def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json") try: method(self, *args, **kwargs) except Exception: print public_bz.getExpInfoAll() self.write(json.dumps({'error': public_bz.getExpInfo()}))
def main(god, wait): ''' create by bigzhu at 15/07/15 17:54:08 取github modify by bigzhu at 15/07/22 16:20:42 时间同样要加入8小时,否则不正确 ''' god_name = github_name = god.github['name'] god_id = etag = god.github.get('sync_key') github_user = getGithubUser(github_name, god_name) if github_user is None: return headers = {'If-None-Match': etag} try: r = requests.get('' % github_name, headers=headers, params=params) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print public_bz.getExpInfoAll() return if r.status_code == 200: etag = r.headers['etag'] limit = r.headers['X-RateLimit-Remaining'] if limit == '0': return for message in r.json(): message = storage(message) saveMessage(god_name, github_name, god_id, message) # oper.noMessageTooLong('github', github_name) saveUser(god_name, github_name, github_user, etag) # 为了update etag if r.status_code == 404: # public_db.sendDelApply('github', god_name, github_name, '404') god_oper.delNoName('github', god_name)
def query(*args, **kwargs): try: return db.query(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: print public_bz.getExpInfoAll() print args[0] print kwargs
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): try: return method(self, *args, **kwargs) except OfficialAPIError: print public_bz.getExpInfoAll() settings, self.wechat = initWechat(self.settings) return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): try: return method(self, *args, **kwargs) except(psycopg2.OperationalError, psycopg2.InterfaceError, psycopg2.DatabaseError): print public_bz.getExpInfoAll() time.sleep(5) return wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs) print '重新连接数据库'
def getClickCount(): try: f = open(CLICK_COUNT, 'a+') global click_count content = if content != '': click_count = json.loads(content) f.close() except IOError: print public_bz.getExpInfoAll()
def geetest_register(self): apireg = "" regurl = apireg + "gt=%s" % self.CAPTCHA_ID try: result = urllib2.urlopen(regurl, timeout=2).read() except: result = "" print regurl print public_bz.getExpInfoAll() return result
def getUserEvent(user_name, etag): ''' create by bigzhu at 15/07/15 17:54:08 取github modify by bigzhu at 15/07/22 16:20:42 时间同样要加入8小时,否则不正确 ''' headers = {'If-None-Match': etag} try: r = requests.get('' % user_name, headers=headers) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print public_bz.getExpInfoAll() return if r.status_code == 200: messages = r.json() if not messages: delGithubUser(user_name) # 没有这个github用户,取消 return actor = messages[0]['actor'] # actor不定是作者名字,有可能org才是 if actor['login'].lower() == user_name.lower(): the_user = actor else: org = messages[0]['org'] if org['login'].lower() == user_name.lower(): the_user = org # 如果是org,那么url不同 the_user['url'] = "" + user_name else: raise "in this github can't find user_name=%s" user_id = saveUser(the_user['id'], the_user['url']) # 更新etag etag = r.headers['etag'] updateEtag(user_name, etag) for i in r.json(): i['actor'] = user_id message = storage(i) message.created_at = time_bz.unicodeToDateTIme(message.created_at) message.created_at += timedelta(hours=8) saveMessage(copy.deepcopy(message)) #id = saveMessage(copy.deepcopy(message)) # if id is not None: # text = formatInfo(message) # print text # openids = public_db.getOpenidsByName('github', user_name) # for data in openids: # wechat_oper.sendGithub(data.openid, text, user_name, id) if r.status_code == 404: delGithubUser(user_name) else: print r.status_code
def getHtmlContent(name): ''' 取得对应名字的 html 文件的内容 ''' try: name_file = open(HTML_PATH + name + '.html', 'r') content = name_file.close() return content except IOError: print public_bz.getExpInfoAll() return '0'
def getKeyNames(): try: f = open('./key_name', 'a+') global key_names global key_names_sorted content = if content != '': key_names = json.loads(content) popSome() key_names_sorted = sorted(key_names.items(), key=lambda by: by[1], reverse=True) f.close() except IOError: print public_bz.getExpInfoAll()
def check(): ''' create by bigzhu at 15/07/31 14:28:30 ''' users ='user_info', what='instagram', where="instagram is not null and instagram!=''") print len(users) for user in users: if user.instagram and user.instagram != '': print 'check instagram %s' % user.instagram try: getMedia(user.instagram) except Exception: print public_bz.getExpInfoAll()
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): try: return method(self, *args, **kwargs) # except(psycopg2.OperationalError, psycopg2.InterfaceError, psycopg2.DatabaseError): # except(psycopg2.InterfaceError, psycopg2.DatabaseError): except (psycopg2.InterfaceError, psycopg2.OperationalError): print public_bz.getExpInfoAll() print args print kwargs connect() time.sleep(5) print '重新连接数据库' return wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs)
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): openid = self.get_secure_cookie("openid") if openid is None: # 连openid 都没有,首先要获取 openid params = { "appid": self.settings['appid'], # "redirect_uri": "http://" + self.settings['domain'] + "/setOpenid?url=/" + self.__class__.__name__, # "redirect_uri": "http://" + self.settings['domain'] + "/setOpenid?url=" + self.request.uri, "redirect_uri": "http://" + "" + self.settings['suburl'] + "/?url=" + self.request.uri, "response_type": "code", "scope": "snsapi_base", } auth_url = "" auth_url = auth_url % urllib.urlencode(params) self.redirect(auth_url) return else: #exists_users = list('wechat_user', where="openid='%s'" % openid)) # if not exists_users: try: wechat_user_info = self.wechat.get_user_info(openid, lang='zh_CN') except OfficialAPIError as e: print public_bz.getExpInfoAll() self.clear_cookie(name='openid') error = public_bz.getExpInfo() if error.find('40001') != -1: raise e else: error_info = ''' <html> <script type="text/javascript"> alert("微信服务器异常,请关闭后,重新打开");'closeWindow'); </script> </html> ''' self.write(error_info) return # 没有关注的,跳转到配置的关注页面 if wechat_user_info['subscribe'] == 0: self.redirect('http://' + self.settings["domain"] + self.settings["subscribe"]) return # else: # print 'add user' #'wechat_user', **wechat_user_info) return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
def getCountryCodeByIP(ip): ''' 根据 ip 地址取到所属的国家编码 modify by bigzhu at 15/05/17 11:28:52 add test >>> getCountryCodeByIP('') u'US' ''' country_code = "not found" url = '' + ip try: info = urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=10).read() info = json.loads(info) if info.get('country_code') != '': country_code = info.get('country_code') except Exception: print public_bz.getExpInfoAll() return country_code
def getGithubUser(github_name, god_name): try: r = requests.get('' % github_name, params=params) github_user = r.json() message = github_user.get('message') if message == 'Not Found': god_oper.delNoName('github', god_name) return saveUser(god_name, github_name, github_user) return github_user except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print public_bz.getExpInfoAll() return except ValueError: print public_bz.getExpInfoAll() return
def callGetMeidaApi(user_name, offset=0, limit=20): api_key = 'fuiKNFp9vQFvjLNvx4sUwti4Yb5yGutBN4Xh10LXZhhRKjWlV4' params = {'api_key': api_key, 'offset': offset, 'limit': limit, } url = '''''' % user_name try: r = requests.get(url, params=params) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print public_bz.getExpInfoAll() return if r.status_code == 200: medias = r.json() return medias else: print r.status_code
def getUser(user_name, always_check=False): ''' modify by bigzhu at 15/07/31 16:41:16 api找用户时是按专注度来排序的,名字绝对匹配的未必是第一位, 从10个里面找 ''' users = list('instagram_user', where="lower(username)=lower('%s')" % user_name)) if users and not always_check: return users[0] else: user = None try: for this_user in api.user_search(user_name, 10): if this_user.username.lower() == user_name.lower(): user = this_user break except instagram.bind.InstagramClientError: print public_bz.getExpInfoAll() return # 如果没有这个用户 if user is None: public_db.delNoName('instagram', user_name) return try: user = api.user( except (instagram.bind.InstagramAPIError, instagram.bind.InstagramClientError): # 通常是没有访问权限 print public_bz.getExpInfoAll() public_db.delNoName('instagram', user_name) return db_user = storage() db_user.id_str = db_user.username = user.username db_user.full_name = user.full_name db_user.profile_picture = user.profile_picture = = db_user.counts = json.dumps(user.counts) #pg.insert('instagram_user', **db_user) pg.insertOrUpdate(pg, 'instagram_user', db_user, "id_str='%s'" % db_user.id_str) #db_bz.insertIfNotExist(pg, 'instagram_user', db_user, "id=%s" % return getUser(user_name)
def getFollowedCount(tumblr_name): ''' 没成功, 取不到 ''' params = { 'api_key': API_KEY, 'blog-identifier': '' % tumblr_name } url = '''''' % tumblr_name r = requests.get(url, params=params) print r if r.status_code == 200: try: medias = r.json() return medias except Exception: print 'r=', r print public_bz.getExpInfoAll() print r.status_code
def callGetMeidaApi(god_name, offset=0, limit=20): params = { 'api_key': API_KEY, 'offset': offset, 'limit': limit, } url = '''''' % god_name r = requests.get(url, params=params) if r.status_code == 200: try: medias = r.json() return medias except Exception: print 'r=', r print public_bz.getExpInfoAll() return elif r.status_code == 429: raise Exception('达到最大访问次数') else: print r.status_code
def getUser(user_name, always_check=False): ''' modify by bigzhu at 15/07/31 16:41:16 api找用户时是按专注度来排序的,名字绝对匹配的未必是第一位, 从10个里面找 ''' users = list('instagram_user', where="lower(username)=lower('%s')" % user_name)) if users and not always_check: return users[0] else: user = None try: for this_user in api.user_search(user_name, 10): if this_user.username.lower() == user_name.lower(): user = this_user break except instagram.bind.InstagramClientError: print public_bz.getExpInfoAll() return # 如果没有这个用户 if user is None: public_db.delNoName('instagram', user_name) return try: user = api.user( except (instagram.bind.InstagramAPIError, instagram.bind.InstagramClientError): # 通常是没有访问权限 print public_bz.getExpInfoAll() public_db.delNoName('instagram', user_name) return db_user = storage() db_user.id_str = db_user.username = user.username db_user.full_name = user.full_name db_user.profile_picture = user.profile_picture = = db_user.counts = json.dumps(user.counts) #pg.insert('instagram_user', **db_user) pg.insertOrUpdate(pg, 'instagram_user', db_user, "id_str='%s'" % db_user.id_str) #db_bz.insertIfNotExist(pg, 'instagram_user', db_user, "id=%s" % return getUser(user_name)
def main(user_name=None): user = getUser(user_name, always_check=True) if user is None: # 用户都没有,不用往下了 return try: # # 即使设置了min_id,instagram还是会把当前这条min_id返回来,简直了 #medias, next_ = api.user_recent_media(, min_id=user.last_id) medias = callGetMeidaApi(, user.last_id) except instagram.bind.InstagramClientError: print public_bz.getExpInfoAll() public_db.delNoName('instagram', user_name) return if medias is None: return saveLastId(user, medias) if len(medias['data']) != 0: print len(medias['data']) saveMedias(user, medias)
def callGetMeidaApi(user_id=None, min_id=None, next_url=None): params = {'count': 9999, 'access_token': access_token, } if min_id: params['min_id'] = min_id if user_id: url = '''''' % user_id try: if next_url: r = requests.get(next_url) else: r = requests.get(url, params=params) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print public_bz.getExpInfoAll() return if r.status_code == 200: medias = r.json() return medias else: print r.status_code
def getContent(name): if name in NOT_IN: return '# 不要乱访问哦! 这不是你有权限可以看的东西!' try: name_file = open(MD_PATH + name + '.md', 'r') content = if 'status: draft' in content: return '# 这是一个机密文件, 不允许查看!' name_file.close() return content except IOError: print(public_bz.getExpInfoAll()) return '0'
def callGetMeidaApi(user_id=None, min_id=None, next_url=None): params = { 'count': 9999, 'access_token': access_token, } if min_id: params['min_id'] = min_id if user_id: url = '''''' % user_id try: if next_url: r = requests.get(next_url) else: r = requests.get(url, params=params) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print public_bz.getExpInfoAll() return if r.status_code == 200: medias = r.json() return medias else: print r.status_code
# oper.noMessageTooLong(M_TYPE, tumblr_name) saveUser(god_name, tumblr_name, tumblr_user) def loop(god_name=None, wait=None): ''' ''' gods = social_sync.getSocialGods('tumblr', god_name) for god in gods: main(god, wait) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) == 2: god_name = (sys.argv[1]) loop(god_name) exit(0) while True: try: loop(wait=True) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print public_bz.getExpInfoAll() except requests.exceptions.ChunkedEncodingError as e: print e except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout as e: print e except NoUser as e: print e print"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") time.sleep(1200)
def getMedia(user_name=None, with_next_url=None, user=None): if user_name: user = getUser(user_name) if user is None: return # min_id 会查出大于等于这个id的 try: medias, next_ = api.user_recent_media(, min_id=user.last_id) except instagram.bind.InstagramClientError: print public_bz.getExpInfoAll() public_db.delNoName('instagram', user_name) return if medias: last_id = medias[0].id pg.update('instagram_user', where="lower(username)=lower('%s')" % user_name, last_id=last_id) else: medias, next_ = api.user_recent_media(with_next_url=with_next_url) for media in medias: db_media = storage() if media.caption: caption = media.caption.__dict__ caption['user_id'] = caption['user'].id del caption['user'] else: caption = '' db_media.caption = json.dumps(caption, cls=public_bz.ExtEncoder) db_media.comment_count = media.comment_count if media.comments: media.comments = [d.__dict__ for d in media.comments] for comment in media.comments: comment['user'] = comment['user'].__dict__ db_media.comments = json.dumps(media.comments, cls=public_bz.ExtEncoder) db_media.created_time = media.created_time # 8小时的问题 db_media.created_time += timedelta(hours=8) db_media.filter = media.filter db_media.low_resolution = json.dumps(media.images['low_resolution'].__dict__) db_media.standard_resolution = json.dumps(media.images['standard_resolution'].__dict__) db_media.thumbnail = json.dumps(media.images['thumbnail'].__dict__) db_media.id_str = db_media.like_count = media.like_count # likes里有User对象,暂时不存了 #db_media.likes = json.dumps(media.likes) = db_media.type = media.type db_media.user_id = id = db_bz.insertIfNotExist(pg, 'instagram_media', db_media, "id_str='%s'" % db_media.id_str) print 'new=',, user.username if id is not None and len(medias) <= 2: # 新增加消息,微信通知只通知2条以内 openids = public_db.getOpenidsByName('instagram', user.username) for data in openids: if caption != '': text = caption.get('text') else: text = '' wechat_oper.sendInstagram(data.openid, text, media.images['standard_resolution'].url, user.username, id) # 递归查出 if next_ != with_next_url: getMedia(with_next_url=next_, user=user)