コード例 #1
ファイル: content.py プロジェクト: credativ/pulp
    def put(self, request, upload_id, offset):
        Upload to a specific file upload.

        :param request:   WSGI request object, body contains bits to upload
        :type  request:   django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param upload_id: id of the initialized upload
        :type  upload_id: str
        :param offset:    place in the uploaded file to start writing
        :type  offset:    str of an integer
        :return:          response containing null
        :rtype:           django.http.HttpResponse

        :raises:          pulp.server.exceptions.MissingResource if upload ID does not exist
        :raises:          InvalidValue if offset cannot be converted to an integer

            offset = int(offset)
        except ValueError:
            raise InvalidValue(["offset"])

        upload_manager = factory.content_upload_manager()

        # If the upload ID doesn't exists, either because it was not initialized
        # or was deleted, the call to the manager will raise missing resource
        upload_manager.save_data(upload_id, offset, request.body)
        return generate_json_response(None)
コード例 #2
ファイル: repositories.py プロジェクト: grizax/pulp
    def get(self, request, repo_id, importer_id):
        Retrieve a list of all scheduled syncs for the given importer and repo.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type  request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param repo_id: id of the repository
        :type  repo_id: str
        :param importer_id: retrieve the scheduled syncs of this importer
        :type  importer_id: str

        :return: Response containing a list of dicts, one for each scheduled sync
        :rtype : django.http.HttpResponse

        manager = manager_factory.repo_sync_schedule_manager()
        schedules = manager.list(repo_id, importer_id)
        for_display = [schedule.for_display() for schedule in schedules]
        for entry in for_display:
            entry['_href'] = reverse(
                kwargs={'repo_id': repo_id, 'importer_id': importer_id, 'schedule_id': entry['_id']}

        return generate_json_response(for_display)
コード例 #3
ファイル: permissions.py プロジェクト: hgschmie/pulp
    def post(self, request):
        Grant permissions to a role.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest

        :return: An empty response
        :rtype: django.http.HttpResponse
        params = request.body_as_json
        role_id = params.get('role_id', None)
        resource = params.get('resource', None)
        operation_names = params.get('operations', None)

        _check_invalid_params({'role_id': role_id,
                               'resource': resource,
                               'operation_names': operation_names})

        # Grant permission synchronously
        role_manager = factory.role_manager()
        permission_manager = factory.permission_manager()
        operations = permission_manager.operation_names_to_values(operation_names)
        add_perm = role_manager.add_permissions_to_role(role_id, resource, operations)
        return generate_json_response(add_perm)
コード例 #4
ファイル: repositories.py プロジェクト: grizax/pulp
    def put(self, request, repo_id, importer_id, schedule_id):
        Update a scheduled repository sync.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type  request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param repo_id: id of the repository
        :type  repo_id: str
        :param importer_id: id of the importer
        :type  importer_id: str
        :param schedule_id: id of the scheduled repository sync to update
        :type  schedule)id: str

        :return: information about the updated scheduled sync
        :rtype: django.http.HttpResponse

        if 'schedule' in request.body_as_json:
            request.body_as_json['iso_schedule'] = request.body_as_json.pop('schedule')
        schedule = self.manager.update(repo_id, importer_id, schedule_id, request.body_as_json)
        ret = schedule.for_display()
        ret['_href'] = reverse(
            kwargs={'repo_id': repo_id, 'importer_id': importer_id, 'schedule_id': schedule_id}
        return generate_json_response(ret)
コード例 #5
ファイル: content.py プロジェクト: beav/pulp
    def get(self, request, type_id):
        Return a response containing a dict with info about a content type.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type  request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param type_id: type of content unit
        :type  type_id: str

        :return: response containing a dict that contains info about a content type or
                 404 response if the specified content type is not found.
        :rtype : django.http.HttpResponse or HttpResponseNotFound
        cqm = factory.content_query_manager()
        content_type = cqm.get_content_type(type_id)
        if content_type is None:
            msg = _('No content type resource: %(r)s') % {'r': type_id}
            return generate_json_response(msg, response_class=HttpResponseNotFound)
        resource = serialization.content.content_type_obj(content_type)
        # These urls are not valid endpoints but are left here for for semantic versioning.
        # BZ - 1187287
        links = {
            'actions': {'_href': '/'.join([request.get_full_path().rstrip('/'), 'actions/'])},
            'content_units': {'_href': '/'.join([request.get_full_path().rstrip('/'), 'units/'])}
        return generate_json_response_with_pulp_encoder(resource)
コード例 #6
ファイル: repositories.py プロジェクト: grizax/pulp
    def put(self, request, repo_id, distributor_id, schedule_id):
        Update a scheduled publish.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type  request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param repo_id: id of the repository
        :type  repo_id: str
        :param distributor_id: id of the distributor
        :type  distributor_id: str
        :param schedule_id: id of the scheduled publish to be updated
        :type  schedule_id: str

        :return: Response containing serialized dict for the scheduled publish
        :rtype : django.http.HttpResponse

        updates = request.body_as_json
        if 'schedule' in updates:
            updates['iso_schedule'] = updates.pop('schedule')
        schedule = self.manager.update(repo_id, distributor_id, schedule_id, updates)
        ret = schedule.for_display()
        ret['_href'] = reverse('repo_publish_schedule_resource', kwargs={
            'repo_id': repo_id, 'distributor_id': distributor_id, 'schedule_id': schedule_id
        return generate_json_response(ret)
コード例 #7
ファイル: permissions.py プロジェクト: jeremycline/pulp
    def post(self, request):
        Revoke permissions from a role.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest

        :return: An empty response
        :rtype: django.http.HttpResponse

        params = request.body_as_json
        role_id = params.get('role_id', None)
        resource = params.get('resource', None)
        operation_names = params.get('operations', None)

        _validate_params({'role_id': role_id,
                          'resource': resource,
                          'operation_names': operation_names})

        role_manager = factory.role_manager()
        permission_manager = factory.permission_manager()
        operations = permission_manager.operation_names_to_values(operation_names)
        remove_perm = role_manager.remove_permissions_from_role(role_id, resource, operations)
        return generate_json_response(remove_perm)
コード例 #8
ファイル: schedule.py プロジェクト: alanoe/pulp
    def _get(self, schedule_id, resource_href):
        Gets and returns a schedule by ID, in dict form suitable for json serialization and
        end-user presentation.

        :param resource_href: href of the schedule
        :type  resource_href: str
        :param schedule_id: unique ID of a schedule
        :type  schedule_id: basestring

        :return:    dictionary representing the schedule
        :rtype:     dict

        :raise pulp.server.exceptions.MissingResource: if schedule is not found

        # If schedule_id is not a valid bson ObjectId, this will raise InvalidValue. If the
        # schedule_id is a valid bson ObjectId but doesn't exist it will raise StopIteration.
        # Either should be a 404.
            schedule = next(iter(schedule_utils.get([schedule_id])))
        except (StopIteration, pulp_exceptions.InvalidValue):
            raise pulp_exceptions.MissingResource(schedule_id=schedule_id)

        ret = schedule.for_display()
        ret['_href'] = resource_href
        return generate_json_response(ret)
コード例 #9
ファイル: repositories.py プロジェクト: grizax/pulp
    def post(self, request, repo_id, importer_id):
        Create a new scheduled sync.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type  request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param repo_id: id of the repository
        :type  repo_id: str
        :param importer_id: create a new scheduled sync for this importer
        :type  importer_id: str

        :return: Response containing a serialized dict of the new  scheduled sync
        :rtype : django.http.HttpResponse
        :raises exceptions.UnsupportedValue: if there are unsupported request body params

        manager = manager_factory.repo_sync_schedule_manager()
        sync_options = {'override_config': request.body_as_json.pop('override_config', {})}
        schedule = request.body_as_json.pop('schedule', None)
        failure_threshold = request.body_as_json.pop('failure_threshold', None)
        enabled = request.body_as_json.pop('enabled', True)
        if request.body_as_json:
            raise exceptions.UnsupportedValue(request.body_as_json.keys())

        scheduled_call = manager.create(repo_id, importer_id, sync_options,
                                        schedule, failure_threshold, enabled)
        display_call = scheduled_call.for_display()
        display_call['_href'] = reverse(
            kwargs={'repo_id': repo_id, 'importer_id': importer_id,
                    'schedule_id': scheduled_call['id']}
        response = generate_json_response(display_call)
        return generate_redirect_response(response, display_call['_href'])
コード例 #10
ファイル: releases.py プロジェクト: pcreech/pulp_puppet
    def format_results(self, data, get_dict, path):
        Format the results and begin streaming out to the caller for the v3 API

        :param data: The module data to stream back to the caller
        :type data: dict
        :param get_dict: The GET parameters
        :type get_dict: dict
        :param path: The path starting with parameters
        :type get_dict: dict
        :return: the body of what should be streamed out to the caller
        :rtype: str
        module_name = get_dict.get("module", "")
        path_parameter = get_dict.get("path", None)
        module_list = data.get(module_name)

        if not path_parameter:
            limit = int(get_dict.get("limit", 20))
            current_offset = int(get_dict.get("offset", 0))
            module_version = get_dict.get("version", None)

            first_path = self._format_query_string(path, module_name, module_version, 0, limit)
            current_path = self._format_query_string(path, module_name, module_version, current_offset, limit)
            if current_offset > 0:
                previous_path = self._format_query_string(
                    path, module_name, module_version, current_offset - limit, limit
                previous_path = None

            formatted_results = {
                "pagination": {
                    "limit": limit,
                    "offset": current_offset,
                    "first": first_path,
                    "previous": previous_path,
                    "current": current_path,
                    "next": None,
                    "total": 1,
                "results": [],
            total_count = len(module_list)

            for module in module_list[current_offset : (current_offset + limit)]:
                formatted_module = self._format_module(module_name, module)

            formatted_results["pagination"]["total"] = total_count

            if total_count > (current_offset + limit):
                next_path = self._format_query_string(path, module_name, module_version, current_offset + limit, limit)
                formatted_results["pagination"]["next"] = next_path
            formatted_module = self._format_module(module_name, module_list[0])
            formatted_results = formatted_module

        return generate_json_response(formatted_results)
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_util.py プロジェクト: credativ/pulp
 def test_generate_json_response_not_found(self):
     Test that response is correct for non-base HttpResponses
     response = util.generate_json_response(None, HttpResponseNotFound)
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(response, HttpResponseNotFound))
     self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
                      ('Content-Type', 'application/json'))
コード例 #12
ファイル: releases.py プロジェクト: pcreech/pulp_puppet
    def format_results(self, data, get_dict, path):
        Format the results and begin streaming out to the caller

        :param data: The module data to stream back to the caller
        :type data: dict
        :param get_dict: The GET parameters
        :type get_dict: dict
        :return: the body of what should be streamed out to the caller
        :rtype: str
        return generate_json_response(data)
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_util.py プロジェクト: credativ/pulp
 def test_generate_json_response_default_params(self):
     Make sure that the response is correct under normal conditions.
     test_content = {'foo': 'bar'}
     response = util.generate_json_response(test_content)
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(response, HttpResponse))
     self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
                      ('Content-Type', 'application/json'))
     response_content = json.loads(response.content)
     self.assertEqual(response_content, test_content)
コード例 #14
ファイル: content.py プロジェクト: credativ/pulp
    def get(self, request, type_id, unit_id):
        Return user metadata for a content unit.

        :param type_id: The Unit's type id.
        :type  type_id: basestring
        :param unit_id: The id of the unit that you wish to set the pulp_user_metadata field on
        :type  unit_id: basestring

        :return: response containing pulp user metadata field
        :rtype: django.http.HttpResponse or HttpResponseNotFound
        cqm = factory.content_query_manager()
            unit = cqm.get_content_unit_by_id(type_id, unit_id)
        except MissingResource:
            msg = _("No content unit resource: %(r)s") % {"r": unit_id}
            return generate_json_response(msg, HttpResponseNotFound)

        resource = serial_content.content_unit_obj(unit[constants.PULP_USER_METADATA_FIELDNAME])
        return generate_json_response(resource)
コード例 #15
ファイル: root_actions.py プロジェクト: alanoe/pulp
    def post(self, request):
        Return client SSL certificate and a private key.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :return: Response containing cert and key
        :rtype: django.http.HttpResponse
        user = factory.principal_manager().get_principal()
        key, certificate = factory.cert_generation_manager().make_admin_user_cert(user)
        key_cert = {'key': key, 'certificate': certificate}
        return generate_json_response(key_cert)
コード例 #16
ファイル: content.py プロジェクト: credativ/pulp
    def get(self, request):
        Return a serialized response containing a dict with a list of upload_ids.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest

        :return: Serialized response containing a list of upload ids
        :rtype: django.http.HttpResponse
        upload_manager = factory.content_upload_manager()
        upload_ids = upload_manager.list_upload_ids()
        return generate_json_response({"upload_ids": upload_ids})
コード例 #17
ファイル: consumer_groups.py プロジェクト: credativ/pulp
    def delete(self, request, consumer_group_id):
        Delete a specified consumer group.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param consumer_group_id: id for the requested group
        :type consumer_group_id: str
        :return: An empty response
        :rtype: django.http.HttpResponse
        manager = factory.consumer_group_manager()
        result = manager.delete_consumer_group(consumer_group_id)
        return generate_json_response(result)
コード例 #18
ファイル: tasks.py プロジェクト: credativ/pulp
    def delete(self, request, task_id):
        Dispatch tasks.cancel to delete a single task.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type  request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param task_id: The ID of the task you wish to cancel
        :type  task_id: basestring

        :return: Response containing None
        :rtype:  django.http.HttpResponse
        return generate_json_response(None)
コード例 #19
ファイル: content.py プロジェクト: credativ/pulp
    def delete(self, request, upload_id):
        Delete a single upload.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type  request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param upload_id: id of the upload to be deleted
        :type  upload_id: str

        :return: response with None
        :rtype: django.http.HttpResponse
        upload_manager = factory.content_upload_manager()
        return generate_json_response(None)
コード例 #20
ファイル: roles.py プロジェクト: pcreech/pulp
    def delete(self, request, role_id):
        Delete a  role.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param role_id: id for the requested role
        :type role_id: str

        :return: An empty response
        :rtype: django.http.HttpResponse
        manager = factory.role_manager()
        result = manager.delete_role(role_id)
        return generate_json_response(result)
コード例 #21
ファイル: content.py プロジェクト: credativ/pulp
    def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        Initialize an upload and return a serialized dict containing the upload data.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :return : Serialized response containing a url to delete an upload and a unique id.
        :rtype : django.http.HttpResponse
        upload_manager = factory.content_upload_manager()
        upload_id = upload_manager.initialize_upload()
        href = reverse("content_upload_resource", kwargs={"upload_id": upload_id})
        response = generate_json_response({"_href": href, "upload_id": upload_id})
        response_redirect = generate_redirect_response(response, href)
        return response_redirect
コード例 #22
ファイル: content.py プロジェクト: credativ/pulp
    def put(self, request, type_id, unit_id):
        Set the pulp_user_metadata field on a content unit.

        :param type_id: The Unit's type id.
        :type  type_id: basestring
        :param unit_id: The id of the unit that you wish to set the pulp_user_metadata field on
        :type  unit_id: basestring

        :return: response containing pulp user metadata_field
        :rtype: django.http.HttpResponse or HttpResponseNotFound
        params = request.body_as_json
        cqm = factory.content_query_manager()
            cqm.get_content_unit_by_id(type_id, unit_id)
        except MissingResource:
            msg = _("No content unit resource: %(r)s") % {"r": unit_id}
            return generate_json_response(msg, HttpResponseNotFound)

        cm = factory.content_manager()
        delta = {constants.PULP_USER_METADATA_FIELDNAME: params}
        cm.update_content_unit(type_id, unit_id, delta)
        return generate_json_response(None)
コード例 #23
ファイル: repo_groups.py プロジェクト: jeremycline/pulp
    def delete(self, request, repo_group_id):
        Delete the specified repo group.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type  request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param repo_group_id: id of repo group to delete
        :type  repo_group_id: str

        :return: An empty response
        :rtype: django.http.HttpResponse
        manager = managers_factory.repo_group_manager()
        return generate_json_response(None)
コード例 #24
ファイル: content.py プロジェクト: pombreda/pulp
    def delete(self, request, source_id):
        Delete all entries from the catlog that have the provided source id

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type  request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param source_id: id of source whose content should be deleted
        :type  source_id: str

        :return: response containing a dict containing the number if items deleted
        :rtype : django.http.HttpResponse
        manager = factory.content_catalog_manager()
        purged = manager.purge(source_id)
        deleted_info = dict(deleted=purged)
        return generate_json_response(deleted_info)
コード例 #25
ファイル: plugins.py プロジェクト: beav/pulp
    def get(self, request):
        Return a response containing a serialized list of importers present in the server.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type  request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :return       : Response containing a serialized list of dicts containing importer data
        :rtype        : django.http.HttpResponse
        manager = factory.plugin_manager()
        all_importers = manager.importers()

        for importer in all_importers:
            importer['_href'] = '/'.join([request.get_full_path().rstrip('/'), importer['id'], ''])

        return generate_json_response(all_importers)
コード例 #26
ファイル: events.py プロジェクト: alanoe/pulp
    def delete(self, request, event_listener_id):
        Delete an event listener.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param event_listener_id: id for the requested event listener
        :type event_listener_id: str

        :return: An empty response
        :rtype: django.http.HttpResponse
        manager = factory.event_listener_manager()

        manager.delete(event_listener_id)  # will raise MissingResource
        return generate_json_response(None)
コード例 #27
    def delete(self, request, consumer_id):
        Delete a specified consumer.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param consumer_id: id for the requested consumer
        :type consumer_id: str

        :return: An empty response
        :rtype: django.http.HttpResponse

        manager = factory.consumer_manager()
        response = manager.unregister(consumer_id)
        return generate_json_response(response)
コード例 #28
ファイル: content.py プロジェクト: credativ/pulp
    def delete(self, request, source_id):
        Delete all entries from the catlog that have the provided source id

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type  request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param source_id: id of source whose content should be deleted
        :type  source_id: str

        :return: response containing a dict containing the number if items deleted
        :rtype : django.http.HttpResponse
        manager = factory.content_catalog_manager()
        purged = manager.purge(source_id)
        deleted_info = dict(deleted=purged)
        return generate_json_response(deleted_info)
コード例 #29
ファイル: roles.py プロジェクト: shubham90/pulp
    def delete(self, request, role_id, login):
        Remove user from a role.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param role_id: id for the requested role
        :type role_id: str
        :param login: id for the requested user
        :type login: str

        :return: An empty response
        :rtype: django.http.HttpResponse
        role_manager = factory.role_manager()
        remove_user = role_manager.remove_user_from_role(role_id, login)
        return generate_json_response(remove_user)
コード例 #30
ファイル: consumers.py プロジェクト: alanoe/pulp
    def delete(self, request, consumer_id, schedule_id):
        Delete a specific schedule <action>.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param consumer_id: The consumer ID.
        :type consumer_id: str
        :param schedule_id: the schedule id
        :type schedule_id: str

        :return: An empty response
        :rtype: django.http.HttpResponse

        self.manager.delete_schedule(consumer_id, schedule_id)
        return generate_json_response(None)
コード例 #31
    def get(self, request):
        Return a response containing a serialized list of importers present in the server.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type  request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :return       : Response containing a serialized list of dicts containing importer data
        :rtype        : django.http.HttpResponse
        manager = factory.plugin_manager()
        all_importers = manager.importers()

        for importer in all_importers:
            importer['_href'] = '/'.join(
                [request.get_full_path().rstrip('/'), importer['id'], ''])

        return generate_json_response(all_importers)
コード例 #32
ファイル: plugins.py プロジェクト: beav/pulp
    def get(self, request):
        Return response containing a serialized list of dicts, one for each distributor.

        :param request: WSGI Request object
        :type  request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :return       : Response containing a serialized list of dicts, one for each distributor
        :rtype        : django.http.HttpResponse
        manager = factory.plugin_manager()
        all_distributors = manager.distributors()

        for distributor in all_distributors:
            distributor['_href'] = '/'.join([request.get_full_path().rstrip('/'),
                                             distributor['id'], ''])

        return generate_json_response(all_distributors)
コード例 #33
ファイル: roles.py プロジェクト: pcreech/pulp
    def delete(self, request, role_id, login):
        Remove user from a role.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param role_id: id for the requested role
        :type role_id: str
        :param login: id for the requested user
        :type login: str

        :return: An empty response
        :rtype: django.http.HttpResponse
        role_manager = factory.role_manager()
        remove_user = role_manager.remove_user_from_role(role_id, login)
        return generate_json_response(remove_user)
コード例 #34
    def get(self, request):
        Return response containing a serialized list of dicts, one for each distributor.

        :param request: WSGI Request object
        :type  request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :return       : Response containing a serialized list of dicts, one for each distributor
        :rtype        : django.http.HttpResponse
        manager = factory.plugin_manager()
        all_distributors = manager.distributors()

        for distributor in all_distributors:
            distributor['_href'] = '/'.join([request.get_full_path().rstrip('/'),
                                             distributor['id'], ''])

        return generate_json_response(all_distributors)
コード例 #35
ファイル: consumers.py プロジェクト: zjhuntin/pulp
    def delete(self, request, consumer_id, schedule_id):
        Delete a specific schedule <action>.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param consumer_id: The consumer ID.
        :type consumer_id: str
        :param schedule_id: the schedule id
        :type schedule_id: str

        :return: An empty response
        :rtype: django.http.HttpResponse

        self.manager.delete_schedule(consumer_id, schedule_id)
        return generate_json_response(None)
コード例 #36
    def get(self, request, content_type, unit_id):
        Return a serialized object representing the requested orphan

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type  request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param content_type: content type of the requested orphan
        :type  content_type: str
        :param unit_id: id of the requested unit
        :type  unit_id: str

        :return: response conainting a serialized dict of the requested orphan
        :rtype : django.http.HttpResponse
        orphan_manager = factory.content_orphan_manager()
        orphan_dict = orphan_manager.get_orphan(content_type, unit_id)
        orphan_dict['_href'] = request.get_full_path()
        return generate_json_response(orphan_dict)
コード例 #37
ファイル: content.py プロジェクト: credativ/pulp
    def get(self, request, content_type, unit_id):
        Return a serialized object representing the requested orphan

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type  request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param content_type: content type of the requested orphan
        :type  content_type: str
        :param unit_id: id of the requested unit
        :type  unit_id: str

        :return: response conainting a serialized dict of the requested orphan
        :rtype : django.http.HttpResponse
        orphan_manager = factory.content_orphan_manager()
        orphan_dict = orphan_manager.get_orphan(content_type, unit_id)
        orphan_dict["_href"] = request.get_full_path()
        return generate_json_response(orphan_dict)
コード例 #38
ファイル: consumers.py プロジェクト: zjhuntin/pulp
    def delete(self, request, consumer_id, content_type):
        Delete an association between the specified
        consumer and profile.  Designed to be idempotent.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param consumer_id: A consumer ID.
        :type consumer_id: str
        :param content_type: The content type ID.
        :type content_type: str

        :return: An empty response
        :rtype: django.http.HttpResponse

        manager = factory.consumer_profile_manager()
        response = manager.delete(consumer_id, content_type)
        return generate_json_response(response)
コード例 #39
    def delete(self, request, login):
        Delete a user.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param login: login for the requested user
        :type login: str

        :return: An empty response
        :rtype: django.http.HttpResponse

        # Delete any existing user permissions given to the creator of the user
        link = reverse('user_resource', kwargs={'login': login})
        if Permission.get_collection().find_one({'resource': link}):
            Permission.get_collection().remove({'resource': link})
        return generate_json_response()
コード例 #40
    def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        Initialize an upload and return a serialized dict containing the upload data.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :return : Serialized response containing a url to delete an upload and a unique id.
        :rtype : django.http.HttpResponse
        upload_manager = factory.content_upload_manager()
        upload_id = upload_manager.initialize_upload()
        href = reverse('content_upload_resource',
                       kwargs={'upload_id': upload_id})
        response = generate_json_response({
            '_href': href,
            'upload_id': upload_id
        response_redirect = generate_redirect_response(response, href)
        return response_redirect
コード例 #41
ファイル: repo_groups.py プロジェクト: zjhuntin/pulp
    def post(self, request, repo_group_id):
        Unassociate repos that match criteria specified in the body to the specified repo group.
        Call is idempotent.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type  request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param repo_group_id: matching repos are unassociated with this repo group
        :type  repo_group_id: str

        :return: Response containing a serialized list of unassociated repository names
        :rtype: django.http.HttpResponse
        criteria = Criteria.from_client_input(
            request.body_as_json.get('criteria', {}))
        manager = managers_factory.repo_group_manager()
        manager.unassociate(repo_group_id, criteria)
        collection = RepoGroupModel.get_collection()
        group = collection.find_one({'id': repo_group_id})
        return generate_json_response(group['repo_ids'])
コード例 #42
ファイル: content.py プロジェクト: pombreda/pulp
    def get(self, request):
        Returns a response continaing a list of dicts, one for each available content type.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type  request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest

        :return: response containing a serialized list dicts, one for each content type
        :rtype : django.http.HttpResponse
        collection = []
        cqm = factory.content_query_manager()
        type_ids = cqm.list_content_types()
        for type_id in type_ids:
            link = {
                reverse('content_type_resource', kwargs={'type_id': type_id})
            link.update({'content_type': type_id})
        return generate_json_response(collection)
コード例 #43
ファイル: repo_groups.py プロジェクト: zjhuntin/pulp
    def delete(self, request, repo_group_id, distributor_id):
        Disassociate a distributor from a repository group.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type  request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param repo_group_id: repo group the distributor is associated with
        :type  repo_group_id: str
        :param distributor_id: distributor to disassociate
        :type  distributor_id: str

        :return: An empty response
        :rtype: django.http.HttpResponse
        params = request.body_as_json
        force = params.get('force', False)
        distributor_manager = managers_factory.repo_group_distributor_manager()
        return generate_json_response(None)
コード例 #44
ファイル: task_groups.py プロジェクト: taftsanders/pulp
    def delete(self, request, group_id):
        Dispatch tasks.cancel to delete tasks in a single task_group.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type  request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param group_id: The ID of the task group you wish to cancel
        :type  group_id: basestring

        :return: Response containing None
        :rtype:  django.http.HttpResponse
        :raises MissingResource: if group id is not found
        raw_tasks = TaskStatus.objects.only('task_id').filter(
        if not raw_tasks:
            raise MissingResource

        for task in raw_tasks:
        return generate_json_response(None)
コード例 #45
ファイル: roles.py プロジェクト: shubham90/pulp
    def post(self, request, role_id):
        Add user to a role.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param role_id: id for the requested role
        :type role_id: str

        :return: An empty response
        :rtype: django.http.HttpResponse
        :raises: InvalidValue some parameters are invalid
        params = request.body_as_json
        login = params.get('login', None)
        if login is None:
            raise pulp_exceptions.InvalidValue(login)

        role_manager = factory.role_manager()
        add_user = role_manager.add_user_to_role(role_id, login)
        return generate_json_response(add_user)
コード例 #46
    def get(self, request, distributor_id):
        Return a response contaning serialized data for the specified distributor.

        :param request       : WSGI request object
        :type  request       : django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param distributor_id: id of distributor to match
        :type  distributor_id: string
        :return              : Response containing serialized data for the specified distributor
        :rtype               : django.http.HttpResponse

        :raises              : MissingResource if distributor_id is not found
        manager = factory.plugin_manager()
        all_distributors = manager.distributors()

        for distributor in all_distributors:
            if distributor['id'] == distributor_id:
                distributor['_href'] = request.get_full_path()
                return generate_json_response(distributor)

        raise MissingResource(distributor_type_id=distributor_id)
コード例 #47
    def get(self, request, importer_id):
        Return a response containing serialized data for the specified importer.

        :param request : WSGI request object
        :type  request : django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param importer_id : name of importer to return information for
        :type  importer_id : string

        :return : Response containing serialized data for specified importer
        :rtype  : django.http.HttpResponse

        :raises : MissingResource if importer_id cannot be found
        manager = factory.plugin_manager()
        all_importers = manager.importers()

        for importer in all_importers:
            if importer['id'] == importer_id:
                importer['_href'] = request.get_full_path()
                return generate_json_response(importer)

        raise MissingResource(importer_type_id=importer_id)
コード例 #48
    def delete(self, request, repo_id, importer_id, schedule_id):
        Remove a scheduled repository sync from the importer.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type  request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param repo_id: id of the repository
        :type  repo_id: str
        :param importer_id: remove the scheduled sync from this importer
        :type  importer_id: str
        :param schedule_id: id of the scheduled repository sync to delete
        :type  schedule)id: str

        :return: An empty response
        :rtype: django.http.HttpResponse
        :raises exceptions.MissingResource: if schedule_id/importer_id/repo_id does not exist

            self.manager.delete(repo_id, importer_id, schedule_id)
        except exceptions.InvalidValue:
            raise exceptions.MissingResource(schedule_id=schedule_id)
        return generate_json_response(None)
コード例 #49
    def get(self, request, repo_id, distributor_id):
        Retrieve information about all scheduled publishes.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type  request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param repo_id: id of the repository
        :type  repo_id: str
        :param distributor_id: id of the distributor
        :type  distributor_id: str

        :return: Response containing serialized list of dicts, one for each scheduled publish
        :rtype : django.http.HttpResponse

        manager = manager_factory.repo_publish_schedule_manager()
        schedules = manager.list(repo_id, distributor_id)
        for_display = [schedule.for_display() for schedule in schedules]
        for entry in for_display:
            entry['_href'] = reverse('repo_publish_schedule_resource', kwargs={
                'repo_id': repo_id, 'distributor_id': distributor_id, 'schedule_id': entry['_id']
        return generate_json_response(for_display)
コード例 #50
    def get(self, request, content_type):
        Returns a response containing a serialized list of all orphans of the specified type.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type  request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param content_type: restrict the list of orphans to this content type
        :type  content_type: str

        :return: response containing a serialized list of all orphans of specified type.
        :rtype : django.http.HttpResponse
        orphan_manager = factory.content_orphan_manager()
        matched_orphans = list(
        for orphan_dict in matched_orphans:
            orphan_dict['_href'] = reverse('content_orphan_resource',
                                               'content_type': content_type,
                                               'unit_id': orphan_dict['_id']
        return generate_json_response(matched_orphans)
コード例 #51
    def post(self, request):
        Revoke permissions from a user.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest

        :return: An empty response
        :rtype: django.http.HttpResponse
        params = request.body_as_json
        login = params.get('login', None)
        resource = params.get('resource', None)
        operation_names = params.get('operations', None)

        _validate_params({'login': login,
                          'resource': resource,
                          'operation_names': operation_names})

        permission_manager = factory.permission_manager()
        operations = permission_manager.operation_names_to_values(operation_names)
        revoke_perm = permission_manager.revoke(resource, login, operations)
        return generate_json_response(revoke_perm)
コード例 #52
    def delete(self, request, repo_id, distributor_id, schedule_id):
        Remove a scheduled publish.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type  request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest
        :param repo_id: id of the repository
        :type  repo_id: str
        :param distributor_id: id of the distributor
        :type  distributor_id: str
        :param schedule_id: id of the scheduled publish to be removed
        :type  schedule_id: str

        :return: An empty response
        :rtype : django.http.HttpResponse

            self.manager.delete(repo_id, distributor_id, schedule_id)
        except exceptions.InvalidValue:
            raise exceptions.MissingResource(schedule_id=schedule_id)

        return generate_json_response(None)
コード例 #53
    def get(self, request):
        Return a response containing a dict of dicts, one for each orphaned unit.

        :param request: WSGI request object
        :type  request: django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest

        :return: response containing a dict that itself contains a dict for each orphan.
        :rtype: django.http.HttpResponse
        orphan_manager = factory.content_orphan_manager()

        # convert the counts into sub-documents so we can add _href fields to them
        # add links to the content type sub-collections
        rest_summary = {}
        for key, value in orphan_manager.orphans_summary().items():
            rest_summary[key] = {
                        kwargs={'content_type': key})
        return generate_json_response(rest_summary)
コード例 #54
    def format_results(self, data, get_dict, path, module_name):
        Format the results and begin streaming out to the caller for the v3 API

        :param data: The module data to stream back to the caller
        :type data: dict
        :param get_dict: The GET parameters
        :type get_dict: dict
        :param path: The path starting with parameters
        :type path: str
        :param module_name: The module name with author
        :type module_name: unicode
        :return: the body of what should be streamed out to the caller
        :rtype: str
        # module_name = get_dict.get('module', '')
        # clean_name = self._get_module_name(module_name)
        clean_name = module_name.split('/')[1]
        clean_author = self._get_module_author(module_name)
        module_slug = clean_author + '-' + clean_name

        formatted_results = {
            'uri': '/v3/modules/' + module_slug,
            'slug': module_slug,
            'name': clean_name,
            'created_at': '2015-09-11 07:22:37 -0700',
            'updated_at': '2016-01-06 12:58:15 -0800',
            # 'supported': false,
            'endorsement': None,
            'module_group': 'base',
            'current_release': {
                'module': {
                    'uri': '/v3/modules/' + module_slug,
                    'slug': module_slug,
                    'name': clean_name,
                    'owner': {
                        'slug': clean_author,
                        'username': clean_author
            'releases': []

        module_list = data.get(module_name)

        versions = []
        module_data = {}
        for module in module_list:
            formatted_dependencies = []
            for dep in module.get('dependencies', []):
                    'name': dep[0],
                    'version_requirement': dep[1]

            module_data[module.get('version')] = {
                'metadata': {
                    'name': module_slug,
                    'version': module.get('version'),
                    'dependencies': formatted_dependencies
                'file_uri': module.get('file'),
                'file_md5': module.get('file_md5'),
                'version': module.get('version'),
                'slug': module_slug + '-' + module.get('version')

        current_version = versions.pop()

        for attribute, value in module_data[current_version].iteritems():
            formatted_results['current_release'][attribute] = value

        release_data = []
        for version, module in module_data.iteritems():
                'uri': '/v3/releases/' + str(module['slug']),
                'slug': module['slug'],
                'version': version,
                'supported': False,
                'created_at': None,
                'deleted_at': None

        formatted_results['releases'] = release_data

        return generate_json_response(formatted_results)
コード例 #55
    def format_results(self, data, get_dict, path):
        Format the results and begin streaming out to the caller for the v3 API

        :param data: The module data to stream back to the caller
        :type data: dict
        :param get_dict: The GET parameters
        :type get_dict: dict
        :param path: The path starting with parameters
        :type get_dict: dict
        :return: the body of what should be streamed out to the caller
        :rtype: str
        limit = int(get_dict.get('limit', 20))
        current_offset = int(get_dict.get('offset', 0))
        module_name = get_dict.get('module', '')
        module_version = get_dict.get('version', None)

        first_path = self._format_query_string(path, module_name, module_version,
                                               0, limit)
        current_path = self._format_query_string(path, module_name, module_version,
                                                 current_offset, limit)
        if current_offset > 0:
            previous_path = self._format_query_string(path, module_name, module_version,
                                                      current_offset - limit, limit)
            previous_path = None

        formatted_results = {
            'pagination': {
                'limit': limit,
                'offset': current_offset,
                'first': first_path,
                'previous': previous_path,
                'current': current_path,
                'next': None,
                'total': 1
            'results': []
        module_list = data.get(self._get_module_name(get_dict))
        total_count = len(module_list)

        for module in module_list[current_offset: (current_offset + limit)]:
            formatted_dependencies = []
            for dep in module.get('dependencies', []):
                    'name': dep[0],
                    'version_requirement': dep[1]
            module_data = {
                'metadata': {
                    'name': module_name,
                    'version': module.get('version'),
                    'dependencies': formatted_dependencies
                'file_uri': module.get('file'),
                'file_md5': module.get('file_md5')


        formatted_results['pagination']['total'] = total_count

        if total_count > (current_offset + limit):
            next_path = self._format_query_string(path, module_name, module_version,
                                                  current_offset + limit, limit)
            formatted_results['pagination']['next'] = next_path

        return generate_json_response(formatted_results)
コード例 #56
ファイル: releases.py プロジェクト: W3SS/pulp_puppet
    def format_results(self, data, get_dict, path):
        Format the results and begin streaming out to the caller for the v3 API

        :param data: The module data to stream back to the caller
        :type data: dict
        :param get_dict: The GET parameters
        :type get_dict: dict
        :param path: The path starting with parameters
        :type get_dict: dict
        :return: the body of what should be streamed out to the caller
        :rtype: str
        module_name = get_dict.get('module', '')
        path_parameter = get_dict.get('path', None)
        module_list = data.get(module_name)

        if not path_parameter:
            limit = int(get_dict.get('limit', 20))
            current_offset = int(get_dict.get('offset', 0))
            module_version = get_dict.get('version', None)

            first_path = self._format_query_string(path, module_name,
                                                   module_version, 0, limit)
            current_path = self._format_query_string(path, module_name,
                                                     current_offset, limit)
            if current_offset > 0:
                previous_path = self._format_query_string(
                    path, module_name, module_version, current_offset - limit,
                previous_path = None

            formatted_results = {
                'pagination': {
                    'limit': limit,
                    'offset': current_offset,
                    'first': first_path,
                    'previous': previous_path,
                    'current': current_path,
                    'next': None,
                    'total': 1
                'results': []
            total_count = len(module_list)

            for module in module_list[current_offset:(current_offset + limit)]:
                formatted_module = self._format_module(module_name, module)

            formatted_results['pagination']['total'] = total_count

            if total_count > (current_offset + limit):
                next_path = self._format_query_string(path, module_name,
                                                      current_offset + limit,
                formatted_results['pagination']['next'] = next_path
            formatted_module = self._format_module(module_name, module_list[0])
            formatted_results = formatted_module

        return generate_json_response(formatted_results)