i]['where_hour']), str(cront[i]['where_minute']))) elif cront[i]['type'] == "day-n": tmp['type'] = public.getMsg('CRONTAB_N_TODAY', (str(cront[i]['where1']), )) tmp['cycle'] = public.getMsg( 'CRONTAB_N_TODAY_CYCLE', (str(cront[i]['where1']), str(cront[i]['where_hour']), str(cront[i]['where_minute']))) elif cront[i]['type'] == "hour": tmp['type'] = public.getMsg('CRONTAB_HOUR') tmp['cycle'] = public.getMsg('CRONTAB_HOUR_CYCLE', (str(cront[i]['where_minute']), )) elif cront[i]['type'] == "hour-n": tmp['type'] = public.getMsg('CRONTAB_N_HOUR', (str(cront[i]['where1']), )) tmp['cycle'] = public.getMsg( 'CRONTAB_N_HOUR_CYCLE', (str(cront[i]['where1']), str(cront[i]['where_minute']))) elif cront[i]['type'] == "minute-n": tmp['type'] = public.getMsg('CRONTAB_N_MINUTE', (str(cront[i]['where1']), )) tmp['cycle'] = public.getMsg('CRONTAB_N_MINUTE_CYCLE', (str(cront[i]['where1']), )) elif cront[i]['type'] == "week": tmp['type'] = public.getMsg('CRONTAB_WEEK') if not cront[i]['where1']: cront[i]['where1'] = '0' tmp['cycle'] = public.getMsg( 'CRONTAB_WEEK_CYCLE', (self.toWeek(int( cront[i]['where1'])), str(cront[i]['where_hour']), str(cront[i]['where_minute']))) elif cront[i]['type'] == "month": tmp['type'] = public.getMsg('CRONTAB_MONTH') tmp['cycle'] = public.getMsg( 'CRONTAB_MONTH_CYCLE', (str(cront[i]['where1']), str(cront[i]['where_hour']), str(cront[i]['where_minute']))) data.append(tmp) return data