コード例 #1
    def _handlePPSCNTR(this, msgWords):

        # Calculate & verify number of arguments provided.

        nArgs = len(msgWords) - 1  # -1 because message type isn't an argument.
        if nArgs != 2:
                ("CTU_Host._handlePPSCNTR(): I expected the PPSCNTR " +
                 "message to have 2 arguments but it had %d.  " +
                 "Ignoring message...") % nArgs)

            # Parse out all the arguments into appropriately named
            # attributes of a _PPSCNTR_Record instance.

        ppscntr_rec = this._PPSCNTR_Record(
        )  # Create new empty PPSCNTR record object.

        ppscntr_rec.pps_num = msgWords[
            1]  # Sequence number of a PPS rising edge from the GPS.
        ppscntr_rec.fast_cnt = msgWords[
            2]  # Sequence number of our fast time counter
        # (currently a 750 Mcps dual-edge triggered counter clocked by a 350 MHz PLL
        # clock derived from the 10 MHz OCXO clock)

        logger.normal(("CTU received PPS rising edge #%d from " +
                       "GPS at time-counter value %d.") %
                      (int(ppscntr_rec.pps_num), int(ppscntr_rec.fast_cnt)))

        this.pps_inbox.contents = ppscntr_rec  # Remember this record.

        this.publisher.publish(publisher.Issue('PPSCNTR', ppscntr_rec))
コード例 #2
    def _handle_CON_PULSE(
        this, msgWords
    ):  #   e.g., CON_PULSE,3186,3462552667,3,1,3462608072,2,(0,(2,2),5)

        # Calculate & verify number of arguments provided.

        nArgs = len(msgWords) - 1  # -1 because message type isn't an argument.
        if nArgs != 7:
                ("ShowerDetectorHost._handle_CON_PULSE(): " +
                 "I expected the CON_PULSE message to have 7 " +
                 "arguments, but it had %d.  Ignoring message...") % nArgs)

        conpuls_rec = this._CON_PULSE_Record()

        # Parse out the individual arguments into named fields of a data structure.

        conpuls_rec.time_ref = this._TimeSync_Ref(
        )  # Create time-reference sub-object of the data record.
        conpuls_rec.time_ref.sync_num = msgWords[
            1]  # Sequence number of last synchronization pulse received.
        conpuls_rec.time_ref.pll_cyc = msgWords[
            2]  # Sequence number of clock cycle for the fast PLL on the FEDM.
        conpuls_rec.chan_id = msgWords[
            3]  # Channel # (1-3) of the channel this pulse was received on.
        conpuls_rec.pulse_num = msgWords[
            4]  # Sequence number of candidate coincidence pulses sent for this channel.
        conpuls_rec.start_pllcyc = msgWords[
            5]  # PLL cycle # for 1st leading edge in this pulse.
        conpuls_rec.deltas_list = msgWords[
            6]  # Nested parenthesized list of PLL cycle-count deltas, e.g., "(0,(2,2),5)".

        this.conpuls_inbox.contents = conpuls_rec  # Remember this record.

        this.publisher.publish(publisher.Issue('CON_PULSE', conpuls_rec))
コード例 #3
    def _handle_FIFO_FULL(this,
                          msgWords):  #   e.g., FIFO_FULL,2392,3407048110,3,1

        # Calculate & verify number of arguments provided.

        nArgs = len(msgWords) - 1  # -1 because message type isn't an argument.
        if nArgs != 4:
                ("ShowerDetectorHost._handle_FIFO_FULL(): " +
                 "I expected the FIFO_FULL message to have 4 " +
                 "arguments, but it had %d.  Ignoring message...") % nArgs)

            # Parse out the individual arguments into named fields of a data structure.

        fifull_rec = this._FIFO_FULL_Record()

        fifull_rec.time_ref = this._TimeSync_Ref(
        )  # Create time-reference sub-object of the data record.
        fifull_rec.time_ref.sync_num = msgWords[
            1]  # Sequence number of last synchronization pulse received.
        fifull_rec.time_ref.pll_cyc = msgWords[
            2]  # Sequence number of clock cycle for the fast PLL on the FEDM.
        fifull_rec.chan_id = msgWords[
            3]  # Channel # (1-3) of the channel that generated this event.
        fifull_rec.n_events = msgWords[
            4]  # The number of distinct FIFO_FULL events on this channel that occurred since the last report.

        this.fifull_inbox.contents = fifull_rec  # Remember this record.

        this.publisher.publish(publisher.Issue('FIFO_FULL', fifull_rec))
コード例 #4
    def _handle_NC_PULSES(
            this, msgWords
    ):  #   e.g., NC_PULSES,1618,3352941653,3352948689,115,68,203

        # Calculate & verify number of arguments provided.

        nArgs = len(msgWords) - 1  # -1 because message type isn't an argument.
        if nArgs != 6:
                ("ShowerDetectorHost._handle_NS_PULSES(): " +
                 "I expected the NC_PULSES message to have 6 " +
                 "arguments, but it had %d.  Ignoring message...") % nArgs)

        ncpuls_rec = this._NC_PULSES_Record()
        # Create new empty NC_PULSES record object.

        ncpuls_rec.time_ref = this._TimeSync_Ref(
        )  # Create time-reference sub-object of the data record.
        ncpuls_rec.time_ref.sync_num = msgWords[
            1]  # Sequence number of last synchronization pulse received.
        ncpuls_rec.time_ref.pll_cyc = msgWords[
            2]  # Sequence number of clock cycle for the fast PLL on the FEDM.
        ncpuls_rec.last_pllcyc = msgWords[
            3]  # PLL counter value of last pulse skipped.
        ncpuls_rec.chan1_npuls = msgWords[
            4]  # Number of non-coincidence pulses skipped from PMT input channel #1.
        ncpuls_rec.chan2_npuls = msgWords[
            5]  # Number of non-coincidence pulses skipped from PMT input channel #2.
        ncpuls_rec.chan3_npuls = msgWords[
            6]  # Number of non-coincidence pulses skipped from PMT input channel #3.

        this.ncpuls_inbox.contents = ncpuls_rec  # Remember this record.

        this.publisher.publish(publisher.Issue('NC_PULSES', ncpuls_rec))
コード例 #5
    def _handle_DAC_LEVELS(
        this, msgWords
    ):  #   e.g., DAC_LEVELS,-0.200,-2.500,-0.299,-0.447,-0.669,-1.000

        # Calculate & verify number of arguments provided.

        nArgs = len(msgWords) - 1  # -1 because message type isn't an argument.
        if nArgs != 6:
                ("ShowerDetectorHost._handle_DAC_LEVELS(): " +
                 "I expected the DAC_LEVELS message to have 6 " +
                 "arguments, but it had %d.  Ignoring message...") % nArgs)

        daclevs_rec = this._DAC_LEVELS_Record()
        # Create new empty DAC_LEVELS record object.

        daclevs_rec.level1 = msgWords[1]  # Voltage level of 1st threshold DAC.
        daclevs_rec.level2 = msgWords[2]  # Voltage level of 2nd threshold DAC.
        daclevs_rec.level3 = msgWords[3]  # Voltage level of 3rd threshold DAC.
        daclevs_rec.level4 = msgWords[4]  # Voltage level of 4th threshold DAC.
        daclevs_rec.level5 = msgWords[5]  # Voltage level of 5th threshold DAC.
        daclevs_rec.level6 = msgWords[6]  # Voltage level of 6th threshold DAC.

        logger.normal("Threshold levels are: [%f,%f,%f,%f,%f] (Volts)" % (
            float(daclevs_rec.level3),  # skip DAC#2 'cuz it broke

        this.daclevs_inbox.contents = daclevs_rec  # Remember this record.

        this.publisher.publish(publisher.Issue('DAC_LEVELS', daclevs_rec))
コード例 #6
    def _handle_LOST_PULSES(this, msgWords):  #   e.g., LOST_PULSES,2,1

        # Calculate & verify number of arguments provided.

        nArgs = len(msgWords) - 1  # -1 because message type isn't an argument.
        if nArgs != 2:
                ("ShowerDetectorHost._handle_LOST_PULSES(): " +
                 "I expected the LOST_PULSE message to have 2 " +
                 "arguments, but it had %d.  Ignoring message...") % nArgs)

        lostpuls_rec = this._LOST_PULSES_Record()

        # Parse out the individual arguments into named fields of a data structure.

        lostpuls_rec.chan_id = msgWords[
            1]  # Channel # (1-3) of the channel whose software pulse buffer overflowed.
        lostpuls_rec.n_lost = msgWords[
            2]  # Number of pulses on this channel that had to be discarded since the last report.

        this.lostpuls_inbox.contents = lostpuls_rec  # Remember this record.

        this.publisher.publish(publisher.Issue('LOST_PULSES', lostpuls_rec))